Is he too good for me?

@Quetta (13)
United States
July 15, 2009 11:08pm CST
I'm in love with this man. We've been dating for almost 3 years now. I have 3 kids and I'm a full-time student. I had worked every year until this pass year. I'm nearing the end of school but I won't be working again this year not that I haven't been searching. He is awesome. He works and comes home and plays with the kids. I feel horrible about the fact that I am not bringing any income into the house. He doesn't want me to work because he says it will take me away from my studies. Am I just being crazy?
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16 responses
• United States
17 Jul 09
Honey... do not EVER think a man is too good for you. NO MAN is too good for you. If he's sticking around, you're doing something right. If you weren't, he would've been outta there a LONG time ago. So take pride in the fact that you have yourself a respectable man, and stop doubting yourself. You're in school, you're working toward being able to work. The economy sucks right now. That's not your fault. So work your butt off at school and take care of your family. It's been working for 3 years, hasn't it?
• United States
17 Jul 09
I actually can relate. I have 3 animals and no job. With my love for animals it's kinda spendy each pay check. Also in this economy right now good jobs are almost impossible without college educations. But lucky you, you have schooling. What I know you should do is what he is asking for. One goal at a time. Having only one goal you wont ever lose sight of it. With a job, school and kids it would be almost impossible to not go crazy. Study and finish school. When it's almost time for school to be over, check some jobs out make a great resume. I promise you this is the best way. One goal is better acheved then 3. :) Have a wonderful day! -Catherine
• China
17 Jul 09
so you have three kids to bring with and you still on study? that man's suggestion is just nice and would be better to your study. but for further life i think you'd better go outside to find one job after you completed the school lessens. that would be heave burden to that man if only himself work for the family. good luck.
@jayrene (2708)
• Philippines
17 Jul 09
i think you are fortunate... and you are not crazy. if you are in love with this man and he is doing something good for you and your children, that is just very fortunate. it's hard to find someone like him these days who is willing to support the kids even if its not his, and would still think of your welfare and your health. he is right though if you work and study at the same time plus there are kids to think about, one of those 2 important things in your life will suffer.
• United States
17 Jul 09 think you are being crazy....if thats what he says im sure that how he feels...and i agree that work will prolly take some away from your studies which is numeral uno right now...but good luck...and i do understand why you feel bad about...ive been in that situation b4 and didnt like it either,,,
@Rodlkm (123)
• Malaysia
17 Jul 09
It depends largely on what you want. Firstly, if you are still studying or wish to continue to study for a better future, then you must thank God that you have such an understanding partner who does not working harder and sacrifice in order for you to achieve your dreams. If you have already finished your studies and are contemplating whether to be a stay at home mom or to work, I guess the question lies in whether you are happier in which role. There are many mommies I know who gave up a good corporate career in order to concentrate on their children and family full time and are perfectly happy with the arrangement. There are also friends who rather pursue their own dream and career instead of being a stay at home mommy, but that does not make them a lesser mommy. Work it out with him and treasure him.
@rsa101 (38194)
• Philippines
16 Jul 09
Well if he says that you should be focusing on your studies then I guess you are a very lucky girl to have a man that would father kids not of his own and would shoulder your expenses. I think this man really loves you and cares for you and for your kids. You are indeed lucky girl to have him in your life and if you could finish your studies then do so that he can be proud of you someday.
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
16 Jul 09
Hello, He is right, if you go to work and school then you will be so stressful and then you will forget your kids and much more. trust me, you will bring home with your own pay one day. now, stay focus on your school and then once you finish, you will be able to help your lover.
• India
16 Jul 09
Hi friend, Each will say their own opinions.The best judge is you yourself.Every one say he is good by reading your discussion but no one see very closure as you see.Think wisely and come to a conclusion as what type of person he is? and change your accordingly.I wish you all the best. Have a nice day
@bingchen (1119)
• China
17 Jul 09
what did he do for you is good,if you have yur owned mind and make attempt,there is not easy for student to learn at school and work and care about your children, this make you feel tired.maybe this can effect your study,learning is important for student.if you think that you can deal with your study and your work,maybe you can give advice to your husband and make attempt to work,and find what life fit for you.
• United States
17 Jul 09
He is only to good for you when YOU say he is to good. And having some thing that is too goo is not bad. It's good.That's why is call too GOOD not too BAD.
@kevchua (1004)
• Malaysia
16 Jul 09
In this world, there are lots of kind-hearted souls, and your partner is one of them. You're lucky that you've such a wonderful and caring person in your life, so you should focus on your studies first. If you're really worried about getting income for the family, then consider doing some part time job if you can find the time and if you can cope with your studies and family. Otherwise, just concentrate on your studies first. Once you've completed your studies, then you can start thinking of getting a full time job. Some things just have to wait. Whatever you decide to do, discuss with your husband. So, no.. you're not crazy.
@kenraku (241)
• Australia
16 Jul 09
The point is do you want to study more? or you want to stay at home take care of your children? or you want to work outside. Which one is the most likely to be done is up to you. Think about it and tell him the result.
@jenlooi (60)
• Malaysia
17 Jul 09
If I am in your shoes, I will prefer to look for a job instead of being a full time homemaker. It's more for passing time, upgrading yourself and be in contact with the outside world rather than working for money. A lot of couples started having relationship problem because the wife/girlfriend wasn't working but staying at home waiting for the husband/boyfriend to come home and spend time with her.
@silverglint (2000)
• Philippines
16 Jul 09
I think the question is not if he is too good for you, the question is why won't you get married yet? hehehe. If money is not an issue between the two of you then you don't really have to worry about anything. What he does with the money he earns is up to him and if he wanted to support you then let him. You will be finishing soon anyway and you can get back to working again after that. You should not even think about him being too good for you, as long as you are in love with each other and you bring out the best of the other person, then that is all the really matters.
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
16 Jul 09
If it does not bother him, it should not bother you. You should be happy to find such a man. You also should never think that any man is "too good for you". This shows a lack of self esteem on your part. The man seems to be very happy with you and your kids, you should be happy