I talk to a crazy person..do i look crazy too?
By neelianoscet
@neelianoscet (9615)
July 24, 2009 6:24am CST
I went to my down town area and I meet a mentally imbalance person beside the sidewalks. The girl look pretty but her dress is dirty and somehow smelly. Then, she beg me and ask for money. I give her money and then she keep on talking to me and I response too. Then, the other people laugh at me at i talk to her. my companion also laugh and she says you look crazy. I says stop laughing I see nothing in talking to a a girl who they says is crazy. I pity the girl and ask her were she leave, about her parents and why she is out with no companion. Then, she tells me anything from being heartbroken and parents died in accidents. then, sometimes she talk like a normal person, then laugh and cry at the same times. my friends told me to stop talking with her as we are in a hurry. I bade her goodbye and tell her to buy her food as she look hungry. Do you also encounter like what i experience? Do people laugh when you talk to a crazy girl on the streets and laugh and think that you too look crazy? I could not really understand people are so mean

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25 responses
@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
5 Aug 09
That's just it. Most people dont talk to seemingly crazy people because they are unbalanced. You never know how they would react to what you will be talking about. Sure it might seem nice at first but there are just those times that they can go violent on you in a second. Then return to being nice. They wouldnt know the change in themselves. Its just the fear of them being violent with no apparent reason at all thats why people dont talk to them.
Well, I admit that I avoid crossing paths with them but I certainly also do not laugh at them or laugh at a person who is talking to them. People like you have the courage to go near them and know their life story by having a simple conversation. Whereas I cant do that, not unless with a facilitator/nurse/doctor around to monitor in case something untoward might happen.
Also, people call other people 'crazy' because they just couldnt understand them. If two 'crazy' people are having a conversation thats because they understand each other. That doesnt mean you're also crazy, its just you understand the seemingly crazy person you talked to.

@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
31 Aug 09
yap, that a bunch of precautionary measures which need to take in mind every time we encounter a stranger in which we really not sure whatever comes up to her mind. Anyway that too trusty is not really bad at all and we need to take it in a right ways..

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@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
27 Aug 09
yeah, I am totally misinterpret and mistaken taken as my behavior talking to mentally looking crazy person as an odd behavior..actually, it is really a jokes
from my friends which she mention to me that if i always take notice to converse with a crazy person, i may be seen as silly, stupid and funny looking with a chances to talk to crazy person..which I never get mad to my friend, as i think she is just bluffing which the truth she is also afraid as she accompanies me..and she likes me to walk fast and do not entertain any interference from the crazy looking girls..which somehow similar with your reactions..afraid to be hurt or being harm which is true.. This is only for precautionary measures which my friends mention to safeguard ourselves from potential abuses...

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@jezzmay (1845)
• United States
24 Jul 09
Yes, people are mean. They do not think something
like this could happen to them. I see no harm in
what you did, and it was not funny. These people
are not funny they can not help the way they are.
This makes me angry, to see someone like this made
fun of.
Have a blessed day.

@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
31 Aug 09
hi jezzmay, all people wherever she is crazy or not, need each other concern,love and sympathy will make this world and even better place to live

@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
It like an added insult to an injury. This crazy person or mentally disturbed person have suffer enough that they should not be treated as something funny instead they should pity. calling them with different names and treated them badly will only worsen their already worse situation. I do hope people will comes out to realization that they become miserable when they feel abandoned and receive ill treatment
What we could do now is not to ignore them whenever we happen to bump or they beg us on the streets, instead share little amounts we have so they could take a food and lessen their hungry for the day...

@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
24 Jul 09
You did a really nice thing by taking time to stop and talk with this girl.
Nothing is wrong with you, it's everyone else that has the problem and I think some of it could be fear.
It's kind of the same thing as stopping into a nursing home and visiting random people because no one visits them and alot of them are mentally disturbed and lonely.
Who knows, maybe talking to some of these people gets their spirits up and you could be the one person that helps change their life! Some times, just a little bit of attention is what gets someone in a different frame of mind.
Everyone wants and needs a friend.
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
Yeah, some people may develop fear of being hurt by a crazy or mentally disturbed person. But,i think they will feel more miserable when no one care for them. I know they have really bad experience in life that lead them to their mental imbalance. Their are situation in life that no matter how we feel strong their is a point in life that too much suffering is too much to handle like a batteries which worn out. This are weaknesses in mental health that only full support system and proper medicines will remedy them to bring them back to normal again. Without present of full support from family and friends every efforts fails but with a present of pious person and medical team concern. Hopefully crazy person or mentally disturbed person could find a true friend in the presence of caring and understanding people.

@williamjisir (22819)
• China
31 Aug 09
Hello neelianoscet. I don't think that you look crazy after reading your story. Instead I think that you a very nice person to have helped this girl out. At least she would not go hungry because of your helping her with some money. But I have never experienced this though I have also given some money to street beggars. Of course, they just leave away when I give them some small money. Anyway, it is not a crazy action to talk to a crazy person. Thank you for being my friend, dear neelianoscet.
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
31 Aug 09
hi william, oh! thanks..it so happen that I pass by and she seem so kind with a curious and confusing look that she come by to approach me. So, I give her help and chat for awhile and my companion have this annoying look to caution me not to make an inappropriate talk with a disheveled girl. In that moment I care of nothing of myself as I really pity her situation and wish her nothing harm happen her i isolated solitary life on the streets..

@EliteUser (3964)
• Australia
27 Sep 09
No in my opinion I wouldn't think that you are crazy, that is a good thing to actually do. Not many people talk to the homeless people on the street, and that is a huge mistake to do. How about if they were in her shoes? Make sure you have a good day, God bless and Happy Lotting!!
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
27 Sep 09
Yeah, I think I am being misinterpret as a lot of other people also pass her ways and never ever gives a glance or care to stop for a while to gives alms. I notice her and gives her money so that she could buy something as she really look hungry and I pity her. Thanks for your responses. have a nice day!
@patofgold23 (5069)
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
well i talk to crazy people too - - - just for the fun of it! you know, the ones hanging around on the streets! I'm kinda crazy myself, but in a good & funny way! my friends label it more as 'cool'...
but i used to work in a hospital, and have to deal with mentally disturbed people, we have ways on how to talk, approach or even say aorund them...it comes with the job.
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
I also have related course in terms of caring and definitely with the old. I got two profession business administration and a caregiver. And , talking to mentally ill is also taught at schools. I think of nothing funny with talking to a crazy or mentally disturbed person..they need more sympathy than normal person. they are not in the right mind to think well and usually when they get well. they do not remember that they use to be crazy if you are gong to ask them..Talking to them is really cool as they are not like normal people who have a lot of insecurities. they could accept you for who you are without judging you...
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
26 Jul 09
That was a lovely thing fore you to do and definitely not normal.
People who are intellectually disabled make others feel embarrassed and uncomfortable...this is what you experienced. Your kindness and generosity and thoughtfulness towards this unfortunate lady embarrassed those around you.
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
Maybe, that is how my friend felt and she do not want people look on us. But, it is only a matter of minutes and i do my help in anyway that it could lighten the suffering of the poor girl. It may be misinterpret and some people look at it as funny. But, it is a natural occurrence and in every places you may encounter one. refusing to help them is tantamount to depriving of their only joy of having a company or someone to be trusted on pouring some problems which drives them to their miserable situation. i do hope, some people will realize that helping got no boundaries and if you have it helps to give. but, if you have none to give or to share it is better to respect them rather than insinuating mockery.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
30 Jul 09
People can be so mean. I talk to people if they look like they could use someone to talk to and be nice to them. I get judged all of the time no matter what I do anyway.
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
31 Jul 09
That is life really is, you cannot please everybody..anyway..just stay the same as you are as long as you treat other people nicely you will have more blessing and never mind what other people say..staying nice is an admirable character and should be proud of..

@grecychunny26 (9482)
• Philippines
27 Jul 09
I don't think so, crazy people should be respected and be understood. If you find it entertaining to talk with mentally imbalance person I think that is fine. Specialist and doctors do that, however you ae not a doctor aren't you?I think you should not be judge because of talking to crazy people. They are still human, they should be respected. I think you can talk to them but not constantly. We don't know if it can affect you in other ways just to protect yourself.
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
They need to be respected and gives them a sense of dignity. They are once a normal person but because of too much problem. their hearts and mind could not take it around that they fall off with mental breakdown. Mental illnesses is not confine alone in people who live in extreme poverty even the affluent have sicknesses on their mind but not really expose on the streets as they have the resources to pay for their medication. It is only unfortunate for people misjudge them and call them different insulting names which deprive them to live in humane condition. finally, they need more understanding rather than persecution...
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
They think it is funny and helping is more funny. Crazy person or mentally imbalance need more understanding and kindness rather than mockery. Talking to relieve them of their emotional pain may help but not totally as they require more long term medication. Hopefully, the social welfare would come out to assist her and go to better shelter. I do appreciate people who work in mental hospital as they ahve all the strength to handle the temper and tantrums of mentally ill person which an impatient person refuses.
@Ruby722 (796)
• China
25 Jul 09
Hi there
I think you are right.You just do something help a poor girl.People should laugh at you.Sometime i do the same thing just like you.Give money to the poor people but my friend always said 'you don't need to do this this world have many poor people can you save all of them'I said 'when i meet one i can and i can help it i will do it'You are not carzy.I am proud of you.
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
yeah, helping do not need pressure on our part it is a voluntary activities which every normal person in a right frame of mind should do if they are capable. but, if they lack resources. it is also helpful to talk to them for awhile, smile or give them warm hug. It will suffice. To some people who are too nasty in treating crazy or mentally imbalanced person if they have nothing to give, it is better to stay calm and never making funny comments on the personality of the person. It added insult to an injury. I am also proud of you..may person like you multiply a hundred folds..tc

@simonelee (2715)
• China
25 Jul 09
I also talked to mentally ill person when i was assigned in mental hospital.... as if i have a choice.lol kidding a side. Yes, sometimes i talked back and ask some few person questions like you did in able to understand what lead them to mental problem. what you did is a simple way of showing that you care. It is not nice and proper to laugh on someone who is suffering from mental problem beacuse they are in crisis and need a further understanding from the society. I despise those people who act the way your friend did because he/she, the one on the right mind cannot understand what the woman had been through.
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
They are really mean and insulting. Well for my friend she think I look funny and tease me as i talk to the poor girl. I give her and hopefully if will let go of her hunger but her hunger for love is more deep. I think she is in miserable condition and if i see her again i may call the attention of social welfare to look at her case. She is young and have more full life ahead of her, with proper medication and a shelter home she will do fine..
@yezhanjun043 (100)
• China
25 Jul 09
I think that girl is not crazy,after all,she will only be a temporary boost in a state of unusual mental and sometimes also can be forgiven,not entirely sure that she is a lunatic,she Moreover you also state your is a very compassionate,kind-hearted good man!Come on!
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
She will soon to be crazy if nobody have the courage to adopt her. In may case if i see her again I may call the social welfare to look upon her case. She may be safe from the streets and mockery. I think some people should realize that it is not funny being laughed upon for doing some good deeds. What even not funny is laughing on the crazy or mentally person appearance and weird act? They are in a situation they even have no control over it. Finally, if we happen to bump or meet one if we could not help just do not insult them as it add injury to their already miserable condition...thanks

@checkmail (2039)
• India
30 Jul 09
Hello neelianosct this is checkmail and often do some talk with crazy as well as poor peoples, and don't think peoples mind it much.But yes its funny or odd for the peoples as well as for me it someone goes and talks to a crazy or poor person, it looks crazt too.But the reason behind this might be the habbit of the crazy or the poor persons not to follow advices, means waste of time.And about our daily instances its all the going around and the response to it, its some funny, odd, irritating, etc which might get crazy as well as looks crazy.
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
27 Aug 09
That really what other normal people seem to interpret when you entertain a seemingly looking crazy or really an actual crazy person as long as it is not totally aggressive that it will hurt you. Just like what happen in my situation..I am afraid of wild crazy person but if this crazy person is calm and slightly mentally ill. I pity them and never despise them if I tease or acts like other people did..it only add insult to their already injured mind which is totally unfair..

@ShirleyBillingsley (1544)
• United States
24 Jul 09
Personally, from what you said, i think the girl would be fine, with the help of someone like yourself, that is willing to be kind. Sometimes, that is all that is needed, is simply to help someone just a little, and give them a boost of confidence. It sounds like she may have had a very hard life already, and the kindness that you showed to her, could make a huge difference in her life.
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
I am hopeful too, some people will try to realize and look around the beauty of the world is not only for the privilege to show. Their is other side of the world, the misery is a twin of luxury. Unfortunate people are everywhere and we meet them everyday, nameless faces, strangers, homeless and abandon. What we could do if we have something is to share, to give or maybe a warm smiles or embrace to lighten their suffering not misjudging them or drives them away for the care of the world is not only exclusive in the realm of our family but it should also be extend to those who happen to be incapacitated and mentally challenges.

@jaisundar (215)
24 Jul 09
It is believed that people get the character of a person or a group with whom they are closer though they may be of good nature.
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
Maybe, they have some wrong notion for I think talking to a crazy person who i just met and not spend most of my time with her will makes me somehow crazy. it it is so far from reality. As I am a complete person who just happen to have a heart that easily bleed every time i feel pitiful seeing miserable person. I do help by sharing little amount it would not drive me penniless for giving. Anyway, it is sharing and it never cost me too much dime. I feel sad as people are very judgemental if they only see their sorrow they would help too..
@jbg45638 (88)
• United States
24 Jul 09
From your story I think she isn't crazy but I think she was damaged mentally. I am saying she isn't crazy because you said after a while of talking to her she talked normally. She was damaged so much that she has no more pride or ego. She should be able to recover if someone gives a helping hand. Since she talked with you she might be able to recover with your help. I say go for it if you are financially capable. You will have a good tingly feeling that you helped get someone back up on her feet. I had a similar expirience but this guy was crazy. He wants to buy something so he asked for a dime. What can you get for a dime?? It also seems also obvious he has no money and is basically living off of what the storage shed owner gives him probably inexchange to watch his storage sheds which is next door to this guy. His hous looks like trash and he has directv and one dog possibly also bought by the shed owner as it barks at who ever comes near the sheds. You can tell he is looney by looking at him. His eyes look exactly the the nut cases they potray in looney toons and old mgm cartoons.
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
Sad to say people misjudged here even you if you saw a dirty person with unkempt hair and smelly. You would also think she is crazy and out of her normal mind. people will often drives them away as they are really smelly and act weird. but, if we really know their real story will comes out to the real conclusion and understand the cause of their behavior. In your story, the guy is a pauper and mentally imbalance. This craziness ids often trace from lack of food or being hungry for a long time and from lack of support from family friend or relatives itself. Only the proper have the right to adopt and shelter them as many family is hesitant to attempt a mentally deranged person for the fear they will hurt or harm them. As of us normal people, all we could do is to share the little things we have and never insult them as it even worsen their already worse situation...
@machizmo (279)
• United States
24 Jul 09
There is never anything wrong with having compassion towards another person. That is what you were doing just that, showing them compassion.
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
I think too..and people who judge people have lack of understanding and compassion.helping is never been funny. but it is a fun things to do knowing that you help a poor person will make you feel proud for helping is a mark of a generous person...
@lennethvalkyr (8)
• Canada
24 Jul 09
I believe you were very nice to have gave her some money and talked to her. I'm sure you made her day. People don't understand that they are being insensitive because they think that... Oh well they must have dome something stupid or they must be nuts to live on the streets. But it's not like they CHOOSE to be there. Things happen in life that are out of their control and it does happen that they have nothing left. If everyone would help out once in a while like you have done then for sure there would be alot more happy homeless out there with just a bit more in their empty stomachs.
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
Insulting them add insult to their already worn out mind and hearts. Judgemental people think of them as funny but the truth they are suffering physically and emotionally. They need understanding and compassionate. if we could not help them it is better not to treat them badly but instead help them in our own special ways.
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
Well, people misjudge you when you talk, as in my cases in the streets or beside a sidewalks with people passing by...they think it is funny and i should proceed in walking rather than entertain them as she approach me..If you are part of medical staff it is really part of your job and working with the crazy or mentally ill person make you broaden your understanding with them and could lead to better treatment