Why does religion discriminate against women?

@Pose123 (21635)
August 11, 2009 8:26am CST
In today's world women are increasingly taking their rightful place beside men in almost every occupation with one big exception and that is religion. Sadly it is true that most of the gains that women have made in the past one hundred years has been in spite of religion. No other group or organization has fought so hard against women's rights as had religion. Even today many Christian churches state clearly that women cannot be priests or ministers. Islam places even more restrictions upon women as I believe some other religions do, although I don't have enough knowledge of those to make comment here. As far as Christianity is concerned I know that such is not the teachings of Jesus Christ and I have been told by those who should know, that it is not the teachings of Muhammad either. Before you Christians start running for your Bibles to tell me that St. Paul said, "let the women keep silent in the churches", let me remind you that we can also quote the Bible in support of slavery and genocide as well as other atrocities. It is known that women were Priests and Deacons in the early Christian Church, but were quietly pushed aside by men who than tried to make sure that they never regained that position. It is time for ordinary men and women to stand up for equal rights in the church as well as in other institutions and professions. If your church refuses to treat women as equals with men, all fair minded people should stand up and say, this is enough and be willing to break with their church if that is what it takes.
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15 responses
@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
11 Aug 09
I used to think like you. Yes I still agree with you. But, know I days I see it slightly different. I beleive I am happy that I no longer belong to religions. I have found more respect and love amongst non believers and non church going Christians, then I have ever found in any religion. If men don't want us there, then they are not worth us. There loss, not ours.
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@Makro74 (591)
11 Aug 09
Margajoe, I totally agree, and I sometimes feel ashamed that true religion and God fearing people are given a rub in the mud, that resorts for people like yourselves to form a community outside this pale. I agree, if there is no-one your side for support, you are going to where there is. But all I can say is, God is not to blame, nor is the religion, just the way you are 'told' to practice them. For only God has the ultimate sanctuary of peace and abode.
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@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
11 Aug 09
I did not form any community. I just became a realistic person. Trying not to judge and be more realistic in this day and age. Have a nice day.
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@Makro74 (591)
11 Aug 09
Margajoe, I was merely expressing a train of thought and I certainly was being judgmental. But if you were offended then I apologise. The term 'community' was not used in a derogatory manner and you should not feel so. Human nature refers to the ones who help and gel together and this collectively is what is known as a community. This is very different to stereotyping devalueing another. No offence intended, just mere debate Cheers Mak
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• United States
12 Aug 09
and this is yet one more reason that I disagree with Christianity (and other organized religions) they surpress women and try to keep them submissive to the men that to me is just wrong
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Aug 09
Hi wonttakelong, Thank you for commenting. Some religions have always surpressed women and many still do so today. There are a few that don't. Blessings.
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@Makro74 (591)
14 Aug 09
Again, incorrect interpretation. It is man who supresses women in the name of religion, but religion seldom denounces women to submission!
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• United States
15 Aug 09
yes I said organized religions surpress women and organized religions were created by man to keep people in line so I am not wrong
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• India
12 Aug 09
ardhanarishwara shiva - ardhanarishwara shiva, signifying the equal importance of male and female in continuing life
My one and only answer is coz all major religions followed globally, have been created by Men…nothing more to add or argue on this. I have heard of religions before the Abrahamic times where women were treated equally if not superior…I think society itself was somewhat matrilineal in those days. even the other religions apart from the Abrahamic ones, like Hinduism and Buddhism…men and women were considered and treated equally One of the prime deities of Hindus…Lord Shiva, is even showed in half man-half woman form, signifying the conjunction and importance of both the sexes in continuing with life on earth. Its only later day corruption and pure animal strength of men ensured that gradually women were relegated to the back benches and it is this corrupted version that is followed everywhere.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Aug 09
Hi sudiptacallingu, Thanks for commenting and You appear to be right. Some factions in Christianity are slowly changing as well. Blessings.
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@Makro74 (591)
14 Aug 09
I rest my case that religon is no longer manifested in its true form by God, but a corrupt form made by Man. A true religion, does not supress the rights of women but upholds them. And yes, Christianity is changing, allowing women priests for example, proving that the church is at the mercy of manly laws rather that Godly.
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
13 Aug 09
First off, the idea the Bible support random genocide is a bit off, and slavery is completely wrong. The Bible regulated slavery, never supported it. There is a difference. Also, women were not priests or Deacons in the early church. I have no found any credible claim that they were. It does say there were women prophets. That is not the same. It also says there were women who taught the scriptures. Again that is not the same. However, otherwise, you are correct. The Bible does not, never ever claimed to follow the wisdom of man. Nor will it ever. Yes there are some "christians" who mis-use the bible to support their sinful control over women. But getting beyond that, what the Bible actually says is simply that men and women are different. And they are. If you disagree, try having a baby as a man. It's a tad difficult. I think the main difference is that a true Christian believes what G-d says is more important than what man says. So when pop culture says it's time for equal rights in the church, I really don't care. Should I follow pop culture, or what the G-d of the universe says about how a church should operate?
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Aug 09
Hi andy, Thank you for adding your thoughts here. Clearly men and women are different but certainly equal, one cannot continue without the other. That is true for all of the animal kingdom. Christians on both sides of this and other issues keep accusing each other of twisting scripture to please themselves. The issue here is that men and women are equal and yes some churches recognize that but not all. The belief that God is either male or female is to make God into our image and gives deity the characteristics of a human being. We tend to forget that no one could follow the Bible if it was taken literally. The Bible is a book with a lot of good teachings but it also has much that was meant for a time far different from today's world. Jesus Christ tried to teach the truth but as usually happens, men distorted that truth. Men decided what they wanted in the Bible hundreds of years after Christ and much of it was to give themselves power through fear. There are over three thousand denominations within Christianity all claiming to be right according to the Bible. Does not this tell us something? People interpret the Bible as they please and that includes the fundamentalists as well as everyone else. If so many of the early writings of the church had not been destroyed, we would have a much clearer picture. Of course the Bible supports slavery and genocide, it's there for all to read but we should not support it today, just as we should not support those who say that men are superior to women. Blessings.
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
14 Aug 09
I take it literally, and follow it as best I can. No, it does not support slavery. Yes, there are many denominations, and yes many twist the words to their own view point. That doesn't mean all do. Finally, with over a thousand copies of the new testament books, if there was a "clearer" book available, one certainly would have surfaced, or at least hundreds of variations based on those "clearer" books. Instead, they are nearly all identical to what we have in our modern Bible. As for the gender of G-d, I would doubt a formless spirit has a gender. Clearly Jesus in human form was male.
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• India
11 Aug 09
In HINDU religion women are treated with more power than men, From time immortal there are women Gods, more powerful than men, and festivals of women are more in relevance. We have seperate GODs, for wealth, its LAKSHMI, for education its Saraswati, for power and others its Parvathy, likewise our past ancestors have passed on this tradition to the newer generations. Its only now that and only a little persons or community that are agains women. India is always in the forefront to uphold the power of women
• India
12 Aug 09
Hindus (and therefore, majority of Indians) are the worst hypocrites I have ever come across…if other religions discriminate against women, at least they have the courage to own up. We Hindus are always glorifying our millions of goddesses while ensuring that our women stay behind our men, at all times and on all occasions…it started with Sita and continues till this day.Hinduism is as bad as other religions in discriminating against women. Worshipping idols and chanting hymns to goddesses, does not mean that women are treated at par with men. Islam bars female foeticide and the Christian world treats its women at par on most issues...look at us Hindus and our rate of female foeticide and infanticide practised all over India even today!
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
11 Aug 09
Hi mssthirdeye, Thank you for commenting. I did not know this about Hinduism but I'm very pleased to learn it. Blessings.
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@iterjohn (34)
• India
11 Aug 09
See my friend...u know when the worldd started at tat time there were no restrictions for women but as they were physically weak tats why they were nt going out for work and after many days some third class males as males are stronger they tried to suppress women as u know SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST, they only thought women as a child birth machine and they did many crimes on them and this is continued nw. And in churches there is no place for women may be becoz they have monthly periods and during tat time they sud nt touch gods idol....tats why the reason is...But from the core of my heart i hate those who do crimes against women..
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
11 Aug 09
Hi iterjohn, Thank you for commenting. I believe it's time that people realize that some of those old myths they adhere too are just that myths, and is better left in the past. Blessings.
@Makro74 (591)
11 Aug 09
Not necessarily iterjohn, Women are not servants of men to be exploited, but unfortunately becomes enslaved by men. That does not justify SURVIVAL of the FITTEST. Because women are only physically weaker than men, and yes they are vulnerable during pregnancy, but excel in many other areas equal to or better than men. But the answer is in responsibility of men to take care of women in their need. This is what is lacking, not surivival of the fittest. Moreover, crimes against women arise because the very words you use advocates property management of women, which in itselt leads to those crimes you hate so much.
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• Canada
22 Aug 09
I couldn't agree with you more. This is the very reason why I am really not that comfortable with organized religion. I still attend the Presbyterian church now and then, but not that often. It's a very liberal congretation, but it's still a Christians church, and there are still some problems with women's rights in Christianity, and other religions.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
22 Aug 09
Hi danishcanadian, Of course there are some denominations who don't discriminate against women anymore, but the Christian church as a whole has a history of doing so. Blessings.
@vijayanths (7877)
• India
11 Aug 09
I think this phenomenon has been there for many centuries. The religious leaders did not want to give equal rights to women as women were not treated equally in the society then. Now things are changing all over the world. That is because women have become independent financially these days.May be men will have less rights after a hundred years, who knows?
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
12 Aug 09
Hi vijayanths, Thank you for commenting and you are right, it has gone on over many centuries. The fact that some Christian churches today treat women as equals is a good sign. Blessings.
@patms1 (521)
• United States
12 Aug 09
I always believed that the bible was written by a bunch of old men that could not be with a woman any more so they wrote out of spite. There is a book called When God Was A Woman. When you read it you will be amazed at how peaceful the world was then.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
12 Aug 09
Hi patms1, Thank you for that comment. Blessings.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
11 Aug 09
Because men run religions and they are afraid to allow women any power. The fact that we hold the power to create or not the whole human race just terrifies them.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
12 Aug 09
Hi savypat, Thank you for responding and I must point out that I neglected to say that all churches are not like that. Some have women priests and even bishops. Blessings.
@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
11 Aug 09
My religion (faith) predates Christianity but is also very modern. It accepts both the male and female as being equally important. After all - you can't have one with out the other. At least until science sticks it's nose into things too much but that's a whole other discussion. I think the issue is when those reading the old texts (example: the bible) interpret things to fit their own beliefs and teachings. To lead the flock is to have power. Ask the Pope. Many of the Catholics KNOW that some of the old ways are wrong but do as they are told... which is why it is still practiced heavily and is as much their fault as the shepherds. For example: We all know there are plenty of folks on Earth. Yet the old rules against birth control stick. Many a young lady wouldn't face the choice of abortion, adoption, or severe life changes... if there was prevention allowed. Too many folks just.... carry on.. so the old ways stick. Not enough have stood up to those old teachings to have their voices heard. People don't like change and it takes effort to fight. People need to think as well as balance faith and belief.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
11 Aug 09
Hi TLChimes, Thank you for commenting and I agree that more people need to stop and think about these things. Blessings.
@machizmo (279)
• United States
12 Aug 09
I think it has to do with how they interpret their holy writings and not all religions limit womens roles. The whole equal rights in religion is quite a battle and I do not see it ending any time soon.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Aug 09
Hi machizmo, Thank you for commenting and I agree but some change has already started. I see more and more people demanding change. Perhaps it will come faster than we expect. Blessings.
@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
12 Aug 09
Pose my friend .... if you feel become my friend I believe whatever religion in the world never discriminate against women. I trust every religion placing woman in a respectable position. Not only religion, culture and norms nation/people community also placing woman in a respectable position. But, you and me, must realize sometime will not always in line expectations, because law religion and norms community is legal permanent. Not like the law of the world
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Aug 09
Hi advokatku, Thank you for commenting. Blessings.
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• India
12 Aug 09
it is not religion which is discriminating against women...it is the people and the group of people who make social laws, who are the religious gurus, themselves....the bible has never said anything about women....but the priest who think they are the messiah themselves have imposed cultures by which women are discriminated....
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Aug 09
Hi nitinkarna, Thank you for commenting and much of what you say is true. It is not the teachings of God but of men. Blessings.
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@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
12 Aug 09
"You Christians?" Man, Pose, it's not fair to group us all together. We don't have those issues at our church. Women want to be a deacon? They can. Women want to be a Sunday School teacher? They can. Women be the song leader, lead the prayers...they can. There has never been an issue at our church regarding the 'place' of women.
@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
12 Aug 09
I understand the ire.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
12 Aug 09
Hi AmbiePam, Thank you for commenting and I'm sorry that I grouped everyone together, I know that you are right. It's just that there has been and still is so much of it in many churches. Women cannot hold the priesthood, cannot be ministers or pastors. I give thanks for the churches that have come to accept both genders as equals. Blessings.
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