Is it too easy to get a divorce nowadays?
By animegirl334
@animegirl334 (3263)
United States
August 25, 2009 8:41pm CST
It's always bothered me that so many couples have gotten divorced. I mean, sure if two people really could not get along or if a spouse is being abusive, they should no longer be together but isn't marriage a lifetime commitment? There was something Hong Kong was quiet famous for in the '90s, it was that couples could get divorced for about 120 dollars. Getting rid of a lifetime commitment you made to your spouse for a hundred dollars. I guess it bothers me a little more because I grew up in a single family and I always wonder if any marriage can ever work.
Is it so easy for couples to get divorced now that everyone is no longer trying to work out their marriages because they know they have a way out? Do people take marriages seriously or something as fun? What are your thoughts?
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13 responses
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
26 Aug 09
I have always thought it should be easier...people get divorced because they are not happy within it, I feel being happy in life is the most important is so short why waste it in an unhappy situation...
@animegirl334 (3263)
• United States
26 Aug 09
I agree getting a divorce should be easy unlike the old times where it was forbidden but I also think a marriage should be valued. Two people who likes each other could be together but when they agree to marriage, it's a lifetime commitment which should only be broken if something is really wrong (say abuse, criminal activity) Anyways, we all have our opinions. Thanks for your response
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
26 Aug 09
Hey anime~ I really don't know what to say about this. I
don't know if people are taking marriage less seriously or
not. But, I do know that if two people don't belong together
they shouldn't be together because it really ends up hurting
the children (if there are any). My parents stayed together,
although they kept separating and they shouldn't have. But,
when I was younger, since it was so long ago divorce just
wasn't easily accepted or easily gotten like it is today and
both me and my brother (who is deceased at 32) suffered
seriously emotionally! It would have been better if my parents
were never together! So it really is hard to say what's right
or wrong! Unfortunately when you do marry you are hoping that
it will be forever, but these days forever is a difficult
promise to keep!
@animegirl334 (3263)
• United States
27 Aug 09
I'm sorry it was like that with your parents. Maybe they were trying to do what is best for their children unlike my father who just left my mother with both me and my brother. Marriage is a complicated matter and even more complicated when children is involved. It is true, forever is a hard promise to keep but when one agrees to marry someone to start a family, it no longer just involves the two people but also people around them. Thanks for your response, Opal.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
26 Aug 09
I do get the point of some people who'd say "Life is too short to waste it with something that isn't really making you happy anymore" but I guess it actually depends on our preferences.
We can't change other people's minds when it comes to opinions, but I myself don't think changing partners because 'they no longer entertain us, or make us happy' is a valid reason.
I mean, I think if most people were into marriage like how we carefully choose the standard of education for our kids, the type of car we'd save for, and the kind of home we'd like to have, then I think no amount or ease of divorce would ever change the way we live.
Now-a-days everything is just instant. We can no longer wait for our coffee to brew, or our food to be cooked that's why we go for fastfood. We are always in a hurry and running as if something is running after us. Man has made his life faster but not really more meaningful. This includes marriage, we easily fall in love with someone, succumb to the fact that perhaps this is 'the one' and jump into marriage, then you realize he's not at all what we expect him to be, and after just a few years or so, we give up.
I don't know if you guys could remember, but isn't the best food (usually cooked by our great grandmothers and grandparents or even parents) usually the ones that takes hours to cook? not to mention the passion and love the family puts in it?
We long for that passion, but we want it fast!
But on the other hand, I don't think that couples marry each other thinking that there's divorce in case everything would turn out sour. I don't think divorce is something we want to experience ourselves. But because of our quick decisions (usually out of emotions) we end up being unhappy and we then look at divorce as a way out.
Remember an ounce of prevention will always be better than a pound of cure.
Good luck to us all!
@animegirl334 (3263)
• United States
26 Aug 09
People should put more consideration into marriage like other important life decisions but they don't take it too seriously because of the ease of getting a divorce. Some people jump into marriages irrationally because of the passion and spark in the relationship. Thank you so much for your thoughts
@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
26 Aug 09
Here in the Philippines they are very strict to that. We don't have a divorce here what we have here is annulment that it is very difficult to be granted. We believe that family is the fundation of the society and the church also involved with this process. They are against of divorce because marriage is not a joke and lifetime commitment so they telling the future couple to think twice before to get married so they would not regret it after. I know that in some countries it is very easily to filed a divorce and the process is not that long to be granted.
@animegirl334 (3263)
• United States
26 Aug 09
I think the option of splitting up should be granted to couples in abusive relationships and those who committed adultery in their relationship. IF that's how annulments work then I think they have a better marriage system in the Philippines than in the U.S. where all couples need is a lawyer to get divorced
@Daraiki (52)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
26 Aug 09
Well there's a difference between a church and an administrative divorce.
When you say lifetime commitment in a way you make it seem in a bad way. Marriage nowadays is nothing but a piece of paper i think that is also good, because it allows you to focus on the bond between you and your partner, soul mate (whatever you wanna call it).
Here you can easily see 2 people living together and starting a family unmarried because the know they love each other no matter what.
It all depends on your personal point of view( not to mention your religion, but that is another topic).
@animegirl334 (3263)
• United States
26 Aug 09
I think it is important that your spouse also becomes your family so that both of you would care for each other no matter what. I actually admire those couples who stay together for a long time without getting married. If they think they are not ready to get married, they can still be together and wait. If two people want to be together, there is no law saying they can't but why get married if you don't want to spend your whole life together. Marriage is a hard topic. Thanks for responding
@KMPierce (165)
• United States
26 Aug 09
It is way to easy for people to get divorced, but this is not the problem. The problem is it's to easy to get married. So many people jump into a marriage and they don't understand what marriage is about. It should be a life long commitment and you shouldn't commit to someone just because of what they appear to be or how good looking they are. You should really investigate each other and find out what & who each person really is deep down.
@animegirl334 (3263)
• United States
26 Aug 09
I agree that people could get married too easily but if marriage wasn't offered so conveniently, then people could complain they weren't given a choice. Maybe a marriage license should be harder to get to prevent couples from splitting up. Those who really want to get to together would find is more inconvenient though. It really is a confusing topic. Thanks for your thoughts
@pormadi (1300)
• Indonesia
26 Aug 09
Many couples have gotten divorced because their paradigm about marriage. I think that marriage is a sacred think (sacrament). Some people think that marriage is a simple thing. They was easily bothered by many options in life. Their commitment and belief for marriage is not strong.
@animegirl334 (3263)
• United States
26 Aug 09
That's a very good point. People have so many choices, they think it is their right to try out being married and sometimes does not think hard enough over if their spouse is the one right for them. Thanks for your response
@ibuemma (2953)
• United States
26 Aug 09
THe state that I live don't make it too easy for divorce unless it's no-fault divorce which is mean both part agree to sign the divorce paper. If it's only one part they make you wait for 2 years.
Personally, i take marriage as serious matter. When I said the vow, I make promise not only in front of people, but I make promise in front of God. But if marriage become a living Hell, I don't think God will let us suffer too.
@animegirl334 (3263)
• United States
26 Aug 09
Marriage is a special promise by two people to become family and to spend their lives together. I also agree if those two people make each other unhappy, they should no longer be together but perhaps if they know each other better before the marriage, a divorce would not happen so often? It's a complicated subject. Thanks for your response
@animegirl334 (3263)
• United States
26 Aug 09
It odes seem that some of the celebrities are abusing their wealth and fame and does not think it over before marrying someone. A user above has mentioned that one of Britney Spear's marriage lasted 9 hours. A life long commitment broken in just nine hours. If the spouse commits adultery or abuse, then a divorce should be filed but what the heck happened in nine hours that would want her to break her vows with the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with? Ah, confusing. Thanks for your response
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
30 Aug 09
It bothers me too because it seems a lot of people just give up on their marriage these days. I definitely do not think people should stay together if the relationship is abuse though. Also if someone is cheating then that is hard to forgive. Otherwise people need to grow up and try to work things out. Just don't through it away like the marriage never meant anything.
@nirjaagrey (209)
• India
26 Aug 09
it depends from person to person ,i think it is better to get divorced from a person whom u dont like or cant live with him under one roof instead of living an unhappy life & regreting later
@animegirl334 (3263)
• United States
26 Aug 09
I think it is true that we shouldn't need to live with someone we are unhappy with but also that more thought should be put into choosing your spouse so that divorce would happen often. We would love our mother and father no matter what and accept their differences and when we choose a spouse, shouldn't it be the same? That's my thoughts. Thanks for your response
@taztheone (1721)
• India
26 Aug 09
Getting Divorce is never easy, both mentally & legally. If both partners have no options of staying together, & if both wants a divorce, even after repeated counseling, if there is no compatibility, then getting divorce is not so far from reach.
Be frank, can you expect some one to stay in pain throughout life or get an escape in hope of life giving something better someday?
@animegirl334 (3263)
• United States
26 Aug 09
I would expect the couple to be well prepared and ready to spend the rest of their lives with each other before jumping into a marriage so they wouldn't need a divorce. Rarely works like this is real life though. It's a very confusing topic for me. Thanks for your thoughts
@animegirl334 (3263)
• United States
26 Aug 09
I also agree marriage is sacred and should be taken very seriously. Sometimes a divorce is necessary but those also should be treated with caution especially if there is children involved. Thanks for your response