Do you know how to parallel park?

United States
August 25, 2009 9:04pm CST
I know they taught me how when I was taking driving lessons. I wasn't really ever good at it and didn't want to do it if I didn't have to. I recall one time hubby got mad at me cause our friends went to a club downtown (yrs before we had kids) & the only parking was street parking & since my dh already had a drink or two in him I was driving. But I did not want to try to parallel park and possibly hit another car especially in the dark. When I did it in driving school I did it w/ only one car infront and nothing behind me + it was daylight in a neighborhood setting. To say the least dh was po'd that I wouldn't park it so we could bar hop w/ my friends.
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19 responses
@roseyroser (1059)
• United States
26 Aug 09
Nope! I'm 23 years old and have not parallel parked since my drivers test. My dad and my mom went to an art fair a couple weeks ago and my dad had to parallel park car and ended up hitting the curb really hard. The car had some issues afterward....the wheels needed to realigned. lol. I should probably learn how to again.....but I never go anywhere where I have to parallel park. I remember that when I took drivers ed. The drivers ed teacher tried to teach me how to parallel park and when I couldn't do it by like the 2nd or 3rd time she got really frustrated with me. I didn't like her. I'm like you go do something difficult you've never done before!
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Aug 09
Exactly if you don't do it too often you don't become any good at it or want to risk trying and having to pay for repairs like your dad. Just imagine if it wasn't only to his vehicle but to someone elses besides his.
@bigplay (212)
• United States
26 Aug 09
I can parrelel park with almost any vehicle except maybe a truck, when i first took my driving lesson, i was good at parking like that.
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@AmbiePam (96506)
• United States
26 Aug 09
In principle, I know how to parallel park. When I took my driver's test they had me parallel park between a mailbox and another car. I did just fine. My dad had taught me in the weeks before my official test. Since my test when I was sixteen, I've only had to parallel park once. So I really don't want to have to see if I still have that skill.
@AmbiePam (96506)
• United States
26 Aug 09
My dad taught me to parallel park. My mom taught me how to drive. My dad yelled at me too much.
• United States
26 Aug 09
Yeah I hear ya I haven't really done it since my test. Your dad was brave in teaching you my mom spent the wole time yelling @ me the one time she did take me out.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
26 Aug 09
I'm a bit like you. I did it during driving school, but it's not something I want to do unless I have to. I have done it, but I tend to pick large spaces for fear I'll hit something. Otherwise I end up taking all day, going back and forth, trying to get in there just right. I never seem to be able to get close enough to the curb!!
• United States
26 Aug 09
Me neither I've always had problems getting close enough to the curb as well. And I forgot to mention it was his, truck... though I had driven it before many times I definiatly wasn't comfy in trying to parallel park. I always look for a huge space too but it's downtown, most spots would be had to judge for a subcompat even.
• United States
26 Aug 09
I'm currently driving a Durango, so I will parallel park it if I have to, but it has to be a nice sized spot. Otherwise I'll just keep driving around waiting for a spot to open that would fit me.
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
30 Aug 09
I think a lot of women don't like to parallel park, me included. I know how to but I seem to always get a little nervous when I'm trying to parallel park. I guess because it takes me a few tries to get it right.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
26 Aug 09
Hi 3snugglebunnies I use to have a problem parking but eventually I learned and got pretty darn good at it, my problem is backing up, I can't back up straight for nothing, I always seem to make the wheel do things it shouldn't do, some people makes this look so easy, I guess one of these I will figure it out. Thanks.
• United States
26 Aug 09
So can I call on you to parallel park my car for me? ;0) I can straightline back ok as long as the ground is flat & even. Our driveway is kinda carved in a small hill so if you go about it w/o adjusting you'll end up on an angle on the way down & that my friend can be kinda creepy especially since dh now has an suv & they are known for tipping over.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
26 Aug 09
Hello 3snugglebunnies But you see how funny that is, driving is really cool when you know what you are doing, so I will park for you, you can back up for me, what a team we will make
• Philippines
26 Aug 09
ohhh dear that is also one of my biggest problem when I start driving. But you know its just human instinct, and more practice.have anice driving and parking experience.
@gwoman2 (710)
• United States
26 Aug 09
Hi 3SnuggleBunnies, Nope, never ever have I paralled park...I've only been driving for about 13-14 years and I payed around $600.00 to learn...when it came time to parallel park I immediately began to tear up cuz I knew I couldn't do it...the guy was soooooooo nice to me that he told me that he would pass me but I had to promise him that I would never, never parallel park!! LOL I've kept my promise! ~G~
• United States
26 Aug 09
I can do it if I have to, but it makes me feel uncomfortable and a little scared. If there is a big enough space it is easy, but if it is really small(maybe only a couple inches extra) I will have to have a friend step out and guide me, or let them do it. I think I could do it with no help, but I am pretty insecure about parallel parking.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
26 Aug 09
Hi sungglebunnies, is that the one where you try to park near to the pavement between two other cars. If it is I haven't a clue but keep on trying to do it with huge difficulty, I seem to have no concept of how much space is in front or behind. I like to park on an empty street but there aren't any and I refuse to park on car parks on principle so I just struggle along holding all the traffic up as I attempt it.
• United States
27 Aug 09
My dad taught me in a dump truck. I thought it was so silly but it worked. Sure takes the fear of of parking!
• United States
26 Aug 09
Yes I can parallel park but as with everything if don't use it you lose it. It isn't often that you need to parallel park and each time I have to I have to sit back and remember how it was taught in driving school
@KMPierce (165)
• United States
26 Aug 09
Never really mastered parallel parking either. My husband keeps me telling how easy it is, but I still avoid doing it.
• United States
26 Aug 09
Wow, everyone seems to have trouble with parallel parking. I was always bad at it too until i bought my mercedes with the automatic parking feature. That car has save my life, I think. I highly reccomend that car
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
26 Aug 09
I don't do it the way they teach it. They teach you to back in, i think that's dumb. I find it way easier to pull the front end in first and then straighten out. It may take more straightening that way, but at least you get in the spot way easier! That being said, I avoid parallel parking at all costs and can't remember the last time I did it! While I park on the curb of the street a lot, it's usually when there are no cars around :)
@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
26 Aug 09
I used to do pretty good before I got the mini van
@Cherryd41 (1119)
• United States
26 Aug 09
Hi Snugglebunnies I can relate to you on the parallel parking issue. I don't like parallel parking at all! My husband can park in the tightest spaces for me thats just to much work so I don't even bother. Now if the space is huge I can do it like if its big enough to just pull into without having to manuver my way in or out. I am always afraid I'm going to hit someones car. I did learn in drivers ed like everyone else did but I just never liked doing it and I only did it to past the driving test however I am sure I can perfect it with practice but I don't usually go anywhere without my husband that requres parralell parking.
@magickat (381)
26 Aug 09
I've never tried it, but I don't think i would be very good at it, so many people I know struggle with parallel parking. I am not allowed to drive as I have narcolepsy so have never had lessons or anything.
@san_683 (88)
• India
26 Aug 09
i have done lots of times,initially i had troubles, but then now i am comfortable with it. At first i used to some how park in between cars perfectly, but i couldnt get out of the car after that, because the door would not open fully as a car wud be parked next to mine, so now i prefer large spaces to park....