Evolution or creation? Tell me why...
@ChaoticBeauty (263)
United States
September 23, 2009 9:46am CST
Hey all,
personally, I believe in creation. There cannot possibly be evidence to support both theories, and, in fact, both require a certain amount of faith. Creation requires the faith of a child, while evolution requires an almost unprecedented amount of faith in your "research", but how much can we really know? If we are truly the created beings by a higher diety, how valuable is whatever knowledge we can possess? Is it not just the scraps of whatever knowledge is held by the higher being?
So for you evolutionists out there, I commend you, for you have claimed more faith than me.
Should either truly be taught in schools, or is this too hotly debated a topic for either side to be instructed by our education system?
Blessings all...
Dive Deep!
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20 responses
@Tantrums (945)
• Philippines
23 Sep 09
I used to believe in creation... but now I believe in most theories that science comes up with... It's just difficult in creation, where did the dinosaurs came from then? Not being an atheist though and not being a butt in Christianity.
@Farside604 (870)
• Canada
13 Dec 09
hey riezen30 i never actually heard this verse be used in this context. What exactly is peter referring to when he says, "beloved be not ignorant of THIS one thing" was he speaking diretly about dinosaurs? Also as for your understanding of evoltion humans did not come from apes and a man will never turn into an ape. The theory says that apes like humans are modern animals which evolved from a common ancestor(some of which we've found). Humans took one evolutionary path and apes took another resulting in the speicies you see today. I sugest you re-read the origin of speicies or whatever textbook you got this information wrong I'm sure you'll get a better understanding of it afterwards.
@dean21xian (67)
• Philippines
23 Sep 09
I still believe in creation because if humans evolve why is it that queen Nefertiti is still look the same of our generation today? I won't accept that I came from an ape. Scientist is giving a prof of evolution by which they will poison peoples mind and make them believe that we came from ape, or the earth was just a big bang?
Did you know that generation of Adam and Eve are taller like coconut trees? It's true because of our food today and our climate human changes in height and weight. About the dinosaurs, I believe it was really exist beacuse of what he scientist discovers and how would I explain that? Actually my fellow myloters it was written in the bible but its not specified as dinosaurs, the name that the bible describe them is beast beacuse there faces are like a monster, another one did you know that snakes/ serpents has a wings, hands and feet? Read the bible when eve ate the apple and you will find it there.
So creation or evolution all of us are still belongs to God. He made us with his own image. don't tell me God is ape? LOL..... If you see the explanation of others in discovery just put in your mind "HOW GREAT IS GOD"

@Farside604 (870)
• Canada
13 Dec 09
Alright first thing, this is a common mistake in the understanding of the theory of evolution. The theory says that an ape just like a human is a modern animal. We are like cousins millions(not thousands of years ago)we had a common ancestors from that point humans survived the best they could going along one evolutionary pathway and apes went along theirs. When I said millions not thousand Queen Nefertiti is not even close to old enough to show and regressive evolutionary features. I ask that you go back and read and evolutionary biology textbook to atleast see the other side arguement; take a evoltionary biology class even it can get pretty interesting.
@dean21xian (67)
• Philippines
24 Sep 09
Yeah your right who want to be ape????? I don't want to be ape? What a funny discovery. I don't know how they do that trying to divert peoples mind into a new generation? And that's the time you're faith measured. Thank you for the agree hehehe. I just want to make some advice and comments to the people who are full of mysteries and questions. Thanks and Good day.

@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
24 Sep 09
i definitely believe in creation... it is clearly stated in the Bible that God created the world and also human beings in 6 days... and i believe in this... i am a christian and i have complete faith in what the Bible says as it has always been the truth for me... take care and have a nice day...
@UCantSeeMe (116)
• United States
24 Sep 09
It says he crated man and the earth in 6 days yet there have yet to be human remains that are older or even the same age as dinosaur bones.
@silvernutbar (904)
• United States
24 Sep 09
I suppose i'd give more credence to the creationist view if it weren't for the fact that there are thousands of creation myths, all with a semblance of allegorical truth.
I'm not a christian or of the hebrew persuasion so I don't lend greater weight to that particular mythology than I would to say the norse one. Just because it sounds less fanciful doesn't make it anymore inherently correct.
As to evolution, I do agree with the premise but not the origin concept. I don't see the math working out to evolve a billy goat from a puddle of pond scum.
Just how many complete and total accidental genetic mutations at just the right time was necessary to make my circulatory system or properly craft my eyes alone?
Creatures grow and adapt, but there's little evidence yet to truly support one creature becoming an entirely different one.
mammalian ratdogs begat monkeys begat apes, became lawyers.
except they don't have any place for the ratdog to become a monkey in the ladder, or a place to show where an ape became something else to become something else to become early homonids (with what is it six chromosomal patterns not existent in anything else but one type of pond scum or other on this planet? Or was that a virus of some kind?)
there are too many missing links in the chain for me to believe in any dumbfire theory of evolution.
Now if you're talking about a willed updating of the planetary bio-sphere every so often by a neutral force of nature that watches over climate and biology like some sort of divine systems admin.. then yes I could go with that.
Creationism.. in a manner we don't understand yet, with adaptational evolution as the dynamic tool necessary for the continuation of life on this ever changing world.
I could get behind THAT.
@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
23 Sep 09
I believe in evolution because it makes more sense to me. Creation makes no sense to me and seems to far out to believe when all the evidence is there for evolution!

@Farside604 (870)
• Canada
13 Dec 09
This evidence has not been overturned in the last 100 years. Any science we knew 200 years ago has only been bettered by the virtue of being wrong. What I think you may be reffering to is the shift from Newtonian Physics to eintein's theory of relativity and the qunntum meechanism which did clas with newtonian physics. However Newtonian physics is still exensively used by engineers to keep bridges and builings standing, satellites in orbit, just about anything you can see is governed by newtonian physics. Some of the evidence I think people refer to in this debate are fossils which have not been oveturned infact we are finding more and more each day to draw a more conclusive phylogenetic tree. Some of the fossils may not agree with the exact hypothesis we have drawn out 50 odd years ago but they follow the same general trend and actually support the theory of evolution not refute it. Please let meknow where you read that all science we learned in the last 200 years has been overtunred.
@ChaoticBeauty (263)
• United States
23 Sep 09
Still confused on this "evidence" that is always claimed and never presented. Everything we knew about science has been turned around in the last 200 years, so I don't put any stake in the "science" of today. I know it is going to get disproven in another 100 years or so...there is no evidence in my book...just faith...

@roadki11 (34)
• United States
23 Sep 09
Evolution doesn't require any faith in your research. In fact, science requires you to constantly try to disprove your research. You have to constantly doubt it and take it apart. Many, including myself, would call that the opposite of faith.
There is evidence of evolution. There is a whole fossil record. We have the bones of Lucy, an australopithecus. I don't need to have faith in the bones of Lucy. I have stood before them in Houston, Texas and seen them with my own eyes.
You can believe in Evolution and Creation by simply thinking of the Biblical creation story as metaphorical. The purpose of the Bible is not to give people a clear, flawless explanation of the scientific mechanisms by which God created the world. If it even tried to do that, people would not be able to understand it and God's message would never get to people. So, he told a simple, metaphorical story instead.
We should be forced to think of the universe in simplistic, unsophisticated ways simply because the people God first spoke to thousands of years ago were far to unsophisticated to even begin to understand genetics much less go on to grasp darwinian natural selection.
You may say that you take the bible literally in all cases. If that is the case, you must also believe that the sun orbits the earth. (PS. 93:, Ps. 19:1-6, Josh 10:12-14)
Do you want to try to make the case the a heliocentric cosmology requires unprecedented faith? Probably not. Nor do you have to make that argument in order to love an worship your God. Same goes for evolution.
@Farside604 (870)
• Canada
14 Dec 09
Huge high five roadkill "science requires you to constantly try to disprove your research". I find this to be so exciting because even though its a pain to learn new theories and scientific models it gives you such an awesome uderstanding of the intricate complex detials of the universe. Infact this may be the only part I disagree with you if I'm understanding you right I actually think we should embrace the complexity of the universe because we obviously cant convey the intracate nuances of the universe. Not only are they awesome but they give us awesome technologies, for example the solar pannel was developed with its roots deeply rooted in the understaning of quantum physics and more or less Einstein's phtovoltaic effect.
@raphael_volts (1131)
• India
24 Sep 09
well for now I have faith in science and its discoveries, and also its theories of evolution. But I can never totally rule of creation. Because science can go on discovering our roots and the roots of roots but then they come to a point wheer its just left on the best guess. So I can say that creation and evolution go side by side, cause for one thing to evolve into something, I believe that the first thing or shall I say the subject at the beginning had to be created somehow.
Take care
@pillusch (1147)
• Mexico
24 Sep 09
It's probably somewhere in between. But our brains can't grasp the concept that you can answer a question with 'yes' AND 'no' at the same time.
If it is evoulution, that doesn't necessarily exlude the existence of a higher power who set it all in motion initially. So I don´t really see a contradiction here.
I personally don't believe in creation as the bible tells. It's like with the belief in reincarnation, both belief systems are able to answer absolutely evey question under the sun, and that makes me very suspicious.
We are probably not meant to know, but are 'condemned', for lack of a better word, to continue asking questions.
@jashoaf (296)
• United States
23 Sep 09
Frankly I believe in both. Take a horse, for example. Science can trace it back to an Eohippus in the dinosaur age. It evolved to survive its changing climate and surroundings. It traces farther back to some earlier form whose name I've forgotten. Again it evolved to survive. But where did it come from before that? Where did the first chromosomes come from?
It makes no sense to me that it evolved from a rock or a water slug. The original had to have been made to fit the world it lived in, just like the slug and the rock. It was created.
Science has proved that matter can be created from matter, and that only nothing can be created from nothing. It would take a deity to create something from nothing. But once you have something, it can adapt and evolve to continue its existance.
@dolmitta (221)
• India
24 Sep 09
Creation is real. Evolution is a process that comes within creation. Science is a part of creation and not is not the beginning and the end. I think even in school we learn about, both evolution and theory of special creation. So everything happening in the universe is powered by GOD.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
24 Sep 09
Creation or evolution? I would have to pick that I believe in creation. Without creation, where would our belief in God be? Creation is God's gift to us. Evolution is man's way of dealing with it.
@dens61 (130)
• Philippines
24 Sep 09
I believe in creation because I am a Christian. A CHRISTian means a believer of Christ. Also, when I see a beautiful house or flower, I don't believe that that house just revolve into being a beautiful. Instead there was someone who built that house. I have faith in GOd and that faith makes me believe 100% in creation and not in evolution.
@irisspeedy3xc (64)
• United States
24 Sep 09
Hey there ChaoticBeauty, No this subject should not be tough in school, main and common reason alot of parents teach their childrem different;y on what and what not to believe, therefore, you will have a riot in your hands, and is the the childrem fault, they believer anything, at the age of innocent. me i am a neutral person, but iam alos open minded, i do have faith into believing that there is a higher power, thats the way i was raised. but now that i have my own kids, i tend to leave it to them, i will teach both, i alos belive that there is and explanation on how we were created, but it's beyong this earth, is too powerful and dangerous to land in the hands of a human being. And another reason forgot to mentioned, why it shoud not be taught in schools, if that the teacher, might want to teach the kids what she strongly believes, the way she was brought it, some students will probably agree with him/her, other be confuse or refuse to accept her/his teaches. Way to big of a dilemma, to be in the school system.
@Natrina (37)
• Portugal
15 Nov 09
Faith? Lulz. Sorry for laughing, but you can't possibly believe that Creation and Evolution have exactly the same amount of evidence. If so, you should read Richard Dawkins' The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution, it will certainly educate you.
@Mickie30 (2626)
24 Sep 09
There is evidence for both although to say there is no God is a lie. God is the ultimate creator of everything. The flood for example can be explained in scientific terms because there was different ages. There is evidence of a flood. I do not believe we have evolved from monkeys people say Christians are deluded, but I think it is delusion to believe we evolved from monkeys. God put in place every bone of our body and man have one less rib than woman. Science can prove the Bible although scientists would never admit it.Dinosaurs existed it is written about in Job and I believe that Dinosaurs will exist in Heaven. It is evidenced in the Bible that there were cavemen for in the beginning man lived in caves in a very primitive way. However we are no accident everything was created and has a purpose, but science can also prove the Bible. Even if scientists believed the world was created by the big bang theory they cannot understand it in a Godly way because only God can understand that. Does that make sense?
@shankarbaddi (785)
• India
23 Sep 09
Friend evolution is a natures process and we cannot take part it. The only way that we can take part in it by moulding our self in the natures way. We can see the giraffe. The neck grew tall by itself and its not man who has done this its nature who has done this. Nature create in any way it wants. This kind is called evolution i feel.
@marguicha (225708)
• Chile
23 Sep 09
Evolutions is not just a thery: there are things that are proved. But one thing does not mean we have to throw the other out of our minds. I am agnostic, I am not capable of understanding this but... wouldn´t it all have needed an inicial spark of energy?
I understand evolution as change but the beginning of change needs a push. Could that be called creation?
@Zaneclan (68)
• India
23 Sep 09
This is a good question. Frankly I do not know myself.
I might say I believe in evolution, but most of the scientific theories are still just theories and not facts. Take for example the darwin's theory.
I might say I believe in creation. Yet again there are so many unanswered questions that cannot be answered if we say that man was created by god.
Yet there is a lot science has still not discovered. The amount of knowledge and discovery that Man has made is equal to a drop of water compared to the water on planet earth.
Not now but it might be proved later that creation is how Man set his foot on earth.
It's to an individual to believe what they want as not either can be proved yet.
@amandakringle (109)
• United States
23 Sep 09
i believe in both, being a christian this goes against everything that I have ever been taught, but I believe that perhaps they are a part of each other. for example the " Big Bang Theory" what caused it? What put all those elements together? I believe that it was divine inspirtaion. The bible says that god created the world in 6 days by speaking it into exixtance, not that I am denying the power of God, but why can't his speaking it have caused the big bang? The bible mentions "leviathans and behemoth" in Job chapters 40 & 41. I beleive that evolution also exists that animals adapt to their surroundings. If it it didnt would their be so many different species that we have now and there wouldnt be so may skeletons of other species. While human kind cannot fully explain either I think that it is a rational idea to say that the two ideas maybe interconnected.
@UCantSeeMe (116)
• United States
24 Sep 09
Deffinatly evolution. I got a problem beliving that poof everything just magically showed up.
Everyone is well the bible claims that these wise men claimed the lord spoke to them and told them how everything was created and how his laws are suppose to be. Nowadays you tell someont you talked to an invisible man your rear is gettin thrown in a straight jacket.
though there is little proof to prove either side i have to go with some kind of evolution based on dinosaurs and present day animals.
I base my "opinon" on common sence not ooogy boogy things.