How do you handle stress?

September 30, 2009 9:45pm CST
I always go up to my room and crochet or knit and don't talk to anybody, but when my buttons get pushed to the point of no return...I blow!!! I get so loud, that you can hear me all over the country. Though it appears that I keep alot inside, I'm usually very calm, and it takes a long time for me to break. What do you do? cd
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23 responses
• United States
1 Oct 09
I get quiet when I get stressed. I tend to need time to myself to meditate and relax. I like to think things through and try hard not to say anything I will regret later. I think mediation is the best stress relief for me. I focus on the point of my stress and usually work my way out of it before I even know what hit me.
• Canada
1 Oct 09
You sound similar to me, in that you find soumething to do to keep you quiet. I tend to make myself busy by using my hands to keep my mind off of it. When I'm ready, then I'll speak. cd
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• United States
1 Oct 09
I most certainly do like to stay quiet until ready to speak. I have never been good at sewing, stitching, knitting or anything like that. My hands just do not seem to work like that. I wish I could though because I have heard it is a wonderful tool to managing your emotions. Perhaps someday I will be able to do things with my hands.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
1 Oct 09
I handle stress best by working in the garden. If that's not possible, I'll clean the heck out of something, like the kitchen, bathroom, whatever. Normally, I'm extremely laid-back. It takes a lot to make me explode. But, it also takes a lot to stress me out, too. My husband has done a wonderful job of giving me enough to cause stress. Social Security has, too. Luckily, I'm able to work it off. I usually need to do something very physical like gardening or cleaning. I do knit and crochet but if I try to do it when I'm stressed, I usually screw up in the counting. If stress gets too bad but doesn't make me want to explode, I usually end up sleeping more. I have a great built-in safety mechanism. My brain just shuts down and I go to sleep. My sister used to get a rash whenever she was stressed. That's the weirdest reaction I've ever heard of for stress. I've heard of getting hives when stressed but never the rash she got.
• Canada
7 Oct 09
I do the same as you I'll clean till there's nothing left to to clean I cleaning out the basment and that's job in it's self plus I crochet if that dosen't work watch out I'll blow and there will be no roof on the house.... cd
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
1 Oct 09
I have a unique ability, when I am home, to go lay down and watch television. Will fall asleep and wake up like a new person. I don't get mad that easily. Takes a lot to infuritate me. Our kids are grown so my stress level is much lower now than it use to be several years ago. We have three daughters so it was a very busy house.
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
1 Oct 09
Should read, "infuriate me." My keyboard can't spell today!
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• Canada
2 Oct 09
That's good I understand you I got a daughter 32yrs old and she use have me go all over the place now it's her turn for her to pamper me. cd
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• United States
1 Oct 09
I hide. I turn on my music or my computer in my bedroom...
• Canada
2 Oct 09
I do the same as you do. cd
@malamar (779)
• Canada
1 Oct 09
I kick the cat! Just kidding, I don't even have a cat, honest I don't. I get phsyical when I get stressed - walking, running, gardening, bike riding... whatever it takes to work it off and work through it. I have learned it is best to put your brain in gear, before you put your mouth in motion! Bottling up your agression or stress is dangerous, but so is inflicting it on others (especially those who are closest to us).
2 people like this
• Canada
2 Oct 09
That's good for you physical ex. and good to get rid of the stress I understand you I often go out walking to get rid of it to. But I do have cats but never hurt eather.Just the ones I like to humans not the animals. cd
@malamar (779)
• Canada
2 Oct 09
Hey there cd. Kick the cat is just a slang expression around here, it has no reflection whatsoever on our little furry four-legged friends. I guess we have all met the odd person here and there that we would like to boot in the butt, haven't we? I don't do it physically, but sometimes in my head I inflict some grievous punishment
@jastok (25)
• China
13 Oct 09
ha ha,too much pressure will do bad to our health if we can not release it ,different people choose different ways to vent their spleen.if i feel too much pressure i will shout out ,but not at home ,i will find some empty place and shout out loudly,after that i will feel better. I think people can't endure too much thing or hold their emotions ,appropriate vent is very necessary.
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• Canada
13 Oct 09
I agree with you about that I would do the same as you do. cd
@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
1 Oct 09
Good morning, crazydaisy. Sounds like you and I are out of the same cut of cloth! I very, very seldom blow.....but I even fear myself when I do! I seem to bury it all, then it erupts like a geyser, and in order to relieve the pressure, I have to do hard physical work, (chopping wood, turning over the garden,etc.,) things with a lot of sweat equity, that relieves that aggression! Wish I were like you and could allay the build-up with a quiet response, moderate behaviour! Have a great day..and Cheers!
2 people like this
• Canada
2 Oct 09
The reason I make blankets are one way to get rid of stress and I don't have any would to chop if there was I think I'll take down all the trees.HaHA.but you are right about that same type of cloth! Plus I listen to some music. cd
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
2 Oct 09
Go for walks, esp. down the road and/or in the woods. Punch pillows, dance to music, yell at someone, I go years between screamings and kicking the heck out of doors.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
2 Oct 09
Yeah, I know, but you must be getting lots of options to consider. Take care and hope this year is a less stressful one for all of us.
• Canada
2 Oct 09
I don't do that. cd
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@Archie0 (5652)
14 Oct 09
When you are stressing - imagine the worst thing that can happen - and try to accept it. If that makes you uncomfortable, try meditation or breathing calmly while focusing on accepting the possibility something bad will happen.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
15 Oct 09
I try to find something big to do such as cleaning up the debris in the woods or something strenuous like that to work it off otherwise, I'd go off in a split second. I don't have any patience when under stress and have to work it out or go batty! lol At times when I'm not stressed out, I have a longer fuse but dang it all when I'm stressed, whoa, let me be till I work it off. lol
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• Canada
15 Oct 09
I got at cleaning up the house and don't stop or I go in to kniting which is good. cd
• United States
12 Oct 09
I am the same way. I wait until someone keeps pestering me until I eventually explode. Last week I got into it with someone and exploded. =(
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• Canada
12 Oct 09
I hope your'e feeling better now!!! cd
@babyish13 (227)
• Philippines
12 Oct 09
i just listen to music or perhaps read a good book.
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• Canada
12 Oct 09
I do the same thing as you do I listen to music. cd
• United States
12 Oct 09
When I'm stressed I go shopping, which stresses me out even more because I usually can't afford to go shopping, haha. So to get rid of the double stress, I wear my new clothes and go for a walk. There is this wonderful trail near the river in the city where I live, and it is so serene and peaceful it's hard not to melt your stress away.
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• Canada
12 Oct 09
That's sound like a good idea I should try it out and see if it works out I love shopping as well but going for a nice long walk to park is good. cd
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
3 Oct 10
Stress is overloading the mind with multiple thoughts or pressures, that the mind or brain cannot able to we burst out in anxiety and tension.I does it through my yoga, listening music and going out on vacation.
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• Canada
3 Oct 10
I do the same as you I am thinking about saving up for a vacation next year in between Janurary or May I not sure but I'll still listen to my music. cd
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
21 Sep 10
Well most of the time, its my job which gives more stress. I use to manage stress, listening musiq, playing violen and i like chocolates, and i feel i get refreshed after having my chocolates and above all Meditation is best way to balance and handle stress.
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• Canada
21 Sep 10
I do the same thing as you do .I eat chocolate ,or listen to music. cd
@GardenGerty (162464)
• United States
12 Oct 09
Hi, crazy daisy. I handle stress by going online and occupying my mind. I find MyLot to be a good stress reliever when it is working right, and freelance writing is as well. I also play some games and post to Gather. I think mostly it is my friends online that relieve my stress.
• Canada
12 Oct 09
I do that as well as you do I enjoy mylot as well. cd
@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
2 Oct 09
Hi crazydaisy, the way I handled stress in the past was to go out and spend time with my big - Dalmatien/Great Dane cross - dosile, friendly, and very lovable dog. I would forget what was bothering me after a few minutes.
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• Canada
2 Oct 09
That's a very good way to get rid of stress. cd
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
2 Oct 09
I can be the best friend you could ever find.....but I can be the worst enemy too....It takes alot to get me mad but when you do look out....get the heck out of my way! When I have stress I do something crafty too......I do some stamping or painting.....making something releases the tension.
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• Canada
2 Oct 09
I am the same as you are as far being good friend I'll be there for you but watch out if you cross me I be you be very sorry and wish you never did. cd
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
2 Oct 09
I can take a lot, but when I have had enough, well, I blow up. When my stressors start, I usually try to diffuse them, but often times that doesn't work and I will try to keep myself as busy as possible in the attempt to calm myself. Unfortunately, a lot of times, this is the time when my kids decide to begin fighting, yelling, and basically soing every little thing that they know not to do to push me farther and farther. If I am lucky, my husband is home and I can go take a few minutes to myself without having to worry about the kids destroying the house, but on some occassions, they push me until I get to the point where I simply blow up. I do yell, and I am not proud of it, but when I do, they know that they need to stop the behavior right now. If it is something else stressingme out, I try to take a few steps back and look at things from a different perspective. This usually helps me figure out the problem and thus, releive a bit of stress.
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• Canada
6 Oct 09
I do the same as you do to get rid of stress I try to stay as calm as I can but when I blow watch out I knit or clean the house till I calm and not talk to anybody for days till I feel better. cd
@kunizzul (1066)
• Malaysia
3 Oct 09
I will go out to the town and hang up with my friends. Chatting and drinks with them. Then I will tell them all the problem I got. I think its the best way for me to tell someone my problems. After that I will feel much more comfort.
• Canada
4 Oct 09
That's a good way I think I'll try and see what happens Thanks for letting me know I got brothers out town. cd
@bettydeng5 (1822)
• China
2 Oct 09
If I have the stress from life, job or other things,I will find a best friend to tell my stress to her, and release my emotion, I think talk to others will help the one release stress, because friends will tell you what you should do ,what you don't need to I think it's not good if we shade our things.
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• Canada
2 Oct 09
I agree with you . cd