I have called the Police tonight!!

October 5, 2009 6:33pm CST
My husband goes cycling, and running, every night, one or the other. Where we live, we have cycle tracks, they are surrounded by trees, very scenic, and one is at the back of the school, my daughter attends. Just recently, he has told me, he has seen a *wierd* looking guy, loitering down the track, he said he looks like he is up to something, kind of hides in the trees, and looks totally suspicious. He said he has a feeling about him, as he sees him, loitering on different parts of the track, and seems to be there a lot. He said he is greek appearance, approx 50 something, wearing a blue coat. I was concerned when my husband told me this, but then, just tonight, my children went to the store (2 mins away) and on the way home, there was a man, about 50 something, they said, who had his *willy* out, in a neighbours driveway. They were shocked, and he walked towards my children, beckoning them. They ran away, fast, and burst in the house to tell me. I asked what he looked like, they said he was wearing a blue coat!! I have called the police, i have a bad feeling about this, the police said i did the right thing, and are going to call us again tomorrow. I can not be too careful, these things scare me, who is this guy? and what is he doing? I am asking you, as i am really concerned now, would you feel the same, and have called the cops, if this was in your neighbourhood? My children now have a boundary, as the dark nights are coming, and i do not want them out there, as long as this guy is wandering! Would you feel the same as me? You cannot be too careful!!
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25 responses
@littleowl (7157)
6 Oct 09
Hi Helen, I would definitly call the cops! It is awful to have a person like that loitering around, who knows what he could be up to, for all you know he could be a rapist or just a streaker, whichever it is against the law,round the back of me I have a field and a church path that leads to the village, there has been a streaker seen round the bushes in the field or jumping out of unsuspecting people walking up or down the Church path...he appears now and then but mainly during the winter am not sure how many times he has been reported and found but he still does that. I really hope the person around where you live will be caught it obviously isn''t safe at the moment for any woman especially walking out in the dark there...hugs LoLo
6 Oct 09
Hi hun, My kids are going nowhere! beyond my garden from now on, till i know this guy has been found. The cops are concerned, and calling us tomorrow, as my hubby went out, to look around the area tonight, but there was no sign of him, but they wanted us to call, if he spotted him. We are going to be watching like a hawk now, and the police are now aware, so i suspect they will send cars to patrol the area, they took it very seriously. My kids are going nowhere near that track, till this is sorted. Thanks hun.
@littleowl (7157)
6 Oct 09
Hi Helen, am glad that the police have taken this so seriously, we can only hope that this pervert will be caught and sooner than later..hugs LoLo
@malamar (779)
• Canada
6 Oct 09
Forestgold, you absolutely did the right thing in calling the police. It is also very wise to be extra diligent when yourself or your children are outside. These creeps are scary, and no-one can determine when the deviant behaviour might escalate. We can never be too careful with our personal safety, and any "restrictions" you put on your children now might save you some incredible grief later on. I personally wouldn't let my young kids out of the house without some sort of supervision until this guy is caught. It is just not worth the risk. I am not an alarmist, but we are living in very challenging times. We read in the paper about kids being scooped out of shopping malls, their own front yards, on the way home from school, and so on. A man who exposes himself to children isn't all that far away from abducting a child, you know what I'm saying?
6 Oct 09
Hi mal, Yes, absolutely, i agree. I am even wary myself now, to take my dog down the track, as this is where i take her a lot, but it can be pretty lonely and quiet down there, with lots of places to hide. My kids have been told, and they understand, that there are going to be boundaries now, and NO way, they go near the cycle tracks. The dark nights are coming in, so they can stay home, and have their friends round here, as we always escort them home. Better safe than sorry. Thankyou hun.
• United States
6 Oct 09
oh jesus.i'd call the cops too. you have to wonder how that thought even gets in a man's head. damn sickos.
6 Oct 09
Hi scarlet, yes sick indeed, and to approach them, is even worse. What was he up to??? My kids ran away, i am glad they heeded my warnings about stranger danger, they did the right thing, i am always warning them about strangers, and to just run like hell, if one ever approaches them.
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Oct 09
we had a guy here the neighborhood fathers caught-and pinned til the cops came. he was going right up to the k-5 school and pulling that. 75 years old,shame on him.
13 Oct 09
75???? My god, where will it ever end? I am so glad he was pinned down, and taken by the cops, I hope they throw the key away....
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Oct 09
hi forestgold hatley here. wow that guy should be caught and 'p;ut in jail,imagine doing that in front of little kids, he must be some sort of pervert. Your instincts were indeed'sound and he should be caught before he actually harms someone. I sure would not trust someone like that loitering and lurking around my own neighborhood at all. He well could be a rapist, one never knows but likely he is a coward ,at any event he was'breaking moral laws and real laws and should be in jail.
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6 Oct 09
Hi Hatley, You are so right, he was exposing himself, in a neighbours garden, and approached my kids, that is enough for me, to want to beat the living daylights out of him. I think it is the same guy, my hubby has seen loitering, the description fits, and my kids did not know about that, we just told them, they are not to go to rinkfield (which is down by the tracks) so i do not think this is a coicidence. The police are now aware, and my kids are grounded, beyond the front door, but they do understand. I really am worried about this, you can never be too sure, so no way, are they allowed past certain boundaries now, especially as the nights are drawing in.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
6 Oct 09
Oh yes..I would feel the same. These people are everywhere and we can't be to safe. It being that close to home is really scary. Be careful and if you see anything weird..I would call the police again. It might save someone's life.
1 person likes this
6 Oct 09
Thanks jen, I know you never can be too careful, and this guy sounds highly suspicious to me, my hubby noticed him a few times, acting suspiciously, near the back of the school, on the cycle track. I have informed the school, after what happened yesterday, as a lot of the kids go home down the tracks. You just never know hun.
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
6 Oct 09
Dear Helen, You did the right thing. Precaution is better! By the way, does your neighbourhood has those neighbourhood society that conduct 'Neighbourhood Watch'? It is good to alert more people at your neighbourhood on this matter so everyone is more aware. They will help an eye on each other... When my sister take bus home, she said this 'flasher' like to come near the bus stop, when others went up their respective bus, she was left alone becuase her bus not yet come. This 'flasher' will flash and gave a 'chicky' smile. My sister then decided to drive to work..
6 Oct 09
Hi irene we dont have the neighbourhood watch scheme on our road, unfortunately. I know the neighbours are vigilant though, there was a tramp hanging around, a few months ago now, and my neighbour kept on at the police, and got him moved on. He lived in the bushes, behind the store, it was unnerving, as no one knew where he had come from etc... Your sis must have been freaked out, i dont blame her opting to drive, sounds like another danger to society was on the loose there!
13 Oct 09
Thankyou very much, we both did the right thing. It is very scary, and we do need to be very careful.
• United States
6 Oct 09
I would have called the police right away too! How scary! This happened once to my children and we did contact the police right away. Conducting a neighborhood watch is also a good idea, have everyone keep an eye out while they are out and about. Maybe the man wil become afraid and move on, or better yet be caught!
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
6 Oct 09
Oh my goodness, you did the right thing. Yes, I certainly would have called the police. My children would also have a stricter boundary too. I would also not let them walk to the store alone until this nut is off of the streets and I mean for good. He was up to no good and beckoning your children to him was not a good thing to do. Your children did very good in running to you about this. It was very smart of them and shows they have been taught well and will respond in the correct manner should anything ever happen like this, as they have shown. Good for them and you for the actions taken. I hope the police put him in jail and he stays there.
6 Oct 09
Thankyou moondancer. I have drilled it into them, over and over and over, and seems it paid off (thank god) i have warned them, just anyone!!! they do not know, who approaches them, run like hell, if they grab you, scream the world down, attract attention!! scream! I know it sounds crazy, but this is what i have told them, over and over. So when this guy approached, the ran!! just like i told them to, i told them, i was proud of them, now mummy is going to call the police on this nasty man, and you two, are going to have restrictions, no more going to the store etc, until the police find this man. They totally understood, they are more than willing to stay home. here is hoping they catch the perv, they are going to patrol the area, they have been to our house tonight, and we had a good talk. They were great, and are taking this matter very seriously. Thanks hun.
@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
6 Oct 09
you did the right thing not the sae as I would of done sorry to sy because I have called the cops before my daughter was at the corner where I could see her all of a sudden I heard her scream no an she started running toward the house I am not sure if you know or not but i andisable so I dont move so good no more but big mam bear came out when i her my daughters disstressed well she got to me an behind her were 2 cars one with just a lady in it an another with a lady an her children they followed my daughter home they said because some guy in a red truck truck tried too grab her though the passengers side of his truck I taught my daughters to scream fight an do whatever it takes to get whoever grabs you to let go which she did an i amproud of her for that anyway I called the cops an they took 1hour an ahalf to get to my house heck whoever it was is probary left the state by now they told me if he comes back call them but do not say anything to him I told the cops you will know which one tried to snag my daughter he will be the one swinging from my tree needless to say my daughter had to sleep with me for about a week but she is doing fine now dosen't even think of it an as far as the cops catching him forget I think if a donut was tied around his neck they would of tried hard keep also in mind I dont' dislike the police i have alot of respect for most of them even the one I married lolbut some you got to wonder what gose though there heads are
@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
6 Oct 09
well disabled or not there is a reason they have called me the neighborhood mom for as long as I rember let someone mess with one of the kids my hiney will run down the stairs or roll which ever is quicker an whoever is bothering any of the kids need to pray the cops come before I get to them
6 Oct 09
Hi enola, I am so sorry hun, i did not know you were disabled. I can understand your disdain, and i would be going nuts!!! if that was me. There is good cop, and bad cop (believe me hun, i know) and they should have been reported for being so lax!! that is disgraceful! Thank god your daughter was ok, but that is not the point is it? She should have been a priority! and you should have that confidence, they will try to find the offender, immediately!! That is a disgrace, and i soley, and totally understand your point. You were let down, simple as, and that is bad!!
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
6 Oct 09
no doubt about it, I would call the cops right away. I probably would have called them after my husband telling me of some strange suspicious guy hanging about on the tracks. We have a bike path where I live and I won't allow my daughter down it on her own. Why? There have been attempted rapes and muggings numerous times.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
7 Oct 09
I am so glad to hear that! You can never be too careful these days. Sometimes I do walk to the store at night and it would be quicker for me to take that bike path but I just won't. I'll get the extra exercise and take the long route and stay on the public road with lots of traffic. My friend who got mugged at knife-point is a pretty big guy and a fighter but who can really defend themselves against a knife? he gave the guy what he wanted which was his wallet and a vial of painkillers.
6 Oct 09
Hi sid, Ditto, i do go down there alone, but never feel quite comfy. My friend was dragged down the same track 12 yrs ago now, he dragged her from behind, and sexually assaulted her, she fought him off, and ran like hell, straight into the main road, hysterical!! If there was a car oncoming, she could have been killed. The cops never found the guy, who knows, this is not the same pervert? You just never know. i will not be going down there alone anymore, and my children? that is a massive NO NO from now on!....
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
6 Oct 09
You were right to call the police, that man may have kidnapped your children or at least one of them. Those people are perverts and dangerous. I never allowed my children to go out by themselves-or even into a public bathroom alone-until they were old enough to defend themselves. Yes, I was overprotective but my kids were safe. The world is full of loonies and perverts. Here in the states it's impossible to keep someone like that behind bars, they commit their heinous crimes again and again until they finally kill a child then they're put away for a few years. It's disgusting that our justice system has more regard for perverts' rights than children's!
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
7 Oct 09
I'm so glad you watch over your children! Don't pay attention to the other parents, those are the ones who will have regrets. It's a find line between protecting and overprotecting but a mother usually knows what's best. There are so many parents who think as long as a child is school aged they should be allowed free rein to roam the streets or go places by themselves--those are usually the ones with regrets, because they were serving their own needs, not their child's. Kudos to you!
6 Oct 09
Hi hun, over protective is good, i am sort of the same, i do put restrictions on my kids, that other paqrents do not, and they accuse me of treating them like a baby!! SO be it, i am not bothered about what other parents do, my concern is MY kids, and i will do, what i feel i have to, simple as. The police said they would phone, they actually knocked on the door, and we had a good chat. The officers were brilliant, and are going to patrol the area, and make sure the next shift officers do the same. They said, they need to find this guy, and have a talk, and find out what he is up to. They are going to keep us informed of any developments, they did not like it one bit. I have every confidence in them.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
6 Oct 09
Yes, I would feel exactly the same as you. It is a very creepy feeling to know that there is a deviant hanging around. Hopefully, with your husband's and children's description of this man, he will be caught. If the police ask them to be witnesses in court, I would agree to do it, if I were them, just to ensure that this man is put away so that you and others can feel safer. We had a neighbor when I was little whom my mother told me to steer clear of. He lived on the next street over from ours but we had a connecting alley. He lived far down the street from where we lived and I was told to never play in the alley behind his house because he was a flasher. He supposedly never came out of his house but would stand in his open doorway exposing himself to children. I did see him one time because I passed by his house on my way to the neighborhood playground and glanced over at his house. Being a kid, of course I was curious. There he was, standing at the doorway and was obviously naked. I didn't get a good look (drat!) because his screen door was closed and his house was dark inside. I also didn't hang around. This man was creepy!
6 Oct 09
Thanks mentalward (love the name)... drat? hahaha, i know what you mean. Bloody pervert, he should have been strung up by the b...s! I hope he was eventually stopped... Sicko,... Thanks for sharing that...
@srganesh (6339)
• India
6 Oct 09
You have done the right thing.If I were in your shoes,I too would do the same....call the police.Anonymous man like that wandering would scare even adults and we need not say much about how kids would be scared.So,the cops should soon clear him off from the scene and hope your kids will have extended boundary to roam and play around.Cheers!
6 Oct 09
Thankyou hun. two cops turned up at my house tonight, they are taking this very serious. They are going to patrol the area, and log it down at the station, for next shift, to do the same. They were wonderful, their attitude is, they are going to try find this creep, and question his motives, and if he is not doing anything wrong, he will be willing to talk to the officers. They doubt he will be keen to talk though. They are going to keep us informed, as and when, they find him.
@suzzy3 (8341)
7 Oct 09
How awful for your poor kids.I would have definately called the police.I would also put boundaries on the kids as well. These type of men are sick and need catching good you did call the police and not let him get away with it,goodness knows what he would have done to them if he had caught them.He sounds distincive enough for the police to find him quickly.How creepy is that.You are right to be concerned I am concerned and don't live anywhere near you.my son is sixteen so I don't have those worries anymore thank goodness ,I do beleave it is getting worse.Take care sue.
13 Oct 09
I agree, it is a huge worry. Thankyou Sue, for your response...
@Citychic (4067)
• United States
6 Oct 09
Hello forestgold, I feel like you did the right thing. I would get kind of nervous too if some man did this around my children. It seems like there are always a few like this around. So you must keep an eye out at all times. It happened to my oldest sis when she was a little girl about five or six. She was on her way to the store and out of the woods came this weird guy. I think he tried to call her over to him. It's no telling what might have happened if she had of gone. I am so glad that she had better sense than to go over to him. And thank God you had the right mind to call the police in ur situation. It's always best to follow ur gut feelings about such things. Good luck with you family and always think, safety first....E.
6 Oct 09
Hi citychic, Thankyou, and thank god your sis did not respond. I do believe in that *gut feeling* and i sure got one, with this guy. The police and school are aware now, so he may find himself, being hauled in for questioning, hopefully!! I will keep all informed. Thankyou.
@GardenGerty (162464)
• United States
6 Oct 09
You did exactly the right thing, and you are also right keeping your kids on a short leash so to speak. Do not let them go out without another one keeping them company. At the very least this man is an exhibitionist, and he could be much more. I hope the police get him soon. Meanwhile warn the children's school so that other kids also get the word about the "stranger danger".
6 Oct 09
Hi Garden, Thankyou, i have phoned the school this morning, not to scare monger, but just to make them aware that this guy is in the area. He might be harmless, backward or something, then again, he might be a paedophile, loitering. You just have to take no chances. Thanks hun.
@abbey19 (3106)
• Gold Coast, Australia
6 Oct 09
OMG - you did right calling the Police after what happened when your children saw this weirdo. I would have done the same had this happened in our neighbourhood. Make sure your children stick to the restrictions you have set them until this character is caught. Where our children are concerned, you can't be too careful. I hope the Police can find out something about him and do something about it.
6 Oct 09
Hi abbey, Thanks hun, i hope the police look out for this guy, and ask him what he is doing etc... They are calling my hubby tonight, for a full description and details etc, as he has seen him a few times, and said he is definetely acting odd!, loitering, and looks suspicious.
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
6 Oct 09
[b]Any decent parent would feel exactly as you! You did exactly the right thing. It sounds as if you've also taught your children well, too. Proud of you, lady! Most flashers are, as perverts go, harmless, physically, anyway, but there's always that odd(er!) one out that proves the rule, so lock all doors & windows, & then ask God to protect you, & you'll be fine. Don't worry, because your kids will pick on it & be scared. Anyway, after you've secured your home & prayed, there's nothing to worry about! By the way, I've seen 3 flashers in my life. One at a swimming hole in the western Pennsylvania woods at age 11. I was alone, & I yelled at him to go away, & that my family was close by (true--but they weren't in line of sight They'd have heard me had I hollered, though. The second one came when I was 16. He was right outside the bathroom window while I was visiting a friend's. She thought I was joking because I was so calm--but then her mom came home & rushed into the house to call police. Then my friend freaked out. I never did, though. The last time was, oh...20 years ago, maybe? I didn't actually see the guy, well, not the jiggly bits of which he was sooo proud (), as he was standing at my front door, & I turned on the porch light, opened he door to see who was "knocking"--he'd been bumping the screen--saw his pants circling his feet, bare legs above that, stopped looking upward immediately & went back to report it to my roomie at the time. That's Elicbxn here on Mybot. Anyway, just be calm. It'll be okay. Maggiepie "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?"[/b]
6 Oct 09
Thankyou very much maggie, I have drummed it into my kids, about wierdos, and strangers, so i was proud that they ran away, when he approached them. I saw a flasher also one night, and even to a woman, it can be scary, so i can relate to what you say. They are sick!!! This guy could be anyone, he might be harmless, but then again, he might not. You cant just assume, you have to be very careful. I have let the school know this morning, just to warn them, as the tracks are near the school, where my hubby has seen this guy loitering in the bushes. Both guys, were wearing a blue coat, so it sounds like he is one and the same, and that is a huge worry. Thankyou very much for you comment.
1 person likes this
6 Oct 09
Hi Helen. OMG!!! hun, you did right thing, these day and age we are hearing all sorts of thing about child been aducted and there are lots of pevert arond, I hope the police gets him, your hubby should be careful as well on this cycling ridees, my hubby does the same on his bike but he goes to far out about 40/50 miles ride and I am always worrying, No, don't let the kis out on their own for a while at least. Hugs. Tamara xxxx
6 Oct 09
Hi Tam, thanks hun, yes, it is unnerving, and i also do worry about my hubby, when he dissapears off for miles on end. I have phoned the school, just to let them know, you cannot be too careful.
@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
6 Oct 09
Yes, you did the right thing by calling the police now they can look for him and put him in jail. You are right to have your children come into the house when it is getting dark until the police fine that man. Hopefully they can fine him soon.
6 Oct 09
Thankyou. They are staying in my sight now.
@hexeduser22 (7418)
• Philippines
6 Oct 09
You did the right thing. Like you, I would also call the cops because the guy is a freak.
6 Oct 09
Thanks for responding, He definetely sounds suspicious... I agree.