schould i trust god ever agin

United States
October 6, 2009 5:22pm CST
i have ben thro so many bad thing in life and now i dont no if i should belive in god any mor if god is such a good person and somthing to belive in then why dose he mess up my life. i have ben in phicicl mental and emontional pain for all most eighteen years now i come for an abueing family i have thought my selfe not to trust anyone ane to live with pain cause thats what god want is for me to live in pain yes or no
19 responses
@Rtlsnk316 (1197)
• Mexico
6 Oct 09
I think you are either depressed or somewhat confused. You should have faith in God only if you truly believe He's the Almighty. No matter what pain you could be in, remember this and is not to make anybody else feel bad, but there's always someone with FAR more problems than you and you can still get a smile out of them. I happen to know a few people like that ... Cheer up, hey, you're still here ... enjoy life the way you like it.
7 Oct 09
"Enjoy life the way you like it." Amen!
@IMEzekieL (498)
7 Oct 09
Depression is probably one of the chief reasons why people turn their backs on their faith. Regarding your question, well it's up to you. Personally, I think there's nothing wrong with believing in God. Faith gives hope - no doubt about that.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
7 Oct 09
i think so... there is no reason for you at all not trust Him because you had undergo so many bad things in life... God never promise His children that we will have a nice and comfortable life if we follow Him... but He promise that He will always be with us to give us the strength and comfort that we needed through our bad times... also, those bad times will shape us to become a better person and our relationship with Him will also be strengthen if we can pass through those bad times... never give up your faith in Him because He never abandoned nor give up on you... you can trust me on this... good luck... take care and have a nice day...
@tundeemma (894)
• South Africa
7 Oct 09
yes you should continue to trust God since you cannot say he is responsible for all the bad things you have experienced, as humans we all have bad experiences but we must also thank God that we are alive, you need to know that God can make things work for the better in your life as you strengthen your faith in him
@iceydon (342)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
I think you should still believe in God. Going through all sorts of pain must not end our belief on the supreme being, the Almighty God. All the things that we experienced are made to make us more stronger in faith and in life. God loves you.
• United States
7 Oct 09
If you are Christian, then not only do you believe in God but in Satan. Then why does everyone blame God for their problems but not the devil? God doesn't CAUSE our problems. We do. The devil does. Believe me, I was right where you are 12 years ago. I almost lost my faith in God, but I've found that when I turned to Him things seemed better. My problems didn't go away and things didn't always get easier, but I felt stronger. The Bible says, "Therefore since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin." 1 Peter 4:1 Remember, Christ suffered a far greater persecution than any of us will ever imagine, so, in our suffering and our faith, we grow closer to God. I will be praying for you.
• India
7 Oct 09
God is a concept to draw strength from in our life. Whether we are going thru good phase or bad phase, god is always there with us…however, we have to live our lives ourselves, no amount of praying can ease our burden for us. Right now you are going thru a bad phase but ultimately you too will have good times to enjoy your life. Keep faith and have hope.
@cheenlly (3476)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
Well, its been 30 years now and my life is still miserable.I didn't grow up as a happy person as i experience a lot of sad/verbal abuse from family but i never yet come to the point that i lost my belief in God. Every time my life turns bad i always told myself that there's a reason why it is happening to me and that makes me hold my belief to God. Believing that He give me a problem because He knows that i can handle it and that i can solve it. Whatever reason that is, that's what i'm going to find out and i won't never stop believing on HIm. He is just there guiding me. In the end i believe i will still find my happiness and that everything will turn back into pieces. Its hard but i have belief and i have my faith that everything will be ok with His help.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
7 Oct 09
I am sorry that life has been so hard on you. You sound very depressed. Maybe talking to a professional could help you sort your feelings out. They really can be very helpful and especially when one has suffered abuse. We all have our personal demons and obsticiles in our lives that we have to overcome and rise above. It's what life is all about. We should never ever give up striving to become better people and create a better life for ourselves. If you could get help to work thru the pain of being abused by your parents then you could be in a great position to help other children who have suffered abuse. That is just an example. You can't give up. You are not meant to suffer and live in pain. Life is full of pain and suffering and that's a part of it but it also has joy and fun. You have to know how to recognize the good and savor it. It will help you thru the bad stuff. I hope you are able to seek out the help you need. You deserve happiness in your life.{{{hugs}}}
• United States
7 Oct 09
NO, God doesn't want you to live in pain, and he hurts while you are hurting. We don't know why God allows one to suffer, and we may never know until we meet him some day. However, there could be many things to think about...You say you come from an abusive family...If you are 18, you should try to get out of it. God can't physically remove your body, from that environment, but by praying to God, he could give you the strength to find the way out that you need. God gives us all a free will to do what we want to do, and it often depends on our actions that make our lives the way it goes. So instead of blaming God for your situation, ask God to guide you in what you need to do, in order to get out of the situation you are in..Somehow, he will show you the way.
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
I highly recommend you should trust God more! You're not the only person experiencing some bad things in life, We also do, I also do but I didn't blame God for what happen to me. Instead, I strengthen my faith on him more. If God closes a door he surely opens a window. Believe me, God don' want to see you in pain. You should see the other side until now you're alive, that pain you've said it can make you strong. Remember,the fire that melts the butter is the same fire that hardens the steel. Trust him!
@Koriana (302)
• United States
7 Oct 09
Always leave a door open for a miracle. It might not come, but well, if you keep the door shut, it more than likely won't for sure.
• Tunisia
7 Oct 09
any one had a bad days but that is not mean that god doesnt exist ,god test us in every thing in life,thats all
@angeliam (206)
• China
7 Oct 09
be a positive person is good.try to see the positive sides of life.
@thyst07 (2079)
• United States
7 Oct 09
Just to warn're probably going to get some judgmental responses here telling you that the reason your life is bad is because your faith in God isn't strong enough. At least, that's the kind of response I always got when I was in your situation. It's up to you to decide on your own faith. I decided a few years ago that conventional Christianity didn't work for my life and didn't make sense, and since then I've been very open-minded about my spirituality. Basically, I believe that most religions offer some wisdom, but none of them have a complete monopoly on truth. I think the key thing to remember is that having a faith or a spirituality, whatever form it takes, is not going to fix your problems. Even if you believe in the Bible, it never once says "Have faith in God and He will make your life easier because he loves you." The people who say that God is going to dump all kinds of wonderful blessings on you just for believing in Him are kind of full of baloney, in my opinion. I think that religion/faith is there to give you a sense of strength and purpose to help you through your challenges, not fix them for you.
@2babita (1072)
• India
7 Oct 09
It is very sad to hear your story.But don't ever forget Him.He takes a lot of examination and He see how much we love Him.I think we all have pain and suffering somebody has less somebody has more,but we all are suffering.If you are a christian then you must have read the story of"St Antony","St Peter" and even our Fod's only Son.He also suffered and curicified.If you are religion then there is also some stories which shows the suffering and pain.So don't get discertain God had listerned you prayer and He will help you.Good luck and lots of blessing.
@doormouse (4599)
7 Oct 09
i've also had a lot of pain in my life and i still believe,god has a plan for everyone,whether we no what it is or not,he hasn't chosen this pain for you coz you deserve it in any way,it's probably coz he knows you're a strong person and can cope with it,things will get better,don't give up your faith,,everything happens for a reason
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
Hi sissy.. I know what you feel right now. But please don't lose hope nor lose your faith to God. God is always there for you and He's there to help you. As it is written in the Bible from the book of Isiah 41:10 "Fear thou not for I am with thee be not dismayed for I am thy God, I will strengthen thee, yeah I will help thee, with the right hand of my righteousness. Don't lose hope sissy. Like you i had allot of problems too and sometimes I also think If God is still there. But Yes,, He's really there. I had utter allot of prayers and I can say the He didn't answered it all. God's answers our prayers in three ways, YES, NO and WAIT. If God answers our prayer with yes meaning he hears our prayer and will give you what you are asking for. If He answers NO, it doesn't mean that He didn't hear our prayer, He hears us but he has plan for us. And if your keep on praying and He's not yet answering your prayer it means that you have to wait. Be patient sissy.. May you have a blessed day!
• Japan
7 Oct 09
You must always trust god in all situations.All the bad things happening to you is due to karmas perforemed during your last birth and the same applies to good things.Praising god in good times and not doing so in bad times is not healthy.So i always trust god.Many unbeleivable things can be acheived through prayers.But it all depends on a individual to beleive in god.If everybody beleives this universe will be in peace.