Have you ever met someone off the internet and went on a date with them?
By Sheri
@tuckersheri (1327)
United States
October 13, 2009 11:12am CST
I have met people off the internet but have not went on a date with them. I think it is dangerous to that. By brother on the other had met a woman off the internet and they hit it off really well. They ended up getting married. That is awsome that happened but it always does not happen that way. Sometimes it can turn out to be a disaster. If just depends who you are talking to. When you meet someone on the internet they can say anything to you they want. That is a scary thing to think about. Think about that when talking to someone you don't know on the internet.
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25 responses
@nagikka (407)
• Italy
13 Oct 09
Yes I met a lot of people off the internet and most of them were my boyfriends lol
the first guy was someone that I met on a chat dedicated to Prince. He was scottish and came over to Italy to meet me but he was very differen from what I had pictured in my mind so we didn't last more than a week.
another guy was someone I met on a forum dedicated to videogames and we spent four years together, when eventually he left me for no reason. He never told me why lol I hated him and still hate him, also because I was the one who wanted to leave him for being so rude and ignorant.
(yes I never met interesting people lol in the end I managed to find ot what kind of stupid they were)
another guy was the one I met right after my ex-bf left me. He thought it was a good situation for him to give it a try and he kissed me. I needed a friend.
And finally the last guy. I thouht I had found a great friend but evenually after months we started to act more like lovers than friends: he was always sending me sms, calling me, sending me songs, holding my hands in public, saying he was having feeling for me and eventually he kissed me. I was sooo into him and suffered a lot when he said that kiss was a friendship kiss. I actually never heard of a friendship kiss like the ones he gave me all day long, so I deleted him frm my life.
YEah, bad experiences lol

@nagikka (407)
• Italy
14 Oct 09
videochat is another steap ahead that gives you a chance to better pictures someone in your mind, but getting to know each other in real life is what works best. For instance, I gottogether with my ex-bf months before meeting in real life and when we eventually met I discovered that he just couldn't act decently when among people, he was rude and extremely ignorant. We would go shopping and he'd touch just about anything, he'd not even thank my parents when eating at my house (and my mom used t prepare him all kind of stuff to bring with him when going back home, but he NEVER said thank you) and he used to talk too loud. I tried to change him for the better but it's impossible, he's lost and will always be like that.
@mynestegg (519)
• Philippines
14 Oct 09
Awww... I guess it comes with how we perceive the people over the net. You get a better picture when you are having a videochat or something but most times it really takes meeting them in person to actually know them.
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@DawGwath (1042)
• Romania
13 Oct 09
Well, it does sound awfully similar to real life, doesn't it? Not all people are sincere and regardless if you meet them on the internet or in real life, after getting to know them you might find out they aren't what actually they pretend to be.
But I can actually bring you some positive sides about internet dating. First of all, you can get to know all sorts of people and I do not mean people from around the world, but there might be some people from your town or city that otherwise you wouldn't have had the chance to meet (especially if you are not that sociable). Second, even if it sounds weird, some people tend to be more open and more sincere in this medium, they feel more comfortable and you might find out things about them that otherwise they would not have the courage to admit in a face to face discussion. Third, social circles are much more easy to find, there are thousands of dating sites, fan sites, various hobbies dedicated web sites, that you have a wide variety of places to look and you can start by already talking about something you both like.
Anyway, I've had some relationships in the past with people I met on the internet, both romantic and friendship relationships and I can say that most of them went on pretty well. I'll probably connect with other people this way in the future too. 

@surfette (673)
• United States
13 Oct 09
I agree with everything you have said. Getting to know people takes a while, but it does seem that people express themselves more easily on the internet, because they are not self conscious like they might be in person.
Of course, you have to be cautious like you would if you met someone from down the street that you didn't know. My suggestion is to write for quite a long time before meeting, ask questions that you don't give your answer to first. That way the answers are their actual beliefs and not just answers that you want to hear.
I met some jerks online and I also met my wonderful husband of nine years. Yes, it can work. He lived in a small town 250 miles away. I would have never been so lucky to meet him without my trusty computer.
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@DRoddy77 (1776)
• United States
13 Oct 09
I've met quite a few people from the internet and most of them ended up being great friends! One guy I met I dated for a year. Another one I met and have been married to for over 6 years now! I think you are taking the same chances meeting someone from the internet as you are meeting someone in a bar or club!
@mynestegg (519)
• Philippines
14 Oct 09
True that. My bebe and I have been together for almost 4 years now. He's the type of guy I wouldn't approach in real life because he looks very intimidating but because you feel a wee bit secure on the net you kinda let yourself go a bit. I'm glad I took my chance with him because I've never been happier with any of my other relationships.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
15 Oct 09
I have met people online also on the internet. I have never met any of them though. I am married so I have not had an urge to meet someone I met online. I may think about it later on if something happens to my husband though. I hope it does not come to that.
@weasel81 (2496)
• Australia
14 Oct 09
not met any one of the net before, got my self in trouble back when i was 18. or more to the point the guy i was emailing caused the problem. talk about lies!!!! he was copying and pasting emails from another bloke he was writing to about horses and also said he was in his late 20's, he got busted big time by the other guy. i'd even spoken to him on the phone, my mum was there to help me and blasted s***t through the bad guy he was 54 at the time. the other guy even appologised, for what happened and asked if we could be friends. so it went from there, we emailed and spoken ocassionaly on the phone then started snail mail when i left home. i lost contact bout 7 yrs ago, but still think of him. but have not had much to do with emailing people on the net since then till now.
but all things happen for a reason.
@cherrc (661)
• Philippines
15 Oct 09
hi. i tried that before back in the day out of curiosity. i went out with that person and turned out i was not interested. the guy was full of himself ----- me, myself and i! and he talked a lot, lol! well, didn't say i'm fed up coz i still have good faith in people. in fact i met some and we really became close friends. sometimes, i go to their place for a vacation. sadly, one of my friends is affected by the supertyphoon which currently hit their area but thank god they're all doing fine. oh well, friendship for more than a decade and still counting. ΓΌ
@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
14 Oct 09
hello tuckersheri,
if your intention is to look for a partner in life, then i think you need to meet him/her. that way, you can get to know more to each other and mostly so that you can see how he/she looks like. just find to be scared but you need to trust him/her. if you don't like to meet him/her, then probably you better tell him/her the truth.
no, i haven't met anyone in the internet.
@dasiejanie (590)
• United States
14 Oct 09
I have two neices who met the guys they married on line and both are very happy.
@yenwie84 (1344)
• Malaysia
14 Oct 09
I knew my current boyfriend from internet too. I think it's alright to meet someone off the internet and go for a date with them as long as we don't go out alone with them. It's very important to bear in mind that we never go alone with someone we have just known from internet. Instead we should get at least a friend as companion and go to happening places, this will be pretty safe. When time is getting longer and we get to know more about that person,then slowly we will know his/ her real personality to consider whether we should continue on with the next stage of relationship.
@jessi0887 (2788)
• United States
14 Oct 09
I met a guy online one time. WE went on a couple dates. WE both just sort of cut it off though after couple of weeks. Main reason was he was always busy with his work and his social life elsewhere. He wouldn't answer calls or call back . Only went on two dates and he only talked to me on the phone maybe four times. Thats not good.
@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
14 Oct 09
I have met a few friends on the internet that I later went out with for dinner but it was not a date. There were a few of us going together and all of us were married but one was a gentleman who was not happy with his wife and I think he was hoping to date either me or one of my friends but it never happened. One of my friends did go out on a date with one of my internet guy friends and I was offended by that because he and I had a good relationship as friends for several months, but then she saw his picture and started writing him behind my back. The date went very badly, in fact they came home very early but my relationship with him was never the same and eventually he stopped writing me. I know another young girl who went out on a date with someone she met on the internet and he took her to a hotel and raped her. She was only 16. It was sad but everyone was trying to tell her not to meet him but she would not listen.
@phoenix1344 (698)
• United States
14 Oct 09
I have actually gone on three dates with someone online. I met them on dating sites and before I met them in person I did take extra precautions. Such as meeting in a public place and doing that until it feels safe.
I never actually dated anyone serious through the internet though.
@UCantSeeMe (116)
• United States
14 Oct 09
ive been married for 4 years to the person i met on the internet. As with any relationship take it slow meet in a public place and get to know them first.The bottom line is when you meet them dont marry them right away til you fully understand them.
@champrocker (879)
• India
14 Oct 09
To be Honest I have never ventured into such thing and might not do as well , as I fully agree with your thoughts . But still for those whose meetings have culminated into lucky ventures , I wish that they should live Happily forever with their Internet acquaintances.
@pcruz77 (449)
• Guam
14 Oct 09
Meeting someone off the internet is a real gamble. People would say anything that will make themselves look better, especially when there is no picture to back it up. People often times do say the same thing in a face-2-face meeting, but the difference between online and real-life is that online, people tend to make themselves look better.
I have known many people who try meeting people online, and then get disappointed because the online people are not what they describe themselves online.
There are the pros and cons of meeting people online, some find their soulmates, others find psychotic people. Like i said, meeting off the internet is a gamble, as well as it is in real life.
@earth2jacq (1502)
• Philippines
14 Oct 09
Yes I did. I think the "being in danger" part is dependent on how you conduct yourself at your first meeting. I think some people endanger themselves when meeting their chatmates because they automatically put their trust that they are good people. As a rule for myself I don't trust anyone at the first meeting or second or third. I always choose a public place like a diner or a mall. I decline their offer to take me home during these meetings since I don't really know them. It is always better safe than to realize that you are with an internet predator.
Just an off topic to this but somehow related, I met my partner online but I just trusted him after a year of seeing and meeting together. Heck I won't even allow him to buy me food the first dates we met.
@sasalove (1709)
• China
14 Oct 09
I belong to Cancer constellation that I would protect myself well. Every coins have two sides that we need to have the perception and judgement on that. Internet may lie the potential risk that we may never predict, but it doesn't mean that we will never touch the line just for the potential risk.
I met one guy off the internet this year and date with him after I confirmed that he is in my town and solid to believe. I am right, he is a good guy. I am not sure if we prone to marriage, but at least I feel safety right now being together with him.
Internet is just a tool that we know each other before we met each other.
Happy mylotting.
@buping (952)
• China
14 Oct 09
hi, i do not like to talk with stranger a lot on internet, no even meet with someone. i think the people you meet daily is enough for you to talk with. you do not need take too much time to know about a new guy, but expect one situation. if you have no a guy to talk about your secret, searching for someone on line is a good way.
@SallyAnna (142)
• United States
14 Oct 09
I met a wonderful man online after many emails and phone calls. That was 14 years ago and we are still together. He is truly the love of my life. My advise would be to use common sense and never put yourself in danger. Meet in a safe place take it slow really slow and be a good judge of character. You never know what life will bring your way for me it has brought true companionship and love.
@Achilles_AD (2)
• India
14 Oct 09
Yes, I have met quite of lot of people. For sometime they remained my virtual friends. Then we interacted through, phone, e-mails, and met eventually. To my good luck they turned out to be wonderful people. I did not ever had a bad experience of any sort. One has to be a good judge of character. The words they utter, their body language, their interests reveal a lot about the person. Nevertheless, one has to be a careful. Human mind is very complex, and you cannot know everything about a person.