Should you stay with someone, married or not, for the sake of your children?
United States
October 21, 2009 6:17pm CST
Growing up I remember my parents being very unhappy. I can't even begin to tell you how many times mom threatened divorce but never went through with it. She was miserable and my dad was miserable in the marriage. Years later my mom finally came clean and said she stayed with dad because she couldn't stand the thought of not being around her kids and she did it to ensure that we were taken care of. (dad was the provider of the family). So she pretty much stayed with him because of my siblings and I. I am not gonna say who was right or wrong but you could clearly see how unhappy they were. Many times we encouraged my mom to go for the divorce. To move on with life but she never did. And now she feels stuck. She says she is older and hasn't worked in quite a few years, 7 or 8 maybe, and isn't sure she could do it.
I met someone about 4 years ago and wound up getting pregnant a couple of months into the relationship. We tried to make it work for a couple of years for the sake of our child but I was so very unhappy. I ultimately left his father. We both agreed that it was better for our child to grow up seeing us both apart and happy verses together and miserable. I didn't want him to grow up thinking that being miserable was a way of life. I took a lot of flak from my family about it. In rare moments I will hear how brave I was to leave. It took courage. I don't make a whole lot of money. But still there are certain people who think I was wrong. I am interested in the general opinion of everyone. Is it better to stay as a "family" for the sake of the children or is it better to let them see you happy and not with the other parent?
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14 responses
@coco08coco (33)
• United States
22 Oct 09
I dont think you should stay with someone for your kids because if your fighting alot it can make them have some emotional problems sometimes. I think it should be what you want to do unless it wouldnt be best for your kids.
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• United States
22 Oct 09
That is where my thought process is. He is take care of. I give him all my attention when I have him. So he is okay. But if he saw us constantly arguing I worry that he would have grown up thinking arguing is ok and that people are supposed to fight. But now, he will see us both happy with our new lives. And when he gets older I am more than happy to explain to him that his daddy is a good person, we just weren't good together. I truly feel the environment makes the child and what he has now is a good one.
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@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
22 Oct 09
This is a good discussion and I am sure that different people have different ideas when it comes to staying with someone when a child is involved,and I personally think if you have children you should stay with the person if nothing else for the sake of the child because children are fragile and it would hurt them a lot if their parents were not together,and I do not have to worry about it because me and my wife love each other and we always will,and we will never divorce,because we are perfect for each other,and I do not know where I would be without her,because she is my best friend,and my whole world and if she left I would have nothing,have a great day,good luck with your life,and all of your mylotting goals,and Happy Posting.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
22 Oct 09
Hi CINQUEFOIL22, This is an excellent discussion but you pose a question that isn't always easy to answer. I think we all agree that the very best scenario for raising kids are happy parents who live together but that is often only a dream for many. Kids should not see their parents fighting and arguing most of the time as they often blame themselves. I would also agree that it wouldn't be much fun to know that they were unhappy all the time. On the other hand, kids from broken homes have a lost of questions too and often hate it that their parents are living apart. If I have to make a choice, I would say that the parents separate and explain to the kids that it doesn't mean that one or the other is bad, just that certain people have problems living together. Let the kids spend an equal amount of time with each parent whenever it's practical, and neither parent should ever bad mouth the other in front of the children. There is no perfect solution and it seems that either way someone has to suffer. Blessings.
• United States
22 Oct 09
Pose123 -
I absolutely understand what you are saying. While my son is very young he did seem to be conflicted by our seperation. But, unlike many parents, his father and I have been able to remain amicable towards each other. And we always make sure when we have him that he is praised for all he does and gets hugs and I love you's all the time. He did seem to get a bit lost a few months ago and we just amped up our "i love you's" and "just because hugs". If parents are going to go seperate ways it truly is important to make sure the child you have understands that they are still loved unconditionally and still so very important in the parents lives.
@lindiebiz (1006)
• Canada
23 Oct 09
The thing with this kind of situation is the effect it has on the children. Most children from broken home usually end up unhappy because of the effect of a divorse at an early age. Certainly there are some marriages that cant work out and when kids are mature they kind of understaand what thier parents are going through so they will understand and would not be affected so badly by the divorce but instead would learn to know the kind of relationship they can commit themselves to. For me i will stay in the marriage until the children are old enough to understand and leave hoping i did the right thing
@jndlponti (2402)
• Philippines
23 Oct 09
I do not think I would. If I feel so unhappy I would not stick to the guy and let my child see how unhappy I am. I do not want to see my child be hurt with the fact that I am not happy with what I am now in the situation. He could still be the father of my child, I could ask financial support from him. You could both talk about the financial support of the child without you bibded together.
@nextellady (126)
• United States
22 Oct 09
I think you dont want your kids to see you miserable the whole time they are growing up. They learn from us the parent and they think if we do it then thats what they should do when they grow up. The kids are happier when there is a happy atmosphere.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
22 Oct 09
i think so... family is very important to me and i think it is not good for the children to live in an environment where the parents are separated... it is my opinion though... and my religion also doesn't allow me to divorce... so i am definitely against it... take care and have a nice day...
@msedge (4011)
• United States
22 Oct 09
It was one of my principle that i stood up for quiet a while.I never leave my husband even he beats me because of our child.I don't want her to grow without a father.In short, i sacrifice my own happiness for her sake.But later on i realized that it was not good for her watching her father beating me.She was young and she could witness how violence her dad was but then still i stayed with him.When she grew a little older she told me to leave him which surprised me because i was thinking she would not have a broken family.Her words gave me strenght to do it and i felt so free after leaving him.Yeah!Sometimes mother sacrificed for their children.But then you still made the right decision.
@hsofyan (3446)
• Jakarta, Indonesia
22 Oct 09
Better to stay with the whole family. I am sure, the problem can be solved by understanding each party. Of course, requires sacrifice. There are no perfect human beings.
@froggieslover (3069)
• United States
22 Oct 09
There has always been couples that think that it is best to stay together for the children but I have always believed that if you are fighting or arguing with one another and not getting along or if you feel that you you are not in love like you once were and are not able to work it out then i think it is best for not only yourself and your spouse but your children. Children can sense when you are unhappy and seeing you fight and argue isn't good for them either. I know families think it is worse for the children when they get divorced and it does take its toll on the children but it is far worse seeing you fight and/or argue and be unhappy.
@vandana7 (101543)
• India
22 Oct 09
Hi Cinquefoil, I think it is all very well for u to think that the child will not face any part of the music - not see parents unhappy logic. U c, once the differences come up, the child will invariably become unhappy person. If u'd remained in marriage, he would clam up because he sees, he may not understand, but he knows that this is not to be discussed outside home. Once u both move apart, everybody asks, what happened and he is miserable because he doesnt really know what to answer. He feels he is betraying his parents each of whom he loves dearly, but he doesnt have much choice as he cannot even get away with white lies anymore. When he grows up, he will be looking at opposite situation because of this, just in ur case. Like u didnt want ur child to see his parents fighting constantly, and so u moved out, he would become somebody who would forcibly want the marriage to be intact come what may because of what he faced. The truth is, we are the ones who are grown ups. We make or break that world of our children. Hey, we owe our children some happiness! We can't be punishing them for our immaturity or carelessness! So I think sitting with the person with whom u had the relationship is wiser. May be some compromises will be called for. So what? When we dont have enough monies dont we compromise on things that we want? Its something like that. U both dont have enough love as of now, make do with what little is there for the sake of the child. Let the child be grown up enough to understand that people move apart, and that is when u both can part ways if u really feel up to it. But u cant just shatter the child's world, and say u did it for the child. I dont buy it.
@cheriezhao (246)
• China
22 Oct 09
i think you should make your own choice,ask your heart,what you really want,what kind of life is you are expecting to get,only u get the happiness,you children would feel happy also!
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
22 Oct 09
I don't think anyone should ever stay married just for the sake of children. if there is no love or trust between husband and wife anymore, sooner or later the relationship will end. having children in the picture would only make it harder to bear.