what is your phobia?
@dracoserpintenes (614)
United States
October 26, 2009 5:23pm CST
i was walking by the radio a sort wile ago and herd the dj talking about his fear of spiders and that it is the number two phobia in the US under snakes. what i was wondering because i have never feared anyhting like a true phobia is what is your phobia and do you have a reason why? im a little creeped out by larg numbers of ants but they dont make me go screaming from the room or anything they just bother me a bit because ive been bitten by fire ants so many times. my fiance is phobic about spiders because he was attacked by a nest of baby black widows and was in the hospital for a wile for it when he was a kid. hes also phobic about swimming because of something to do with his dad throwing him off a dock when he was small and he just sunk because he cant figure out how to swim for some wierd reason.
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24 responses
@taraelocin (1138)
26 Oct 09
I don't know if I would call it a phobia. But spiders make me freak out. I just don't like to get close to them. I just constantly think they are coming to crawl over to me. I know they are not dangerous (most of them anyway), but they are just the ugliest things.
@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
26 Oct 09
i can understand many people being afraid of spiders after all there are deadly ones. and they do have a knack for crawling towards you in a menacing way like wolf spiders. and yea some are ugly but i really like the bright ones like the black and yellow ones i used to feed when i was a kid.
@solared (1207)
• United States
27 Oct 09
He is lucky to be live if he was in a nest of those, me I fear spiders an bed bugs, before anyone laughs bed bugs are real, an if you wake up with bites then they probably got you while you were sleeping, they like to hide under your mattress an behind the bed frame, or if your pillow falls behind the bed, they wait till you sleep an suck your blood.
Also you can get bed bugs no matter how clean your house is, even the fanciest 5 star hotels have bed bugs, do a search you will see.
@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
28 Oct 09
hes wierd hes been through alot of things that should have killed him like 13 car crashes in 25 years and all he has is scars and a bad back. and the bedbugs i knew were real and bloodsuckers. have you ever heard of johnny the homicidal maniac? the guy who made the cartoon invader zim made the comic JTHM long before he made the cartoon but he also made a comic just about squee a little boy that was johnnys neighbour well in the book one of the first strips is about him seeing a thing about bedbugs on tv and then he shakes a giant bedbug outof his pillow and has a fight with it and it kills his parents but its much funnier if you see it for yourself. point is i think of that comic every time i think of bedbugs
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
27 Oct 09
I don't like when the power goes out. I also don't like small spaces. The two of them together are enough to send me into a panic attack. Also, if I could walk, I would never take an elevator in my life. I don't care if someone is nine stories up.
@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
28 Oct 09
power outages are so common where i am that the only time they ever bothered me was when i had a really bad fever and there was no heat in the middle of a bad snow storm. the best one ive had was one that got me outof work and back home where i felt safe during a hurricane. and im glad that you are able to crontroll your fear to use the elevator but if you wernt id say you should move out somewhere in back woods country where wide open space is aplenty and get some all terrain tires to get over the hills. :)
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
27 Oct 09
i have claustrophobia and i cannot have an MRI in a closed machine. i even have difficulty in the ones that they call "open". my dad has it so bad he does not go in elevators at all and will not ride in the backseat of a two door car.
@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
28 Oct 09
ive never needed to have a mri i hope you dont have to often. and as for your dad atleast he probably stays healthier atleast a little bit by taking the stairs? there arnt many elevators around where i live so i dont ride in them often and i find them exiting like little kids usually do cause im really a little kid at heart and an old crazy cat lady in mind
@sumanadep (1228)
• India
27 Oct 09
I think I have a phobia of exams....it has always bothered me...since my school days I have been afraid of exams...I say this because whenever I was in class I usually use to give answers to all the questions asked by my teachers...but when it comes to writing answers in exams I have never been able to give my hundred percent...
@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
28 Oct 09
ive heard of people who have what is usually called test anxiety silly politically correct terms people make up. strangely enough i was just the opposite i hated doing bookwork tho i loved reading the book. and never did homework because im just a rebel like that. but as long as i took notes during lectures id do fine on the exams. even if i never looked at the notes again it was wierd.
@ElsaElsa (323)
• United States
27 Oct 09
My biggest phobia is of cats. I can't explain it. I've had it since birth or something. My dad tried to rid me of this fear by getting a pet and that was so hard. I did somehow warm up to that particular cat after a long long time. But all others. I only feel comfortable around cats that are in cages other than that i'll change my path if I see one wondering around or in someone's arms. If I happen to find one in front of me I run like mad.
@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
28 Oct 09
darling i think you just got the prize for most unusuall phobia of the day. also i must say you would never ever ever want to come near my house i have 9 of them mostly because im destined to be a crazy old cat lady some day so im starting early. ^_^ im glad atleast for your sake that you seem to be able to avoid cats somewhat in life. i dont think i know anyone who hasnt had them around here atleast at one time.
@ElsaElsa (323)
• United States
28 Oct 09
I really can't explain why I fear them. I know that they are harmless and probably more loving than anything. But man when I see them even if they are cages, I shiver with fear. I went to Mexico one time and it was just a terrible experience. There are stray cats everywhere and I just couldn't walk down the streets in fear of spotting one walking between my legs. Yikes..Eeek
@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
27 Oct 09
I can't imagine a father throwing his son off a dock. That must be horrible. My cousin is afraid of spiders. She was never attacked by them but she certainly thinks she is if she sees one. I'm afraid of dogs. When I was about seven years old a few stray dogs attacked me and my mother and my baby sisters. It was a horror scene and to this day I haven't forgotten it. I'm 58 years old now. I also nearly drowned when I was 13 years old because I was thrown into the sea to learn how to swim.
@scarsofdeath (51)
27 Oct 09
I have a fear of heights. My friends laugh at this, but this is a real problem for me. Whenever I look down from somewhere high, my head starts spinning. and I don't like spiders and cockroaches much.
@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
28 Oct 09
you have some mean friends i think. if you get dizzy when you look down from great heights it could be dangerous and they should be worried about what they would do in the event of you passing out or something scary like that. i think im just too used to bugs to be bugged by them.
@cheriezhao (246)
• China
27 Oct 09
i am phobic about walking in the dark alone,i would feel everything will be in danger when the environmet around me is dark,so would like to go out with my friend at night!lol,happy mylotting!
@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
28 Oct 09
oddly i get more worried when i have a flashlight out in the dark in the woods because it makes them look more sinister than if ive got no light. wierd huh? having a friend with you at night is always the best thing to do me n my friends used to sneak out in the middle of the night with no lights and explore the woods or walk down the road just for fun.
@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
28 Oct 09
i always get scared if my dad is yelling (hes manic depressive) and i dont know why and jump if someone near by honks a car horn especially when im driving. id probably be scared outa my wits if i lived in a city with that kind of phobia i hope you dont for your sake.
@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
27 Oct 09
i hate cockroaches too but mainly because i know how hard it is to kill the little buggers. im afraid they will take over the earth like planet of the apes style.
@raini_munti (65)
• Indonesia
27 Oct 09
nothing. i fear nothing, i mean i'm not phobia to anything :)
@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
28 Oct 09
im really glad for you that you have no fears. i think that people who dont fear anything have alot of self controll and probably are good at being leaders too.
@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
27 Oct 09
need to elaborate on your responces love or the mylot staff will be mean to you.
@zhangfzoe (432)
• China
27 Oct 09
My phobia is dark and ghost. So I never watch the scary TV programmes or films. I was scared by a film when I was about 6 years old. Since then, I am afraid of it.
@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
27 Oct 09
its allright most scary tv and movies these days are horrible and pathetic. nothing like the scary movies used to be i think they ran outa ideas and everyones just copying and making sequals of everything kinda sad because i used to like horror movies.
@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
27 Oct 09
aaahhh thats creepy id freak out so bad if a bug got in my ear especially a poisonus one like a centipede. actually theres so many bugs around here im suprised its never happened to me.
@Brad2289 (184)
• United States
27 Oct 09
For some reason i have never been able to get rid of my fear of spiders. I've picked up snakes and other things up easily but spiders i just cannot handle. I wouldn't say they make me super scared or anything but they do creep me out a lot. If i see one i will automatically kill it.
@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
27 Oct 09
they do have that creepy effect i had a friend who was afraid of spiders because he had seen the movie arachnophobia (horrible at spelling i know) and she didnt see the end she was afraid of spiders till many years later when she finnally saw the end and now they dont bother her at all.
@stee09 (101)
• Ireland
27 Oct 09
Ok try not to think of me as a bad person what I'm afraid of is kind of weird. All my life I've had a phobia of large people or me gaining a lot of weight I no it's kind of weird but I've always been this way. A certain instance was one night I was out clubbing and a fat person bumped of me and totally freaked me out I just got my coat and left. None of my friends no about it because if afraid they would be disappointed in me for feeling that way. It's not something I can change if I could I definitely would..
@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
27 Oct 09
im a little bothered by ladders too tho its mostly because thier so wobbly and that bugs me i try to avoid them completely and stick to trees and buildings for my height
experiences. i think its better to know what your truely afraid of more than it is to know why.
• United States
27 Oct 09
CLOWNS! I HATE CLOWNS! they are so creepy! UGH! i hate them i hate them i hate them
@dracoserpintenes (614)
• United States
27 Oct 09
i totally understand your issue clowns are of the creepyness. i had a dream once where the clown from a peewee herman movie stole my bike and set giant ants after me to kill me when i was like 6 thats another reason im creeped out by ants you just helped me remember :)