Are We A Society of Pill Poppers? - variety of for every thing a person could imagine
United States
November 14, 2006 2:26pm CST
I think there is a pill for everything nowdays. Can't sleep...take a pill. A little pain...take a pill. Sad...take a pill. 50-100 years ago people didn't have all these prescription and non-prescription drugs, yet they lived healthy and long lives. Do you think that we as a society are overmedicated? Do you feel that sometimes doctors just prescribe medication to rush us on our way? What do you think?
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28 responses
@moneyseeker (1024)
16 Nov 06
Yes, we are overmedicated. It's the easy way out for doctors. Take a tablet and you'll be okay - but all they do is mask the problem. It's also very easy to get hooked on over the counter cures and pills. The answer is exercise and good food.
• United States
17 Nov 06
I like your response too. It is really easy to get "hooked" on the medications we take, whether over the counter or presciption. Unfortunately exercise and diet does not cure all of the problem, but we, the consumers, need to be aware of what needs medication and what doesn't. Thanks for the response.
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@fl0urish (5384)
• India
16 Nov 06
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• United States
17 Nov 06
Thank you for the response. I agree, we are overmedicated.
@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
16 Nov 06
Yes, so many people seem to be taking medicine for fairly mild problems. I, personally, will avoid prescription and over-the-counter medicines as far as possible and I am very healthy. I think people on the whole have come to rely on a lot of medication. I also agree with you that doctors do sometimes prescribe medicine to just get you out of the way. I certainly believe that with my doctor. I was just given tablets because the doctor basically couldn't be bothered to find out what was actually wrong with me. I very rarely take them though.
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• United States
17 Nov 06
It is unfortunate that this happens with so many patients. The only medications I take are the ones that are absolutely necessary for my well being. Other than that, I try to make it through without medications. The doctors don't seem to see, that by not getting to the root of the patients problem, they are only making things worse in the long run. Thank you for the reply.
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@mirage108 (3402)
• United States
16 Nov 06
Yes I think this country (US) is over medicated, and it is because the dr's try to push people in and out the door. The more they see the more they make. (from the insurance people at least) I myself have not been to a DR in quite awhile and that was for Carpal Tunnel Syndrom that was not fun either. todays people need to use some of the old time remidies i.e. vegtables and get all your daily vitimans. it helps and then only see a dr and get a prescription when really needed.
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• United States
17 Nov 06
I agree Mirage. Great answer. Thank you for the reply.
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• United States
17 Nov 06
we are a very overmedicated society.Medication overdoses are probably number 3 on what kills americans the most.
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• India
17 Nov 06
Definitely not... But a sometime we will be
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• United States
17 Nov 06
Why do you think not? I would like you to back up your comment. Thanks for responding.
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• United States
17 Nov 06
Why do you think not? I would like you to back up your comment. Thanks for responding.
@prasadr (871)
• India
25 Nov 06
i too take pills everyday. I to think that we are an over medicated socity. many f us are aditcted to pill and other medicines...
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• United States
25 Nov 06
I agree. Thank you for responding.
• United States
14 Nov 06
I think we are over medicated too.
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• United States
14 Nov 06
Thank you. It is nice that others see it too. Thanks also for your reply.
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@Aeval39 (773)
• United States
17 Nov 06
I'm very much against medication. There have been studies on cold pills, and they showed that they don't actually work. The only reason they "work" is because we believe they will. "If you take this medicine, you'll get better in a week. If you don't, it'll take 7 days." I disagree with taking a pill to make all of life's problems go away. Especially people who supposedly have ADD, or are depressed. I feel that if you gave these people a placebo, there would be no difference in the outcome. My best friend is on anti-depressants and it makes me really sad. He really believes they help him, but I think he could be taking a sugar pill and react the same way, only without the harmful side-effects.
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• United States
18 Nov 06
I see your point. I believe that the "true" purpose of anti-depressants was to work with therapy. Therapy is an essential part of any mental healing process. Sorry about your friend. I wish him luck. He'll be in my prayers. Thanks for the response.
• United States
17 Nov 06
I'm sorry but on that one I have to also disagree. There are some medications that are necessary. Certain Anti-Depressants, Mood Stabilizers, that help resolve chemical issues in the brain, are necessary. I am bi-polar, and without those medications, I do not function the same. There are medicines necessary for the treatment of HIV, cancer, and other diseases that help the patient. I am referring to medicines that are prescribed without being medically necessary. Your friend would know if they help or hinder him. A pill is not a cure all, but a help. With talk therapy for depression, and other means, of healthy living, he can get through it. Thanks for your input. I appreciate it.
@Aeval39 (773)
• United States
18 Nov 06
No no, you're both absolutely right. I do agree that depression is a real illness and, like cancer and such things, does require medication. If it's truly depression. My problem with medication for "mind illnesses" such as depression is that there's virtually no way to tell if a person is really, clinically, chemically depressed. With society's emos you can't even tell these days. I'm just afraid that a lot of people look at the world, see that it's difficult to live here and that makes them sad, and think that they can take a pill to make it all better. I didn't mean that people who are truly clinically depressed or bipolar shouldn't be medicated. I just meant that we shouldn't be so quick to prescribe these medicines. Because it's very true that they're not a cure-all. Some people are just pessimistic, do they get put on anti-depressants? I worry about these kinds of things.
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
20 Nov 06
I think some can view it as that way. But I certainly would rather pop a pill for the pain in my head than to continue to endure it! I live a much happier life with my Motrin, trust me! If I did not have pain medicine, I would not have a life. I would be crippled in bed, not able to move or be a mom to my kids. Over medicated. Probably. Some of it, very necessary. Just because the DR gives you a script, does not mean you have to take it. So it is our choice to be over medicated.
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• United States
20 Nov 06
True it is our choice to take the medication prescibed. However, when you see a medical "professional", you automatically assume they know what they are doing and talking about. One already has a sense that they can trust the professionals opinion. So, we take the medicine with the hope it will fix whatever ails us. I have stopped taking pills that were prescribed to me...or not gotten prescriptions filled because I didn't feel the doctor was right. I look up everything in my Physicians Desk Reference book before I fill any medications. Thank you for your response. I appreciate it and your view.
@LadyCroft (701)
• Australia
20 Nov 06
We certainly are. And they wonder hoe Super bugs are made???? STOP TAKEING MEDICATION FOR THE COMMON COLD!!!!!...LOL
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• United States
20 Nov 06
LOL...Thank you for the reply.
@jugernaut (262)
• India
20 Nov 06
ya man you are right we are over maedicated society. and it is solely due to the reason that we donot have time. we need every thing just right now, with the snap of a finger. there are many disease which can be healed with time or from simple change of routine for few days but that takes a lot of time. more over doctors cant do anything if patient want immediate recovery. i agree that doctors rush us on our way.
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• United States
20 Nov 06
I can't argue with that either. We are a society of "instant gratification", whether it be the computer, cleaning, or medicine. We all want the immediate result. Yes, many things will go away/heal on their own given time and rest, but we forge ahead with a need for speed. LOL Thank you for your response. It was very good.
@melanie652 (2524)
• United States
18 Nov 06
Yes, I think the US is overmedicated, but I feel that trend is changing. There has been so much talk of antibiotic resistent diseases doctors are becoming reluctant to prescribe them anymore. I also see a trend of people looking more at natural alternatives including vitamins, minerals and other supplements. When I'm in pain or bad headache, I am thankful for those over the counter pills, though!
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• United States
18 Nov 06
I am not saying all the medications are bad. Just that we have become so dependent on them, that we don't even look at alternative methods to healing ourselves. Yes, some doctors are starting to look at the bodies tolerance, unfortunatly it is too few of them. Thanks for the response.
@prismcat (26)
• United States
18 Nov 06
i think we all agree the answer is yes, but it is in response to the fact that we have become an unhealthy society, physically, spiritually and mentally. many people dont want to take the time to take care of themselves to begin with by eating heathly, exercising, finding creative and spiritual outlets, that we develop this or that symptom and think we have to take a pill to fix it. we need to fix the problem, not cover up the symptoms with a pill. i have educated myself on this issue, which everyone needs to do for themselves because if you only listen to the traditional docs you will be misled. some docs and the pharmaceutical companies don't want you to get well cause then they would be out of billions of dollars. its quite a scam they got going nowadays.
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• United States
18 Nov 06
Well said. It is a scam, between the pharmaceutical companies and the so called medical professionals. I agree we all need to educate ourselves and be able to take a stand when dealing with the doctors. I believe a lot of people feel intimadated by the doctors, and feel that they can't tell them what they want or need. It is sad. I really appreciate your response. Thank you.
@Faye88 (1009)
• Singapore
18 Nov 06
I agree to that. I seldom take any pills unless I really really have no choice.But I do take capsules/pills that is organic and is a composition of traditional herbs etc. I usually take things my medicine the natural way.Herbs & Detoxified my body once in a while (three days)in a week once in a month etc. Never try accuputure before but I know it's effective.
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
18 Nov 06
I will be watching your responses with much interest....thanks
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• United States
18 Nov 06
Thanks for the response.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
18 Nov 06
exercise - exercise smiley
I think so, I see the amount of pills some of my friends are taking and I wonder how a body can cope with so much.
@miajane (359)
• United States
18 Nov 06
some might say we aren't medicated enough- but those are probably the people selling the pills... we do depend on unnatural medicines a lot more than many other societies, and that may have something to do with the fact that we like to have a simple remedy fast! it also may do with us having too much time on our hands to think about possible ailments. doctors are usually overworked and underpaid- yeah, you read that right.
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
18 Nov 06
Doctors tend to give us what we expect. People of my mother's generation were taught to believe in "the miracles of modern medicine" and did believe that for every ill there was a pill. I prefer to be an informed consumer. If my doc offers meds when all I want is info, then I say "no". I know that does not help the person who had the messed up surgery and now has a lot of pain. I take B6 for pain, arthritis, BECAUSE my Dr. and my chiropracter BOTH recommended it. . . and neither one trusts the other, so I am more convinced it is an effective remedy. Not fast, it takes weeks to build up to a therapeutic level of relief, I started with 400 mg. daily, divided throughout the day. Maintenance dose is 200 daily. People who are smaller than me might need less--talk to a doctor you trust. The other thing that happened when I talked to my doctor about a new, severe pain, and had x rays because I wanted to know if I had a stress fracture. He said it was osteoarthritis, offered me meds, (cox2 inhibitors), I said no, offerred me cortizone shots, I refused , so gave me a prescription for a topical creme with capsaicin (pepper) oil in it (Zostrix) It is now over the counter,and generic. I have good luck with it. Read the label thoroughly and do not get it in your eyes or open sores. I wear gloves--like latex or poly etheline when applying, or use a cotton gauze to keep it off my hands. If you need to remove it you use cooking oil. Eating right, healthily is the best medicine, and losing weight if you need to, and gentle exercise. Those are the things my Doc usually tells me, since he knows that I do not expect to receive a miracle pill. I have had prescriptions for pain pills afer surgery, but never took them all because they made me feel stupid and think really bizarre things. I do not go to see my doctor often, because usually what I get is a cold or something that is basically self limiting. If I have back pains, I do more stretching. I walk most days of the week.I think the responsibility for us being overmedicated lies both with the medical profession and with society, because it expects a prescription for everything, whether it is needed or not.
• India
18 Nov 06
Oh yes. I think getting medicated is a status symbol. Thus spoke the no medication man
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• United States
18 Nov 06
That is an interesting take on the subject. How do you feel it is a status symbol? I am curious to know your thoughts. Thanks for the response.