Question of faith!!
By shoreboy31
@shoreboy31 (1433)
United States
November 14, 2006 7:16pm CST
I have brought this question up to my pastor and even he did not have an answer.
Every religion thinks they are right and all others are wrong, and that if you don't follow their teachings then something bad is sure to become you in the end.
My question is how can we know for sure that any of these religions are the one true religion, and that there isn't one true one out there that is yet to be discovered?I choose to follow Christianity, because fundamentally it seams more realistic than any of the other choices. Also many things written in the bible can be proven through modern archaelogical means, but how do we know that the Bible isn't just a very elaborate history book written by several recorders during an early stage of written records? Or even a multi-part novel written by very good storytellers using actual historic events as a backdrop?I'm not in any way discounting the authenticity of the bible, or God, but this has always been one of my biggest questions.
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30 responses
@juicemilk (2283)
• Australia
15 Nov 06
I don't believe what's written in the bible actually happened. I got taught by by religious education teacher at school that its more religious truth than historical truth, so its the teaching and values we shuold take away from it.
On the other question, I just read a fantasy book by David Eddings and in it one of the 'goddesses' said that there is only one god, he just lets people call him what they want and worship how they want so in reality everyone is worshipping the same god....which I thought was an interesting concept :)
@shoreboy31 (1433)
• United States
15 Nov 06
Wow, that's a pretty interesting theory...Ive heard something along those lines before...
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
15 Nov 06
A Russian Physics wrote a book "Worlds in Collision" that takes some of the books in the Bible and shows that such things happened. Such things as Mooses and the Plagues oon Egypt. He shows how Cosmic events caused them. The Great Flood is a recurring thema in many different cultures. The time the sun stood still in the sky, the orientials ahve a ledgen wher the spirtit would not let the sun set, and the Native Americans have a story of the sun not being allowed to rise. It is an excellent book written by a person who does not beleive in religion. It may change how you view the Bible and other historical stories.
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@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
15 Nov 06
When it comes right down to it three of the most followed are all based on the same truths.....the Talmud (Jewish), the Koran (Islamic) and the Bible (Christian). The first two are almost complete copies of the Old Testament. The only difference is the New Testament which relates the life of Jesus as the Messiah..the Son of God. Jehovah, Allah, and God are the same but only the Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God....the Jewish followers accept him as a Prophet but they are still awaiting the promised coming of the Messiah. Mohammed is not the son of Allah, simply his Prophet. I am not a student of religion but was looking for something to believe in and before I made a decision I wanted to find out something about the others. I was brought up Baptist but did not find what I was looking for. I converted to catholicism because I felt that it was the most complete of the Christian doctrines but over the years I have come to disagree with so many of the "man-made" dogmas and the closemindedness of modern era Popes that I have formed my own body. Jesus said to are the rock and upon this rock I build my Church. My interpretation of the rock is Peter's body....therefore, my body is the Church of Christ and I am never away from it in good times or bad. I have no doubt that Jesus did not refer to great cathedrals, churches, synagogues, or temples of any kind. That is man's interpretation based on his arrogance.
@shoreboy31 (1433)
• United States
15 Nov 06
Wow, for someone who is not a student of religion you seem to have the basics figured out well...
@shoreboy31 (1433)
• United States
15 Nov 06
That is definitely a good thing to live by...can't fault you one bit...
@_hope_ (3902)
• Australia
15 Nov 06
i to have chosen to follow Christianity and to me thats all that matters in my heart i believe and if you follow your heart and your beliefs you cannot go wrong we will in the end all meet our maker who ever it is that you believe and as long as you are accountable for youe own actions along the way that is the main thing
all of us have a choice in life we ALL know what is right and what is wrong and it`s us that make the choice in the end
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@shoreboy31 (1433)
• United States
15 Nov 06
That's pretty much waht my pastor said except for the "whoever you choose to believe in" part. He basically said that it's a matter of my faith and that one day i will meet god and that all those who don't believe as us will go to Hell....that really didn't answer my question and it kept sitting there, molding in my already decrepit brain until
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@bilalinamdar (735)
• India
16 Nov 06
First of all I am a human and a muslim by religion...
I think god has purposely separated us in different religion cast race.. to check how good we are...To test us...
I say there is no gods but god and every one (who is man and send from heaven ) are the messenger...So i say Jesus,mohammed,and any other are just a messenger they are not god..God says that u should be good in your life and should not pray infront of stones,humans and anyother thing...God is a thing which is unknown to human and we will face hime in the end of our life...So now it is people choice..They are giving the test..If they thing there is no profit in giving the test seriously than it is their will...No one should force them to do what they don't want too...I am very religious..And i strongly belive on the one god conceptt...I also know that all human are brothers and sister in relation (don't get me wrong here)...They are puposely divided....
Also let me clear the books have truth...I don't want to say any thing wrong abt others religious thought but i guess i should make some point clear...Why aint the quran is changed till date..Is there any problem in the there anything wrong and wrong sentence or any wrong info in quran ?
Okay than why did fathers changed the marriage system in the bible why they say the old testament the new testament and etc stuff why they changed many things...THis should be just discussion i still love human being and remember i stated first only i am a human first than a religious guy...
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@karwan (232)
• United Arab Emirates
19 Nov 06
""""According to the Quran, Muslims have
"no ground to stand upon."Say: "O People of the Book! Ye have no ground to stand upon unless ye stand fast by the Torah. (sic) The Gospel, and all the revelation that has come to you from your Lord." (S.5, A.68)
Two of the three pieces of the "ground" are gone. Islam's foundation has been destroyed, if "the Jewish (and Christian) scriptures as they stand cannot be" trusted."""""""""""""""""
its so funny sndcain!! How did you translated Surah Al MAeda chapter 5 verse no 68.
Let see what Surah 5 verse no 68 says..
Say (O Muhammad SAW) "O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians)! You have nothing (as regards guidance) till you act according to the Taurât (Torah), the Injeel (Gospel), and what has (now) been sent down to you from your Lord (the Qur'ân)." Verily, that which has been sent down to you (Muhammad SAW) from your Lord increases in many of them their obstinate rebellion and disbelief. So be not sorrowful over the people who disbelieve.""
So God is commanding People of the book(jews and Christain) to act according to the book revealed to them and accept Mohammad and Qoran( final revelation). Otherwise they have no ground to stand.
This commandment is for jes and christain not for muslim.
Muslims need to take heed to a concept taught in Sura 5, Ayat 66.
If only they had stood fast by the Torah, the Gospel, and all the revelation that was sent to them from their Lord, . . . (S.5, A.66)
If Muhammad had stood fast by the Torah, the gospel, and the prior revelation, he would not have gone astray after this false god, Allah (see below, III. The False God Of The Quran). """""""""""""""""''
Afert reading your post I came to know really you dont have any knowledge of islam. All you have read is from anti islamic website and All you have gain is dark knowledge.
Let me explain you chapter no 5 verse no 66.
"And if only they (christian and jews) had acted according to the Taurat (Torah), the Injeel (Gospel), and what has (now) been sent down to them from their Lord (the Quran), they would surely have gotten provision from above them and from underneath their feet. There are from among them people who are on the right course (i.e. they act on the revelation and believe in Prophet Muhammad SAW ), but many of them do evil deeds. "
This verse is coming from the mouth of Mohammad(pbuh) and is for Jews and christian.
So he was obeying false God? And he has gone astray?
So sndcain false god is master of the universe :)
sndcain false God is master of the Day of Judgement. :)
Poor knowledge you have. Thats all I can say about you.
""""To Thee We sent the Scripture in truth, confirming the scripture that came before it, and guarding it in safety: so judge between them by what Allah hath revealed, (S.5, A.48; see also verse 47)""""
Let see surah Al maeda chapter 5 verse no 48 say
And We have sent down to you (O Muhammad SAW) the Book (this Qur'ân) in truth, confirming the Scripture that came before it and Mohayminan (trustworthy in highness and a witness) over it (old Scriptures). So judge between them by what Allâh has revealed, and follow not their vain desires, diverging away from the truth that has come to you. To each among you, We have prescribed a law and a clear way. If Allah willed, He would have made you one nation, but that (He) may test you in what He has given you; so strive as in a race in good deeds. The return of you (all) is to Allah; then He will inform you about that in which you used to differ.
Cleary God is advising Mohammad to judge using the book (Qoran)revealed to him.
you would never be able to find a single error in the Qoran. You can twist change and modify. There are so many people on this earth who have their own interpretation.
Millions of people have memorised the whole Qoran. Its final revelation for mankind and it will remain unchanged till the End of the day.
see 1400 years has gone. No book has revealed and no prophet has come.
Mohamad is seal of final prophet and Islam is the only true religion of the world.
Finally I will write the following verse of the Qoran:
"Verily, proofs have come to you from your Lord, so whosoever sees, will do so for (the good of) his ownself, and whosoever blinds himself, will do so to his own harm, and I (Muhammad SAW) am not a watcher over you."
Take care n bye.
@shoreboy31 (1433)
• United States
17 Nov 06
Wow...after reading that it makes me wonder how anyone can believe anything the Quran says...that's pretty much like the defense presenting it's case in a murder trial then having the defendant himself stand up and tell you not to believe anything his own witnesses
@shoreboy31 (1433)
• United States
17 Nov 06
Yeah, but I've never even picked up and read anything from the Quran...obviously you have some prior knowledge...I'm really looking at getting started on studying it more fully...I am printing out a copy of this discussion and giving it to my pastor...

@blilley7 (196)
• United States
15 Nov 06
Wow....what an awesome discussion and answers...thanks for starting this topic ! I agree with sdncain and many of her thoughts (I also heard no ramblings)and know within me that God is, that He is the author of life. like mentioned above, most 'religions' are based on man reaching out to God, but Christianity is about God reaching out to man. The differences in the various Christian religions are primarily because of man's need to regulate and/or be 'right'. Or the founder got 'stuck' on an idea within the Bible and truly believed he/she was right about immersion verses sprinkling, or whatever. To me, a relationship with Christ is most important. As far as the Bible's authenticity, if you think about it, there are 66 books (more for Catholics) written by many different men over hundreds of years....and when studied,the way the different books blend and come together in their concepts, prophecies, etc., and also how the words contained there can speak right to your own heart.....all points to truth. People have tried to disprove the Bible, say that it's riddled with inconsistencies, but don't take into account the different eras in which the different books were written, nor the sayings of those different periods, nor how translations can sometimes not convey the true sense of the writer's thoughts - and yet, the Holy Bible has survived all these years and all attempts to destroy it. To me, that speaks volumes in and of itself. :)
@shoreboy31 (1433)
• United States
15 Nov 06
Oh I agree, and I'm glad you liked the know sometimes when I start one of these I never know where it's gonna go, but this one has truly made at least several people put some thought into it, and look deep within themselves for an answer, which was one of my main intentions. About the bible, yes what you said is very true, and I always have thought that if we could find a way to translate it from its original languages properly it would probably say a lot of things completely different, not contradictory, but even more affirming.
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@FiredUp (270)
• United States
15 Nov 06
As your title suggests, it is a matter of faith. Some people say they have no faith, but we all do. It is just a matter of what you put your faith in. You get up in the morning, and drive to work, having faith that the building will still be there when you arrive. You have that faith because you have driven there so many times and it was always there. It is much more complicated than that, but it is a good example. So I put my faith in Jesus because He has witnessed to my soul, not only through the Bible, but through nature, through other believers, but most of all, the personal relationship I have built with Him over many years. He is always there for me and unlike that building, he will never go away. That is the only way that I can Know for sure that He is the one and only true God.
@shoreboy31 (1433)
• United States
15 Nov 06
That was an awesome analogy...I never thought of it that way before...the only difficulty i see in that is for a new believer. Someone who has just come into the faith probably hasn't had any relationship with God, let alone a constant one, how would one even explain faith to them? Or would that have to be a faith built over time?
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@xbrendax (2662)
• United States
15 Nov 06
Do you think you are the only one who has wrestled with these questions? Man has wrestled with these same questions since the beginning of time! These questions have been on everybody's mind off and on at one time or another! What makes you think anyone has an answer? Nobody has the answer and never will. The best thing I can say to you my friend is to go by your feelings, if it feels right for you, and you feel content with certain answers, then what you choose will be the best answer for you!
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@shoreboy31 (1433)
• United States
15 Nov 06
Yes I have heard that before, but I guess what I'm really saying is how do we as christians know we have it figured out? I'd surely hate to die and find out that the Buddists had it right and then I'd have to come back as some low level life form, or to find out that Islam was correct and I'd missed out on Nirvana...
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@merrymapper (25)
• United States
17 Nov 06
I know my God in my heart. I know He is real because He changed my life, and made it meaningful. He healed me of severe asthma. He comforts me by His Holy Spirit when I am sad and discouraged, and soothes my soul. I know Him because I spend time with Him, reading His word, praying, and listening for His Voice. If you do that, you will know the truth.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
16 Nov 06
The thing with religin is YOU have to choose the path that is right for YOU and only YOU. I choose the path of Paganism. I have tried the Christian path and it did not work for me as it does for others. Being a Pagan for me has been extremily rewarding and fullfilling.
There is NO right or wrong religin. It all depends on the person and what they are seeking.
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@shoreboy31 (1433)
• United States
16 Nov 06
No problem...I enjoy engaging, thought provoking discussions...
@UNCLEBILL22 (339)
• United States
16 Nov 06
Please don't crucify me for this. I was raised Catholic. I was taught Adam & Eve, Noah's arc, and all those stories. And that's what they are stories. A way to help man grasp what he can never know. Stories in the Bible teach us life lessons. A code of morals to live by. I believe some of these tales have a bases of truth. Like a good story told at the dinner table...
I believe it is all about energy. we are made up of electricity so to speak. Our Mind is a very strong and complicated organ. Image the power of prayer. In church we would pray to God to save some poor soul. If it worked it was the power of God. Now just for a moment image that our minds all focused on the same thing generated enough power. To save or help the Spirit of that person we prayed for. All religions have Beautiful stories to help us understand. Image early man not knowing anything. Like why does it gets dark, why does the Sun comes up, why does it rain. It was all done by some Godly power. A power that must be worshiped. Think of the tragedies of the world. The killing of children . A young child gets cancer and we say "God wanted him" People die everyday, and we make excuses for God, or it is the will of Ali.....Well, I'm sorry I don't by it. god is not sit in Heaven and think That little child's place is here with me in Heaven... We are All God collectively and until we think together and all get along we will never reach the full potential of God. I have said it before on this board and I will say it again.
"There's just enough religion for everyone to hate each other,. But not enough religion to make everyone Love each other......i tend to ramble and leave words out sorry if this was the case
@Signal20 (2281)
• United States
16 Nov 06
I've been pondering that same question for some time. I'm Catholic (non practicing) and I want to get back into a good church, but don't know where to go. I've been trying to read about the different religions, there's some I'm gonna stay as far away from as I can lol. I'm thinking of just going with a non denominational church. I have such a hard time with some of the concepts of some religions. In my opinion, they all boil down to the same basic principals, they each just interpret what the Bible says in their own ways.
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@shoreboy31 (1433)
• United States
16 Nov 06
Well, a non-denominational church will be good as long as they teach salvation thru Christ, some non-denominationals kinda get a little out of hand with some of their doctrines...
@Grandy3 (81)
• United States
18 Nov 06
I've been an avid Bible researcher for 53 years-started at 15. I've been Catholic (born), several Protestanisms, Bahai, and Morman and I have researched several Asian and Muslim religions. None of them is 100% "True", tho they all contain some truth. ANYTHING based in division (which all "sects" are, is BASICALLY false. Truth is "O" - indivisable!! All else stems from DIVISION of one sort or ANOTHER=families,tribes,religions, various groups-All vying for position-causing hate. Grandy3
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@shoreboy31 (1433)
• United States
19 Nov 06
wow, you sound a lot like my mom...she is 79, went to Bible College in Allentown, PA and got her degree in Theology. Usually if I have a question regarding reigion I can ask her. She was taught to read hebrew and had a copy of the Torah written in hebrew as well as a copy of te Quran, the Holy Bible in several different translations, and a catholic bible. To go along with this she also has several sets of commentaries. She chose at a very early age to follow the wys of Christianity, and is probably the most devout person I have ever known. She has taught me a lot, yet there is so much I still do not know.
@shoreboy31 (1433)
• United States
20 Nov 06
ok that was just completely uncalled for...
In the words of my little buddy...eesa21(pbuh) "REPORTED!!"
@Cheesehead06 (219)
• United States
16 Nov 06
Very good question. First of all, I don't think the Bible makes any reference to a true religion. Religion to me is nothing but a man made tool designed to control the masses. By telling people "You'll go to hell if you don't believe/do this", the various religions can get the followers to do their political, economic, and social bidding.
As for the Bible I have often wondered the same thing. When you look at the gospels you have 4 different accounts of the same person. It is just like news reporting. When 4 different TV stations go to an event each station will put their own spin on the same event. FOX's version will be different from NBCs and CBSs will be different from ABCs and if you had friends or family members go to the event they will put their own spin on it.
I do not attend church. I believe in God but I keep it simple. I pray to him, thank him and just try to do the right thing in life. I don't need a church to teach me this as my parents were good people who taught me right and wrong. I fall short of the mark sometimes but I ask forgiveness and move on.

@shoreboy31 (1433)
• United States
19 Nov 06
umm..I do believe, you just keep typing and the "little box" will get scrollbars as the text gets to be more than what the box will hold..just hitenter a couple of times to create a blank line seperating paragraphs or trains of thought...
@Grandy3 (81)
• United States
19 Nov 06
Shoreboy! Thank you for your quick response to my question! I'm a long way from a doctorate in Computer Savvy as you can tell! Maybe You'll let me stretch your patience and allow me to ask one more??... "Is there a simpler way, besides seemingly endless scrolling page after page, to view responses to things said by each of us in discussions? They're not under messages or in disc. responded to. Thank you, again, for your help. Grandy3
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@Grandy3 (81)
• United States
19 Nov 06
sndcain: can you tell me how to write longer entries beyond the size of the "little box"?? I've been doing it by filling out 2,3 or more little boxes! I'd love to get into this mix! Tx. You can reach me at Request enty. Grandy3
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@sassybratky (872)
• United States
16 Nov 06
i think regardless of what religion you chose to follow..that one thing will prevail in all of them..that God can read your heart ..and know whats in it..if you believe..and have faith and love ..i think that matters above all else
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@supersach (1523)
• India
16 Nov 06
I am in complete agreement with you, man. No religion can prove that their's is the only true one. I think religion is just a man-made concept. I am not a religious person but I do believe in existence of God. The only difference is that I don't call him Jesus, I don't call him Allah, I don't call him Ganesha or by any other name; I only call him as The Creator.
If you ask me, there should only be one religion and that is HUMANITY and that's the only religion I believe in, at the moment. I can only hope that one day, all the people on this planet will keep an open mind like you and me.
@samsonskola (3357)
• United States
18 Nov 06
that has always been one of mine, too...even the King James version of the Bible was "translated" by just another man. I feel that there is no "true" religion, and I even stopped attending a sunday school class once when the teacher said that the following week we would be learning about why that faith was the only true religion. I follow the Native American tradition of faith..I am in my "church" every time i step out the front door and see all "the creator" has made, no matter what you call him. I think that as long as each person feels in their heart that they are following their true faith, that is all that's needed, as long as it is love, respect, and sharing, it can't be wrong.
@shoreboy31 (1433)
• United States
19 Nov 06
You know there is so much truth to I believe sndcain has said in the past, organized religion is really not to be trusted, as it is man-made. My faith is based on the principles of christianity, but I also believe that God is in everything we see. To be close to God one needs only speak to him and he will hear.
@valmiki9 (1171)
• India
16 Nov 06
You have to understand that the question is not about religion but about faith. If you have faith in God which is an unknown quantity then worship him as such as hinduism teaches. It says "Ekam sat Vipraha bahuda vadanti" meaning God is one the worshippers give him several names and qualities. God is sat Chit Ananda (The truth, the consciousmess and the eternal bliss). If you can find it you can be in total bliss