Do you think that love can last forever?

@jugsjugs (12967)
November 30, 2009 5:24pm CST
I think that people change over the years as well as their attitudes towards each other.You hear of people being married more than twice,more than four times as well as people who never settle down.Then you have the people that have been married for over 60 years,what do you think.
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48 responses
• United States
30 Nov 09
i think divorce is only common in america.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
30 Nov 09
I think it is the same in the UK
• United States
1 Dec 09
I think divorce is common everywhere in this modern world. Even the conservative far east, they have high divorce rate. Thanks to the cultural influence of Western cultures. They learn pretty well from it. Don't we agree?
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@abbey19 (3106)
• Gold Coast, Australia
1 Dec 09
I can only speak from my own experience. I have been married to the same man for the past 44 years, and can honestly say that we have a wonderfully full and loving relationship. Sure, we have both changed over the years, but we have grown with each other, and the love that we felt when we first met all those years ago is still there - stronger than ever probably. I suppose we should count ourselves lucky because not all marriages work out. Our kids have often said they would like a marriage like ours - only one has achieved it so far. So to answer your question - yes, I know that love can last forever!
@jugsjugs (12967)
1 Dec 09
I am soo pleased you have a happy marriage,44 years that is good.
@clorissa123 (4926)
• United States
1 Dec 09
People's mentality is gradually change over time and culture. So, bear with it, most people might have a spur of moment to get married. After sometime of their marriage, they start to discover each other's weakness, and dislike each other over time. Divorce is where to started it. I won't exclude others who would love each other forever. That is the romance of true love.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
1 Dec 09
Alot of people change as soon as they get married as they learn what the other person is like when they have lived with them for a little while and find that they do not like living with that person.
@danitykane (3183)
• Philippines
1 Dec 09
hi jugs! I think if love is real or true then it will last forever. But people really change, same with our hearts and feelings, it may change as time pass by. But with people who truly love, their feelings for the one they love just grows more everyday. Oh are there anyone like that anymore? I want one! hahaha! Happy Lotting!
@jugsjugs (12967)
1 Dec 09
Alot of people do fall in love and get married as well as fall out of love just as quick
• United States
30 Nov 09
I believe that love will last forever if you are friends as well as lovers. My parents have been married 35 years and my grandparents have been married 60 years. I have been married 2 years. I have learned from my grandparents and my partents that the importance of a successful marriage is good communication skills. My husband and I talk about everything and we share everything. We keep track of our spending and when we use our joint account we tell the other person when we take money out or what we spend.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
1 Dec 09
I think you are right as you must be like friends to each other as that way you can feel like you can talk about anything you like with your partner.I like to see as well as hear about people that have a nice marriage aswell as the marriage lasting a life time.
@kashers (649)
• Jamaica
1 Dec 09
only love built upon truth, honesty,understanding,respect,last forever,lies and playing around will not work for long
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@jugsjugs (12967)
1 Dec 09
You have to trust the person as with no trust there is no love
@laglen (19759)
• United States
1 Dec 09
I believe that love does last forever. But if you ask somebody who has been married for 60 years, they will tell you that they "fell out of love" repeatedly. It is sticking to it and telling yourself that you do love that person. If you truly believe it, you will. Spending that long with anybody would be a true challenge.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
8 Dec 09
Love needs to be shared, totally between 2 people and not one sided. Quite often it's one half of a couple that is keeping the relationship going then they get used up and become empty and they cannot go on. Being in a committed relationship and loving someone is jolly hard work. I think many couples who actually stay together just go through the motions without any feeling for each other at this a working relationship? Maybe not but if it works for them then so be it. I hope you find time to let me know what you think of my ideas.
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• United States
1 Dec 09
I believe love and mariage are two different things . I believe yiou can love a person for your share of forever but that doesn't mean you can or should marry them.There are many couples who love each other for the rest of their lives but they never married each other. And then there are couples who eremaine married for decades but they don't love eah other any more. It all doends on the couple. i believe in love that can last fiorever but a happy marriage, no . At least not for me.
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
30 Nov 09
People marry for the wrong reasons these days. They think they marry for love, but really it is for lust. They don't marry for life, they marry until they fall out of lust, because "you can always get a divorce." (yes, I had a guy say that to me) They aren't willing to work on the marriage, if it isn't "fun" then they stop being married. I know people who have been married for 50 or more years, but they are all my parent's age. I know a few couples that have been married for 25 years, but they are my age (give or take 10 years) and they went into the marriage with an education and a commitment. I know a whole lot more people that have been married 10 years or less - and are either on second, third or more marriages. Finally, I see kids who are claiming they are married - but I'm not seeing the certificates, who have kids and who knows how long those relationships are going to last. Now, I did know a couple who were each on their 3rd marriage, but because they were now grown - in fact, had mostly or almost grown children - had learned and they remained married the rest of his life. She hasn't, to the best of my knowledge, been looking for another man, she had finally found the right one and they had both been willing to work on the marriage. I don't know why the previous marriages had failed, but I rather suspect it might have had more to do with the partners rather than just their problems.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
1 Dec 09
There are alot of people that marry just for the lust as they realise that it is not love.
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• China
23 Jan 10
I believe the true love can last forever. It is kind of like to meet your soul mate, then the love is longlasting. I agree with that the divorce rate is increasing nowadays, i think it is because now people are chasing the freedom, or they don't meet the right person.
@jugsjugs (12967)
23 Jan 10
I also think that a relationship tends to fail is that the couple have not known each other long and tend to rush into things as well as they do not live together as then if they did they would know alot more about that person.I think that if there is money worries as well this do not help the relationship as well no matter how much you love each other.
• Philippines
30 Nov 09
Yes love can last forever as long as this is what people called as "perfect love - that you have found Mr./Ms. Right. But nowadays it is a little harder to find, well bless are those who find the true love of their life. For those unsuccessful marriage or love life, the possible reason might be pride and pride swallow all the love. It is best that love will the center of every relationship. Well I am not that well experienced in the field of love, but I could say that love can really last forever if both couple know its true meaning. Maybe finding the perfect person for you is the first thing before loving, the one whom you share the same interest, faith, belief, and others.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
1 Dec 09
Like you say there must be both people that know what the word love means.
@tatutino (107)
• Brazil
1 Dec 09
I think that is nothing something to think, its something that we should always forget, if it is going to last one day, or one million, doesnt matter, what really matter is what you could learn, and what of good you took from it, yes, its good when it lasts, but its not that simple, its really better to live without asking yourself it. My life, i had no one loving me, except people from my family, but i know that when i find someone, it's almost certain that wont last forever, because we all die...
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@glaiz_9 (366)
• Philippines
24 Jan 10
This sound like a romantic movie or novel to me maybe because I have yet to fall in love. You are right that people always changes, that is why it is a little hard that love last forever. What if the thing that you love about her is gone, then you wouldn't love him/her naymore?
@jugsjugs (12967)
24 Jan 10
I think that there are alot of things that can happen in any marriage that can test it as well as other people causing the trouble in others marriages as well.There are times that i look at my husband and think do he still love me after having a stressfull day where as there are other days i think that i do really love him and that if he did not love me would he still be here.
• Canada
8 Dec 09
sometimes love lasts forever, other times it does not. Neither theory is impossible. My husband has been married 4 times (I'm his 4th wife), but he is my first husband. It seems I found what I wanted much earlier in life than he did, and we are happy to stay together.
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
16 Dec 09
I think it is possible with the right people. We've all seen stories of couples who have been together 50 to 70 years. Love is not easy and it takes a lot of work, patience and foregiveness. Not all of us have that.
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
1 Dec 09
not 60 yrs but in a few months i will be married for 25 yrs. and i think love can last froever but it depend if the couple works together to make sure they dont fall out of love.
@jugsjugs (12967)
1 Dec 09
You do both have to work at it
@doormouse (4599)
1 Dec 09
i think it's very rare that love lasts forever,it would be nice if it did,but as you said,people change,circumstances change,feelings change,i think it's just part of life
@jugsjugs (12967)
1 Dec 09
I think you are right people do change and not always for the best
• Philippines
15 Feb 10
i'd like to make my marriage last for a lifetime . for me to keep that is i think i have to constantly check and recheck my attitude towards my partner specially, towards how i deal with people, and towards life in general. yeah it is true, people constantly change. because people need to and heave to, to create harmony and to enhance relationships. love i think is CONSTANT, only people change. if these changes are made for the betterment of the relationships well it is good, it can be rewarding. Good luck...
@pjnjclyn (176)
• Newton, New Jersey
24 Jan 10
I think that love does last forever. Love changes as time goes. When you are first with someone it is the excitement of getting to know the other person then you add friendship closeness etc.. When you love someone there is always going to be part of you that has some feelings for the other.