Do you think we should get rid of some people??
@slaveofsensation (348)
United States
December 12, 2009 10:59pm CST
I mean do you think the world is becoming over-populated? Do you think we are running out of room for everyone? Are we going to someday soon run out of resources? I do think that we are breeding at a much too rapid pace there is no need for people to be out there with 5,7,10 sometimes 12 kids and alot of them cant take care of all of these children by themselves and I think the kids dont get enough individual attention.
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15 responses
@chelsgrrl69 (382)
• United States
13 Dec 09
I think that if you can genuinely take care of your children, then you should be able to have as many as you want. Running out of resources and space is an increasing threat in the world and I do believe that we should be doing more about it beside selling "green" shampoo and charging an extra 2 bucks for it.
But I do not see the world running out of room for people anytime soon. Not in this lifetime. And, as much as babies are being born, there is around that many people passing everyday, so I guess it might even itself out. [the circle of life]
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@slaveofsensation (348)
• United States
13 Dec 09
I do agree we should do more now than buying a few green products. I also think some people are making it seem worse than it is. I saw a documentary the other day that was quite interesting and pretty convincing but once I looked up actual statistics and population only grows 1.17% so its not as bad as they descrided at all. Seems like we must be doing a pretty good job of the population control already.
@blablablu (221)
• Indonesia
13 Dec 09
Well it will be even if every family only have 2 kids. If that so, then we'll get straight bar on pyramid of life. But the thing is that many family have more than 2 kids. Even if government (like in Japan and China) have forbid to have more than a child, it still can't be controlled. And if you see compare the number between one-child parents versus at-least-two-childs parents, you will see very distinctive different between those two.
I don't really agree if we should get rid of some people. We can only give education for people regarding these things. Beside, I don't think I could handle many kids as everything are so expensive nowadays *sigh*
• India
13 Dec 09
One child policy is in China. Can't call it policy. Its more of a dictatorial rule. Japan actually feels that its under-populated and want couples to have children.
@krkavsy (191)
• India
13 Dec 09
Yes we should get rid of people who intend to harm us. We should get rid of all the hypocrites.
We should have only those people who shows gratitude towards you and is always for you.
@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
13 Dec 09
I've known people with 5 kids that have a very functional family and they actually get more interaction and stimulation because they are able to get help, advice and stimulation from 6 other people not just their 2 parents. I have also known families with only 1 or 2 children that are very disfunctional and the children are getting the wrong messages and not learning how to deal with the REAL world because they are spoiled and get too much attention. There is no hard and fast rule. Every family unit is different and you cannot judge a family with many children and less than a family with few children.
I do not think the world is becoming overpopulated. I think the gov't is creating and enforcing too many stupid laws that cause FEAR and are unreasonable and actually CAUSE more harm than they prevent. But they lie to the public.
As to getting rid of some people. Yes, I would like to get rid of all the current leaders of the US, Canada, Britian and many others. We should start over with HONEST people that are properly elected BY THE PEOPLE and FOR THE PEOPLE. Too many high up politicians are bought off by Organized Crime and corrupt so they do not serve us any longer.
@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
13 Dec 09
Just so you konw, I by 'getting rid of', I only mean to get them out of power, so we can replace them with upstanding citizens that will actually do what is right for all of us, instead of lining their pockets with bribes and payoffs to ruin our country and send us into meaningless wars.
• India
13 Dec 09
Instead of getting rid of people just don't create more people. If one is married then they can adopt children instead of creating more babies. That would take care of the so called excess population.
@slaveofsensation (348)
• United States
13 Dec 09
I totally think more people should adopt. So many kids out there with no one to care for them. I would adopt if I could but the restrictions are too much and it is VERY expensive. You have to have alot of money and it helps if you are married and all sorts of other things that I dont have. They dont make sure you are married before they let you have kids and you certainly dont have to be rich so I think this is a little unfair, especially for the poor little orphan childern.
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
13 Dec 09
Overpopulation is one of the biggest lies going around these days. It's being spread by people who want nothing more than control over people, and by control I mean that they want to control everything that a person does, from what they eat to how many kids they can have. It's a lie, pure and simple.
@slaveofsensation (348)
• United States
13 Dec 09
Thats what I said the poulation is only growing at a rate of 1.17% per year and the US population only .94% per year so I dont think we will have problem for such a long time if this is the case.
@kaylachan (76290)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
13 Dec 09
I think it's wrong to try to control the human population, as it is wrong to try an get rid of people because someone think there are "too many". It's not physically possible to control how many children a person may conceive. Sometimes nature plays a bigger role then humans do. Life is a wonderful gift, to get rid of it would be like saying crime, and murder are irrelevent and it should be okay for people to kill each other for what ever reason.
@slaveofsensation (348)
• United States
13 Dec 09
you said "its not physically possible to control how many children a person may have"
It most certainly is possible! You just sterilize all men at birth. I dont think its the right thing to do at all but it is most certainly possible.
@poingly (605)
• United States
14 Dec 09
I don't think there's anything wrong in TRYING to control the human population. As long as its done in humane ways (ie, something like tax breaks for people with reasonably sized families), it's fine.
Based on the rest of what you say above, I hope you mean that it should NOT be okay for people to kill each other for whatever reason.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
13 Dec 09
Bumping off people who are already here is of course not feasible LOL but yes, we could and should do better in terms of population control and management. After all, its the human resources of a place or nation that’s its greatest asset and all over the world, there is not equitable distribution of wealth, so that does count in over exploitation of nature in some places whereas in others, resources go waste either due to lack of awareness or because the country is loathe to use up its own resources and is encroaching on other areas.
I still believe that nature has enough for all of us if only we were to use it judiciously and if more and more people were made aware of giving back to nature as much as we take from her.
@missweety (626)
• Latvia
13 Dec 09
Yea, i think we shouls get rid of some criminals...from all these murderers who are living on our tax money...I think we should send them to another country...heeeheee...
@marlena18042 (636)
• United States
13 Dec 09
Hello slaveofsensation. I myself have 5 children. My husband and I take care of them very well and they each do get alot of individual attention. They are different ages that start at 2yrs old and my oldest being 19. I think it works well for me as, my older children do not need the attention as the 2yr old. They have school,and friends, etc. But, it all works out just fine.
I suppose if they were all the same age it might be very difficult, if not impossible to care for them the very best I could. But then again, what about women that have 4 or 5 together? I suppose, they make it work too!
Even though in ,my situation with my 5 kids, I disagree with your statement, I suppose it can be accurate in others situations.
I see some people that keep having children that cannot even support themselves. And some people that have only 1 child and do not give that 1 child any attention!
But, again, that isn't everybody.
@slaveofsensation (348)
• United States
13 Dec 09
I dont have kids but I grew up in a family with 6 kids so I know what you mean. Even if you dont have time to give everyone attention you make time, cause thats what moms do right? its a juggeling act and my mom was great at it. I think it teaches kids valuble lessons to have siblings, not just sharing but how to be considerate and how to sacrifice for others. My boyfriend was an only child to a rich family and he is so selfish I always tell him his parents should have had more kids and then he would understand alot of things that now he cant. I just know that every family cant have 6 kids or else the earth will become quickly overpopulated but we are doing ok if the average is 2.5 kids per household it would just be much better if the number was 2 kids per house because that would mean that the population is staying right where it is. The world needs people like me who will never have any children so that others can have 4. I constantly get asked when we are going to start having children and people are so shocked when I say that I dont want kids, I mean I acctually get dirty looks it is kind of silly, we cant all have kids or there would be no favorite aunt to babysit ;-)
@Slatterbeen (24)
• Haiti
13 Dec 09
Go watch the 2012 movie and imagine the rest, this will give you a clue.
@rebornhunter25 (113)
• United States
14 Dec 09
I think that the people in America spend way to much time popping out kids and then asking for handouts from the government. Its Sad that people in the news have like 8-10 kids and they get in the news for it. Yes I personally do think the world is overpopulated. Simply put Women out there who are having so many damn kids, shut your legs and stop making the rest of the world suffer because you cant control your hormones!
@olisaur (1922)
• United States
13 Dec 09
I have always thought that the world is very overpopulated- with people. With so mnay of us, we're using our power and resources at an alarming rate; nature cannot keep up with us and we are slowly killing our planet.
I guess it would be "cruel" to kill some of us off, so I say PREVENT this problem from getting worse- educate people about this problem and get them (somehow) to adopt children, if they want chldren, rather than having them create more children.
@xizhilang (106)
• China
14 Dec 09
Yes,the world is over croweded.The source is running out.For a long time,the number of people boom fast.While the rise is going on ,we must take some useful measures.At present,it seems that there's no useful ones.
@hoodwinks (157)
• United States
13 Dec 09
yeah i'd have to agree with you about people having a lot of kids, for being over crowded and losing resources we may have lots and lose lots. but we are always thinking and making new ways for people to live and improving life all together. if you have the science channel or just look up stuff on the science channel and they show a lot of things that they are doing to improve the way we will live someday. for resources as well we are thinking of making material to improve and make things a bit cheaper. some people use corn oil to run their cars, there are more hybrids being own now a days. good by gas. there are so much going on that sometimes people are blinded sometimes.
@Apple3Cranberry (678)
• United States
13 Dec 09
Wow. I don't think that we should get rid of anyone. I think that everyone belongs here. Or else they wouldn't have been born. I am thinking this because of the divine and I believe. But we do have differences! We should be able to work things out, but it can be bothersome. It can be so bothersome. But this is why we must rely on our own sense of what is right. And we must rely on what is right in society. Relying on society helps us curb our own standards and to understand those of other people. If something isn't right there is usually some defiance that starts.