Where did you learn the idea that you can make money online?

December 14, 2009 8:20am CST
Where did you learn the idea that you can make money online? More than two years ago, when we had our internet connection at home, all I did was browse about celebrities and entertainments, play games online until a friend told me that I can be productive and earn money. It was more than two years ago that I learned I can earn money by joining forums and one of the first sites I joined was mylot. I tried being a programmer in some sites that offers projects, then I mm also into blogging. I learned about PTC but it did not interests me that much because of the scam and slow income. Right now, I keep multiple blogs and that's what keeps me busy while I am online. I am glad that friend showed me the way to earn money online. In your case, when did you learn that you can earn money with your computer and internet connection?
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11 responses
• United States
14 Dec 09
I would have to say that being a mom forced me to "look" for ways to make money besides having a 9-5 job. I have a very strong desire to stay at home with my children therefore I was compelled to "look". I was aware of the fact that the internet brought the world to my living room. So, about 5 years ago I began to take advantage of researching at home opportunities on-line!
@cianoy (513)
• Philippines
15 Dec 09
Hi! Are you a full-time mom now? How many hours are you on-line and how much does it add to your earnings? I ask because I'm wondering if the trade-off between a job and doing all the on-line stuff is a fair trade. For me personally, the on-line earnings are way too small. But then again I haven't been doing this full time for a long time.
@Fulltank (2882)
• Philippines
15 Dec 09
Once we get hooked over the internet, we always comes to the fact that people are talking about how we can earn over the internet. Its actually a common internet stuffs. Adds pops-out, blogs spam over your e-mail, twitter, facebook, YM, name it and you will find somebody talking on how to get extra income over the net. For me, I just made simple research and some articles over the net and check what are the legitimate sites. And the rest is history. Got good paying sites like AC, Bukisa and Triond. And lately, had received my first payment here in myLot.
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
15 Dec 09
Dear friend, I was introduced this online earning from one of my relative, then rest I just learn myself. Even though I had not make this online earning as a part of my living. I do enjoy at times like sites like mylot where the people get much involved and could make money as a motivation and doing it much interestingly. Can spend time according one's own wish too.
@bingchen (1119)
• China
15 Dec 09
i dont know whether i can earn money from it.i joined in mylot,it is accidental thing,when i browse online,a piece of article pay attetion me and could earn money and learn english from it.so i join it.i find that i earn money from mylot it is a little,but my english improve quickly.so i said that although i earn money in mylot is a little,but my english have good gain,so it is to give me effort.
@rosey19 (951)
• Philippines
15 Dec 09
I learned that that there is money online from a friend two years ago. She was the one who introduced me to do blogging. She helped me to create a blog and taught me on how to do it. But I was not active in posting my blogs until I was motivated to write post when I knew that she was receiving money from blogs so I decided to continue posting. And it was successful because after seven months I earned $72 from blogging and that was my first earning. I was motivated also to do mylotting because my officemate introduced me to do so because she too is earning every month. so I decide to join and I enjoyed the moment every time I posted discussio0ns.
@ankush19 (154)
• India
15 Dec 09
sitting idle at home with an internet connection...want money.. datz the time when i wanted money money the most and started thinking about online jobs or earning money online.however earning money has never been that simple and fast and so is it applicable here as well.dont think dat u can earn money here easily without any pains.neither is it a very fast process.u should have patience for that.thats my experience.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
15 Dec 09
I used to work outside of my home for many years. I got so tired of it because of the people that I worked with. I bought me a new computer and decided to do some searching online for ways to make money. I have been earning for about 8 years now.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
15 Dec 09
I saw an item on a current affairs programme here in regards to making money online. The story was specifically about blogging and a young lady was interviewed who had a blog that had been doing really well and had good number of followers. She was interviewed in regards to how she managed to earn money from her site and, because I love to write the information caught my attention and I decided I wanted to earn that way too so I started a blog. The money didn’t come in as I would have liked but once online I found many other avenues to utilise my writing and my time and earn. MyLot was one of those avenues and I have gone on from there. I don’t make a lot, just pocket money but the fun that I have is great!
@BART78 (2927)
• Canada
15 Dec 09
i don't also believe in the first place that you can earn online, but i give it try, though i haven't earn yet, i'm beginning to like it and i don't know if i already up to the money or just enjoying it..
@Jensie (120)
• China
15 Dec 09
I know that we can make money online from the internet but I never tried. There was no one around me really earn money online and I dn't believe in things unproved. A month or tow ago, one of my cousins told me she checked her account and she did make money from this site. So here I am and decide to give it a try.
@adamc151 (476)
14 Dec 09
I had an internet connection ages before i realised money could be made online. Well, i knew money could be made online but i thought it was only big businesses or computer geeks who make websites and stuff. I didn't realise there were sites you could just sign up to and earn money with. and to be honest if someone had told me, i would have probably thought it was scam. But then i received an invitation from a friend directing me to an awesome site where i could actually make money for doing offers and what not. I thought it was amazing, hence i searched for even more sites and there were! now i'm making money online :D