2012 !!! Is it really Going to happen ???

December 16, 2009 6:18am CST
Hi My Fellow My Lotters, Yeah I know that the coming year is not 2012 but Have you heard about this theory that the world is gonna end in 2012?? Is it true?? Is it really gonna happen?? Or is it Juz a hoax?? Well it sure is scary to think that we will be exterminated by 2012!! I have read that the poles of the earth will change and that will result in Natural Calamities but will the World end?? I know this is the hot topic nowadays and everybody would have heard about it! Do share with us what you have heard and do also let us know what the Hell is so different about 2012 !!! If you have any scientific reasons , Your Most welcome to share that with all of us! Will surely help everyone to plan their life! I mean I'm still young to leave this world and would really love to do a variety of things before the world ends mate!!!! It's too early ! if the world is really Gonna end! Anyways do drop in your comments and opinions about this really hot and interesting topic! Cheers and Happy My lotting!
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19 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
16 Dec 09
LOL I doubt very much that it will..its just hype just like 1999 into 2000 was..But even if it were to...oh well! Thats my attitude anyway. I mean if it WERE to be the end of the world you can't stop it so why even stress over it..if it happens it happens if it doesnt it doesnt....
• India
16 Dec 09
Hi Raven, Well i don't wanna stress over it but there are a lot of things that i need to do before the world ends if that is the case and i really need to speeden up my life cycle! so thats the reason why i am so worried about the world ending pal!!! I am still very young!
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
16 Dec 09
If you have things you "need" to do, then do them REGARDLESS of whether or not the world is goin to end...I mean if it ends BEFORE you accomplish certain things it really wont matter anymore will it....
@dpod41 (19)
• United States
17 Dec 09
We're all going to die around that time. There will be mass riots and marshal law. There will be Hoovervilles scattered all over the country. There will be empty houses everywhere and the few that survive will have a long five to ten years ahead of them. This whole notion that we're going to be magically destroyed is, of course, just really silly. I'm talking about the collapse of the dollar. They always have us looking one way when, in reality, something real is happening in another direction. Research the collapse of the dollar due to inflation. It's worthless. It's not backed by gold. Be prepared..buy gold and silver while you can.
@missybear (11391)
• United States
16 Dec 09
I really don't think so but I guess we will soon find out
@sherwinm (149)
• India
17 Dec 09
YEA!! even I don't think its gonna happen. But even if its gonna happen lets all enjoy the life we 've had till the last minute.
• United States
20 Dec 09
while i think it's odd several cultures have come up with the same year,i'm not gonna worry about it.there's been doomsayers since the beginning of time,and for the most part it never manifests.
@mawong79 (215)
• Malaysia
17 Dec 09
I really don't know if it's true. Im just hope that their prediction are wrong.
@ankush19 (154)
• India
17 Dec 09
hi. i dont think that anything will really happen in 2012.just publicity gaining stuff.everything is just made up.nothing is real.infact i have a very big plan.in 2013,i'l watch this 2012 movie n LAUGH!!! HAHAHAHA!!! n i'l do that at a large scale.will be great fun.NO HARD FEELINGS FOR ANYONE.ENJOY!!!
@leo336 (2)
• China
17 Dec 09
the end day in 2012 is a misunderstanding.Maya doesn't meen that but indicates 2010 is a new begining.Supposing that the end day in coming, from now on there are at least 2 years left, what will you do? will you confess yourself to the girl you love. will you say sorry to your parents because you never show filial piety to them.will you seize the day to do things you haven't done. Wish you have a nice day.
@rsa101 (38194)
• Philippines
17 Dec 09
Oh there are many topics in here like this one. I really think that 2012 is something like the 2000 computer bug thing. There was a lot of hulabaloo when 2000 was about to arrive because of the millenium bug that it will create lots of problem on computers. But in the end, it didn't affect everybody else at all. Let us just wait for 2012 if there is anything going to happen at all. I think you still have a couple of years so enjoy what is left of it than worrying about it at all.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
17 Dec 09
I sure hope that their predictions are wrong. I do not think anyone knows for sure if it is really going to happen though. It is a good possibility with the global warming and all.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
17 Dec 09
Hi gamesurfer, This is sure getting to be a very hot topic and some people are very scared. I see no reason for that and have told that to many people. This world will end for all of us on the day that we die, for tens of thousands that will be today and for others it will be tomorrow. It stands to reason then, that many of us will not even be here when 2012 comes around. The whole thing springs from the Mayans who developed a very advanced way of telling time. Their long calendar which covers hundreds of years stops on December 21, 2012. This has led to much speculation that the world will end on that day. It is worthy of note however that the Mayan themselves have never said that. Now of course, Hollywood has got in on the action with the recent movie. Many others have been writing about it and trying to cash in on people's fears. Personally, I think that a change is coming and that the Mayans were smart enough to know this. Already we can see these changes happening and it may very well reach it's peak around the end of 2012. Mankind has the ability to end all life on this planet, and that may be our greatest fear, but there is also the melting of the Polar ice caps and other forms of global warming that must be taken into consideration. The present financial crisis in the world should make people realize that things are never going to be able to return to where they were just a couple of years ago, and if it should, it will be short lived and bring about a much greater crisis. We cannot continue to live in a world where ten per cent of the people control ninety per cent of the wealth. This all has to come to a head sometime, and it may well be starting now. To sum up I would say, don't expect the world to end in 2012 unless it's at our own hands but expect some changes and hope that we realize it in time to make it a chance for the better. Blessings.
@jusskay (44)
• United States
16 Dec 09
i hope not cuz thats the yr. i turn 21 and i wanna atleast enjoy the experience of being 21 1st lol
@edu4625 (188)
• United States
16 Dec 09
Yes there are some excellent books that have been published that support that there will be physical, spiritual and mental changes in the earth in 2012. You have to be careful what books you read because as always there are people who are trying to exploit this subject and just make money off of it. I personally don't believe the world will come to an end but perhaps an end as we know it. I believe there will be changes so dramatic that it will feel like the end of the world to many. So many sources like the bible, and the Mayan calendar are pointing to these changes. If you look around you and really become aware you will begin to see some of the changes that are leading to 2012 are already in effect.
@ToniTsui (39)
17 Dec 09
I don't know if it's true because I don't have the ability to predict .but I have been hearing of the kind of theory as I grow up , and nowadays it's more widely spreaded with the internet developing so rapidly ~~~I don't believe so ,but I can feel the change of climate and the increase of climate disaster .So we don't need to think if the end of world will come , what we should do now is protect the environment and save the limited resource
• United States
16 Dec 09
It could happen but ANY of us will know until You know when. But Yes there are many Books,Movies,Stories about how the Sun will do this or that. But None of its surtain. i Say continue with your life, and if it does happen be happy with what you had in life.
• United States
16 Dec 09
I find myself agreeing with Ravenlady. No one knows when the world is going to end. Going back further, the world was supposed to end in the Bicentennial which was 1976, then it was supposed to end in 1999 and 2000. People think they know everything, but alas we are mere Humans.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
16 Dec 09
I believe that if the world is ever going to end, not only it will be inevitable and we will all be helpless to do anything about it but we more than likely will have no prior knowledge of the occurrence. I have been hearing such predictions for so long and, after all the concerns in regards to the year 2000 which ended up uneventful, I don’t concern myself with anything like that; as I said, if and when it will happen we will probably have no prior warning!
@bhawanee (174)
• India
16 Dec 09
Dear Gamesurfer, God himself doesn't judge the things until the end then who are you and I.
• Philippines
16 Dec 09
My opinion regarding this matter would really depends on the faith and belief of the person. In my case it is biblical, I do have faith in God, I am a member of a certain religion in our country. For me, whatever happens in 2012 is still remained to be seen. Just like what they predicted during the new years eve of 2000. It may be true or it may be a hoax. One of my basis is that even Jesus Christ do not when would be the end of the world only God knows. It is also a fact that the end is near (basing this on a biblical point of view), but it is uncertain when it would be. I am pretty sure in this scenario, no exact prediction can take place. Also, I admit that there are signs that the world is near to its end, this was even foretold by the aposotles themselves that the end is near (if it is near to them then moreso to this date), but I guess the exact moment of the end is still undertain. Many things could happen to us everyday which we cannot know for certain, that is why I thank God for letting me breath for another day, but I am ready for time when it comes, I just borrowed my life to him, then He may take it anytime. Scientists may not believe in God but some do. Scientists look for answers to the mytery of the world and its occurences, although even for them, they admit that their knowledge and studies have limitations, because it is a humans nature to not know everything. What a coincidence that such attribute has been foretold also by the holy scriptures.
@rescarez (37)
• Philippines
16 Dec 09
I think this is just an exagerration. You really can never tell what is going to happen and when. Let's just start changing our lives now and take it as a warning. It won't hurt if we start changing now.
• South Korea
16 Dec 09
maybe ,but we must live without that thinking. We are all OK ```. We will be OK`. And the world ,human beings will be OK!