Hoping for a white christmas

December 21, 2009 7:26am CST
We had snow here on Thursday night last week. It was nearly up to my knees it was so deep. Despite more coming down last night it seems to be slowly disappearing. The weather states it may snow heavy again this afternoon and I am keeping my fingers crossed. I have never had a white christmas and would love to see it just this once. It may be the closest it has ever come in my lifetime here to a white christmas. I am like a big kid, despite the chaos it causes to the traffic I love the snow. Do you love it or hate it? What are you reasons?
14 responses
• Belgium
22 Dec 09
a white christmas has advcantages and disadvantages: advantges: - kids playing in the snow - it's beautiful - ... disadvantages: - traffic is stuck - slippery (though that might be good, seeing other people slip is funny ^^) - black smudge along the roads Wheter you like it or not depends on what you do. Staying at home? snow is fun ^^. Going to work? I hate snow :(
@adamc151 (476)
22 Dec 09
yeh i love snow :) Its been snowing where i live for the last couple of days on and off and its settled everywhere. I hope it continues but apparently its not going to snow on christmas day. Hopefully weatherman is wrong :)
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
22 Dec 09
I'm not too fond of snow or cold, at least not for long periods. Snow has sort of always been something that we visit, but we don't live in. The kids have a lot of fun with it though.
@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Yes I like snow for Christmas. The weather people are saying that we will be getting snow starting Tuesday night and off and on through Thursday Christmas Eve so I think we will be having a white Christmas even though it will not be snowing on Christmas Day. I am glad because it will be easier to drive to my sons on Christmas Day if it is not snowing.
@zamurai (47)
• India
22 Dec 09
I live in India..southern part So it wont be a white Christmas here with snow.. A bit more cooler than other seasons.
• Malaysia
22 Dec 09
Definetely love it an hope i can feel it some day... Celebrating a white christmas has been a dream for me esp born and living in Asian...
• India
21 Dec 09
I wish I were there to witness that marvelous scenery.White Christmas has only been in my dreams the picture which I got from Christmas movies and pictures and some walt disney cartoons.It has always been a nostalgia to me. Here instead of white christmas it is hot christmas, the global warming and the climate change and all other terminologies related to the recently evolving catastrophe has started causing ripples here which is already reeling under unusual heat wave and untimely monsoon.Till a few years back I had a distant dream that I too could experience white christmas here but now it got faded away. Now my cherished dream is materialised through decorating my Christmas tree with small white thermocol balls which resemble snow.
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
21 Dec 09
I love watching the snow fall; however, I HATE SNOW!!! Why??? I don't know, but I've NEVER liked snow...even as a child!!! Snow is beautiful while it's falling. I find that once it's on the ground it messes up EVERYTHING!!! It's unbelievably cold, traffic is a horror...plus many, many other problems. The weatherman says we might have snow here too & I'm dreading the thought of it!!! My brother & his family are due to drive in to celebrate Christmas & I'll need to drive to my dad's to help prepare the meal. Snow will be a MAJOR inconvenience!!! I don't care how beautiful it is, it will be a problem. I've ALWAYS wondered why people pray for a white Christmas when it is so much trouble!!! Since you want your white Christmas so bad, will you PLEASE take mine too???
@kelly10 (678)
21 Dec 09
Well here in the UK it is white, white, white. Snow has been falling since Friday and at times has been non stop for hours. It's cold and horrible but that's because I don't really like the snow. Whenever I go out in it I often fall other, on one occassion injuring my back, and seem to slip all over the place. I guess for us it will be a white Christmas, although not much snow has fallen today.
• China
22 Dec 09
As the chrismas is coming nearly, and the weather is getting colder and colder, I guess most people have a thought of snowing recently, and wish a snow christmas festvel!
@malamar (779)
• Canada
21 Dec 09
Hi Skyeblue, I live in Canada, so actually I am hoping for a "green" Christmas - LOL Chances are I won't get my wish though as it is snowing here at the moment. I don't really mind the snow so much as I hate the havoc in causes on the roads. Christmas is a time when family and friends are travelling & visiting, so I would love for the roads to be clear. I hope you get your wish for a white Christmas though....
@thewayis (646)
• Bulgaria
21 Dec 09
I like snow very much. I am always happy when we have a white Christmas and I am hoping for one this year, too. We had some snow three days ago, but it melted (and I don't really know how it melted because the tempretures here are bellow zero for at least a week now) and yesterday it was so cold and windy that I actually left home with a shalw and a hat, which I use only when it is really cold. I hope that the weather will soften enough for the snow to fall. I am hoping for you and for me, that we can both have our white christmas
@hoodwinks (157)
• United States
22 Dec 09
I live one hour west of Albany, New York. every year we get a lot of snow fall, which I hate so much but have not choice we ever get below zero weather which really sucks but we deal with it. for Christmas snowing yeah the news said we are going to get snow on Christmas. that's like the only day I don't mind the snow cause it adds to the beauty of Christmas. and with Christmas creeping very quick its going to be nice.
@esjosh (911)
• India
22 Dec 09
Yes, I also love snow. Here in India, we can have snow in the northern part only. I am also planning to go there to enjoy the real winter, in snow, snow and snow.