how do you feel people who does this ?
By syankee525
@syankee525 (6249)
United States
January 23, 2010 8:16am CST
ok to me first of it dont matter what anyone want to practice as far regalion. but ive seen so many times where some will go to church every sunday and they will preach at those who like me who dont go to church about God, my faith in God is strong though but as soon as someone who dont go to church the church going people tell them how we shouldnt speak of God, and then they treat others more worst then the people who go to church. what you think about this ?
18 responses
@PastorP (1170)
• United States
23 Jan 10
Hi syankee525.
Christ would call those folks hypocrites. Best thing to do is just commit to Christ and not be concerned about what the religious do -- or don't do. Well, concerned to the point where it moves one away from God that is. When we leave here, we will be answering to God--not any sinful human whether hypocrite or not.
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
23 Jan 10
that pretty much what those people are. yeah i just keep doing the right thing, and treat others proper and give proper respect to those who give it.
thank you have a good weekend
• Philippines
23 Jan 10
Hi friend,
First and foremost, I believe that one of the concept of religion is to create brotherhood among men. This type of brotherhood is a relationship based on understanding, compassion, patience, and love for one another.
If one religious person criticize another person who is not coming to church or attending a worship service, he is not being religious. He is not practicing what his/ her religion has taught him/her or teaching him/her.
It is so easy to see others fault but it is much harder to look at ourselves in the mirror and say that we are perfect, the son of god, incorruptible, etc.

@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
23 Jan 10
i have to agree with you, she will look at others faults or make it up whatever, but always seem to fail to look at herself and fail to her own faults and mistakes but instead flip them around to push them off onto someone else. well try.
my thing is if you or dont go to church but most of all if you do and want to preach God's words to others and then you should live by the words you are preaching or parising. to me we call them design christians. its design to work for them when they want it too, and design not to when they dont.
@stormygrl (761)
• United States
25 Jan 10
I know a couple like this and it seems to be the ones who are very involved in church are the worst,do as they think you should but not as they do.
• India
25 Jan 10
In Christianity and in Islam and by extension Judaism - all these are "tightly" organized religions in that congregational worship is stressed more than having God in your heart. The freedom to either go to church/mosque/synagogue does not rest with the individual but is dictated by the clergy and/or community.
It is only in Hinduism one is just gently nudged for Temple-based worship. In other words, one is given the option of going to temples or to follow the rituals by oneself in SIGs(Special Intererest Groups - term borrowed from IEEE for instance). This feeling of wanting to feel God in ones's heart and not be bothered about going to Church etc., is a New Wave in Christian Thinking. As far as my understanding goes it is unthinkable in Islam, if there is a mosque nearby.
But J, C, and I stress congregational worship a lot.
There is a lot os sense in it too. Though this will make it inconvenient and restrictive for most present day people, the advantage of congregational worship is the presence of a lot of positive energy esp., by the people true in heart about their acceptance of God in their lives. It is also true that Man has many distraction in this world. It is so easy to go astray. But one who is long committed in the way of Christ I still feel could go little laxed on the Church going.
@faridmadeabillion (1127)
• Bangladesh
26 Jan 10
Hey friend! Though It's not anyone of my concern as I'm a Muslim, I can say that these types of people are found in all religions. These folks think that they are on the path of God/Allah and are very close to Him 'cause they advise people about religion. But in fact, they are hypocrites and vicious-minded. They assume that God will ignore their guilt and forgive them. But they don't realize that God is all-aware of all people's mind and mentality. He will reward those who have firm faith and do goods and punish those who do evils. But if fortunate, the wrongful ones will realize about their fault and correct themselves.
@anthony89 (154)
• United States
25 Jan 10
I have heard and hear this all the time. Religious people always bashing on other people who don't go to church and so fourth. I hear people of one religion always have something bad to say about someone of another religion. I think this is unnecessary. I hear these people talk about how righteous they are and how they are guaranteed to get into heaven, but then they actually do the things they talk about they don't like in people. I just think people like this are too judgmental and should realize that they are understanding a religion, a tradition, which is the not the same as god. God and Religion are too different things.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
24 Jan 10
Hi Yankee! I hope that you and yours are well. Amanda was up your way at Christmas and got to see some snow.
But, I digress. You know that we didn't regularly attend church when we lived up your way but no one has the right to talk to me about my personal relationship with God and with Jesus. There are a lot of hypocrites in this world. Don't let them get to you.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
24 Jan 10
I think there are a lot of people who say that they're believers, but have never taken the time to read what their faith's sacred Scripture says, so either don't know or don't care how they treat others. In the Christian faith, the Apostle Paul preached that we (Christians) should live our lives in such a way that others will want what we have. If Christians are treating other and each other badly, why would anyone want or believe anything we tell them or have anything to do with our faith?
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
23 Jan 10
I certainly don't like to be told by a person that I can't do something. It's not their place to tell you what you can and cannot speak of. It's none of their business. They are by no means "better" than anyone and the more judgmental they are, the more they'll have to answer for themselves.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
24 Jan 10
Depends on the religion specifically, and what you mean by 'preach at those'.
Some religions do not teach that you should go to church. In which case, those people should be bothering those who are not violating their faith.
Second, some religions teach that you should 'preach at those' who are not following what their faith teaches. In which case, those that are being preached at should accept that others who do this, are at least following what their religion teaches.
In the case of Biblical Christianity, the Bible specifically says in Hebrews 10:25 "not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together" which means do not forsake the assembling of your christian brothers, together.
Oddly some Christians believe they can completely ignore the written word of God, and yet be close to God.
Now many times Christians that do follow the word, forget how we are to treat those that are not. We should treat them as unbelievers and love them as lost people. And many fail at that.
@venkatachary (1165)
• India
24 Jan 10
I am believer of God, but I seldom go to temple. In temple , In Temple also people are cheating, taking bribe etc; it is felt heavily in heart. every where Money mongers. I PRAY to GOD IN MY HOUSE AND INTERNALLY IN MY HEART AT ALL TIMES.
@kaylachan (75847)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
24 Jan 10
People like that make me want to slap them. I never have, but it makes my blood boil when someone tells me what I should or shouldn't do. It's my life, my choice, and not theirs. I've always felt this way about this particular subject. Even my own parents weren't exactly that pleased with me. They of course tried to raise me to woriship the way they did, but after I grew up I turned my back on it.
Its no one's business but my own on how I respond to religion. If I chose to woriship, pray, or believe what I want to.
@warwic (33)
• India
24 Jan 10
hi syankee525,
yes i also experiancd it but in differnt religon.i dont know why do they do that. god never tells anyone to treat other badly who no want t go in church or my contry people from backword classes are not permissible in the temples in past times.
@Galena (9110)
23 Jan 10
I think some people don't feel their religion in their bones, so they need to turn to some perceived higher source to know how to follow it.
whearas others feel it instinctively. because it's a part of them.
and the first kind tend to look down on others because they think that prescribed religion is the only way, and that those who believe what is instinctive to them don't have a proper religion.
as my religion isn't book based, you quite often see it looked down on by the sort of people that feel they need a priesthood or a book as a go between for them and the divine force.
whearas anyone that gives it the right time and work can build a one on one relationship with deity.
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
23 Jan 10
Hypocrite is the word that comes to mind.
I laugh because when I lived in a section of NY City and attended Sunday church, there were people who attended who were known members of the Mafia, some quite well-known and now and ever ensconced in the history of crime.
Why go to church? You are murdering people!
I hear avid church-goers rip apart other religions, races, etc., and stand there and say, "I do not know about you but I was taught that we are tolerant of all and that we are all God's children. What church do you go to that teaches differently."
It makes me want to spit in their faces! I share your frustrations.
@kimandthatsit (51)
• United States
23 Jan 10
I like to refer to those types of people as "Bible-thumpers" myself my friend. I am a firm believer in God and have always believed there to be a higher power, but that is all based on faith not necessarily prayer. Don't get me wrong there either because I pray but choose not to do so in a church. To me and my husband our church tends to be the great outdoors when we are off alone with our thoughts.. that's our church. One of the big reasons we stay away from churches in general is because of the church pushers. We did join a church that we like though not to long ago and though we don't attend all the time we are signed members, the church is Seacoast Church and they are a very welcoming not confrontational church, they are non-denominational too which is good as anyone can attend whether your Jewish or Baptist you can go there. So, I do agree with you that religion shouldn't be forced on people, I say let us pray our way...
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
23 Jan 10
They are in church. Good! Now the next step is to pay attention to what the religious leader says and most of all, read the book. If it's a Christian church, the word Christian, means "Christ like", so the next step is to read and see how Christ would act. Most of that material is in the New Testament -- what Jesus taught. Many of them would be shocked.