Proof of God's existence

January 31, 2010 5:08am CST
Let us forget abt the universe and just concentrate on our human body. the body is a perfect machine, designed in a way none can comprehend.The full body is in harmony and united with the cells. The blood flows, digestion happens, there is respiratory system etc.. which no human can create even in his dream. Surely, the hand of another being who the creator is there. And this being has to be omnipotent . Certainly, only an omnipotent being can cretae such a wonderful mechanism. No, we look the universe. this is even more wonderful. The tree , plant, bird, animal, seas, lakes, rivers, sun ad moon ad star, the forests, icebergs, the seasons, ground wich is suitable for cutivation, the rains an thunder and lighting , the five element of air, water, fire etc, the vast space and the many planets beyond this our planet and much more is just not possible for us to comprehend. There is perfect mechanism in the unievrse. A human cnnot evn create a brick forget about a world. An omnipotent being is surely involved. The world is more than proof hat God exists. Eveything in the universe gives us the proof that the creator exists.And he is the most poweful. God himself is uncreated and he exists on his own, without a begining and an end he is eternal and the first cause and the most powerfull.
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18 responses
@jb78000 (15139)
31 Jan 10
terribleman - this is an argument but it is not proof. i'm not saying i disagree or agree with you but belief is not the same as proof. and in fact when you get right down to it nobody can prove anything except the fact that they know they are conscious. you can however believe things so go with this.
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• United States
3 Feb 10
..this post is also about observable data and applying logic and reason..
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@Galena (9110)
31 Jan 10
if you believe that is proof of the existance of A God, how do you prove which one? it could be any of them. if it's proof of your God then it's proof of mine too.
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• Malaysia
31 Jan 10
god is only one only 'religion' is different ...
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@Galena (9110)
31 Jan 10
try telling that to Polytheists. if life proves any Gods, it proves all of them.
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• United States
1 Feb 10
Good Point! IF this proves anything then it proves the existence of a God not specifically YOUR God. I think it was not reallY a good argument to begin with there are lots of perfect Machines but they where not created by an actual God.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
31 Jan 10
The world is more than proof hat God exists. Eveything in the universe gives us the proof that the creator exists I'm sorry but the things you mentioned are NOT proof that any god exists..As its been mentioned it could be your arguement that some god exists but its certainly NOT proof by any means..and as Galena said IF its proof of god, then WHICH god? your god? Her god? Which one? or all gods which would mean they ALL exist and work togehter....
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• Philippines
3 Feb 10
Good Morning Ravenladyj! Please read my response to MJ101 and conibear.
@missybear (11391)
• United States
31 Jan 10
Have you ever sat on the toilet as a messy foul concoction comes out of you which fills the air with an unbearable stench? And now you have to use half a roll of toilet paper and your hand to try to clean yourself up as best as possible. Perfect body? I don't think omnipotent being would have absolutely no reason to have us suffer through this natural occurring process. An omnipotent being who was such a great creator would have just made it to where we digest EVERYTHING we need to expel waste products. Have you ever tried to swim to the bottom of the ocean? Where's your perfect body now? you can't do it. People born with no fingers, people born with a smashed nose, people born blind deaf or not being able to speak.....where's the perfect body? was your omnipotent being drunk the day he created people born with deformities? Everything you've explained above is just a part of nature......nothing more nothing less and certainly no proof of some mystical unseen being that created everything with his/her magical paint brush.
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@sconibear (8016)
• United States
31 Jan 10
DISCLAIMER!!! missybear did not write the above response, I did. We share a computer and I didn't realize she was still signed in, so the above neither represents the beliefs or non-beliefs of missybear but of me.
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@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
1 Feb 10
That was a lovely descriptive of the workings of the body. God did make man with a perfect body. However, he gave us free will. Man, using that free will messed up God's plan when he ate the apple. Had man obeyed God, we would not suffer through these things.
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• Philippines
3 Feb 10
Good Morning Missybear! Please read my response to conibear and MJay101.
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
1 Feb 10
We are not perfect. Our bodies have many many flaws to them, one of the obvious being that we eat and drink through the same place where we breathe. If we were to do both at the same time, it can kill us. Our breathing has to be regular and mandatory, if we stop breathing for around 2-4 minutes, we'll pass out, longer and (most of us) would die. Our digestion isn't perfect. It's been mentioned a few times already how we poop out loads of what we eat, not being able to use it, but there are also more problems involved. If food gets into the appendix (a "second stomach" on many herbavoirs, but useless on us) then it can become inflamed, and kill us. If our body makes too much acid, it can burn through our stomach, esophagus or intestines, and possibly kill us. We are not a perfect machine, in any regards. In the direction of things on this planet, you seem to miss out many of the terrible things. If you can find an animal in the wild that is great, there will be another nearby it that can kill us. Even if we got a scratch from many mammals out there, it can give us diseases like rabies, which will absolutely kill us. Many of the places on this planet may look great from afar, but we can only really live in areas that are flat, low to the ground, and have access to fresh water. This is less then 10% of the planet, everywhere else can kill us. Now, where is your proof of an omnipotent being? You really just throw that in around the end of your pieces, saying that they are so great, that they must have been formed by some omnipotent being. Well, everything that both of us have mentioned, have happened over time. It doesn't require any omnipotent being, it just requires enough different situations, and enough time. They've even found that viruses can become alive just by putting together the right pieces of RNA, and everything else can come together from that over a period of 14 billion years. There's no proof, nor a requirement for any omnipotent being, so throwing it in is just jumping to conclusions, rather then really learning and studying the possibilities.
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• United States
3 Feb 10
You're obviously a thinking person, so can you tell me who created emotions? What is the need or purpose of emotions? I might be wrong but it doesn't seem to me to be something that could have evolved or something that science could or ever would have come up with if it didn't already exist. So, where did it come from?
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
3 Feb 10
"Now, where is your proof of an omnipotent being?" Where is your proof of evolution?
• Canada
3 Feb 10
Emotions are how animals learned to keep safe, and push forward their generations. An animal that is scared when it's being hunted, or one that cares for and protects it's children, or is happy when it finds fresh water or good food to eat, is going to do better then an animal that doesn't. As we evolved as a more nomadic species, and became more intelligent to understand and use our surroundings better, our emotions evolved further as well, to the point where we are today. If you have 2 groups of animals that are exactly the same, only one group has emotions and the other doesn't, then the one with emotions will care for eachother, get away from bad situations, and try harder to get things to enjoy. The group with emotions will live longer and have more offspring that can further the generations. Hence, the group with emotions will get bigger, while the ones without them will die off easier and get smaller. This is how evolution works.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
1 Feb 10
TerribleMan: You have stated this so eloquently. I agree with you. Who chose your name? From what I read, you don't sound like a terrible man.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
3 Feb 10
..and He's the most wonderful.. Your post is very inspiring! Very glad I read it!
@sconibear (8016)
• United States
31 Jan 10
If you have a response to post #7 please respond here so I get the notification. I am the actual writer of post #7 not missybear.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
31 Jan 10
Sanjana then you are talking about Reincarnation which IS NOT believed by followers of the bible...therefore NOT a part of "god"...
• Malaysia
1 Feb 10
which is why i said for belivers ~ i have been searching in bible for a long time on 'why one is born where he is born' n cant really find a proper explaination for this ...
• Malaysia
31 Jan 10
People born with no fingers, people born with a smashed nose, people born blind deaf or not being able to speak.....where's the perfect body? was your omnipotent being drunk the day he created people born with deformities? for the believers : it is defined in 'law of karma' why one in born where he is born n how he is born .. its his sin n his good deeds in his past life which places him in current place with 'blessings' for his good deeds n 'difficult' life for his sins i cant define for non believers, sorry
• Malaysia
31 Jan 10
i believe in one god n only one god but dont believe in the 'religion' part of it , i believe in 'evolution' too .. the thing is yes human have evaluated into this form after thousands of years and after so many forms .. 'the big bang theory' is right as well .. just that there is one external force or 'energy' which actually 'trigger' or 'switched' on the power for all the things to take place .. that 'trigger' is what the believers consider as 'god' adam & eve too could be the first of human which 'evaluated' from the apes y do they 'the human' have more 'brain power' to feel the consciousness n grow into more advance stage ...because its ment to be ... because its time to reveal his existence ..
• Malaysia
2 Feb 10
this is how i interpret ~ sorry that i cant refer to any documents as this is my own concious theory In the beginning there was neither existence nor non- existence; there was one soul ..god ..the enery within it multiplied n rose ti a very high degree n it finally exploded, two diffrent types of entity were formed , soul 'the life' n souless 'the objects' all the objects took poition n placing, as in the planets, sun, stars .. while the souls were left on a more suitable environment(earth).. here they start evolving n looking and searching for its origin as they are 'alive' ~ as the soul reach a much higher level of knowledge n gathered informtion they move on n evolve into the next being ... who knows human may ivolve into a more superior form one day .. i did not deny god creating adam n eve ~ they could be the first to evolve into human with gods blessings n followed by others .. cheers
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
1 Feb 10
How does one believe in God, but believe in evolution and the big bang theory too? Adam and Eve did not evolve from apes. God created man.
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• Philippines
3 Feb 10
Good morning Sanjana_aslam! I hope you will read my responses to MJay101 and conibear.
• United States
3 Feb 10
Of course the human body proves the existence of God, but it's just one of innumerable things in the universe that proves His existence. However, even if we admit the obvious, how do we know which, of the many who claim to be god, is the true God? I think you have to go to their sacred writings and find out their accuracy rating. Consider the Holy Bible, it is 99.6% accurate, is made up of 66 books written by 40 different authors over a period of 1500 years, it's a very distinct book but never claims perfection as some other sacred writings do, and the Bible is specific with it's prophecies. Are there any other sacred writings that can make that claim? There are no other ancient writings that compare with the Bible. While other ancient writings are believed to be true until proven false, the Bible has not been accorded that same courtesy. I believe the reason some people have a problem with the Bible and what it teaches, is that there is a time of judgment coming. So, these people either say there is no God or they embrace a religion that allows them to live as the please. It's the ostrich with its head in the sand.
@Galena (9110)
4 Feb 10
my religion isn't about being able to do as I please. my Gods expect a lot of me, that I should be a good person, and responsible for my actions with no one to blame for my actions but myself. and ostriches don't bury their head in the sand. didn't you know that?
@Galena (9110)
5 Feb 10
the only writings I need are written inside myself. I think that compares very well with a much translated and re-translated according to political motive book. contact with Gods isn't just restricted to those that lived many years ago, and only before a certain work was published. every person has that connection within them, and every person can communicate with their God. I haven't spent a life hiding from possibilities. exploring the possibilities. my religion is my personal conclusion drawn from my logic and from my personal experiences. from what I feel in my instinct, which I beleive to be the sacred texts written within the DNA strand, to be the truth. I don't approach any path with a closed mind. at the beginning of my life, any of them could have been true. I weigh them up as they come up, and where I am now is where life has taken me. this is far from a head in the sand approach.
• United States
5 Feb 10
I don't know if you're one of them or not, but many people do try to avoid seeing what they don't want to see. By the way, does your religion have any sacred writings? How do they compare with the Bible?
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
3 Feb 19
Roman 1:20 makes so much sense to me. God's hand can be seen in every creation and they tell us so much about the kind of person that God is.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
1 Feb 10
I can't understand why everyone doesn't agree with you. I'll take that evidence as proof. The only thing I can see that is wrong is that you say man will never comprehend the universe. It was created so we can understand in time. Now I know everyone thinks what you have said isn't real proof. If they really want the truth, they should start their own search for God. When they find God, they will have 100 per cent proof. That is the only way. Knowledge must be discovered just like God. Until you do, you can never have anything more than beliefs.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
2 Feb 10
What about miracles? God still performs them.
• Canada
4 Feb 10
Give me proof that any so called "miracle" was done by God. In fact, give me any bit of proof that God even exists. Something thats tangible, and with always work. Show me God through science, then you'll be able to say that something, or anything, was done by God. Without that, he has as much chance as existing as ideas like Santa.
• Canada
1 Feb 10
Well as of right now, we have 0% proof of God existing. There is absolutely no proof towards it, just our faith that something like that might exist... but we could really see anything along those lines. 90% of american children may believe that Santa or the Tooth Fairy exist, but does it mean they exist, because of their faith? At least santa and the tooth fairy had some sort of real proof, like their teeth being exchanged for money, or gifts showing up under a tree, but then they have the disproof when they find out their parents did it. God has nothing in that direction, he does nothing directly, and therefore, it's unprovable.
@tommyj (45)
• United States
31 Jan 10
I agree one only needs to look around to see that there is a creator. The argument that we started out as monkies or that everything was from chance. Why isn't it happening all the time.If that were the case then why aren't more people evolving from monkies every day? Why aren't more worlds being created everyday I don't mean just discovered?
• Malaysia
1 Feb 10
evolution happens in evryday life - that particular 'ape' is at extinct now as they have evolved into human ..current specis of 'ape' family r the 'animal' itself all the 'new found' virus which creates epidemic such as H1N1 or even the ones causing AIDS have evolved itself from other 'forms' ~ science has proved them as having different strains from the original ones cheers
• United States
1 Feb 10
Wrong, viruses are made by the hand of science, and no matter what you believe or hear from scientists, is just plain brainwashing. If we came from apes, we still would have an in between, and humans having ape babies, and apes having human babies. Even with birth defects, you would see past deformities and likenesses of either species being mixed together, and we have not seen any missing links of any such link. Non of this nonsense makes any sense for any argument against the bible' s word of how it all started.
@tommyj (45)
• United States
1 Feb 10
hmmm that particular ape... That seems to be a standard reply for something no one has an answer to. Ok so if someone doesn't believe there is a higher being that created everything where did everything comefrom? If it happened then by chance then who or what decides that it doesn't happen over and over again? We should have worlds being created out of thin air all the time...
@bystander (2292)
• Philippines
1 Feb 10
we really don't have to look at the intricate matters in our body, community and even the universe to know that someone is out there more powerful and intelligent than any or all of us -- god. for how can your heart beat, without a motor, fed with fuel, running it. just smell the morning air, when you wake up in the morning -- you already have two indicators that god exists. another day in your life and a wisp of fresh air, surely, no man can do for you everyday... that's proof that god not only exists, but is also wonderful and kind to his creations...
@jezzmay (1845)
• United States
1 Feb 10
If we look at what you have pointed out we can not deny God. I do not want to deny God, he has changed my life greatly. He is a loving God to give us all. He is a great Creator of all things. Happy posting.
@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
31 Jan 10
Keep the faith!
@Hazelrose (2179)
• Philippines
31 Jan 10
Hi TerribleMan, The creation of the world are Our lord God Power and proof of his existence.The heaven the hills and the seas and most of all our life and strength and All things in the earth .God Bless!
@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
31 Jan 10
Amen Terribleman. :-) It cannot be possible that there is no One who's behind all this magic. Only God could create such things like these. It's sad how many atheists are there, but then they have their own beliefs that we should respect. It's purely logic that they want. WORLDLY. Let's keep the faith. =)