some bad effect of facebook
By emediloy
@emediloy (701)
February 10, 2010 3:11am CST
what do you think about some people who taking advantage of social networking sites, especially facebook, for some immoral activities? i often heard a news(in my country) about some teen girls who 'sell' herself on facebook, or a married couple getting fight and almost divorce because the woman have an affair with a man whom met on facebook, and the last time i heard about a 14 years old girl who ran away from her family to meet a young man from facebook. isn't it awful? maybe its just a little points about bad effect of facebook. what do you think about that? what must we do(especially our kids) to avoid some bad effect of that? thanx for responses.
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22 responses
@diyonzi (116)
• Philippines
10 Feb 10
I agree with valkerion. We are responsible for our own actions and we should not put the blame on others or on social networking sites like facebook if we have done something wrong. These sites are focused on keeping and making people connected, providing entertainment through interactive games or surveys and has, in any way, no intention of being accomplices to these kind of immoral acts. Facebook and other similar sites are really harmless as long as you use them wisely and reponsibly. =)
@emediloy (701)
• Indonesia
10 Feb 10
Hi diyonzi..i agree with you. i just don't understand why that people think to use facebook or any other site for bad reason. because it simple, or anything, i don't know. yeah, for us who have responsibility, we have to be aware of those kind situation especially when you have children.
@oms_thetruth1990 (164)
• India
10 Feb 10
HI Emideloy....
U Know what... ur way to ask question is not correct,
We have to protect and control ourself.. and ur blaming to orkut for that.
This is not good..
U know what,, if any body thinks to cheat someone they have lots of ways to cheat..
Even the Facebook site is not there..
They hve lots of alternatives,
I m agree with Diyonzi.....
this sites are meant for connecting people,,,,
but now a days people are going to missuing this sites....
For this we cant blame Facebook,,,,
or any other related websites

@valkerion (1827)
• United Kingdom
10 Feb 10
First of all there should be a term that you have to be 18+ to sign up at facebook. Other than that, it's not really facebook's fault. If these girls or wives, didn't met these guys at facebook, they would have sooner or later met someone equivalent in real life.
What I am saying is that if she wants to be a cheater, she will be, even without facebook.
Other than that, we must be really careful with what we share at facebook. Not only our virtual friends can see it, but they are recorded by the facebook admins.
@UmiNoor (4521)
• Malaysia
10 Feb 10
The problem is people lie about their age when they sign up for these social networking sites. I've been to mySpace and I saw that there are people who claim to be 60 years old but look like she's only 16 or younger. How to confirm their age? No way to do it.
And you're right about people who cheat. If they want to cheat they don't need Facebook to cheat. Facebook only makes it easier for people to meet, that's all.
@emediloy (701)
• Indonesia
10 Feb 10
Hi valkerion..i'm not going to blame anyone or anything. i also disagree if facebook or any other site use by irresponsible people. of course, its not facebook's fault because i'm sure it created for good reason. and the point is how to avoid that bad effect. i agree about cheater.
@oms_thetruth1990 (164)
• India
10 Feb 10
Valkerion...... I m totally agree with your respond..
If the girls hve to cheat they will do.
There are lots of social networking channels.. and then why we blamce facebook for this,
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
10 Feb 10
Those are the kinds of people who have other hidden agendas as well and so they have many gimmicks. some are not really into friendship bu keep a list of their friends as recruits in some games but never really get so serious when it comes to real friendship, some were for business promoting their blogs and other ebooks, online businesses and so on. They only becomes bad when their is no proper guidance being warn to young user and should need to have a good influences for those teenagers not to get easily mislead by the tricks as given by those suppose to friends but in reality are full of pretension and have other purposes. it only depending on the person if she/.he easily influences but as long as you know your limitation the control still lies on your hand and nothing else cold manage to control you unless you allow them to do so.
@christinawise87 (856)
• United States
10 Feb 10
I agree facebook can be used for good when using it to work or keep in touch with friends when you have moved. I dont believe its okay to talk to exs or such to help keep down temptation of rekindling etc.
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
11 Feb 10
I don't think Facebook is the one to blame to what happened to those that you mentioned. Facebook is just a tool and it depends on those who use the tool to make use of it. People are accountable for their actions. They made their own decisions. Facebook did not tell them to do it, they did it to themselves.
@emediloy (701)
• Indonesia
11 Feb 10
yeah i know, that it depend on people who use the facilities. i often said that i don't blame facebook, i blame the people who don't have responsibilities. it is their choice to do some bad action, but can't we avoid it? avoid them to do that such a bad thing? its hard, isn't it?
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
11 Feb 10
FB makes it easier for people to interact. Adding to the fact that more and more people use the internet. We can't really do anything about it except be responsible for our actions. In this case, parents should give the proper guidance to their children. Married couples should be matured enough to make decisions. It really boils down to our own values. If have the right one or if we were raised with the right values nothing bad will happen.
@TheVaz (50)
• Portugal
10 Feb 10
I think, unfortunate as it is, as long as there is social networking there will be bad people who will take advantage of it and that will use it for the wrong purposes. It's sad that people do that to each other. But it's the way this world works :(
@christinawise87 (856)
• United States
10 Feb 10
The world does suck, when will it ever be you get married to stay together for life. Not when you find the first person you think is better leave your partner then divorce and move on. I hate that, there is too much of it and kids are suffering because of parents stupid choices.
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
11 Feb 10
I dont see where you can single out Facebook as the cause, there is also listings on Craig's List and I see married housewives chatting and having online affairs with men while their hubbys are at work on Yahoo games also. So it is not just facebook that this is happening on. Seems to me women have too much time on their hands when they have husbands that work as truckers or offshore and I guess the idea of someone interested in them brings them pleasure. As for the teens, there are slimeballs every site has them looking for young girls to pick up on. Parents need to make sure they know where their child is surfing and who they are talking to. I know this for a fact because my grand daughter who was 12 or 13 at the time listed her address and phone numbers when she first came on MYspace, it ask for them and she put them there, which ended in several men, by men I mean older men in their 40's calling the house and coming by. Good thing my daughter's b/f is a cop that ran them off real fast. We had to make it known to her that just because it ask for that info dont' mean you should put it there.
@garfield_lemia (108)
• Philippines
10 Feb 10
With the technology that we have and many social sites are being created... It is hard to control those problems... In terms of teenager issues. Maybe parents should keep track of their children's activities online line. Parents can actually put restrictions.. IN terms of married people. They should be more responsible enough. It is not the social network site's fault but the people concerned. In the first place they know they are already married. why do they have to look for other person? It's already their fault not the social networking site
@christinawise87 (856)
• United States
10 Feb 10
I so agree with you, parents should use the parental features on their pcs, to help monitor or maintain kids from these sites. As for married people I believe it is wrong also y look for milk when you got good milk at home. You never know what you will get into, and if you arent happy at home get a divorce then go looking not in the other order.
@donna22 (1116)
10 Feb 10
There will always be people who try to abuse things like this and make it look as if it is the websites fault. Yes bad things can happen on facebook and similar sites. If you have children on there make sure you know who is on their friends list. Keep it to people who you know. Have their information blocked from anyone they do not know.
@sublime03 (2338)
• Philippines
10 Feb 10
I was suprised to read your discussion on how people use Facebook for other purposes. I only used it for the sole purpose to catch my old friends online to chat with them or just to see how they are doing. But I have not heard about people selling themselves thru Facebook. That is an awful thing to hear.
@doryvien (2284)
• United States
11 Feb 10
Hi Emediloy,
I finally signed up with Facebook almost a month ago after non-stop invitation from my friends. At first I thought it's just a waste of time (well, even now, I still think it is, to some extent), but knowing that it's a good way to connect and re-connect with long lost friends, I saw the benefits and I've learned to appreciate it. I've heard about these 'illegal' activities over at Facebook, this is why we should be careful in approving friends' invitation and accept only those whom we know personally. As to the kids, parents should guide and monitor them when using the internet because they are, well, kids.
@MrKennedy (1978)
10 Feb 10
Personally, I think Facebook needs to be far more strict about their 18+ registration policy. It is so easy to sign-up and just enter in a fake date of birth, it's ridiculous.
Also, anybody who uses social websites for immoral acts don't deserve access to the internet, in my opinion

@bystander (2292)
• Philippines
11 Feb 10
frankly, it's not the sole domain of facebook. doing what you call as not-so-good activities through social networking sites is as old as the sites themselves. there are even sites dedicated to these kind of activities. how we use social networking sites, and other sites for that matter, is our own choice... but of course, subject to the policies of a particular site...
@dbramantyo (20)
• Indonesia
10 Feb 10
the first to do is keep our under 18 years child, because the rule to make a facebook account is up from 18 years old, we must controlling our internet which site can be opened with our children, i think we can reduced the bad effect of facebook if we care
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
11 Feb 10
i agree with you, that even there are good things brought by facebook and other social networking sites, there are also some bad things brought by those sites to people and relationships. i cannot remember on what site, that a friend of my discovers from it, that her husband is cheating her. not actually that the said networking site is the reason why her partner cheated her, but the site reveals the truth, when she accidentally saw the conversation of her husband with the other girl. i think, it's the privacy that is the main topic with their problem.
going back to facebook, so far, i haven't discover something unusual with my account or profile out there. aside from a lot of invitations to join a group or a game application or non-sense greetings and sending gifts, i can see nothing wrong. but i love having an account with facebook as i found lots of my long lost friends and classmates, way back in the elementary days.
@HansonFan (1653)
• United States
11 Feb 10
Well, thats not really facebook's fault. If those people are doing it through facebook, they would do it through something else if it wasn't there. I make sure that I only accept people that I know. If I accept someone for a game, I send them an invite then delete them from my account. I personally would never do something like those people did, but there are idiots in this world who will use what they can to get what they want...or what they think they want.
@laura_lmaxi (678)
• United States
10 Feb 10
I honestly think that this is not facebook fault, I think it is the fault of some of the users, and frankly I think that with or without facebook things like that were going to happen anyways, the teens that sell themselves in facebook can sell themselves in other ways, people have been having affairs since the world is world. There has been manipulative people since a long time ago, and obviously the internet is a way for these people to get thought naive people, and destroy them their life, that is why it is important that we educate your children with values, because if not, those are going to be the people that are going take advantages of social networks and do all those things that sound really bad. This is a problem of lack of values not a problem of social networks.
@kaylayoe (293)
• United States
11 Feb 10
Yes, some bad things do happen on Facebook and other networking site but I personally don't believe it's the sites fault. I think it's the peoples fault who do those things. They have to know there limits and that if there going to do something they have to know there are consequences.
@BlueGhost (129)
• Indonesia
11 Feb 10
Bad guy is everwhere,,i think it's not good to blame facebook for this and it would probably good thing if you don't trust people so easyly if you never meet them before
@christinawise87 (856)
• United States
10 Feb 10
I know it's crazy kids now days think they can do and see what they want. The do not enter if you under 18 seems like not a big enough wall for them. They just make up a birthdate and in they are. I on the other hand will not let my kids on myspace, facebook, etc. Not till they are of age or prove to me they can handle the responsibilities of being on there. Along with me having total access to all of there accounts.