Who is smarter, Ancient people or Modern people????

@bird123 (10658)
United States
February 27, 2010 2:34pm CST
We have all been preached to about all the wisdom in holy books from ancient people. They claim to have all the answers to life and about God. I have been told that they hold such great wisdom that I shouldn't look any farther for answers. Were the ancient people really smarter than modern man today?? First, let's look at mankind throughout history. Let's see the total picture of what it is. Man is getting advancements in everything as time goes by. At one time, man had no more than a wheel and a campfire. Over time man has massed great knowledge in medicine, agriculture, science, technology, and energy. Mankind is starting to understand the nature of the universe and even the blueprint which makes up our physical bodies. Man sure has come a long way. How did he do it?? Mankind did this by building on past knowledge. We took the knowledge of the past and added to it. The result is wiser, healthier, happier people. After all, who really wants to go to the dentist in the middle ages?? Not me!! The system is working quite well. Do we really want to change it?? Holy books all over the world hold wisdom of ancient people and yet, how much has been added to this wisdom?? Not much. In fact, people would call it a sin to do so. Is this the smart way to be?? Having more total knowledge gives one a larger view of the truth. Ancient man saw lightning but never had a clue what electricity could do. How much about God is missing from ancient man's view?? There is more that man does not know than they do. If man were to refuse to add knowledge to the past knowledge, making corrections along the way, growth would be impossible. Isn't this just what religions and holy books want you to do???? God is much more than you can find in any book. Add to your knowledge today. Correct the mistakes. There is so much more for you to learn. Let's bravely march to the future today!!
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12 responses
@peavey (16936)
• United States
28 Feb 10
I think you're mistaking knowledge for wisdom. There's a world of difference. Just because a man knows how to build a car or a computer doesn't mean he's wise enough to know what those mean to his life and to the world at large. Knowledge can be developed by almost anyone. Wisdom is rare and much needed in this modern world. I don't know if the average person was wise long ago, but I do know there is much wisdom that has been lost over time.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Feb 10
I think you are wrong. Doesn't it take wisdom to be able to figure out how to make cars and computers out of an idea??? Perhaps having such items, we take it for granted that it was nothing to develop.I would suspect that very few anciant people could even read much less carry great wisdom.Of course, there are always wise people around even in anciant times.Tell me. What wisdom has been lost over time? It would be interesting to know.Thanks for your interesting comments!!
@blummus (451)
• United States
28 Feb 10
Technical skill and creativity neither demand nor preclude wisdom; I can make something that has much wider results than I expect or even plan for, but I can also try to plan for such results as I am able to imagine. The latter is a kind of wisdom, but there are some things whose results cannot be fully imagined before the fact. Proceeding with caution in those cases is often wise as well, but it does not mean that one should necessarily stop a line of inquiry because there are risks. As for average wisdom, I honestly do not know. We have a good many proverbs and sayings recorded that suggest people had ready access to some kinds of wisdom, but who can say to what extent it was applied? I suspect that we haven't changed much in the recorded span of human history.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Feb 10
Blummus. I still think man is getting smarter and wiser. The more we learn; the more doors will be open for discovery. Also, we don't burn people at the stake for being witches anymore.I won't even mention some of the old medical practices.They were not wise. Thanks for your comments!!
@vince06 (98)
• Philippines
28 Feb 10
I think both of them are smart but in different ways like for example ancient people can build a fire using only stones but if the modern people do that they will be having a hard time to do that and in the other hand modern use such technology to cook there food like gas range but if the ancient people will use that they dont have any knowledge on how to use it..if they try it it may end like they will destroy the stove or may ciase a fire..So, for me they are intelligent in there on way..hehehe
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Feb 10
Ancient people were smart in their own way. After all they did provide the stepping stones of knowledge that modern man built on. Having easier ways to start a fire, it is hard for modern made to do it with stones. On the other hand, if it were your only way to have fire, I think you would figure it out. A couple of cold nights or food and I feel safe to say that you would get the fire starting down. Thanks for all your comments!!
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
28 Feb 10
Hi bird, I agree with you completely. Most religions teach that God spoke to people thousands of years ago but not anymore. What has happened? Did God suddenly lose his voice? There have been a few instances in modern times when people have claimed that God spoke to them and some have caused the deaths of hundreds of people. I don't believe that God spoke to the ancients anymore than he speaks to people today. Of course there were some wise men like the Buddha and Jesus Christ who were far ahead of their time. Very few of the followers of Christ understood his teachings and much of it was lost to humanity. After trying to destroy the teachings of Christ, Paul claimed to have had a vision and became a Christian himself. In a short time he became the greatest force in the church and changed the teachings of Christ to something that Jesus would never have recognized. It should be clear to anyone who studies the the New Testament that the letters attributed to Paul were not written by the same person. Biblical scholars now believe that the letters had three different authors. Sad to say, much of the Christian church today, pay more attention to Paul than they do to Jesus. The Church fathers who put together the Bible in the sixth century also decided to include the book of Revelation, which also gives some of the more modern churches, lots of sermon material, but of which they know nothing. God speaks today to all who will listen just as he always did, he speaks through nature and also when we go into the silence. The New Spirituality movement which has gained a lot of momentum in recent years is causing a lot of people to change their ideas about God and about themselves. Modern man, still with a lot to learn, is much smarter than the ancients, with a few exceptions, ever were.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Feb 10
Pose123 Pose123 Pose123 What am I going to do with you??? You are very wise and as you know I can't help but agree with so much of what you say. I must tell you that a person can have direct contact with God. You should never assume, as so many religions want you, to think that you can't talk with God. Many talk with Him today. Perhaps there is more to your journey left to discover.People who claim to talk to God and lead many on a quest from God are not talking to God. There is more Pose123 where will you search????? Hold onto your hat. It is an experience you won't forget. Thanks for all your comments and all the nice ways I see you guiding others in the right direction.
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
28 Feb 10
It's hard to say who is smarter because it would depend on what you were testing their knowledge on. I would say that modern mankind has begun to get very smart in technology, medicine, and plenty of other things but at the same time I think that a lot of people are starting to care about things that are stupid like fancy cars, cellphones, facebook, and plenty of other meaningless things. I think that Ancient people were definitely more spiritual and had a lot more that knowledge that we don't really learn about in schools today. I believe we are losing touch with divinity because there are so many distractions being created in everyday life such as jobs and schooling. I would say that today's man is definitely getting smart in school subjects but we are losing touch with what's important. We need to recognize that time with our friends and family and doing things that make us happy are more important then working our butts off to try and buy snowmobiles or corvettes.
• India
1 Mar 10
Any language or any religion we consider it has been said what is good and what is bad LONG... LONG...long... AGO.......Till today it is relevant. No one can deny to that.In Christianity, ADAM ,EVAL and the instruction not to eat the fruit but the evil spirit made them to eat,then the problem started.Buddha said it is only wants, that only takes to all sufferings. Hindu religion, advocate for doing all good deeds.If you donate anything to the needy left hand should not know what right hand is donating.Technology for the good made and used for bad destruction too. Deviated from the ancient myth. Young once are thinking elders are fool, but elders already knew the young ones are fools.In Tamil the Poet Thiruvalluvar has said in His 1330 poems each poem contain only 7 simple words covered the entire thing how one should behave and dealt about entire human life living.Ancient people have forethought.Today we are ruining what the elders have said and practiced.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
2 Mar 10
Shouldn't more knowledge and information require change over the past??? If mankind never added, changed and moved on, we wouldnot have the technical advances we have today. Aren't there very wise people around today??? I have seen a few here on mylot. It's all about learning, growing, changing and adapting toward the better. We can take what knowledge we can from the past but our duty is to add to that knowledge not stay in the past. Thanks for all your comments!!
• India
1 Mar 10
Thirvalluvar lived 3000 years ago.
@rosegardens (3032)
• United States
28 Feb 10
Neither is smarter than the other. We all have the ability to gain knowledge. The knowledge we have now is due to years of study from others. Our knowledge has increased because of books and keeping records. In our present day, we have more things to know because of those who came before us. They laid the groundwork for what we have today. If the ancient people came back today, they would be able to acquire new knowledge because they can think.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Feb 10
I have to believe that the average IQ is higher today simply because man is using his mind more. On the other hand, I think you are right. If ancient man showed up today, I bet he would fit in pretty well.THanks for your comments!!
@DeenaD (2684)
• United States
28 Feb 10
I don't think either ancient or modern people are smarter. I think it's only that people who live in different times have different cultures and different technologies, but the intelligence and innovation and problem-solving skills of people are probably the same as they were thousands of years ago.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Feb 10
They are doing a study on the mind in old age. People who use their minds alot stay sharper in old age. The average man today has to think more just to keep all those gadgets working. Life is much more complex today as well.Man's basic IQ may not have changed that much over the past but I bet evolution will increase intelligence just by use.I have a friend who played wheel of fortune with me. I would always beat my friend at guessing the puzzle. This made my friend mad. They watched everyday while I watched only once and a while. Soon my friend would beat me at the puzzle. Using the mind makes one smarter.Man is adapting all the time. Thanks for all your comments!!
• India
28 Feb 10
I think it depends on the kind of knowledge we are looking at. If its spiritual knowledge and living in sync with nature, then ancient people were definitely more wise as they knew a lot more of the secrets of nature and how to lead a healthy and happy life in sync with it. On the other hand, if we are looking at scientific knowledge then of course, modern man has more knowledge to his aid than our ancient forefathers.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Feb 10
Living with nature??? If the percent of people today were burning campfires as in olden days, it would be a very smokey place.Knowledge can create challenges. We must learn to deal with our new knowledge. Man has an array of chemicals and compounds but man also has the ability to watch and see the impact of what they do. Ancient man wasn't really looking. Lots of animals were extinct by ancient man that we never heard of because no one was looking, They say the saharah desert used to be a rain forest.Man has the technology to go completely green today but so many place money ahead of all.When a person needs to change but refuses, they hurt until it is easier to change. That is what man will learn in the environment. We do have good people out there showing the way to a clean world. One day man will have to clean his room. Thanks for your comments!!
• Philippines
28 Feb 10
Ancient people are much smarter than modern people. Why? Because Adam was able to name all living things without the aid of a modern computer. Today's technology is getting worst. Although mankind continues to advanced in technology, the effect is disastrous to nature. Ancient people are a great source of inspiration for modern thinkers today. For without this ancient ideas, no modern ideas would evolve into what we called today "technology". Not expert advice: Man can only learn from his ancient roots and look for a more positive outcome in life. This is just my opinion. Comments are very much appreciated.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Feb 10
I hope you realize that Adam and Eve is just a story you tell your kids. You are right mankind would not be where they are today without the stepping stones of knowledge from the past. Technology is not disasterous to nature. The greed of man is the real problem. Example:All electricity could be green. Man chooses to use fossil fuels instead because it's cheaper and easier.It isn't even really cheaper if you account for the medical bills due to pollution.THe computer and information revolution will educate more people on this world than anything else to date.One day even the poorest will have access to knowledge that will solve so many problems.The knowledge growth of man will really take off then. Thanks for your comments!!
@vandana7 (101519)
• India
28 Feb 10
Hi bird, I am inclined to agree with you on this. I might add - accepting god just because somebody says so is difficult for me. I need proof. Just like I need a proof that tells me my neighbor is evil. So I need something that I can analyze. The more I analyze, the more in awe I am, of the creator - who has been christened as god. So science and belief in god are interlinked. Our discoveries make us happy and admire how god could have created such simple things. I dont think we are any smarter. Our ancient people had their set of puzzles, we have ours, and future generation will have theirs. Each will be equipped with some knowledge by previous generation, just like we are equipped with some knowledge when we grow from one grade to another. :) So the knowledge is static, we are evolving. :)
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Feb 10
The more you use something; the stronger it getsright? Doesn't modern man use his mind more?? If man is evolving then the equipment must improve over time. Of course, you might be right that the basic IQ might not be higher since civilization has taken away intelligence as a need to survive. All in all, I have to believe that learning and growing does make everyone more intelligent. Thanks for the great comments!!
@ajaraine (74)
• India
28 Feb 10
Modern people are definitely smarter
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Feb 10
I agree. Thanks for stopping by with your comment!
@namiya (1718)
• Philippines
28 Feb 10
It would be difficult to compare. One reason is we have to consider the resources available to both sides. The ancient ones only relied on perceptions and experiences in life may it be personal or passed on by their descendants. Today's generation claims of wonderful and amazing technologies but we have to consider that today, countless sources of information on ways and means are instantly available for men to accomplish what they want.