do you truly believe in your religion or just because of your parents you follow
By ksmita
@ksmita (513)
March 10, 2010 2:35pm CST
hi. lately i've seen people's mindset is changing about their religion. its not that they have stopped believing in it but they are not so fanatic or rigid as earlier. religion is not as important issue in many situations as it was considered before. do you know what your religion is all about? do you really believe in your religion or you are just following it because of your parents? do you think , if religion issue does not exist, it will be easier to live harmoniously?
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37 responses
@Lochoa (222)
• United States
10 Mar 10
For me I was raised catholic but now I'm a christian. People belive in what they want to belive in for many different reasons. I would never choose to belive in something just b/c someone else does and I'm following them. I know being a christian does helps me in my every day life and helps to to understand myself more. No one's perfect and every day is a struggle
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@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
11 Mar 10
Hmm I always thought that Catholicism was another branch of Christianity..
@trina48D (88)
• United States
11 Mar 10
not at all. Catholics tend to follow saints rather that Jesus. They think they need to confess there sins to the priest instead of being able to go straight the God. From what I have seen they also feel that after they confess they can go right back doing what they just confessed about, so it really isn't repentance if we continue sinning. I also just learned that the catholic church will charge you if you want them to pray for someone. There are some similiarities I suppose tom Christianity, catholics do have a way of keeping God holy in there big fancy buildings but it should all be about having a relationship with the living God and being committed to serving Him.
@Lochoa (222)
• United States
11 Mar 10
Not sll catholics do but there is the majority that follow saints rather then Jesus. I don't want to put any religion down b/c not everyone that claims to be of that religion may not always "practice" or "follow" it as they should. Not sure about the whole charging money to pray for you. I haven't heard or seen that. I was raised Catholic went to Catholic school all my life well minus High School.
When I first started going to a Christian Church I thought it was the same as a Catholic church but they are VERY different

@nemrac12 (388)
• Philippines
11 Mar 10
hello mylotters, it has nothing to do with whatever religion we have in Praising God and living with His Words... Religion is not issue here, it is how we follow His Words, it is how deep we know God. My parents are Catholics and so I am....
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@elmiko (6630)
• United States
10 Mar 10
just because an organized religion says to live a certain way and believe in certain things doesn't mean i'm going to believe it. i feel closer to God when i have my own set of beliefs. i was raised a Catholic but i don't let their set of beliefs phase
my own personal beliefs.
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@blummus (451)
• United States
11 Mar 10
A lot depends on which God you're talking about. Nearly all Neopagans were raised in a different faith, and the vast majority were raised in some form of Christianity or Judaism. They have in one way or another heard the call of other Deities and many follow such ancient texts as were preserved deliberately or by chance from destruction. In addition, many use texts given in visions or through 'channeling' in the last several centuries that have little or nothing to do with the God of the Bible.
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
10 Mar 10
Oh, I definitely do not believe the same as my parents.
My father was raised a Catholic, but other than saying his parents were Catholic, I've NEVER heard any mention from him of religious or spiritual beliefs.. So I assume he's atheist or agnostic.
My mother was raised in a Lutheran household, but was decidedly non-demoninational for most of her life. Then for a while it seemed that she shared certain spiritual beliefs as seen in some native or earth religions. Now, I hate to say it, but I would call her a zealot.
I've attended all kinds of churches. I was baptized in a Lutheran church as an infant. When I was old enough to make my own decisions, I was baptized into the Free Methodist faith, although I had visited a great number of denominational Christian churches.
Now.. I'm a Wiccan.
As you can guess, my mother just LOVES me for it!
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@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
11 Mar 10
Excuse me?
Please educate yourself about other religions before you point fingers.
Wiccans don't even believe in the existence of satan, thank you very much.
Wiccans believe in nature.
When I was younger, I was very devout. I've served as a missionary more than once (while I was still a child at that) and come from a family that is historically rooted in Christianity.
The Bible tells us, primarily in the Old Testament, that it's okay to kill our rebellious sons.. that its okay to take women as prisoners as long as their heads are shaven and they are allowed to mourn their women. The ten plagues killed children - as punishment to their parents who sinned. The children were innocent.
The Bible tells accounts of plunder, rape, pillage, and polygamy, all while contradicting itself in the 10 commandments.
Most Christians that believe in God, also believe in the Bible.
I'm sorry, but I won't believe in any religion that puts such high stock in such activity, or at the very least a book that was written BY MAN claiming to be of Holy origin.
To call someone a loser just because they do not subscribe to your idealogy is just rude.
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
11 Mar 10
I'll start with your last question. I don't think it would be easier to live harmoniously because of greed and power. There will always be someone who wants it all and will step on others to get it. Religion just helps some to achieve their goals. I really believe in Christianity. It was my uncle George who persuaded me to go to church. Events of the world confirm what he told me all along.
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@fatimasiddiq (42)
• United States
11 Mar 10
People who want power will use anything to justify their cause to drum up support. Religion is one of the things that are used to justify wars but I do not think that it is always the main cause.
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@bamikalipal (588)
• Philippines
10 Mar 10
Religion does not really matter. It is our relationship with God that counts most. Some people go to church everyday. Others pray the rosary 3 times a day. In my opinion, it does not matter where you decide to talk to God. It's not important how many times you say something to God. God is omnipresent and omniscient. He is everywhere and anywhere. He does need constant repitition. Once is enough for Him. He listens even if He already knows what we intend to say, before we even say it. But, He loves it when we choose to share our life with Him.
Having a strong faith in Him and in His promises are all we need. Let us always believe that He will give us what we need in His own time. We may not get it the way we want it, but for sure, we will get it in better ways, God's way.
God bless you ksmita.
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@rockydam83 (846)
• Italy
12 Mar 10
I am a muslim. Earlier in my life i was only following Islam because i born in a muslim family and living in a muslim country but about 3 yrs back i started studying the other religions also and i find out that Islam is a true religion and now i follow it from heart and i truly believe on it.
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@Harley009 (1416)
• India
13 Mar 10
Until I was like 18 or 19 I was following because of my parents and society, but later I learned and understood the differences and identified the loop holes in the traditional beliefs and I found the real faith backed by proofs. Now I am confident and proudly say I am a Muslim!
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@pastorkayte (2255)
• United States
11 Mar 10
Nope, parents were Muslim, I am Christian. The truth is that my family believed we should be what we want, worship who we please. Once you become an age where you can make the decision on your own, around 15 or 16 then we were incouraged to explore other religions (which by the way is very unlike most Muslims). The reason for this is that my Dad believed that in order to truly follow God, you must believe in him unconditionally, and you cant do that because your parents made you. Smart Guy that one. He believed that in order to be true to your religion, to be a stable member, to be completely devoted to what you believe, you had to choose it freely so I did.
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@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
12 Mar 10
I truly believe in and worship only our grand and glorious God. He is wonderful and loving and doesn't need religion to be who He is. Religion is man's way and ritualistic view of God. God is God all by Himself. As far as the religious tradition I was raised in by my parents, I am satisfied with what I know of its tenets and history, and I am more enveloped in spiritual worship of God than my parents were. God is about relationship, not religion, nor ritualism. What harm is done by religious zealots is divisive, and in some cases, if you are watching the news, deadly.
That being said, no "religion" has a corner on the "God market", as He is an independent agent. Many religions have pieces of truth in their tenets, but only
God, Himself, has and is the whole truth.
People will never experience true harmony or peace unless they experience a true relationship with God, through the saving sacrifice of His Son, Jesus. Additional to that, we need, as a world, to subscribe only to God's morality and design for us in order to live peacfully and harmoniously. We have all become secularists and worship ourselves, our silly idols, and our own way, which is a relative "morality" at best, or, actually, amorality or immorality, and this can never yield harmony.
@remusmanea (80)
• Romania
11 Mar 10
I really believe in my God. I am an orthodox Christian, and I have been taught by my grandparents to beliebe in God and be faithfull.. I don;t do it just because my parents do, it's just that have learnt to believe.AND PRAY
@fatimasiddiq (42)
• United States
11 Mar 10
My parents are Christians but I am a Muslim. I was not raised in a religious household and it really had little meaning to me until the past year or so. I studied Islam for a long time before I decided to follow it.
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@myfinalh3av3n24 (85)
• Philippines
11 Mar 10
religion is a belief. we should actually treat it as our number one priority in life. to believe in one God, that One Entity that truly will save us all from sin, to worship Him, to glorify His Name by the little things we do on earth..
@quickstar (268)
• India
11 Mar 10
yes i partially agree with you.
as my parents have given me my religion that is hinduism. so i partially owe it to them.
but also i deeply consider my religious values , because they always propell me towards a positive energy
@myzire72 (1154)
• Singapore
11 Mar 10
I am a Buddhist, so are my parents. Yes, ever since young, I was influenced by my parents about Buddhism. On my own initiative, I began to learn more about the religion. In fact, we were taught about religious studies during school. Naturally I chose Buddhism. Like any other religion, Buddhism is based on love and compassion for all sentient beings. After reading up and researching more about Buddhism, I have now grasp a firm understanding and belief in Buddhism. I will still be even if my parents no longer follow the religion. Well, the cause for all the unnecessary religious bloodshed stems from intolerance of other religions. If such intolerance does not exist, then harmonious living will be possible.
@beckie665 (14)
• United States
11 Mar 10
wow you definetly have some people ok so first off I think religion is so overated...I am a pagan, I follow the wiccan way of life, I don't call it a religion, I believe the bible is very over rated, it is merely a book that was written as it was translated to someone, why is it we are supposed to folow this???? Pagans have been around ions longer then christians and christians took alot of what they now believe in from paganism, like christmas and halloween....I think we should live by what we believe in , not what some book tells us we should. Have you ever gone outside and just admired the beauty all around you ?? Then you should pass that along, We spend way to much time trying to live by this and by that, lets live by what our hearts tell us and guide us too.Yes I believe that if there wasn't such a big deal about religion there might be more peace in this world, so much of our problems fall back upon this book we are all supposed to live by.
@incognitomitr (138)
• India
11 Mar 10
HI ksmita
i dont beleive in religion god. i do beleive there is some power exist. its we who divided into several religions given different names to that power..
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@besthope44 (12123)
• India
11 Mar 10
Yes, i always wonder people getting so particular about religion that they are ready to kill/mistreat the other religions. After all they forget all are human. Happy note is the present world is changing its view on being much attached to religion. Religion can guide us a good discipline, but it should not cause a imbalance or difference in the mankind.Yes i strongly believe its easy to live harmoniously if religion issue doesnot exist. More love marriages can set religion issues end.