which religion is right or wrong
By benny128
@benny128 (3615)
March 31, 2010 11:51am CST
now firstly don't take offence at what I am writing as this is not my intention to cause offence,
as you all know I am sort of sat on the fence as to religion etc etc
so here's goes the question -
there are lots of different gods that differing faiths believe in and different holy books, now assuming as I hear a lot from religious people there is only one god.
Yet Christians and Catholics believe in one holy book and one god,
yet muslims believe in a different book and a different god,
the greeks believed in numerous gods, and the druids which still exist believe that tree's plants etc etc are different gods.
I could go on with other examples but you get my general point I hope, so which god is the right one etc etc, and if there really is only one god then that image of god should be uniform and the holy books should be the same shouldn't it ??
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17 responses
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
31 Mar 10
The problem with religion is not which god(s) is/are "right or wrong". If god(s)/goddess exist; they simply are. Whether they are worshipped or ignored, it makes no real difference, they still exist the way they are. Religion does not change that.
The problems with religion occur when "mankind" sticks their nose in and starts saying that the "god(s)/goddess" want to be worshipped in a certain way or they start interpreting signs/omens/prophesies. People wrote all of the religious books, whether they were divinely inspired or not. Since these books were written; they have been translated, interpreted, and reinterpreted by each successive generation. As soon as humans get involved, you get differences of opinion and "power struggles" for control of the religious organization and that is why religions "split".
Christianity is a good example. It is not just the "Christians and Catholics" - they are both Christian! It is the Catholics, the Lutherans, the Baptists, the Pentacostals, the Episcapalians, the Fundamentalists, the Evangelicals, the Mormons (yes, they are Christians), etc., etc., etc. It is all the same religion; but, it has been interpreted and reinterpreted so many times the original religion has been twisted to serve human purposes and much of the original teachings have been lost.
So, go ahead and worship and/or believe in any god(s)/goddess that you want. If they exist, their very existence makes them right.
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@benny128 (3615)
31 Mar 10
there was a discussion by an american pastor not so long ago which basically said that the bible was 99% accurate if that's the case then translation and interpretation isn't a factor.
So basically what you are saying is that if someone believes something exists then it does to them in much the same way as say santa claus exists for children.
I have asked a lot of people who are religious and even the priest at my local church and no one so far can answer this question the priest just basically says to believe in what you want god to be.
But that to me goes againist say the bible as he is described in the bible etc etc.
Don't mean any offence by this just openning it up to more religious people than me, as so far religion seems to be believe in your own vision of god which to me goes againist religion.
As god could be a dog, a tree, a human have even heard some people say god isn't from this planet wtf.
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@faikeijames (247)
• United States
31 Mar 10
I agree with you Speakeasy!!!! I was raised as a Christian and I believe in God and John 3:16, but over the years I have seen preachers/pastors/fathers interpret the Bible to make it convenient for their lives so it may seem like they're living right...ALWAYS. No one is perfect. And a lot of preachers make God out to be a "wish list" God or He'll do everything for you type of God...which He does, but what people forget is God doesn't answer EVERY prayer. God said He will provide your every need, but not every prayer.. (read Job) Humans have a way of making things that are Holy benefit them and how it will justify the wrong we do in our lives.
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@benny128 (3615)
31 Mar 10
but isn't that what every single religious person do, they will interpret the bible for their own needs and believe in what they want to believe in and dis-regard parts that they do not agree with.
For example a good friend of mine is a huge christian church 3 times a week etc etc yet the bible and lords prayer says "forgive those that trespass againist us"
my friend was beaten by a gang of 3 lads after a night out and he says he will never forgive them and hopes they rot in hell (his words not mine) surely you either engulf all aspects of what religion say or you don't practice religion.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
31 Mar 10
If you are going to be religious you have to be Universalist, why chance it. How can you without the shadow of doubt believe that Christianity is 100% the correct way, you cannot. Please do not tell me that the Bible tells you so, because the Qur'an also tells you that Islam is the only correct way. Heck even the Scientologist, and what ever they believe, might be correct too. Now for me, I do not have time to be a believe in every deity floating around. The simplest solution Agnostic-atheism. I cannot prove that there is not a deity, but I am not going to spend my whole life trying to live for a deity that I do not know if it exist or even if it is the correct one. If I die and there is a deity, then I will deal with that when it comes.
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@benny128 (3615)
31 Mar 10
I am on the fence when it comes to religion I have seen nothing to confirm the existance of a supreme being and there also is nothing concrete to dis-prove the existance of a supreme.
I always live my life the way I think it should be lived, not the way someone tells me to live it.
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@arvindnair (45)
• India
1 Apr 10
I feel all the controversies arise mostly when it comes to organised religion in some form, people should just believe or not believe in GOD
It is not god who told us that we should see him/her in a different ways or worship through different means, it is us who have decided and formed different religions.
So Benny i agree with you and every one should just do what is right and not wait for some one to tell them what to do/ not do.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
31 Mar 10
which god is the right one
they all are to whoever believes in them or follows them....
if there really is only one god then that image of god should be uniform and the holy books should be the same shouldn't it ??
No..thats like saying we should all speak the same language or eat the same main foods etc..but becuase we all live in different parts of the world, our cultures are different etc so its only natural for our religions to be different and our gods..Each god is suited (IMO) to each culture...
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@benny128 (3615)
31 Mar 10
So someone like say santa claus is real because we believe in him ?? that isn't really a reason to believe in one form or another though in my opinion.
I understand the adaption for cultures and languages etc etc but as far as god is concerned I have spoke to priests in my local church and they say there is only one god ??
This is what baffles me about whether religion is real or just man made and people blindly follow a made up being or follow a being that does exist.
Hope no offence was taken by this post as none was meant.
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@blummus (451)
• United States
1 Apr 10
From what I can tell, religion and "God" are something humans need as a way of understanding and feeling in control of their circumstances. It's not so much a kind of blind following as it is accepting the idea that the need presupposes a target for that need. If you're hungry, there must be food to satisfy it, if that analogy makes sense to you, and thus if you need or seek a Divine Being, there must be one out there for you in some form. I don't buy it myself, as I've found nothing that satisfies the image presented for Deity (JudeoChristian, Islamic, Pagan or otherwise) and so generally I assume there is not one.
But that's my long-winded two cents on the matter.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
1 Apr 10
Yes, you do need to first understand what is really going on. God places all the secrets of the universe in front of us. It is up to us to discover them. Now there are facts and there are beliefs.A fact is always true while a belief may or may not be true.Beliefs are needed to patch the gap when all the facts are not known.Without beliefs, we would lockup just like my old computer.Since everyone is different, we have a number of different patches. There is one God. All religions do have some understanding however there is an awful lot of patching going on.Everyone is at a different level of understanding God.No one understands it all.God is the sum of all knowledge. Lots to learn.Question those who know it all.Lots can be discovered about God just by looking around you. Actions speak louder than words.Question is.Do you understand God's actions??Lots to discover on your journey. You can make it without religion if you choose.
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@greyz7 (859)
• Philippines
1 Apr 10
I don't think there is such a thing as right or wrong religion. it's the person/people under a certain religion that makes it wrong because of their personalities, vices,wrong doings..religion cannot save us. It's our good deeds and living a life righteously by following God's words.
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
2 Apr 10
The way I see it religions that should be shunned are ones that try to cut you off from yourself and your family members. Ones that teach hate or violence. Ones that teach selfishness over charity.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
1 Apr 10
Hi benny, I don't believe that there is any right or wrong religion but I do believe in God. Again, the God I believe in differs from the God that many people imagine. I don't put much faith in the myths contained in Holy books, but I do believe that they contain a lot of good teachings.I feel that all religions are man made, just as the way most people think of God is man made. There is nothing supernatural in this world, every thing is natural, although there may be a few things that we can't understand yet. Early man came up with the idea that there had to be a God or Gods to explain what he didn't understand and all religions grew out of this. There were some wonderful teachers like Buddha and Jesus Christ to name but two,but few followed their example. I believe that God is all that is, including every person that is living or has ever lived. We are all a part of God as is all living things. God has no need to be worshipped for our life itslf is a prayer.We are spiritual beings having a human experience and our job is to live this life to the best of our ability, making life in this world better for everyone. Blessings.
@jlamela (4897)
• Philippines
1 Apr 10
There's no such thing as right or wrong religion. Whatever religion you believed can help and save you then stick with it and do the right thing according to the will of God, as long as you are obeying the commandments of God then you are in the right track and no religion can give assurance of total salvation.
@1anurag1 (3576)
• India
31 Mar 10
i think no religion is wrong. what is wrong the people.
i think religion were made to show the right way and to follow the rules to people.
during the time no way were there to tell the people what is a correct way and good things they should do. as there are today some communities whose members follow some rules.
and the same task was done by religions and i think this was a good objective.
but today people just try to commercialize the religion to get the advantage only. so the most prohibited thing in any religion is done mostly on the name of religion is the innocent killing.
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@achilles2010 (3051)
• India
1 Apr 10
It is like asking what treatment would be the right one for my ailment. Doctors in administering treatment devise remedies to cure the sick; in the same way, religions too devise their system of faith and worship to cure the scampers of their maladies of discontentment.
There are treatments for all types of sicknesses; and so there are several religions for those seeking consolation in religious thoughts.
When religions find souls drifting aimlessly between life's reality and their dreams; then they take upon themselves the responsibility to satisfy and guide these unsatisfied souls. They fling their nets and catch the most gullible ones.
It is mostly the zeal and devotions; are the two criteria people apply for choosing their religion. All religions are institutionalized systems of faith and worship; they have a set of beliefs, values and practices, based on the practices of some widely accepted spiritual leader. However, how would one know, which religion is the right one.
You must know what the religion is promising you. The religion, which promises everything, is sure to fulfill nothing; and if it promises too much then it is sure to use evil means to fulfill its promises.
Only the religion, which can change one into a kindly and a humane person, is the right religion.
@ernkjha (46)
• India
1 Apr 10
In my view, Humanism is greatest of all the religions and it is also a truth that every religion teaches us to practise humanism in one way or the other.Nothing could be as good as respecting each other, helping each other and living for the good will of each other. I believe people just follow some religions as it has been given to them from their forefathers or to attain heights in spiritualism and self realization, they need one path,one direction and this direction is being provided by religions. So my friend it all depends on how we see, analyze and decide everything in life, one can experience happiness being poor but the other never experience happiness being rich.So we should always try to make ourselves pure and true from the heart in helping mankind always, because if i will help someone today they will help me someday, right na!!!
@birzaith (45)
• Philippines
1 Apr 10
Hi Benny,
Actually, subject matter like this is not debatable. Yes of course it may not be your objective and purpose for this discussion but it goes without saying because of your question, which religion is right or wrong.
Religion is something that someone will stand and even fight for no matter what. But let me get this straight. I am a Christian. For me, Jesus Christ didn't come here to create or offer religion but relationship with the Almighty God the Father.
If you were able to read the Bible, you will not be surprised of this so many religion that all are claiming to be the right one. For it is written, many false prophets will come out and deceive us.
Sometimes the more we are getting into the doctrine of different religion, the more it triggers confusion and deception. If just in case Benny you still don't know who is the Lord Almighty God, then if I may suggest, try to pray to.....let's say to your unknown God. Try to ask for the real path and enlightment and the way to salvation. And above all, ask for a personal relationship with Him.
I firmly believe that the Lord our God amidst your confusion will still hear your prayer for He is an all-knowing God. If you believe and trust in your heart that God will make a way for you to know Him, then surely the next time you post something here about God you will not be confused anymore, instead, God will use you to become a blessing to others.
God bless you Benny!!!
@harveykumar (51)
• India
1 Apr 10
Don't think of which one is right or wrong. All religions in the world tried to help people to live a normal and peaceful life but people understand it differently that's the reason for all religious problem. If he understands it correctly as what it is then there is no need to ask this kind of questions. If u dig deep into each and every religions u will get only one thing that is Love and Peace. That is God and also Helping.
@anurag3786 (6265)
• India
1 Apr 10
Dear friend.. you can't say .. that which religion is good.. and which religions is bad.. because i think every religions is good in persons view.. every persons know that his/her religions is good than other religions.. have a nice day and keep mylotting always..

@anurag3786 (6265)
• India
1 Apr 10
Dear friend.. you can't say .. that which religion is good.. and which religions is bad.. because i think every religions is good in persons view.. every persons know that his/her religions is good than other religions.. have a nice day and keep mylotting always..

@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
1 Apr 10
I'm afraid people might get into a war about "my religion is best than yours"
. In my humble opinion, all religions are wrong, but people are free to believe whatever they want to if that makes them happier