failed a job interview
By dzeanne
@dzeanne (79)
April 1, 2010 7:11am CST
I really have serious problem with job interviews. I'm a fresh graduate of Pharmacy and I want to work in a manufacturing company. Recently, I applied for one of the top manufacturing companies here in the Philippines. The first interview with the HR was ok, and I passed the IQ test. And then came the 2nd interview. You see, I'm mostly quiet and I tent to get really shy during the interviews. When I had my 2nd interview, the lady who conducted the interview was very talkative and I can't keep up with her. She was mentioning people I don't really know, since she actually came from the same school as me, she assumed I know those people. Maybe she noticed that I don't talk much so she asked me if I'm an introvert or an extrovert. Of course, I told her I'm an introvert. Then the interview ended and I was told a few days later that I didn't pass. I was really sad and my confidence dropped. After that, I had numerous interviews with other companies, but it wasn't the same with the first one. Right now, I'm still without a job (just recently turned down a job offer). I really want to be part of a manufacturing company but I can't get past the interview. I don't really have that much confidence and I'm so frustrated with myself. Any tips?
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19 responses
@shenlynn7823 (640)
• Philippines
2 Apr 10
Hello dzeanne,i'm really sorry about the outcome of your interviews but don't lose hope,okay? In all interviews that i had previously,i never failed,i always passed it and i know how it feels coz i have interviewed new employees as well.Here's the thing,have confidence,think that you can do it,don't get intimidated by the person interviewing you,just think that she was in same shoe as you are when she had her interviews & look at her now,right?Believe in yourself & even if you don't know anything she said,just try to act normally,even if u don't talk much continue to have eye contact & give her a nod from time to time making her think you acknowledge what she is talking about.Before you go to a company,try to research a bit about the company & before they can trap you,try to impress them first of what you know about them...Boost yourself!be confident!& one tip,i always do this & it works..when you go to an interview,put a coin under your sole(inside your shoe),it helps you not to get nervous...hope this the way,forget about the past interviews..instead learn from it..feel free to send me a message if you want more tips...God bless!!!
@thersdae_me (327)
• Philippines
2 Apr 10
I see my younger sister in you dzeanne. She was very much like you after graduation. She even told me before that she hated job interviews. She always passed the written exams but failed a lot of the actual personal interviews. On the other hand, it was my strength. I loved job interviews because it gave me the chance to show off personally. hehehe :)
Anyway, I helped my sister overcome her fear by actually practicing her with the usual questions being asked during interviews. I acted as her COACH giving tips and after a lot of practice, she passed. It was awkward at first but because I told her nothing will happen to her if she just stopped hunting for a job so she was obliged to follow me (besides, I'm 3 years older than her and already had a job then so she really can't say NO to me). :)
As for you, you might also have someone with whom you may personally confide with and ask assistance from or better yet, practice with you. It's true, practice makes perfect! Being able to answer properly the first 5 questions they regularly ask (usually about yourself actually and what the company can expect from you) will already boost your confidence towards answering the next few more questions.
Cheer up! You're young, new, and just beginning your way to the ladder of the corporate world. Make this a challenge to yourself.
Good luck and God bless you on your job hunting. :)
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@chenxiaoyue_713 (2165)
• China
2 Apr 10
Hi, friend. I'm really sorry. I totally understand how you feel now since i was turned down many times too when i was a fresh graduate two years ago. I'm not an absolute introvert, and i thought i did pretty well in the interviews. But the expected outcome had never happened. I had no idea of the reason. But anyhow, i had to do something to get a job and my only trick was to behave more confidently in an interview, which did help me to get a good job. There are many ways to show your confidence. Keeping eye-contact, smiling on your face, expressing yourself at the appropriate time in a polite way and telling the interviewers your strong desire to contribute to their companies are the common ways to show your confidence. You also mentioned you're an introvert which is probably the worst obstacle for you since most companies want to hire extrovert workers who can really help making profit. You have to change that personality as far as you can try. Good luck!
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@cecillecarmela (3818)
• Philippines
2 Apr 10
Just read this information in a local newspaper. Actually, the reason why we pass our resumes is so that we can be accepted for the interview. So basically, the real beginning of job application is the interview itself. There are many people who have outstanding credentials on their resume, but they fail on their interviews. As we all know, presenting yourself in a job interview is like selling yourself; so the applicant should really have a lot of confidence in himself.
Anyway, I believe it's all about honesty. You can brag about your achievements sometimes, but you can also learn from your failures. ;)) Have a reassessment of what you have and what you don't and the next time you present yourself in a job interview, you'll be well-equipped with your personal skills and interests. Anyway, don't be sad if you failed a job interview... It's normal that before you get the right job for you, you will still have to fail a few times. I believe it's all part of the process. Just have faith and confidence in yourself.
Good luck and God bless! :)
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@cnn0831 (27)
• Philippines
2 Apr 10
Hi dzeanne,
I know what you feel right now, since I have experienced to fail a job interview, too. But it's just a start, you are a fresh graduate with more fresh ideas. I think you have more opportunities in the future. Dont ever give up; maybe that job was not meant for you. Try to think that you have more chances to improve and build your self-confidence.
Be an optimist! Try to think and remember the previous interviews that you have; analyze their questions and your answers. Try to check if you missed something, it may help you in your future interview. Make it as your strength. You will be more comfortable.
Good luck :)
@werty009 (404)
• Philippines
2 Apr 10
well first things first posture means a lot to the interviewer or to the HR it's sending a message just like an first impression to you then second one is be polite and don't act like nervous and don't act strange like doing something when your sitting it will call the HR's attention and don't say that your an introvert you have to feel extrovert even if you don't cause being in a company means many people would interact to you they will talk to you just answer the questions the HR is ask you then my last tip is if you are struggling on your interview is maybe first apply online then train your self and have composure and be ready.
@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
2 Apr 10
I am sorry that you had been unsuccessful with your recent job interview and I think it had nothing to do with you being an introvert. But, I would see issues when you cannot actually relate when the topic is about something you should be familiar like, as in your case - your school. I am sure there are must be something you should be familiar at least, like your school's main events, sports, school master or memorable teachers, you may not be familiar with whatever your interviewer had mentioned but I am sure you should have tried to mention topics or people whom you are familiar with.
So, when you were having apprehensions back then, your interviewer could just deem that you have adapting and socializing issues. Never mind, the unfamiliarity but you can always bring people to your turf and let them realize that you are an individual. You may have your own circles and attentions like them, and the school can be a big place where we just may not congregate at the same place.
I feel you should try to be more proactive and find ways to express yourself, even if it means using a limited amount of words. I hope that you will try to prepare yourself mentally and have the capacity to anticipate your interviewers' perceptions.
Take care and have a nice day.
@gerald_lian (2188)
• Australia
1 Apr 10
I am completely shocked after reading your discussion because, believe or not, I am exactly in the same situation as you, and guess what, I am also a Pharmacy graduate! Just like you, I am also currently looking for a job. I have been applying for numerous jobs but unlike you, I haven't even been called for an interview yet. It is really sad and disappointing, because it seems most employers are only looking for people with experience and have been working for at least 1 or 2 years. I feel frustrated because these employers are not giving graduates a chance at all.
Anyway, I also tend to get quite nervous in interviews, and my answers tend to be really short because I am not a person that can think a lot of things very quickly. But I am focused though and I smile a lot throughout the interview, making interviewers perceive that I am a friendly person. I also tend to "go with the flow", based on the personality of the interviewer. For example, if the interviewer is a talkative person, I will try to be talkative too; if the interviewer likes to make jokes, I try to say something funny too. This lets you connect with the interviewer and you are more likely to land the job.
Well, good luck in your quest to find a job, and may you perform well in the next interview. How I wish I could say the same for myself too.....

@dzeanne (79)
• Philippines
2 Apr 10
hey! what i did was send resume online. i frequently visit job sites. make your resume really good, or you could also write cover letters. the resume should be impressive enough to catch the attention of the employers. and i think companies are also looking for fresh grads, just keep looking. im sure you'll be called to an interview soon. and yeah, i also tend to have my answers really short because i don't really have that much to say. Good luck to you, too. i hope you get a job soon.
@gerald_lian (2188)
• Australia
2 Apr 10
Yeah, I have been sending resumes online too, and I always include a cover letter with my applications. Perhaps my resume or my cover letter isn't that good since I did it all by myself, but I have recently fine-tuned it a bit and hopefully it may be able to catch the eye of potential employers out there. I certainly do hope I can land a job soon too, because there is a lot of pressure not only from myself but also from my family too. My family are worried too that I can't find a job and they keep asking me the same questions like "So how's your applications going?" and "Have you applied for more jobs?". Can be a bit annoying at times but I know they are worried for me.....well, hope that we can land a job soon ya! 

@dzeanne (79)
• Philippines
7 Apr 10
My family's like that too. I get all the pressure and to think I've wasted my time and money to get to those interviews, and yet I'm still without a job. Well, I've already given up so I decided to just study again for one more year this coming June. LOL.

@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
3 Apr 10
If you just graduated, start with any job you can get in your field. After you have some experience you can look for better jobs that are more interesting.
@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
17 Apr 10
If the job is but an interview away, give it your best shot! A job interview is not a guidance test wherein you will be categorized as introvert or extrovert. You come to the interview knowing that they have reviewed your credentials and that you've passed the company test. An interview is finding out personally if you can cope with their company. Keeping quiet is not an option. Don't be fuzzed by name dropping. It was just a strategy to make you uneasy. Shine dzeanne! It is your time. Go get that job!
@MinkeyBuddy (42)
• United States
4 Apr 10
I think that building on confidence is a must, especially if you're going to work in a manufacturing company. I used to work in a manufacturing role and these guys had to be confident in the different decisions they made. Oh yea, and generally it's important to be confident. It's a big part of communication, which they say constitutes 80% of a persons success.
@Auntiescarf (842)
2 Apr 10
Please try not to blame yourself for this, there may have been hundreds of people who went for that role and maybe someone else just had more experience. What I do when I have interviews is to type the companies name into a search engine with the word interview, if its a big company you will usually find that someone somewhere has talked about how his/her interview went, and maybe be able to get tips if theres quite a few posts. Ive done it a few times and its worked, infact one person wrote the exact questions he was asked so that helped a lot! Also do your research, go online, check out the company, find out any recent news from it so that during the interview you can show you know your stuff, please dont worry about being introvert, as long as you show that you are a hard-worker and you show that you already know something about the company they will be impressed.
And just look on this interview as practise, dont worry the right job is out there for you.
BTW that woman sounds a little unprofessional, she shouldnt really have been talking about people she thought you knew, this was an interview, not a reunion, so dont blame yourself.
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
5 Apr 10
sometimes depressions comes along with this.its really hard to accept things like this.specially when you really want and needed the job.self confidence and praying helps!trust HIM!
@ibuemma (2953)
• United States
1 Apr 10
Hey dzeanne, there's always the first time for everything, but you can't give up just because you didn't get it the first time, second time, the third time.Consider that is that company lost because they didn't hire you. And you'll never know if actually the other company will give you better offer if you are not even try it.
I believe you'll find something, you just have to believe yourself. All over the world rioght now, has the same problem with this job hunting.
Just don't give up.
@chdsandeep (397)
• India
1 Apr 10
Hello friend!!
I have faced many failure in interviews and still have not got job... I have decided to work from home as freelancer and trying job side by side...
Another thing... i have started for higher qualification through distance so that there will be no gap year if i will get job even after 2 years...
I will have this experience of freelance working as well higher degree...
I would like to mention that I have done bachelors degree in mechanical engineering which have the value but i have stammering problem due to which i fails in interviews...
You have got every thing just lose your confidence... learn from every failure that why they rejected... every where you will find something.. which made them reject you... i agree no one is perfect... but read their needs first.. what they expect from the person to whom they will hire... while they have to pay money why they will hire person who can't meet their expectations...
So don't let yourself down... and don't just keep waiting for job... keep trying for those and side by side go for higher studies... through regular or distance... and if want to earn money.. then freelance is not bad work either...
Good luck!!
You will pass next interview for sure.... take it granted.. just meet companies expectations...
have nice time...
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
1 Apr 10
Well dear, i know how you feel. You know i have failed almost 46 interviews, i am proud of it.. i know its as frustrating and very disappointing, but you know just one word kept me going next one is mine! And finally i am a software engineer now..and am leading a happy successful life. So you wont be reaching 46 though, you will surely make it in next one! Just cheer up every thing you lose, coz something a big one is waiting for you..wait patiently to mock one that is waiting for you.
Feel proud and never ever give it up! Only those who fail, learn the art of winning!
@renifa12 (104)
• Philippines
1 Apr 10
thats very sad to hear gurl, well just think about it in a very positive way, maybe its not really meant for you and something better is waiting for you, just dont lose hope continue with your dream and aim high dont get intimidated with those people who speak better than you are becoz at the end of the day we are all the same in this world..just keep on keeping on.
@jiraiyasanin (642)
• Philippines
2 Apr 10
well i think you must research about how to have a perfect job interviews try to log on to maybe there you can read some techniques, by the way what school have you graduated?? some company is also looking on that part!! but maybe you first pray before you have any job interviews!! you can do it believe in yourself!!