Do you think there is still a lot of faithful guys?

@markmoney (2868)
April 5, 2010 8:55pm CST
With the modern society, most guys are becoming more aggressive and less patient in terms of love. It is also said that guys are polygamous in nature. Most men are not satisfied with one girl, for them, the more the merrier. That's why it's common to see men going out with different girls. Most men wanted to collect girls, and wanted to experience different girls. Especially those guys who are good looking and has a lot of money. It is true or not? But of course, not all men are like that, there still some who are really faithful and stick to one. If you are a girl, and and your guy is faithful, you are lucky. For me, true love can also makes a man faithful. What are your thoughts about this? Do you think there is still a lot of faithful guys out there? I would be glad to hear from you. Have a nice day! Happy myLotting!
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34 responses
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
6 Apr 10
Sweetie, there are lot of faithfull guys. The one's you mentioned, are definately immature, childish and have nothing better in life to do. And as for the girls who fall for them, well, they are just as bad. But, stay faithful, that will keep you out of trouble. TATA.
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@voldrox (7191)
• India
6 Apr 10
Oh sure brother, you and me! some others as well, we still have them around, the ones who are lucky will find us.
@voldrox (7191)
• India
6 Apr 10
oh wait.! i am left... not you.
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
6 Apr 10
Oh for Pete's sake. Men!!
@replyashu (745)
• India
6 Apr 10
yes, definitely there are faithful guys you can not blame the whole mass only because some are like that
@markmoney (2868)
• Philippines
7 Apr 10
Yes, there's always an exception. Thank you for your response. Happy myLotting!
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
17 Apr 10
I think that there are faithful guys out there as well as many who aren’t! There are also females who are unfaithful too. I guess it is more common amongst men but that is not to say that men cannot be trusted. I believe that the main thing to remember is that you cannot control what your partner does at all times but it is paramount to develop enough strength to know that you can handle whatever he or she does. I know there are many trustworthy guys out there, I am married to one of them!
@bagputza (504)
• Belgium
6 Apr 10
Good Morning dearMarmoney , well what cann i sayy ,i defenetly cannot talk for every man in the world or at least in your part of your world , but as it goes for me i cann say that i had 6 reltionships and all of them ware long term relationships ( the smallest period i used to date someone was one year and nine months ) and in the present i am walking trough my seventh and the last relationship , because i have finnally find the one true girl that gives me peace when i come home , gives me reason to wake up and put a smile on my face because i know that this will make her happy , i love harmony in my house and she bringz it , well i cann say to you that appart when i was twelfe orthirteen years old ,i had never before ( only once in my life i dated two girls in the same time ) but i had never cheated , lied or promise thingz that can't be touche to the person that i would like to start/create a beautifull relationship with it based on trust , because at the end of it we all searchour sould mate and if we are not honest to ourselfes we cannot trully open and honest with the person surrounding me that i love and apreciate . I wish you all the best my friend and dont loose faith and hope. Have a nice day and keep the light and warm get inside your future :)
@markmoney (2868)
• Philippines
7 Apr 10
Hi bagputza! I can say that you are a faithful person. Being in long term relationships can be considered proofs. Keep it up. Let's stay faithful to our partners. Thank you for your response and have a nice day as well! Happy myLotting!
• United States
6 Apr 10
I am married, so I've been out of the game for a while. I can say that I had three serious relationships before this, and they were all faithful. I think that there are a lot of men out there who believe in being faithful. The ones who use that "it's in a guys nature to spread the seed to as many women as possible for the good of the human race" crap, are just using it as an excuse to cheat. I think it's in the best interest of the ladies to get to know a guy as a friend first. See how he treats other people, and how he acts. You can learn a lot about someone that way. If he's cheated before, odds are, he'll do it again.
@markmoney (2868)
• Philippines
17 Apr 10
Hi abbey! Yes, I also believe that there's still a lot of faithful guys out there. Girls just need to choose wisely. I'm glad that all guys you have been with are all faithful. Yes, if it's in the nature of a guy to cheat, then it is possible that he can do it again. Thank you for your response. Happy myLotting!
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
7 Apr 10
In society we hear more about the unfaithful guys and girls but that does not mean that there aren't a lot of faithful guys and girls in this world. I think that there are a lot of guys and girls that are faithful, they just don't go screaming it from the rooftops, they're content with knowing they're faithful and knowing that their partners know it as well. I'm married, Hubby and I are both faithful.
@piya84 (2581)
• India
7 Apr 10
It isnt a modernization.This is pretty old thing thing.Lots of men do have this fantasy.In old days it was to talk about these things openly.Now a days these things happen openly.Thats the only difference. there are lots of faithful guys out there.One just need to go out and find out the one.
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
8 Apr 10
Yes there are decent guys left. In fact, some women are the ones who are jumping into the Cheaters bandwagon and are now fond of juggling many men together! Not that it's a good thing. Some guys just fall for another but it doesn't mean they are playboy. Sometimes, relationships just take some shocking twists and turns even for those we least expect.
• Philippines
10 Apr 10
even if I am a bit cynical about love and men,I still believe that there are some who are faithful.yes,men by nature are polygamous,but when they fall in love,they tend to change their ways.if they find the right girl for them,their outlook about life value a girl's physical appearance very much,but there are a few who value personality and intellect.even guys who have lots of money,they change when they find a girl who isn't after their money and loves them for who they really are.
@maharlikah (1045)
• Philippines
8 Apr 10
I think there is still...that can be considered one in a million. :-))
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
7 Apr 10
I really don't think that all men are polygamous by nature. In fact, when I met my husband he was the furthest thing from having a polygamous nature that I've ever met. He is the most faithful person that I believe has ever walked this earth. I do consider myself lucky to have him too. I wouldn't ever trade him in for a different model. But, in answer to your main question, I think that there are more faithful men than there are men that aren't faithful.
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
16 Apr 10
There are still a lot of faithful guys..I'm sure of it.
@jinjer168 (1596)
• Philippines
7 Apr 10
Hello markmoney! yes i believe there were still faithful guys out there. They say that men by nature was polygamous but in every rule there was always an exception. There's still many guys who can prove their loyalty thru their partners, i knew some of them like my grandfather and hopefully my husband LOL!
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
7 Apr 10
definitely... my hubby is one of them... :-) he is very faithful to me and never ever look at another woman... ever... i feel very happy and fortunate to heva him as my hubby as he loves me very much and only me... :-) take care and have a nice day...
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
6 Apr 10
Hi, markmoney. Of all of the men that are in this world, I know that we there are some good men. I have one for myself. He is very faithful and I know that there are many others that are just the same. I don't get myself caught up with a man being unfaithful because, I know that there are some true men out in this world. They are just all over the place..
• Philippines
6 Apr 10
yeah, there are still a lot of faithful guys out there.. Faithful is an attitude which we learned from school or inherit from our parents, it depends how you have been raised by your parents. If your faith is very strong then the love also is very strong.
@myzire72 (1154)
• Singapore
6 Apr 10
That goes without saying. If all men are unfaithful, then marriages will be made obsolete or redundant because they will end up broken. I've personally known married men who remain faithful to their wives despite being married for more than a decade or so. In their minds, it's only career and family, and nothing else. On the other hand, I've also known married men who just love to be a bit on the mischievous side. To them, it's the more (women) the merrier.
@mitchann (303)
• Philippines
6 Apr 10
I would be glad if there is still that specific specie of guy. I'd be glad to meet him.
• Philippines
6 Apr 10
i think there still many guys who are faithful with their girlfriends or wife, i think in Philippines many guys here are faithful with their Girlfriend or wife because of their Christian beliefs