Explaining God to the overly logical...

@TLChimes (4822)
United States
April 20, 2010 6:06pm CST
Autistic people and other folks don't get faith, idioms, sarcasm, fables..... ect... Someone posed this question to me and I thought I would ask you: "Any ideas on how to make God real to a 13 yr old autistic? he suddenly says he does not believe in God...that earth was made from exploding volcanoes (I laughed out loud at that one)...and he says that there is not real proof that God exists" So, I'm asking you what tools, words, or such to make an overly proof and logic based person understand God?
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16 responses
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Apr 10
Hi TL Chimes, I think the best thing to do is let him come to his own concludions. We cannot prove God to another anymore than the atheist can prove that there is no God and there isn't any proof that God exists to some people.The harder you try to get him to believe in God the more he may resist it. Most people eventually come to believe that there is more than we know here. Blessings.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
21 Apr 10
I guess the flip side to this question would be, what would make an illogical person understand that there is no gods? If logical people do not believe in a god then what does that make people who do?
• United States
21 Apr 10
I like that question. well done indeed!
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
26 Apr 10
Ask him where did the volcanoes come from...they had to come from somewhere didn't they? When he understands that our world is finite, has a beginning and an end, tell him that God is infinite, always was and always will be. If he doesn't understand then he is no better off than I am. Nice to see you by the way.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
22 Apr 10
I believe that faith is a gift and you cannot force people to have it. I can appreciate that you would like your son to see the other, more spiritual side to how we came to be. The only thing to do is expose him to spiritual information and see if he takes an interest. He is still young so there is still a good chance that he may see things differently as he matures. Faith is more of a feeling than a practical belief. You have to allow him to be himself and adhere to his own way of life.
• United States
23 Apr 10
You can't "make God real" to someone, that's God's own business. You live your life and let the spirit of God flow through you, THAT'S what someone needs to see. Like telling someone you love them - for many, the words don't matter all that much, they have to see it, feel it, know it because of your love coming to them.
• Philippines
21 Apr 10
tell him these. God is like your brain. You can not see it but it tells you what to do. You move voluntarily and involuntarily because it commands you. God is also like your heart. You can not also see it but you can feel it. It beats faster as move often. You can feel its beat.
• United States
21 Apr 10
I believe children with Autism are here to teach all of us about unconditonal love...which is loving someone without needing them to change anything about who they are. For me, I really don't care what someone believes as long as what their believing is making them happy.
• United States
21 Apr 10
i dont think you should have to make anyone believe in god.. i am a big one on letting children explore what they believe.. i was not given that choice and now im the complete opposite of what i was forced as because i saw all the bad stuff that came with it.. i think some people may never believe because they just cant (maybe mental reasons or just their personalities) but if you do and want them to the best thing for you to do is to be there for their questions if they have any and try to answer them and hope for the best.. trying to force them to believe something that isnt explainable will just backfire and they will do the complete opposite
@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
21 Apr 10
I think autistic people may be lucky in their way. They have a brain like a computer. I would use facts. Are there any? I don't believe there is any real proof that God is alive either. Just a scapegoat for people who don't have a backbone. What tool? The Bible. Rent some docs on christianity and its history.
@commanderxo (1494)
• Canada
21 Apr 10
Who says the child is wrong in HIS thinking? To FORCE a child to believe what someone else believes...is illogical. As far as he's concerned, he has HIS proof. All he's asking for, is yours. cdrxo
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
21 Apr 10
Deep down we all know God. Tell him if God exists them He can be found.Tell him that proof of anything lies in those who seek the truth. Ask if he has searched for God.If one does not search, how can one expect to find anything?? This 13yr old might just surprise you.
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
21 Apr 10
People with autism and those who are mentally challenged people are not tempted by the devil and if they are going to say that they dont believe in God then they obviously dont know that they are saying. God has a reason why these people have this disabilities cause God doesnt want them poisoned by the filthiness of the world now. They cant be tempted, they are innocent so they cant sin.
• United States
21 Apr 10
People have tried for centuries to articulate a logical proof for the existence of some sort of Deity. No one has managed to do so yet.
• United States
21 Apr 10
Faith and God come in many different forms to many different people. To "Make God real", is to try to force someone to believe in something they are not willing to believe in yet. Whether Autistic, or not. This child has been presented with some sort of information from someone that he believes more than he can believe in a god. Some People Grow into their believes, some believe because they know no difference, but everyone has to find their faith on their own, and just because autism creates a sense of isolation within ones mind, does not mean that they are not able to have faith in something, even if that something is "Volcanoes" So...In a nutshell, nobody can really be made to believe in something, it is something that they just feel.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
21 Apr 10
It may not be possible to. If he's been presented with other information and/or reasoned things out to his own satisfaction, there may be nothing you can say to convince him.
• Philippines
21 Apr 10
I would say the world should have come from someone extra ordinary. Faith is something hard to learn. Trusting someone who some think is not around. Really God can be present or not, but faith in him makes people continue in life. Make people pray to continue in their hard life.