What is the most painful injury you've ever had?
By megamatt
@megamatt (14291)
United States
June 7, 2010 11:43am CST
I think there are two that come to mind for me right away. The first one is splitting my head open and needing stitches to close the cut. That was not fun, but the way I did it was stupid. Another one that was bad, was that I broke several fingers when a Basketball smashed into my hand at full speed. A freak accident, but it hurt like you would not believe. Other than that, I have had my share of bumps, bruises, and scrapes, but nothing worse that comes to mind. What about you? Looking forward to reading your responses.
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23 responses
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
7 Jun 10
A torn hamstring. It felt basically like what is sounds. Imagine, your muscle being cut from the inside, no, worse, being torn apart on the inside of your leg. Aha, it was not a delightful experience. But at least everything else now feels like peanuts compared to it. :D
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
7 Jun 10
I'm really glad that I have not ever torn anything. I can only imagine what it feels like. Plus your mobility has to be lessened a lot. Not pleasant, but still once you suffered it, like you said, it must make everything else feel less by comparison. Thank you for your response, it is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
7 Jun 10
You bet, my one leg feels and behaves much different than the other. Yeah, all in all, it was a pretty good experience now that I think about it.
@emandoa (54)
• Pakistan
8 Jun 10
the most painful injury i had was when i broke my spine i was in hospital for 2 months
it all happened when i was playing cricket with ma frnds during rain my slipper were slippery and inevitably i slipped on a round rock.....
the next time i opened my eyes i was sitting in a hospital bed with my mother crying beside me.......:D
@setsuna26 (2749)
• Philippines
8 Jun 10
I was first year college then when me and my friends are playing basketball inside the campus. Then as the game progress i lost my footing and fall on the ground but as the same time the one guarding me fell at me as well all his weight fell on my right arm breaking it. It was fractured and needed an operation. I thought that time that im done for that they will just cut my right arm but good thing it was not that serious they just operated my arm and they put some metal inside to make it easier for my arm to recover.

@megamatt (14291)
• United States
8 Jun 10
Broken arm, yeah that's not all that good. Of course, I might be a bit obvious in my statement. Still, sounds like a nasty spill. Basketball is not one of those games you think of as dangerous, but given that there have been a couple of injuries from that game, you just wonder if its danger has been understated. Thank you for your response. It is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@setsuna26 (2749)
• Philippines
8 Jun 10
And come to think bout it the pain that i felt that time was enormous as i stand up my arm is practically broken and dislocated. All my classmates are crying because they thought im in pain but when i saw my arm that time it was swollen that its totally numb i cant feel a thing. After a few minutes and the swollen arm is back to normal i cant lift my right arm anymore im even shouting because of the pain there was no cuts outside but the bone inside was crushed .Feel free to join and contribute to my topics too my friend want to hear more from your point of view 

@TexLadyPj (1328)
• United States
8 Jun 10
Herro megamatt
Although I have had 5 surgeries, one for cancer, my most painful injury was a herniated disc at L5-S1. My foot went from hot to cold to neeedles. I couldn't sleep, tossed and turned. My back hurt constantly. I cannot take pain medications, so they gave me the device that blocks pain. It was not effective. Also had steroid shots in back. They worked for a couple of months each, you are limited to 2 a year.
It took 2 years to find the injury. Surgeries have been painful, however their pain usually alleviates. I still have residual pain from shoulder and back surgery. I also have neuropathy on left side.
Prosperous mylotting
@Yori88 (1465)
• Philippines
8 Jun 10
I am not sure if this belongs to a so called injury but I can only think of this as the most painful, yes really it is the most painful experience that I had experienced. That is none other than giving birth! Yes it is really the most painful and nothing else. It was hard to undergo labor and to bear the pain of giving birth. It is hard to control your breath just to push a lot and it is really painful not just in your womb but in your entire body. I hope this qualifies!
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
8 Jun 10
Well, maybe not an injury, but I think anyone who gives birth might agree that its an experience that you'll never forget. I'm sure there are many horror stories, of pain. It would be nothing that you would forget any time soon. Thank you for your response. It is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.

@megamatt (14291)
• United States
7 Jun 10
Well at least you didn't feel anything. Or maybe you got hit so hard that you got knocked temporarily loopy and could not register the pain. Thank you for your response. It is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.

@starsailover (7829)
• Mexico
7 Jun 10
Hi jamed: yes, you're right. Many motorcycle accidents happend everyday and that's it because, even if you are a very careful person you have almos zeron protection when you're in a motorcycle. Thanks for sharing with us your experience. Have a nice day.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
7 Jun 10
Yes, indeed, motorcycles happen every day. Even if you wear a helmet, its hard. Plus, you don't have the level of the protection that people in a covered vehicle has. So its very easy to get hurt. Thank you for your response, it is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@icegermany (2524)
• India
8 Jun 10
its very sad about you but i have never got such a critical injuries anytime but yes the smaller ones which happens in day to day life is obvious with everyone. i think all injurious or any hurt will surely pain irrespective of smaller or a bigger one, specially the injurious which happen in the kitchen during cooking due to heat is really painfull and stays for a longer time, and this happens with me most of the time and i really feel pitty for myself.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
8 Jun 10
Indeed, the kitchen could be a dangerous place. Even if you are rather careful. I know people who get injured in the kitchen and there could be some bad ones. Thank you for your response. It is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@jlamela (4897)
• Philippines
8 Jun 10
I had the most painful injury when I was still in fourth grade. I was having fun with my friends at the beach when the bottle i was holding suddenly smashed and when I tried to pick up the broken pieces it suddenly slipped and tore my left finger!that was extremely terrible and my left ring finger almost cut totally!the wound was super deep that it took several months before it completely healed. Up to now (I'm in my 30's) the scar is still evident.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
8 Jun 10
I think my childhood was filled with painful injuries a lot of the time. I was a tomboy growing up. I liked keeping up with the boys in the neighborhood, I can remember my most painful injury just like it was yesterday. I rode my bike down an asphalt hill, skinning my knee all the way. My shoe lace got caught in my pedal. I had no choice. I cried and cried when i got to the bottom of the hill. I practically crawled home and was happy to be there.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
8 Jun 10
At least you had the ability to get home. Sure, it was by crawling, but you could be so banged up that you could not move. So, everything could be a lot worse. Thank you for your response, it is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@joepat (129)
• Philippines
8 Jun 10
I can't really remember any painful injury I suffered in the past. But speaking of pain what comes to mind is the pain that comes out of bumping your bare toes on any hard object. Indeed there are quite a number of incidents where you get to trip accidentally over something with your bare big toes. The resultant pain to me is so excruciating that yelling at the top of your voice is the initial reaction to ease the pain. Also, at the height of the pain you feel like crying and at times with murder in your eyes you feel like striking any person nearest you. ha ha ha lol....pardon my way of describing such pain. I really cannot explain why that particular point, the knuckle area above one's big toenail, is so painful when struck against a hard object. Don't you think so too?
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
8 Jun 10
Yes, it might not be as dangerous or potentially fatal as many of the injuries listed. Still does not stop it from hurting when it happens. Especially in the middle of the night, with no glasses, and me as blind as a bat, that has a lot of potential for something like that to happen. Thank you for your response, it is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@Luwiego (622)
• Israel
8 Jun 10
I remembered when i was a kid. I accidentely walked on an axe which was on a floor of little room for tools.It cutted me throught the ancle. At first i didnt even feel the pain when i saw blood on the grass. It just cutted a bit in my ancle. But after some time i felt the pain....
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
8 Jun 10
An axe, wow, that's...well for lack of a better term, sounds like it hurts. I think I might have felt the pain right away. Then again, perhaps my brain would have not registered that I had stepped on an axe of all things, until I saw the blood. So who knows. Thank you for your response, it is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@durgabala (1359)
• India
8 Jun 10
Oh my, you have had such a terrible accident. Till date touch wood I have not faced with such terrible wounds, but the serious one was (not so serious too), I cut my under foot with a sharp tile in the swimming pool. This was some 18 years back and I still have the mark. it was a deep cut. It was very painfull and could not walk for several days.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
8 Jun 10
Yeah, I can see why a deep cut like that would leave a scar. If there was ever a scar on my head, I think it would be long since faded. Of course, considering its covered with hair, its a bit trickier to tell. Thank you for your response, it is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@chm001 (205)
• India
8 Jun 10
Most painfull injury in my life is few years ago in scooter accident. In that accident my hands arms is brock. In that accident I am very lucky coz one broken glass is cut me very badly in fornt of my eyes.(.5 cm upper) Luckily god safe my eye. An another accident is when I am study at class VII. That time on day i come to my coaching class at morning 7am at my Bicycle. I run my cycle very fast and firstly I hit a person and after that i fail my control and hit on a tree. That time i injurry on my had. But not a major injurry. But my cycle was damaged badly. I always remeber this two days in lifetime
@apoorva5 (120)
• India
8 Jun 10
i dont want anyone to face such a bad incident as it happened with my husband as he met with a train accident and by the grace of god he survived and what the lesson we taught is that never be hurry in any thing and these will lead to bad incident.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
8 Jun 10
Yes, a very good lesson to learn. A good majority of injuries can be avoided by slowing down. However, unfortunately there are many that are out of our hands. Still what we can avoid is good by not being in a hurry. Thank you for your response. It is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@starsailover (7829)
• Mexico
7 Jun 10
Hi megamatt: I think I've been lucky. The most painful injury I ever have happened when I was 13 years old and I was on my roller skates and I descended a very steep path. I fall and I was in bed for almost a week. My leg hurted a lot but omitting this fact I was intact and it could be worst. I have no sign of the incident so I can consider myself a very lucky person. By the way your first accident story sounds like a very painful
situation. Thanks for starting this discussion. Have a nice day.

@megamatt (14291)
• United States
7 Jun 10
Yes, a mishap with roller skates could have ended up a lot uglier. A lot more uglier. Considering that you could have had worse, you did end up pretty lucky. Thank you for your response, it is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@unique16 (1529)
• United States
7 Jun 10
My most painful injury is going under a barwire fence when I was six years old cutting open my cheek I think I got 12 to 23 stitches. it was either hit a tree with my sled or the barwire. I went down the hill to boot. The sled would not turn. My brother trade my sled for his. mY oldest brother found me and carried me to the house.
Thanks and have a great day
Sincerley Unique16
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
7 Jun 10
Barbed wire, yeah that sounds better. That stuff can slice through the skin pretty badly. There's a good reason why its used to keep people out of places where they are not supposed to be. Thank you for your response, it is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@redmaryjane (891)
• United States
7 Jun 10
I used to get a lot of cramps in the morning, which freak me out each time, but those never compare to burns I got from a hot pot.
Ironically, at the end of a long weekend of rain, I got burned. I was cooking for friends at my home. We were using an electric burner, which I wasn't really used to and I had to clean up. I was washing pots and dishes so I could make my second round of food. When I grabbed hold of a pot that I recently took out of the burners, I forgot that a) it was on the burner for about 30 minutes and b) it was on the burner to begin with. Three of my fingers on my right hand were skinned and a friend who was in the kitchen when it happened said that I had 3rd degree burns (he was a nursing student at one point). I didn't know that charcoal is the best thing to remedy the pain, so I soaked my hand in water for an hour in spite of the charcoal we had under the sink!
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
8 Jun 10
School staircases were a dangerous place to be a lot of the time where I went to school. People rushing up and down the stairs, its a wonder that more people did not get hurt. I think that even if you were careful, that did not account for the rash actions of another person. I think if I ever did fall, I was going to take the person who was responsible for me getting knocked down the stairs with me. Still, yeah, those can be some nasty spills. You can easily break a leg or an arm or who knows what. Thank you for your response, it is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@xuliwei123 (155)
• China
8 Jun 10
i can't belive what you said. it must be a terrible exprience of that you suffered so much pain.two years ago ,i broke my ankle when i played the basketball,but about a week latter ,i felt it was ok,i play the basketball again ,i broke my ankle again ,the hurt pained me so much that i almost could not bear it.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
8 Jun 10
Oh, believe me, it was. And the sad thing is, if I did not try to catch the ball the way it was, I would not have suffered the injury. If a basketball comes flying that fast at me ever again, I doubt I would try and catch it. Breaking your ankle is as bad, no wait worse. At least with my fingers, I could adapt, even though trying to type with one hand was surreal. Thank you for your response, it is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@budgetcrazygal (23)
• Canada
7 Jun 10
While washing the dishes recently a glass broke in my hand and sliced open my thumb. After 10 min of running it under cold water and applying pressure it would not stop bleeding, so I went to the emergency room. Normally I wouldn't panic about a cut but due to the amount of blood i was losing i felt it needed medical attention. The emergency room staff was efficent, quick and calming. They sitched my thumb and bandaged it up nicely. After about 3 weeks if finally healed over. Although not before i had an additional allergic reaction to the silicon/sticky-ness of the bandages. The skin on my thumb is still healing. Sigh.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
7 Jun 10
Wow that a bad time. Getting cut is worse, but thinking that you're healed and then getting a bad reaction to the bandages. Its not that pleasant. Thank you for your response, it is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.