Who all is trying to quit smoking the cancer stix?
By Shannon
@visitorinvasion (7709)
United States
November 16, 2006 9:00pm CST
I have been trying for 4 months. It's not easy. Been down to 4-7 a day average for nearly 3 months of that time, after 2-3 pack a day usage for nearly 20 years. Gum is not helping me at all. DumDum lollies help a little, but not much. The patch didn't do anything for me either. Any suggestions or support is appreciated!
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9 responses
@Jaytech (2251)
9 Apr 07
The latest trend in the UK is to freeze benefits of those sick & disabled to force people into low paid jobs. the fact there are no jobs means you just end up on unemployment benefit earning less than you can get on sickness benefit. Which equates to about £46 a week, I think looking after a disabled mother 24/7 with no holidays or days off is ample work for anyone & to be told by politicians making thousands, even millions that I can live on £46 a week as obscene.
Just last week the Brit politicians awarded themselves a £10,000 expenses a year to maintain their websites. That's more than many here get to live on a year!
Sorry, I've gone off on a complete tangent here, my apologies for that. But it does explain my extreme anxiety & why being forced to quit smoking out of poverty is just adding to my worries.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Jesus, Mary & Joseph, Jay!
I had no idea they were pulling that shiat over there.
I wish I could hug you, and I wish I knew more about the legal system there.
Over here they have something called "legal aid" where people who can't afford attorney fees can still get help.
Over here, people can appeal disability issues involving the freezing or stoppage of their benefits.
Do you have any help programs that can help you fight to unfreeze your money.
My poor kitty. I wish I could teach how to mentally turn stuff around for the benefit of your sanity. It's a technique that helps me a lot when things get really bad. (((hugs)))
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@Jaytech (2251)
9 Apr 07
Well because they froze my benefits back last year they effectively made me homeless as you know, no address no sickness benefit as you have to be at a registered address. I'm just dossing on my mothers or friends floors as I'm not allowed to officially live at my mums because it is sheltered accommodation for the elderly & disabled, & you have to be over 65 to live here.
As for legal aid, it's near impossible to get here, there are so many rules & regulations to fight to get it. I feel like just walking out the door n just keep going. No idea where, they've taken everything from me, including my pride & self esteem.
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@waynet (2650)
9 Apr 07
Shite man, I've been there, on benefit for almost 8 years and they messed with me at that time, wanting me to work in a factory for £3.10 an hour, much less than the minimum wage of which is over £5.00 an hour, I've only just managed to scramble out of the debt and crap accomodation that I was under, but on the horizon I can sense a downsizing in the local council that I work for and I'm not going to wait to be told I'm out of a job, that's why I'm trying my best to start up stuff here online, if there is any help you need, I do not know what but you already have the sponged one and you have the waynetta slapper on the case!
Sometimes this country as like many others is just a complete waste of time, and to top it off votings coming up soon and I never vote it's simply not worth my time to vote politicians in who make promises and to break them with feeble antics of the overpaid!!
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@Jaytech (2251)
9 Apr 07
I'd love to quit too, but as you know I'm a walking wall of stress & anxiety & as soon as I try to stop it just gets worse. The UK is turning into a place where smokers are looked upon as bad as terrorists or something. Governments are pushing heavy duty no smoking campaigns making me feel like a leaper.
Now they've frozen all my income & made me pretty much destitute I'll not be able to smoke anyhow. So I'm expecting to become a lose cannon in the near future so may be keeping a low profile in the near future.
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Who is they and why is your income frozen?
Bite down on something in the meantime and beat the living hell out of a couch cushion. That will relieve a bit of stress temporarily.
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@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
21 Nov 06
I used Zyban to quit when I was pregnant. It really helped alot. I had smoked for 10 years and I quit instantly. It just made me sick to light up and it definately cut cravings too.
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
22 Nov 06
Is that expensive? I could use something that makes me sick to light up, that's for sure. Thank you for posting, you have been rated :)
@NewHeart (528)
• Canada
21 Nov 06
smoked for almost 30 years tried alot of times and had no luck in quiting till 8 years back. had to quit after 1st heart attack then started again when out of hosp. quit again couple weeks later when had 2nd heart attack but when out of hosp. guess what started again so i can tell you it was hard to quit for me. but when i had 3rd heart attack knew i was in trouble when doctor said i now needed surgery to fix heart. said 3 maybe 4 bypasses to fix me up pretty good. imagine my surprise when i finally woke up after close to 7 hours of surgery scars down my chest from top to bottom, scar down left arm from inside elbow down to my wrist 3/4 of an inch wide never did heal right. also the one's running down my leg from groin to ankle. so i finally was able to quit. mind you can't run to far anymore either, breathing is a little better since i quit.that was 7 1/2years ago now. sure hope this helps you to see where you might be heading. best of luck quiting and i know substitutes don't help but your own willpower will get you through if you want to quit bad enough.also close friends that don't smoke can help. and as an old friend once told me no-one likes to kiss an ash tray. good luck...
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
21 Nov 06
I am so sorry you had to go through all that. Thank you for sharing that with me and anyone else reading this for moral support in quitting. You must be a very strong person. Thank you again for stopping by and for wishing me luck. My goal is to be done smoking by New Years and have the strength to turn down offers of a smoke.
@Chapman15 (1492)
• United States
6 Jan 07
I quit smoking a little over a year and a couple months now... I really didn't smoke as much or for as long as you, but I did smoke a pack a day for a six year span... What worked for me was making a list of reasons that made me want to quit and everytime I wanted one I opened my wallet to look at the list... For me it was all mental, because I tried all those quit smoking things like the gum and patch... I know you posted this two months ago how's the process going?
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Nuffsed is right, I'm not ready...but I was doing so well until it came time for finals (grr).
And it is hard as hell to not smoke when drinking.
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@Chapman15 (1492)
• United States
7 Jan 07
Yeah, it's tough you just got to commit I guess... I still have my list and at the top it says "What's another our wait?" In essence I'm trying to fool myself that I can have one in an hour... I have cheated a couple of times, but in my defense I was drunk lol!
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
6 Jan 07
I don't know if I'm more proud of you or jealous of your amazing will power.(insert clip of crowd going wild here) LOL
How long did you smoke? I've been smoking off and on since I was very young, and I'd say I've been hooked for at least 20 years.
It is hard for me, I'm still trying, tho. Wish me luck.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
18 Nov 06
If I can ever quit myself, I'll be more than glad to share how. It is the actual act of inhaling the smoke that addicts us, I think, cause after all the trying in the world, I still want that smoke, too. Thanks for the reply.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
18 Nov 06
Did that work for you? I would love a day at the spa. Thank you for the reply.
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
18 Nov 06
i feel your pain on that, believe me. thank you for the reply.