Who Works Harder?

United States
July 8, 2010 11:36am CST
The debate between working mom's and stay at home mom's rages on among my friends. I personally would rather go to the office then be a stay at home mom, like some of my friends, I think it is harder for them. I can go to lunch when I want, use the bathroom without interruption and I do not have to bring my work home with me. The only time I think it is easier for a stay at home mom, is when they have unexpected things like a kid getting sick, they do not have to try to rearrange a million different schedules to get their kid to the doctor and take care of them while they are sick. Curious what all of you think on this topic.
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29 responses
• United States
9 Jul 10
I don't think that either one is really a harder job, I think it depends on the person. I am a stay at home mom of a 1 year old and a 2 year old, and its definitely work! What bothers me is when people assume that since I'm at home I do nothing all day, which, trust me is not the case. I get no adult conversation, no breaks, no paycheck and not much recognition for a job well done. I am lucky to have a wonderful supportive husband who understands how hard my days are. On the other hand, I can see how some people would get bored not going to work every day. Either way, being a mom is a hard job, whether you stay home with your kids or work!
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
10 Jul 10
I have to give an hifi to the both of you! I am and was perceived as a woman that just sits around and does nothing all day. Boy! Don't people have the wrong idea! It is nothing like that for me. I work harder than anyone could ever know as a stay at home mother. Even moms that work that have to come home work even harder...
• United States
9 Jul 10
Before I had my son, I use to be one of those people that probably thought stay at home moms have it easy. But then when I became a mother I felt like I owed every stay at home mom an apology, because it really is hard work and I don't know one stay at home mom, that sits on the sofa and eats bon bons all day. Most stay at home mothers I know are lucky if they are able to even eat lunch at all.
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
9 Jul 10
Hi, aurorastorm. I am a stay at home mom. And I would say that we all work hard. But on a personal level, I feel that stay at home moms work even harder. There is taking care of the home, kids, laundry and other things that need to be done. It is a big job to do. A stay at home mom is working 24/7. So she is very exhausted compared to an woman that works outside of the home. Many women that work outside of the home, do get very tired and strained from all of the pressure that is bestowed onto them. They work hard especially if they are a single mother that has to pull all of the money into the household to support their family. All of us work hard, but I think that a stay at home mom has the biggest job. Raising children, is not such an easy task, it is easy to do, but it takes a lot of work and patience.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
9 Jul 10
Hi, aurorastorm. I kind of figured that you would have gotten confused to my response. Let me tell you what I was trying to explain to you. We all mothers work very hard. We do. I have an sister-in-law that probably thinks that I have it easy just because I stay at home. But I don't. I have many things to do as if I am on an regular 9 to 5 job and plus! I know that she works hard as well. She has an one son that is nine years old. She has been a teacher for many years. I know that she has to deal with kids that are her of son's age and under. I know that she is having a very hard time. When I see her, she looks very tired. I can only imagine what she has to go through. She does not tell me. But I can kind of see her strain. I truly believe that all women work hard whether they are a stay at home mom or not. I just feel that a mom that stays at home works harder in effort. It is a lot to do when a mom is at home. To understand this, one must be in this situation. She has to be up 24/7 as a mom. Being an parent can be an 24/7 job, so to speak. When a woman goes out and work she does not work so many hours as a mom would if she stayed at home with her kids all day long... This is my opinion. I see both sides to this issue. When a mom has kids and she works outside home, yes it is a lot.. But as for me, I work damn hard... I can only speak for myself. I can't speak for how it is for other moms. We all work hard! We just work differently in, effort. That is what I am trying to say. No women works any harder than the other.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
9 Jul 10
I also wanted to add this as well: I am not trying to be mean or anything. But the reason that you had to go back and forth with my response was the fact that I did not agree with you. I only agreed with you to an certain extent. When a mom stays at home, she works really hard. When a mom works outside of the home she works just as hard, especially when she gets home with her family. We all work hard... I just wanted you to know that many women that work outside of the home, don't seem to think that stay at home moms work hard. Maybe that is why many women have different opinion on this matter. One thinks that the other does not work hard, but we all work hard! There is really no agreeable or disagreeable opinions on this. All women that have kids or no, kids work hard! It just does not matter.. It is nothing to debate or argue about. It is not fair to others if you expect for all women to have the same opinion as you do. That would be very impossible. As you can see we all have different feelings, ideas, thoughts, opinions and feedback on what we all believe. Never take what someone wrote to you to heart. You may become confused as to what they are saying.
• United States
9 Jul 10
I keep going back and forth with this one, I think both work very hard. But I do think it is a misnomer when all of the stay at home moms have said they work hard taking care of the home, kids and laundry. Do stay at home moms think working moms don't have to do all of that also? We do plus work our regular jobs. I think at work for me, I don't work as hard as a stay at home mom, but if you factor in my job and then the work I do when I come home, I think it is a lot also.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
9 Jul 10
Hi Aurorastorm, I've never been able to be only a stay-at-home-mom because I always worked except for a brief period when I was out of a job. I did always stay home with my kids during the day though and I worked at night after my husband got home. Just being a mom is a tough job. I got divorced when my girls were all young and I have to say that both work equally as hard in different ways. I wouldn't say either one has it easy. Both are exhausted at the end of the day way before the kids are. I actually did work days when my oldest daughter was young and that is trying to. You have to get up and get yourself ready for work and the child ready for the sitters. How many mornings we ran late because she didn't cooperate or something. Or all the times I got called out of work for an injury or illness and all the doctor appointments. We're moms....we all work hard.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
10 Jul 10
• United States
9 Jul 10
I think you have really gotten to the heart of this issue. We all work hard and we should stop thinking one works harder than the other. Also we should all stop thinking one is a better mom over another mom. We all do what we do for the best of our family and should not have to hear criticism either way because of it.
• United States
9 Jul 10
Being a working mom is easy, if you have a live-in babysitter, or a good daycare center or kids old enough to take responsibility for their own actions, but it can be tough trying to get time off for family things or when kids are sick. Being a stay at home mom is tough 24/7 because that's how long she's on the clock. Usually, if she goes on vacation or stays home, it doesn't matter, her work follows her wherever she goes. Plus if the kids are in baseball, football, basketball, soccer, dance, cheerleading, band, piano lessons, etc., to do anything, she has to plan around THEIR schedules and playoffs or recitals. If a child is sick, she takes it to the doctor. That's the easy part (unless shots are involved)and then she gets to try getting anything done between the "Mom, I need..., Mom, can I have..., Mom, yuck, I don't want to take that medicine, etc." If she's lucky, what her baby has isn't catching; if she isn't lucky, she'll be down with it in three days, with one difference. She can't go to bed and get over it!
• United States
10 Jul 10
I been on both sides and can honestly say there is no easy route to being a mom, whether you are working outside the home or not.
• United States
10 Jul 10
I think being a working mom is not easy, because for me I feel like I am working two jobs, one 9-5 and one all the rest of the hours. We still have to to all the sports and activities also. Plus if one of our kids is sick we also take them to the doctor, knowing when we go back to work, our work will be double from missing a day. I am not saying stay at home is easy either, I don't think either one is ever a walk in the park.
• United States
13 Jul 10
Well, I am a stay at home mommy myself and I can tell you that it is much harder than having a job outside the home. I worked outside the home in a busy industry for 2 1/2 years and quit when I was 4 months pregnant to enjoy the rest of my pregnancy and to stay at home with our son. I don't look down on mom's who have to work but sometimes I don't understand why they wouldn't want to stay home if they could afford to. I am fortunate enough that my husband works a good job that allows me to stay home although I work several online jobs to bring in a little extra money each month to help contribute. =) But I believe that women who have never been a stay at home mom have no idea what kind of work goes into it because I have been put down a few times from people telling me that I had it easy. If they only knew..lol I think some stay at home moms are looked at as lazy and this couldn't be further from the truth. Between taking care of your child/children, cleaning the house, cooking meals, cleaning up messes, changing diapers..ect...you've pretty much put in more than the required 40 hours a week that a normal full time expects. By the end of the week its more like 1000000 hours..lol But seriously, if things got bad enough where we just couldn't afford me to stay home, I would go back to work if its what I had to do. But for now, I will stay home while finishing my degree. I plan to home school my child (and future children) as well as other children so that I can do what I love while continuing to be a stay at home mom. Growing up, I didn't have the best mom. She wasn't there for me in the most crucial times that I needed her. I want to make sure that my children know that I love them and would do anything for them. I want to spend every minute that I can with them because one day, you wake up and their all grown up and you'll be kicking yourself. God bless all you working mama's out there who wish they could be at home with their babies. And God bless you mama's who do stay at home with your babies. =)
• United States
13 Jul 10
Many people make nasty comments about stay at home mothers and I really do not understand why. I have a few friends that are stay at home moms and you could not even put a salary on them as to what they accomplish every day, you would not be able to afford them. For some reason some people think stay at home moms watch television and go to the mall all day. I agree with you, if I could stay home money wise that is for sure what I would do. I would still try to contribute some money to the household but not by working 9-5 everyday.
• United States
14 Jul 10
I only wish I could watch tv all day and go shopping! I think you have the perfect opinion of the stay at home mom. But then again, I am biased. =) I really appreciate what you said, I just wish all people who judged us felt the same way you do.
• United States
15 Jul 10
I was a yoyo for a while jumping from working from home back to working outside of the house and in the end working from home won. Everytime I would work outside of the home I noticed all of the advantages of working from home and the only advantage of leaving it was the stable income. Working from home you have the chance to make more money each week and you can choose your hours spend more time with your kids and spend more time on yourself. If you join a gym for example that take care of your kids while you work out, thats a good 1-2 hours to yourself that you would not have had time for if you worked outside of the home because that equals the time it takes you to get your hair and clothes together every morning and drive to and from home. Other advantages are the grades and conduct of your kids. Its was far better when I was there then when I was working outside. I have time to tutor or get them to a tutor. I have no regrets and that is something we need in order to focus on now.
• United States
16 Jul 10
I think that is a really good point you have made that I have not heard in this discussion yet is about regrets. What will you regret more when you get older, you always here this one, that I did not spend more time with my family. This is the year where I decided I am going to find an opportunity that pays me enough to work at home everyday. In my job now, I am allowed to work 3 days a week from home, but it is still a very regimented 9-5 job. I would love a job where I had the flexibility to work the hours I want to work, like a few hours after my kid is asleep.
• United States
16 Jul 10
Well, I hope you achieve your goal. Being able to stay at home AND not have the stress of not enough income coming in as a result is much better than staying at home and worrying that you may have made the wrong choice. Your being able to see both roads in your current job is a great way to help you make that decision. Keep in mind that when you work from home (sometimes) there is no actual 9-5 its more like 24/7. I have clients that live in spain and others in Washington (not DC) and the timezone differences do not matter to them when they need a project done asap. Sometimes you have to run to get a job done but once its finished you can jump on the bed and read to the kids, rather than drive all the way home and then jump on the bed to be with the kids! The added struggle is worth it but you have to really want it and read lots of inspiring work at home books and article to keep you on track. Another piece of advice I would like to give you is to ignore negative opinions. They come from everywhere and when they come from someone you love and respect they often affect your decisions because you want to please them. Rememeber that this is your life and you are the only one that has to live day in and day out with your decision.
@terri0824 (5049)
• United States
9 Jul 10
This is a hard toss up for me because I can see both sides of it being a hard worker on each. As well as, if you are a single mom trying to do it all, also plays a big part in which is a harder worker. So I say cheers to mom's who have the priviledge to stay home with their children and cheers to mom's who also have to work in the workforce and then come home and do what the stay at home mom's do.
• United States
10 Jul 10
Very true, I think most of us agree that being a mom is hard work period. A single mom even more tough that is for sure.
• Lubbock, Texas
9 Jul 10
I think it's a matter of opinion. Being a stay at home mom is NOT a piece of cake. You're there 24/7. Unless you arrange regular play dates for your children and take time to visit with other moms you have less contact with adults and all your challenges, mental and physical, revolve around children. Some people can find that this is constricting. Going to work in the public gives you a set number of hours to work and interact with adults, face adult challenges, and have a change of pace. Then go home to all the housework and child related challenges that the stay at home mom faces all day long. One way is not less or more work it's just different.
• United States
10 Jul 10
I think both things are really hard and as women we should respect each other more as woman and realize like you said perfectly, "one way is not less or more work, just different"
@doryvien (2284)
• United States
9 Jul 10
Hi Aurora, 20 years ago I have always told myself that I will never be a stay at home mom or a full time housewife and mother. I've always been a career woman and I've never imagine myself as someone staying home doing household chores day in and day out. Now, I dream of becoming a stay at home mom so I can personally take care of my kids who are now going to school. I want to personally tutor them, prepare their food, be there everytime they're home. I feel like I've done everything in my career already that it should now take a back seat, and focus on my family's needs. However, I'm not prepared to lose my job at this point for financial reasons. I know it's harder as a stay at home mom than work somewhere else, it's definitely physically taxing but I believe the emotional rewards are great. But being a working mom addresses the financial needs of the family which is also very important.
• United States
10 Jul 10
Everything you said is really true. Maybe working at work at least for me is in no way more physically taxing than working at home that is for sure. The emotional rewards for staying at home are way more than any rewards you get for working at work, that is a definite.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
9 Jul 10
I believe that stay at home moms work jusy as hard as out of the home moms. In some ways stay at home moms have a bit harder of a job to do. They can't always get away from the prpblems that develop at home. It can be a joy and a trial to be a stay at home mom. They are often looked down as not working. I think they have the most difficult job of all. Taking care of your family on a daily basis with monetary compensation is the life of a stay at home mom. The love of her children is her reward.
• United States
9 Jul 10
That is another interesting aspect of all of this that I did not think about. When I get home from work, I leave my work at work. A stay at home mom never gets to leave her work, it is always with her and any problems arise you have to deal with it on your own.
@LadyDD (515)
• Romania
9 Jul 10
I think it depends on the mom's conception on life. What is the thing she cares about most: her family or her career? I was a stay at home mom for a short period once, some time ago and I wanted to be longer but it wasn't possible. Then I think it depends also on the talents and abilities a mom has. She can stay at home all the time but what's the use if she can do nothing well. I had a few books to learn from when I was a stay at home mom because I was young and at my first and only child. To be as long as you can near your child means a lot to the child.
• United States
10 Jul 10
I think a lot of people thing working mom's are selfish because we want careers. I actually don't want a career I work because my husband has a job that he loves but unfortunately even with both of us working we cannot get out from under our bills. We do not spend lavishly but I have had a lot of medical bills for 2 years in a row. Hopefully won't have anymore, which will help us a lot.
• Philippines
9 Jul 10
Though I'm a man, I would say that each is stressful in a certain way. Working moms outside the house have different types of problems like working with their bosses and having to do different kinds of work. Stay at home moms also have a share of their hard times specially when there are a lot of people in the house or the house needs a lot of work to do with.
• United States
9 Jul 10
I like getting the point of a man as well, so I am glad you chimed in on this discussion. I think the bottom point is all moms are working moms. Because all mom's work hard at what they do. Sometimes with not a lot of appreciation, but we love our children and it makes it all worth it.
@Memnon (2170)
10 Jul 10
As a guy, with no children, or any experience of them except having been one, this is probably dangerous territory! Suffice to say, I would never accuse a stay at home mum of having an easy life. A mum who works also has to weigh that decision equally carefully. The decision is one to be made by each family on it's own merits. Only one circumstance would ever lead me to any criticism, and that would be if she chose a particular option because she thought it would be the easiest way out of working at one or the other.
• United States
10 Jul 10
No I welcome everyone's view point. What you said is really important. Everyone's life is different and everyone's family has different needs, so let's quit judging everyone so harshly. I think finding the easy way out is never a good solution.
• Philippines
9 Jul 10
Hi , i'm new here but I agree with you, I always wanted to just stay at home like other moms i known who can take care of their kids, feed them, play with them just be with them all day. But I can't at this time, I need to work hard to give them a better future , my husband's pay check is not enough for us so I am looking for opputunities to look for work at home.
• United States
9 Jul 10
marshmunch23- First of all welcome to my lot, I am new here also about a week or so. I don't think this is going to be a huge money maker for me, but regardless I am really enjoying meeting other people and getting some new insight into some problems I am having. I also have to work, if I had my choice would not, but that is not an option.
@youless (112922)
• Guangzhou, China
9 Jul 10
I think it is not fair to say that. Because the working moms and stay at home moms are both hard-working. Never think it is so easy to be a stay at home mom. The housework can be tiring and boring. And her earning just comes from her spouse. At least the working women can buy something for themselves because they have their own incomes. And the stay at home women are without breaks, holidays and so on. If you have been a stay at home mom for some time, probably you prefer to go to work because it is not so interesting to be a stay at home mom. Working outside is much more relaxing. I love China
• United States
9 Jul 10
I understand what you are saying about the incomes, but all the stay at home mom's I know, have no problem buying things for themselves. The thing is in this discussion many people are talking about the stay at home moms doing housework, well working moms still have to do that also.
• Philippines
9 Jul 10
In my own opinion, when I get married I think I would like my wife to stay at home.. Thats is if I earn good and can support the whole family. But with the life and status of the world right now? i think its hard if only your husband is working. Though I still consider my future wife to stay at home.. But also, if she really wants to work and dont want to stay home even if I earn good then i wont be the hindrance... If she likes to work to help our family then thats fine..
• United States
9 Jul 10
For me, if my husband made enough I would stay home, I am not working because I love but because it is a necessity. Some mother's truly love having a career and also love being a mom. More working mothers I think do it because they do not have any other choice. At least the ones I know anyway.
• United States
9 Jul 10
I absolutely think being a stay at home mom is harder than going out to work. I have done both. Going out to work, you get a lunch break, you get vacation time, you get sick days, you get days off and YOU GET PAID for what you do!! Stay at home mom's, we don't have any breaks at all! Being a stay at home mom is a 24/7 job! Even if your throwing up and have a fever you still have kids to take care of, there's no one else to do it! If your exhausted and have had a hard day you still have kids bugging you for this and that. You never get breaks, you never get sick time, heck you don't even get a bathroom break without the kids needing or getting into something... I think being a stay at home mom is a very difficult job. =)
• United States
9 Jul 10
I think every-time I read another person's response to this discussion, I say to myself well that is much harder. As I just read yours I really see how much work that would be and the patience level has to be so much higher when you are dealing with children. Plus I never thought about as a stay at home mom, you are never allowed to be sick, because you still have to take care of your children.
@adamyzle (34)
• Philippines
9 Jul 10
I'm a working mom and I would rather say that if you really are a so called Mother, you can do the job of both home and work mothers. In my case, my son wakes up late and go to bed late that's why we have more time spending the night together playing and watching his favorite movies. I know it's very hard, but I know it's enjoyable. In what ever you do, if you really love what you are doing, you can do all you want. I really love being a mother.
• United States
9 Jul 10
I do both also, I feel like I really get a lot of quality time with my son, the days I work in the office, I am home an hour after he gets out of school or camp, so I do all the homework, get dinner ready and then still have time to play with him. I love being a mother, and you are right if you love something, you can do it all. Don't love my job right now, but looking to change that eventually.
@pastigger (612)
• United States
9 Jul 10
I have a diffrent kind of view. I am a stay at home mom who works all day. I run a home daycare. I really wanted to stay home with my daughter so I started the Daycare. I think that is harder then working out of the house some days. I am home all day but there is still a limit to how much I can get done so I have to cram a bunch of stuff into the weekends. Not only to I have my home to up keep but I have a business that I run by myself. There is paperwork that I get behind on, new requirements by the state that I am still chatching up on, I have to do so many hours of continuing education every year, and I have to make sure that I have food to feed the kids. Once I am done with that I barly have the engery to do things I need to do like get food for dinners, I pay all the bills (I don't make all the money but I make sure they are all paid). I don't really get a lunch without children. They have quiet time each day but there is no guarentee there either. I really get my first break when my daughter goes to bed. I have to have my husband take her to the Doctor most times because have you every tried to find someone to fill in for you when you have 5 kids that aren't yours. Lucky I have two good grandmas to help out but they both work so for me to go to the doctor takes some planning. I always thought that I would go back to work but now I can see loosing all that time with my daughter. It took over 2 years to have her and then she was 11 weeks early so there is some good old mommy guilt there. I think that it would be easier to be a working mom that didn't work at home but I don't know for sure. I never thought that I would be able to be a stay at home mom I thought that I would be borred to tears, but now I know diffrent and would love to be just a stay at home mom. Either way it is hard and I don't think there are harder working people then moms in general.
• United States
9 Jul 10
What you do is so hard and the rewards are you get to be with your daughter, but I bet sometimes it is hard to keep your head up, you must be exhausted. Yes, I think in your case I would much rather be one or the other, your a stay at home mom, with all the pressure of that plus all the pressure of an outside type business as well. I could not agree with you more I think moms in general work harder than any other people in the population. That gives me thought about another discussion topic.
• United States
8 Jul 10
Personally, I think the stay at home moms are the hardiest working moms. Unless you homeschool your children they are not with you all day but you have tasks to do all day long. Keeping up with car pooling, after school activities, grocery shopping, cleaning up the day to day messes is hard work. Granted stay at home moms don't deal with corporate pressures but they deal with family pressures which is close enough to a board meeting. The stakes are actually higher when you are a single stay at home mom and yes there are some women that do that. I greatly admire the women that work outside the office but I still think stay at home moms work harder.
• United States
9 Jul 10
I do think both work hard, but as a working mom, I still have to do all of those things you mentioned, plus still work my job. I have carpools, I take my kid to sports activities at least 3 days a week, do all the grocery shopping as well as make all the meals. You are right about single moms, I have some friends that are and they truly amaze me how they keep it all together.