What is the best place for you to cry when you in a deep sorrow ?

Hong Kong
July 22, 2010 10:11am CST
Today, I have experience some kinds of sadness and deep sorrow after many unhappy things happened in my life.However,I couldn't find a nice place to deal with my depress emotion at home since my home is always full of people. I don't have too much privacy in my own home,except my own book room.That's why I have to go out every night to deal with my unhappiness.Tonight, it has thunder storm iand heavy raining in my city .I went to a small track field tonight where people used to do exercise and training everynight.Since the weather was no good tonight and nobody is there except me.I went to an empty seat with cover on my top. In thi darkness but silence place. I started to deal with my sadness and let all my sorrow came out by tears and all the hurtful feeling within me.While I was doing this ,a heavy rain jsu visited this place and even the sky was crying with me.I thank God for a place and a moment like this for me to cry with privacy and I could also share my hurtful feeling with God in prayer.I am a man and a very emotional one.I don't like God created me as a man with deep emotion because it really hurt when I have to face anything emotional.I prefer that I am just like those rational man at all time and just stay clam and be rational in everything.That way may get less hurt if I was created that way.But I can onlky accepted who I am and need to deal with emotion when times come.Well, share with me about the best place for you to deal with your sadness and sorrow if you have such an experience.
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25 responses
• India
22 Jul 10
sorrows, sadness,hurting.... all these are part of life. first be bold enough to face all those. you said that you were crying for your sorrows, pls dont do that. instead of that just build the ability within yourself to convert all those sorrows into achievements. still you need a place to cry then the best place is under HEAVY RAIN so that no one can find you crying. dont let your weakness to be known to everyone.
• Philippines
23 Jul 10
You're saying like this "you said that you were crying for your sorrows, pls dont do that". I don't think so there's no one would never cry in the midst of sorrows or griefs. It's normal actually to cry just to let all your feelings out, we are human after all that live with emotions. While you can do things to cope up from what you've feel but doesn't mean you have to prohibit yourself to cry. Crying doesn't mean you are showing your weakness, it is something about you have to show it for you to feel alright. While there are some whose pride is dominant over themselves, then you may seek yourself a place to cry where you are alone. But, I tell you, crying with someone else (a person who is closest to you---friend)can feel you better after crying. This is not something to be ashamed for as everybody can experience this stage----things like those are normal in life.
• India
23 Jul 10
i wanna say you one thing that the closest person of yours wont allow any situations to make you cry. it is 100%true and i'm experiencing it.
@lulu1220 (1006)
• United States
6 Aug 10
The few times this has happened I cry in my bed. I usually get under the covers and turn out the light. It seems to be a comforting place and a good place to be alone. I have cried in my car too when I am by myself.
• Hong Kong
7 Aug 10
I just have something really heart broken yesterday and I didn't sleep well for the last whole night.When I woke up early in this morning,I found my heart beat was irregular due to the unhappy event.I was able to get a nice and quiet time to cry at around 9 in my own bed.I cried with tears and all the unhappiness broken out.After the tears had finally came out,I found myself feel a lot better since all my hurt had ben flush out with tears.I feel tired after that because cry out loud did cost energy.I feel better after I woke up again.I think I need to rebuild myself again after I will clear up all my depression and unhappiness.Sometimes, crying in the shower is always a good place.The water will just flush out all you tears while you are taking a bath at the same time.Since you are bathing ,you can cry out loud and nobody can hear you.I think it is not easy to be a human in this world since it is so much stress and so much unhappy event happening everyday.Relationship with others,unemployment,anger towards all the unjustice issue in the society.Seeing the bad guys always win and the good guys always lose,Poverty,etc.All these thing add up to be a heavy burden to all of us in everyday life.We surely ned a place to cry out loud and release all the sadness and sorrow.Although we may encounter another new issue the next day but still,it is good to clear up our teras within our heart on a regular basis.I hope we can live a happy and joyful life all the times and always.I know it is not easy but as long as we have hope,it is a good thing and we will help each other in times of unhappiness.Then ,this world will at least can be a place that we can still keep on going until the end of our journey in this world.Well,I hope you will have a good day and tomorrow and in the days to come.Take care.
@Gany15k (1673)
• India
23 Jul 10
True to say..me too a very emotional and a sensitive man..But I have got some good , real and caring friends..I used to share with them..It will be better for me..When I'm alone I used to cry in my bedroom..Lot of times I feel bad that why God created me like this..But what we can do.. we have to move on.. Best thing in my life I got is good parents , caring friends and my bike...Nothing else...
• Hong Kong
7 Aug 10
I understand what you mean when you say you are a very emotional and sensitive man.Why? It is beacause I am also one of this kind of people and I really feel pain too.I wish I were those rational guy who will always see things in a logical way but without too much feeling towrds anything.That way,I nmay feel a lot happier.Well, I don't know ......as you said...we were born like that and looks like it won't change overnight but I still think that there will always be hope in our life,otherwise it will be hard for anyone to go on.well,I don't know what to say to you but I would encourage to talk to your frineds when you are having a bad time and enjoy some good music that will help you feel better.Look up to th sky once awhile can see th bird flying around.Smell the flowers a bit more and enjoy the fresh wind on the beach once awhile .Let the nature wash away your unhappiness and jsut let the sunshine in.Have a good day.
• United States
23 Jul 10
Hello wildlittlefan! I am sorry for the sorrow you are going through. We all go through at different times in our life. My place of shedding sorrowful tears has been my bedroom ( a lot of times at night). But anywhere you can find peace and quiet will be good. Don't be upset that God made you that way. He made you the way he wanted to and God loves you just the way you are. I mean, you don't cry if you spill water do you? : ) You are emotional when something really serious happens and that is okay. Just keep finding that quiet place and praying to God and give Him thanks in all things wildlittlefan. Take care and God bless! : )
• Hong Kong
5 Aug 10
Thank you for your comfort and it is good to have more people like you in mylot.I think god surely have a plan for everyone and I thank Him for His salvation plan to me and I thank Him for my Savior Jesus.But there are times that we will still cry out loud even we have a whole Bible to back us up.As long as we are emotional being,then We need to deal with our emotion.It is ok to cry and thank you for reminding me that.But there are lots of people will look at you witha strange look if your cry.You know something,a man is not encoourage o cry in our culture because it was a traditional belief that "a man sholud shed blood but not tears" in our Chinese culture.It was definately bwrong since we were created with emotion bu God.But it si just a kind of pressure that a man will get from our culture when a man cry.It is getting much better in nowaday since The people in our culture are getting more educated.Ther started to understand the emotioinal side of a man and won't just say things with rationally alone.Well,I think it is good to have comfort when anyone is facing sadness and deep sorrow.I don't think we all have to get a counsellor to help us in the time of difficulty but for sure it may help if there is one.But if there is none,I can at least think of two possibilty : God and friends in mylot.Thabnk youagain for all the mylot friends including you whenh I am in an unhappy situation.I hope that I can be someone's helper again when my hurt and sorrow is over.Have a good day.
@joiele (49)
• Philippines
23 Jul 10
I just went through a break up. It was a 5yr relationship and I thought it will last forever. Unfortunately, I was wrong. I was so depressed and lonely. I looked for places where I can shed tears without people asking why. I found a serene place on a beach near our home. It was a quiet place and the sound of water and tides makes me feel peaceful inside. I cried my heart out and no one asked me why. I shouted to the sea my feelings and frustrations and no one could really understand me because of the tides. I found myself enveloped by the serenity of the place.
• Hong Kong
7 Aug 10
I really need a beach like you have near my home.Unfortunately,I don't live near to the seashore and I have to go a long way by bus or by train before I can get closer to the sea.I understncd what you mean when you say depression and lonely especially when you talk about relationship broke up.It would surely hurted and I was one of your company.Everything was Romantic and happy in the beginning,but when it was time to break up.It was just like the whole world turns dark and there seems we were running out of hope .Things may not be that sad but when we are inside the problem,we can never see anything from the outside world.Well,I think we need someone to talk to and someone to help us to walk through the problem together. Then we may not feel we are alone.I hope that you can recover soon and have the strength and courage to go forward.Always remember that " tomorrow will b better ".Have a good day.
@jadmari (125)
• Philippines
5 Aug 10
When I am in a deep sorrow and pain, I don't want my family to know about it. So the best place for me to cry is when I am taking a shower because it is easy for me to let my agony and pain come out inside of me when the water sprinkles my soul. While the water washes away my tears,the feeling of relief takes place.
• Hong Kong
5 Aug 10
Shower is no doubt a goo place to cry since the water will flush away your tears which is deep down from your soul.I sometimes do that too especially when I don't want my family memebers to know it.I think another place for me to cry will be in the park or even a sport stadium where everyone can walk in for a visit during the leisure time.I remember I did it once about one week ago when something really hurted me.It was raining heaveily and nobody was there except me .I cry ,and cry and cry a lot for almost 15 minutes and i feel much better after that.The sky was also crying with me and I wasn't alone since the rain was my comfort and the rain became my friends at that time.The best of all was nobody was there and it was about 9 pm at night.I was so happy that I could at least found a nice and quiet place to cry when I was really unhappy.The wind was blowing with the rain as well and I could cry out loud withour anybody to interruped me.Oh,by the way it is heavily raining in my city rioght at this moment but Tonight I don't have anything to cry yet and perhaps it will give me some hope.Since last week I was still in deep sorrow and depression but not now.Well,time will always move forward and we are changing everyday.I don't know waht happen to me tomorrow but at this moment,I don't have to live with tears at least in this moment.Thus ,we need to encourage one another that tomorrow will be a better day,no matter how tough and unhappy that the situation we are facing today.Have a good day and have a happy tomorrow.
@ifa225 (14459)
• Indonesia
20 Oct 10
my own cold room it is safe for me to cry over there. and there is no one would tell about my sorrow to anybody else.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
24 Jul 10
For me it is typically within my own room. That is the only place that I feel like I get any privacy because I've always got at least one child with me and I tend to have to deal with things myself. That said, I've also gotten really emotional at times for no reason at all when I am out in my car. It is usually certain songs that will spurn this kind of emotion for me. I lost a really close friend several months ago and the only way that I've been able to deal with the grief of losing her is to listen to songs that make me think of her and to cry along with the songs.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
23 Jul 10
Nobody looks forward to the tears from something painful. Crying from sorrow is often hard to cope with. I know when something devastating happens to me and i have to let my tears flow, i want to be alone. The best place for me to cry is alone in my bedroom. I can shut out the outside world and let my grief begin. Hopefully the experience will not be long, but it is still painful to the heart.
@kharlav (1667)
• Philippines
22 Jul 10
I think the best place for me to cry on is in my room. IN that way, I can be alone, think of the problem and how I can solve it. And another advantage would be, no one else would see my crying and sad.
• Philippines
22 Jul 10
yes your right its really the perfect place to burst out our emotions. then when i go out its like nothing happened
@darylT (85)
• Philippines
23 Jul 10
i cry inside my room where no one can see me and my distorted face.
@Skade24 (749)
• Romania
28 Jul 10
A peaceful place in nature, i prefer. I usually take a trip to the mountains or go to take a walk in the park, where i can be only with my toughts, because in that moments i don`t need someone around me to disturb me, i need to be alone, so that i could calm down, and think.
@satylot (98)
22 Jul 10
First, I dont have my private room to cry or do my private stuffs.. So when I feel like crying I go to temple and sit facing to the god.
• Philippines
23 Jul 10
You are very right with that. The temple for me is the place next to my room where i can feel better whenever i'm feeling down. after doing some meditation in the temple it brings me a difference, its like you were refreshed after all the burden you feel inside.
12 Aug 10
So often we see crying or being emotional as a weakness, when it shouldn't be seen as that. But I agree with other people--if you need somewhere to cry--cry in the shower, your room, go out for a run or a drive, or somewhere where you can be alone for a little while. There are even people that would be glad to talk to you if you were up for it, and just to cry. Found that even coming here on MyLot, I've been able to express myself more and relate to others on here to get some of my emotions out, if you're up for that as well.
@ron2dmax (48)
• Philippines
22 Jul 10
For me, when I feel like I'm crying then wanna cry and every time I feel intense emotionally I go to my room. My room is the best place for me to let out all my feelings---crying; thinking deeply then getting a notebook and a pen, and then starting to write---a poem, story, and anything I could think to write containing all my emotions and feelings---starting to ask myself "why do I feel this way", "what I've done wrong", "what are the right things to do to correct my mistakes, etc"---all those questions to myself, after writing, I feel then better. It may sound weird or awkward but the fact that I can review all my deeds, I may then realize that I felt the sadness inside of me it's because of me too lol, until then I can think of another way to pacify myself---and that's to face my computer then back to work again with a lively spirit---weirdo me--- ;)
@johnpillai (2082)
• Germany
23 Jul 10
Before writing my answer i am sorry for your sadness. And I wish you to recover from your sadness. Chear up; be happy. before my marriage i had worries because of my love affair. So i cried on my pillow. Only my pillow knows i was worried. Now i seldom cry. i have plenty of privacy now. So i let my teary to run while doing my house works.
@edorms36 (275)
• United Arab Emirates
23 Jul 10
Hi! Hope you're ok now. As for me, I let the pain and hurt eased up and cry myself alone in the privacy of my room. If I needed some spiritual enlightenment, then I go to church alone when the service is finish I'd sit there for sometime and have a heart to heart talk with God, then one place I'm also going is the park, somewhere where it's not crowded, there I let my tears fall and think.
23 Jul 10
I ever felt a deep sorrow and I have one place to share my sadness. I work in a senior high school, there's a silence place, it's fell very peace when i am here. It's called "Padmasana" in Balinese word, That place use to pray to the God, hinduism God. I am balinese people, and I have married with two children. I often get hard problem, bcoz I live with parents in law. if I feel sad or disappointed I will go the "padmasana", pray to the God and talk about all of my problem. Then I feel better. I trust to the God, He will hear what I say without worry he will tell to another person. then coz I trust with his force, and I believe He will help me, I can solve my problem with helping from another person around me. I know He sends me them to help me.
• Indonesia
23 Jul 10
I think is every one cry when they in sadness and deep sorrow. if I'm in sadness, i'll go to my bad room and cry to my pillow until my feelling good after that.
• United States
23 Jul 10
That really sucks !!!!! I kno I have never faced a problem as big as this but the best place for me to let my emotions go was inthe bathroom !!!!!