Can you trust anybody easily?

@alienstar (5142)
July 27, 2010 1:40am CST
Trusting someone is the most difficult phase of life isn't it? Bonding between two individuals will become stronger only after you trust each other.There should be trust in love, or else love will not survive for sure.There should also be trust in business as without trust you cannot succeed even in business.So, trust is needed everywhere but can you trust somebody that easily? what are all the basic things you look into while trusting somebody in your life?
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37 responses
@weraful (58)
• Bulgaria
27 Jul 10
To trust someone in this life is so hard ! I can trust only my parrents and a little group of my friends. So in answer of the question i must say NO :( It's so dificult so ...
@alienstar (5142)
• India
17 Aug 10
These days many people comment this saying that they only trust their parents than anyone or just their parents and no one else ! maybe this is because of the bad feelings they had with their trusted ones or because of the bad experience they had with those whom they trusted.Did you also have any bad experience like these?
@buggles64 (2709)
• United States
27 Jul 10
I use to trust without question, always believing the best in everyone that I came into contact with. I still trust people, but I am very cautious with the people whom I want to trust these days. I agree wholeheartedly that with love co I mes trust, after all you can never really love someone unless you trust in them too. I never even thought about trust before when I gave it without question, it just "was" Now, though I look at the their motives...and sometimes you can tell within a week if they are trustworthy or not....if they come into your life, and then quickly disappear..well, then they are not trustworthy. I look for someone who is committed, someone that never gives up, and always includes you in the decision making.
@alienstar (5142)
• India
17 Aug 10
I think you are talking of trust online in love life isn't it? maybe you have some valid points over here regarding your love, but there has to be trust in each mode of your daily life isn't it? even dealing with neighbors, business matters etc, without trust it is bound to fail.Some people have the ability to judge people so as to trust them or not
• United States
27 Jul 10
My previous relationship held no trust. He had broken it too many time and the entire time I wasn't with him I doubted him. And it literally drove me crazy until I finally realized it would never work. The relationship I am in now, is literally just amazing. I don't have trust issues at all, I trust him completely. Its been so long since I've felt so assured of someone else that has the power to hurt me. The thing with me is I do give my trust out easily. In some ways, probably too easily. But I make sure that person really understands how powerful a gift my trust is and if they breach that gift then literally, it will take them a very,very long time before I can even CONSIDER trusting them again.
@alienstar (5142)
• India
17 Aug 10
Without failing one cannot understand better and as we say failures are stepping stone for success and it does apply everywhere.Even in your case also, maybe because of excitement you might have trusted your first love easily and now that you have trusted your present one, don't ever repeat the same mistake of trusting everybody easily like before
@naoimi09 (106)
• Philippines
27 Jul 10
Trust is the hardest thing you can give to anyone else. It requires time for you to be able to trust a person. In every relationship such as about love, friendship, business and a lot more, the most essential thing that must be remembered is gaining the trust of each other. With out this thing it could really be hard to maintain the bond for such a long time.
@alienstar (5142)
• India
17 Aug 10
Our maturity will teach us whom to trust and whom to keep distance from, but there are some people who doesn't understand this even after maturing as the get fooled by these mistrusted characters in life who are more in number these days and it's really sad to see people around who live for themselves without caring for anyone in life
@Jacobus1919 (1683)
• Philippines
27 Jul 10
To be honest, trusting someone is really hard. Trust is actually gained through time. I do not really think full trust is can be garnered with in minutes or even a few days. It is gained slowly but surely.
@alienstar (5142)
• India
17 Aug 10
one is safe if he takes more time in knowing and trusting friends and you are right here.I had many bitter experiences before regarding my friends whom i trusted and also had considered them as my close, true friend a mistake which i realized it later on later on in my life when i saw them back biting and fooling me around.That was a big lesson for me then
@Skade24 (750)
• Romania
27 Jul 10
I was very friendly and i trusted people very easily, until i had a few disappointments, in love, in friendship, many people betrayed me, while i was a good friend or girlfriend. And I learned my lesson, now i cannot trust not even my boyfriend sometimes, i have an issue with the trust in people, it`s very hard for me to trust people.
@alienstar (5142)
• India
17 Aug 10
Was all these things happened in your teenage or after you grew up? if it was in your teenage, forget those days as you might have experienced everything and gained enough experience on those kind of people and henceforth you can be careful and if you start making the same mistakes again and again, then it simply means you have not learnt anything in life and you will land up in trouble for sure
27 Oct 10
I don't trust people very easily, I tend to make it appear that I trust someone but if I actually did then I would do almost anything within reason to help a friend which isn't often the case. I tend to find most people are backstabbers where I live, most aren't really how friends should be and I find it hard to find decent friends. It's quite hard but I don't trust easily, it's one value that I keep you must earn trust a lot like respect.
• Indonesia
20 Sep 10
I am a person who easily trust other people. Sometimes it makes me get into trouble. I am very easily seduced and ultimately trust. But I am hard to gain trust from others, because I was careless. I want to change my nature, but I always fail.for me more difficult to gain trust, from the giving of trust,
@rose005 (254)
• India
27 Jul 10
The person who cares for me can be trusted but it takes lot of time to trust them. It is really difficult to trust anybody because we will never know that the person may break the trust.
@alienstar (5142)
• India
17 Aug 10
Time wasted on trusting somebody is worth a lot as you can avoid making mistake of having a wrong friend to trust which is even dangerous in your life.I had this habit of making more friends when i was in college and i was also trusting them blindly which did effect me later on in my life and this was a learning experience for me at that age and now i am very careful about it
• Philippines
27 Jul 10
Im the type of person who can trust easily but once you broke it, its very difficult for me to forgive.
@alienstar (5142)
• India
27 Jul 10
There are many people like you and don't trust anyone easily as most of them are cunning and by trusting them without knowing them will be very painful for you as they can hit you in any mode of your life if the have bad intentions.The days are really not like before now as people here are cunning and selfish characters and most of them do also have abd intentions so, better be careful henceforth
@pwnson (150)
• India
27 Jul 10
From my point of view for me to trust someone in our life is difficult.Trust is something we build up in a relationship, not for sold. It comes natural so its going to take time to trust guy. The most impotent things that everybody owns is their"word".And for me i trust those who love me,who share their feelings to me and who care me.
@alienstar (5142)
• India
17 Aug 10
Trust has to come naturally and you should feel within yourself when you are trusting someone and you are absolutely right in this case.There are many people who do the mistake of trusting others and in the end get hurt by the same people whom they had trusted as then tend to take advantage of you at times and end up putting you in deep trouble later on
@kshp_dpk (213)
• India
27 Jul 10
To trust somebody in our life is very difficult.I can trust the person who care,love and respect but we cant say that by giving love and care we can trust that person.We really have to know about person personality.
@alienstar (5142)
• India
17 Aug 10
When you are young, you might have trusted your friends quite easily isn't it? but as you grow old, you will know about all your friends as some of them you will find as very selfish character isn't it? we should take time in knowing a person completely to understand him or we are bound to get disappointed most of the times for sure.
@xylem916 (95)
• India
27 Jul 10
To trust someone in our life so difficult. For me I really trust those who care me, love me, and who share their too feelings to me. But trust is not only that people gave care and love towards us, trust is really needed everywhere in the stage of our day to day life.
@alienstar (5142)
• India
27 Jul 10
Trust is the most wanted word in our life isn't it? as you will need this trust in every mode of your life.But for trusting someone, it is not so easy especially during these days as most of the people we meet around are of selfish characters looking after their own things without having any feeling towards others which is really very bad.
@xylem916 (95)
• India
27 Jul 10
To trust someone is so difficult. For me I trust those who care,love and share their too feelings to me. Its not only those people who gave care and love, but trust is really needed in everywhere in our day to day life. In this competitive world in order to achieve goal is not a simple way its so difficult. I can't say weather my life is perfect or imperfect I am satisfy what I am at present.
@alienstar (5142)
• India
17 Aug 10
Without trust, love cannot survive, without trust, friendship cannot survive and even in working space also you need trust in your colleagues or else you will not see the expected result for sure and so trust plays an very important part in our life and it is needed for everybody at one point or the other in life
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
28 Jul 10
No I can not trust easy I have been hurt to many times and my trust has been destroyed to many times What I look for is honesty not destroy me by lying not go behind my back that is what I look for in trust
@derek_a (10874)
28 Jul 10
Life tends to bring experiences that will erode our trust in other people. As a Zen practictioner, I always focus on these sort of feelings and transcend them. Desensitize them. To go through life not trusting, is very stressful within because all these feelings belong to each one of us and what happens is that if we don't trust another, it is part of ourself that we don't trust also. We become tense and on edge as we anticipate what can go wrong. We need to remember that things do go right in life also, but everything that doesn't work out, will soon be just a memory. It is good to practice forgiveness and that leads to trust that can even help us to be healthier in mind and body. _Derek
• United States
28 Jul 10
My personal belief is that trust has to be earned not freely given. I was burned once too often to be able to trust anybody again. I will give you an example-back in late March, I had found out that my husband had taken out a car title loan against my car that I had just recently paid off. I worked really hard to pay off that car and was not happy when the title loan place called me and said that there was a loan against it. He used the money for drinking and right now is currently incarcerated and I am in another state. Trusting him will never happen again. The sad part is we weren't even married a full year when this happened.
@etioewe (142)
• Mexico
28 Jul 10
well trusting someone in life all depends on if you want to do so or not. some times we choose to trust a person just becuase we want to have an open mind about the person or because we want the person to be true to us too by trusting us and biulding a true relationship. But some times because of fear of being betrayed, we protect ourselves by keeping guards. and this sometimes put us in bondage not being open. But its so difficult to trust becuase most times we end up at the wrong end. so its quite difficult to take a decision to trust.
@nangisha (3496)
• Indonesia
9 Aug 10
Hi Alienstar!. Honestly I can not trust anybody so easy. I can make friend to many people but I will share certain thing only with few people. I will never share my secret with people I knew for one or two month, its takes years to made me truly believe in someone. The person I believe in most is my family because what even will happen they will stick with me.
@mm_mari (36)
• Philippines
6 Aug 10
trusting someone needs hard work to build up--you don't easily trust someone you just met or invest in a business you just got introduced to right? Genuine proofs are needed before we give in. Trust is something one can hold on to forever and once lost it can never be reclaim