I'm Just Curious
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
United States
August 24, 2010 3:09pm CST
I was just wondering why people have bad things to say about Jehovah Witnesses? I have heard people talking about them and I am just curious what the deal is with this...
Do you have bad opinions on them? Do you not like them? Do you think they have wrong beliefs? What is it that makes people not like them? Do you think they are good or bad?
Give me your opinions on Jehovah Witnesses please. I'm just really curious about this one.
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19 responses
@PDBME2 (1014)
• United States
24 Aug 10
Ok I have to be one of those people and to be honest... it's just that I don't believe in all their beliefs. I listen to what they have to say but sometimes I know they look at me as if I am in the wrong religion myself. For instance this man who met me while putting away groceries in my van. He told me hell doesn't exist, the gnashing of teeth is our troubles while we are here on Earth, there is no heaven... and so on. I didn't get into all of the differences but for the first five minutes this is what he pointed out. I don't think looking good on the outside justifies what is really going on in the inside. Again one time I was working and my kids were acting up. I was frustrated telling them to stop whatever it was they were doing and I had this man look at me as if I was not an example of what a mother should be. I know Jehovah Witnesses again appear calm, serene, well put together but come on it was a moment when I was going through things with my kids. I don't believe I should read the Watchtower to find out who God is, I just need to open up my Bible.
Believe me it's not as if you say that you are Jehovah Witness I will get this attitude but if you try to tell me your philosophy as being the only way then you might find me grinding my teeth.

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@GardenGerty (162761)
• United States
24 Aug 10
I think you put this rather well. We do not need a different religious writing to interpret faigh for us. We have the Bible. Appearances can be deceptive, and not all JW that I have met have been calm.
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@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
25 Aug 10
Thanks for your response, both of you! =)
I am not a Jehovah Witness first let me just say that. I was just wondering why people don't like them thats all. I love the Lord but I am not one of them. I go to a Baptist Church.
Let me ask you one more thing PDBME, what is the watch tower? Some Jehovah Witness came to my door and mentioned that but I didn't know what it was and I didn't want them to stay so I could ask them.
I agree that all people are human and we all make mistakes. No matter what we believe, no one is perfect not even them.
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@PDBME2 (1014)
• United States
25 Aug 10
I just didn't want to step on toes on this discussion so thanks. The Watchtower is a magazine or study they use. They will usually tell you to read it because it has little stories or lessons to learn or live by. I haven't even read it because anytime someone tells me to read a "book" or "magazine" I get leary. I am amazed at how verses can be twisted to meet anyone's convenience. I would never tell someone "Look read this book it will guide you..." It's the Bible that will let you open your eyes and know the truth.
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@lacieice (2060)
• United States
24 Aug 10
I don't have bad things to say about Jehovah's Witnesses. I just don't like them knocking on my door and preaching to me and handing out their literature. I have a religion. If I wanted to be one of them, I would go to their place of worship.
There are others in my community who go door to door to preach and solicit for new members, and I don't like them, either. I am an equal opportunity 'against door knockers for religion' person.
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@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
25 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
Your right, if we wanted to be with them, we would go to their place of worship. I agree with that. Gotcha, lol. Thanks for your help with this. I was just wondering what other people thought about them. I'm starting to be really glad that I am not one of them, they believe some crazy things from what I'm learning.
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@GardenGerty (162761)
• United States
24 Aug 10
I do not agree with their beliefs, but you will not hear me badmouth them. I find some of the things they do in the name of religion to be unnecessary and not very good.
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@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
25 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
Yeah, I don't agree with their beliefs either. I won't bad mouth them though either. I'm just not like that. I just don't want to be part of them.
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@mac1946 (1602)
• Calgary, Alberta
25 Aug 10
I am like all that have answered so far,I get very ticked off when they knock on the door and it takes almost getting physical to get rid of them,one other aspect I absolutelly hate about thier religion,is that they believe blood is so personnel,that they will let thier children die before allowing a blood transfusion,even if the person will die without it.
Other than that,I believe in live and let live.
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@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
25 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
I am learning so many things that I never knew before! I'm so glad I started this discussion because I love learning new things!! =)
I had no idea about the blood thing, that's crazy!
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@Lochrin (74)
• Australia
25 Aug 10
lets see...
They claim Jesus is actually the Archangel Micheal
He wasn't bodily resureccted only as a spirit (so he was a ghost)
...that Jesus returned in 1914 but ONLY JW's could see Him
...hell isn't real, and heaven only allows 144,000 in.
...only those who are vigorous in JW's earthly works (that constant door knocking thing mainly) will enter heaven
.. that only the JW's bigwigs can interpet the bible, a simple 'man' cannot decide scripture meanings for himself.
thats just a few..
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
25 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
I am learning so many things here! I'm glad I asked this question. I love learning new things. I did not know half of what you just told me, thank you =)
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@lucas5 (455)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
24 Aug 10
I don't like them because they manipulate their members, they only let their members read what they let them, and they use thinks that are not true to tell what they are saying is true, they use a lot of false information on their magazine, and so on.
they lie about their history, and hide a lot of secrets, and want to appear as the "good ones".
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@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
25 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
Hmm. I didn't realize they only read certain things, that's not good. I'm learning a whole lot that I didn't know about them. Thanks for your help with this. Yeah, when they came to my door they never said they were Jehovah Witnesses and they seemed to be really nice. Then, when they came back today they were saying things that I do not believe in at all so I realized what they really were.
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@janet069 (663)
• United States
24 Aug 10
Many people do not want to be bothered with Jehovah Witnesses knocking on their door. I mostly agree with that. I believe that we have churches where we can go to worship and it is our choice. I don't think they are bad people, I just don't believe the way they do. I have had some negative experiences with them but I cannot judge the whole lot by what happened to me. Many people get really angry when they knock on their door but it is best to just tell them you are not interested because you have your own beliefs. You can ask them not to come to your house again or just put up a sign. I see no need to get angry with them or try to antagonize them.
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
25 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
I was just curious what it was so thank you. My parents all my life didn't like them so I was just wondering why. I have never asked them because I didn't want to get them started, lol. So, I figured I would ask on here =)
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@Youreyes4Today (2356)
• United States
24 Aug 10
Plain and simple Jehovah Witnesses are a cult. How can I say this? I can because I have a relative who had to actually get legal help to hide from them when she wanted out.
I have had them come to my door and by the time we are done, they are leaving because they don't want to hear anything more I have to say to them. They don't get it that we as an individual can have faith strong enough to do and be living with truth in their life. Be a church within themselves by living it everyday. That we are all human and we do make mistakes which is apart of this life, that is how we learn and grow in God's Eyes. We learn and move forward.

@Youreyes4Today (2356)
• United States
25 Aug 10
Yes she actually moved to a different part of the country just so she felt safe. So when I see these door stoppers.. I wonder what they are truly about..
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
25 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
I had NO idea they were a cult. Now I can see why people don't like them. That's terrible and scary that she had to get legal help when she wanted to get away from them.
Your right, we all make mistakes and they need to realize that!

@Picquarian (724)
• United States
25 Aug 10
My ex-boyfriends mom, as well as two boys I went to school with are Jehovah Witnesses. They are really nice people. I think why people have an ill opinion of them is because they go door to door "spreading the word" and many people do not like that.
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@frontvisions101 (16043)
• Philippines
24 Aug 10
Well, people have a lot of bad things to say about everything in general. Whenever they can, there are those who'll just criticize anything just to have fun or to cover their flaws.
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@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
25 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
Your right. It's sad but true. There are a lot of people that will just talk bad about anything...
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@aurorastorm (1131)
• United States
25 Aug 10
I don't have a problem with them and their beliefs. Everyone is entitled to practice their own religion and beliefs at least here where I am in the United States. The only problem I have is when they canvass my whole neighborhood with pamphlets and ring my doorbell in the middle of dinner. That I do not think is appropriate.
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
25 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
Oh of course they can, to bad they come to everyone's houses and makes it everyone else's business as well. =)
@Catana (734)
• United States
24 Aug 10
I dislike them because they're fanatics who believe that their brand of religion is the only right one. I wouldn't even care about that if they kept it to themselves, but they're obnoxious. Unless you actually put a notice on your door that you don't want religious nuts bothering you, they'll keep coming back no matter how many times you tell them you're not interested.
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@gnomeland (421)
25 Aug 10
many people dislike jehovah witnesses because they come knocking on your door and it isn't seen as the done thing, if you want religion go to a church. but this religion asks that they spread their beliefs by going out into the community ( i believe). the thing is that some people enjoy their weekly visits as this may be the only company they recieve regularily from week to week. my friends mother was housebound and looked forward to their visits and discussions but was never converted. these people have a strong faith as they put up with a lot of abuse dailym but when they knock you just need to say 'sorry i have my own views/religion and they always leave without a fuss. live and let live i say.
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
25 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
Yeah, people do get annoyed with them coming to their houses. Your right, some people do enjoy having them come to spend some time with them. That's probably what they count on I suppose. Do you think they are a cult or anything?
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Aug 10
hi if they would not stay and stay and stay, I am a diabetic and over a p period of time if I go low and do not eat something to bring my blood sugar up Iwill pass out.these Jehovah Witnesses came at my lunchtime and I asked them to leave when I got the shakes but they talked right over me as if I was not there then went on with their talk. of course they are not bad just a tad pushy, a lot t oo long winded and a lot not listening to the fact that we like our own personal religion no offense to theirs.
When they did not leave I had to close my door to get some orange juice. I came back in twenty minutes thy had not gone. I asked them in the kindest way to please leave as I am not f
eeling well. it had not registered.if someone had told me they were not feeling well and asked me to leave I would have done so at once.

@goldenteardrops (747)
• United States
25 Aug 10
God loves all people and sometimes some go astray but it is not because He does not love them He does, just sometimes people confuse other people and no one discusses things as they should be . Every relegion seems to know more than the other and put down another and not understanding, God said to pray for another and wisdom and seek ye first the kingdom and the rest will follow. People need to get their mind off each other's relegion and let God lead them. Take to God in prayer. I spoke with alot of Jehovah Witness and Babtist, Pentacostal. Truth is there is diferant Jehovah Witnesses with differant views which I first thought was one but like Pentacostal there is many differant kinds and Babtist also. There is many parts of the body of Christ. Called for many reasons . I agree with some things in each one but I disagree in some things of each one. As far as the Jehovah Witness I found some do not believe in the worship and singing and some do. We are to worship God and sing and make a joyful noise unto the Lord. For the Joy of the Lord is out strengh. I believe ALL churches should visit others and the sick and more and I find they(Jehovah Witness) do this. Jesus said if they be for us they are not against us. He told this to the deciples when one was trying to use the Lord name. Also I found that Jehovah Witness do believe in Jesus which some say they do not. I do talk with them and discuss matters with them and if they refuse to talk and answer questions then at least I did my part by trying to disuss the Bible with them and shareing my views. If I am wrong then they need to show me my wrongness and I do not talk with those who do not want to hear me also. I speak to them as saying I will talk with you and hear you if you hear me also. If they do not then turn away for a discussion is not to argue but agree with others. If we do not discuss the Bible and share with others then we are not obeying what Jesus said to go out to all and those that speak of Him and tell about Him. If they do not talk about Jesus , in Jesus name as discussed then you will know. People should love one another and I find to many are wrapped up in documents and flesh instead of spirtual matters. The battle is a spiritual battle not flesh and blood. I know some do not like to hear about the love , one better than the other is wrong. I find Jehovah Witnesses do go door to door and that is wonderful as the discipes did also . Maybe more churches should do this also? But yet I am more closer to Pentacostal for I beleieve in the worship, uplifting of hands, the love, careing ways. But yet there is many Pentacostals of differant ways also. Pray and let God lead you ask Him to guide you where He wants you. He will. What God puts together last. Take your eyes off of the people sometimes and focus on God. Sometimes one will know more than another we all could learn from each other as God does use people to speak through. A title is name but a church is really the people. Where two or three are gathered together is a church. Discuss things with God and ask questions seek and find, talk with others and back it up with the Word the Bible and have them to show you it is there and explain it and base it with more than one scripture, not all Bibles are alike but close. Be sure to talk with God first. Let us base ourself with careing for one and another.
I hope I have helped in some way.
@mauie0918 (337)
• Philippines
30 Aug 10
I don't have any comment or bad impression about this people. They have their own belief so I just respect them. I have neighbors who are Jehovah and they give us leaflets or readings about the bible and it's just okay! Nothing to loose! Don't listen or don't care for those people who are telling bad things to them because it's not proven and you did not experience it. And most especially they don't even hurt us, right? So let them be... We have our own religion that people should respect also.
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
27 Aug 10
Hi lilangel, there are a lot of things that i do not agree with Jehovah's Witnesses like just about every other religion even my own. Many people might agree that they even bring out the devil in some of us with there constant persistence on that door at the most inconvenient hour. When they knock on my door, and I don't know of anyone that has not experienced a visit from one of them, I simply respond that i am busy and don't think of it any more. One thing that i must say is that I don't know of too many Jehovah's Witness committing serious crimes in the name of their God. I am not overly religious because i believe that religion is a man made way of seperating each other based on their personal interpretations and I don't really ascribe passionately to any. I believe that true religion exists in the heart of those that not only believe in a God, but live in a manner that is conducive to loving oneself, one's fellow man, and the one true Higher Power. I am tolerant of all religions as long as they don't step on my toes.
@beenice2 (2967)
• Sackville, New Brunswick
28 Dec 16
I am not a Jehovah Witnesses but I do know some that are, they are nice to talk to. They can be uplifting , I have notice that everytime I am down in a certain time, I have always a jehovah Witnesses that comes around and make me smile, so different view on it.