Have you ever been wrongfully accused?

United States
September 3, 2010 3:42pm CST
Probably one of my biggest pet peeves is when people accuse me of doing something that I haven't done. Especially when they go spreading it around to other people. I've lost friendships this way a few times. It just blows me away when people accept what other people say about you without getting all the facts! This is especially aggravating when the thing I have been accused of is completely against my character. You'd think your friends would know better! Has this ever happened to you?
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20 responses
@thanks1961 (7033)
• India
4 Sep 10
Hi dear, There are many, but a touching one is here. It was happened when I was in school. As I was not well, I didn't go to school for 2-3 days. All the students were supposed to give a small donation to red cross fund. And it was the last day to collect the money. As I was not totally recovered and not feeling fully well, I didn't prefer to play out at the drill period. I just come out of the class room and was standing near a wall by seeing all the childrens were playing. One student said he has some money with him and it is missing, which is supposed to give as donation. Sometimes my parents used to give coins for chocolates but I will not buy chocolate and had a habit of collecting the coins and keep the same for a long period and make it use of some good purposes. As I had the money already with me, I paid the donation from what I had. The student said I am the student who took his money. And many other students also supported the same. As nobody agreed that no one had took the money, the teacher beaten up all the students from the class. I got certain special punishment and took me to the head master. I said I am innocent and I didn't took the money. Next day parents were called for. My father came to school and he said, they didn't given the money for donation. So again I become the robber. I explained the entire thing what was happened and I told it was the money which I had already with me. But no one listen to me. After a few hours later, the other boys parents come to school saying that it was a mistake from their son and the money was in a different shirt's pocket and his mother got it while he took the shirt for washing. Within few hours, all the students come to know that I had taken the money and I was caught for stealing money. But on the next day school assembly, the head master called both of us and announced that it was wrongfully accused and they punished on doing no crime. They advised the other boy for moral behaviour and I was awarded a small gift and all appreciated me. However, it is little lengthy, and boring. Still I am happy that I got a chance to recollect the past incident which happened at the age of 10 years old and I will never forget this. Regards, Thank-s
• India
6 Sep 10
Hi dear, Thanks for your comments and appreciate your patience to read out all what I narrated. In fact the story didn't end up there. But, he forget everything and time moved away. After so many years, in the nearby college I was posted as lecturer in history and that person was there in commerce dept. as another lecturer. On a typical tea break, just for a fun, I briefed the incident to him. But he was totally blacked out and got breathless. He apologies for it and pronounced a thousand sorry for it. And in the next day, he said he didn't stay back in the collage on that day and left college that he didn't feel give lecture as he was not in a mood. So things are like that, and now I think he also will never forget this one anymore. Presently I don't know where he is, because I left the job from the college long back. Regards, Thank-s
• United States
4 Sep 10
Actually, that wasn't boring at all! I'm sorry that the teacher beat you! I'm glad they passed a law here that the teachers can not beat the students anymore. It was noble of the boy's family to come forward. I can imagine you were very relived by this! Those students must have been very hard on you thinking that you stole donation money! I bet you won't ever forget that one, and I'm glad you shared it me :) Thanks :)
@jailo12 (332)
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
Yes,it always happened to me all the time. I'm accused of doing a thing that i haven't done. I fell like confronting the person that spreading it and tell him or her that maybe your the one doing the thing that you are accusing me. Now i am cautious to those kind of people. I don't like knowing even a person that in the end will destroy my character to others. Happy mylloting.
@jailo12 (332)
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
Yeah, your right. Just don't let them hurt you. Who are they to hurt you, they're just a friend that making mistake accusing a innocent person. Good day Zionsphere.
• United States
4 Sep 10
yes, sometimes it's just better to keep those kind of people out of your life. Sometimes the best way to teach people not to behave in a way that hurts you is to just not let them hurt you. Even if it means you walk away completely. They just might think twice about doing it to another friend.
@meemingNEW (2226)
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
Thank you for sharing by the way. I haven't experienced being wrongfully accused of the similar thing as yours but my current boyfriend does. and I lost a lot of friendships because of that. Here's a summary of the story. My friends are against him because of the "rumors" that people have spread against him even before we met. I confronted him about it and he told me everything that proved all the rumors wrong. I gave him a benefit of a doubt but I guess its just wrong for my friends to accuse him because in the first place, they don't even know the real him at all. There are really lots of judgmental people. We should really know the person well before we judge them. It's just unfair. Anyway, as of my own experience of being wrongfully accused.. it happened 4 years ago when me and my best friend were accused of stealing a phone at school. We were asked for lots of interviews to investigate the matter. It turns out that the "accuser" only made up that crap after all. What a b!tch. I'm glad that me and my friend were given a clean slate in the end.
• United States
4 Sep 10
It's crazy what people will do for attention. I bet that's what this girl was trying for. What a petty waste of time! That's ok though because the truth came out.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
3 Sep 10
Yes, this has happened recently but not with a friend but with someone I did business with. I think it's very unprofessional for a business and very unloyal as a friend. I've had this happen to me in the past with friends also and it is very aggravating to know how disappointing 'friends' can be.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
4 Sep 10
I feel like it's given me strength to learn from so it's fine now.
• United States
4 Sep 10
It's terrible when someone feels the need to jeopardize a good working relationship with a blatant lie. It is extremely unprofessional, and I'm sorry you had to go through that!
3 Sep 10
Yes, I hate this, I choose my friends very carefully now as I have lost friends by this, mostly when I was younger and in school but it did happen as well in my late teens with some older people, this annoyed me as I thought they should have grown up! I would never go around accusing anyone of anything, I think its childish, cruel and I wish people were caught out doing it.
• United States
4 Sep 10
It can be very damaging, and you have my sympathies for losing friends that way. I know how that feels. It's almost worse than the rumor itself when someone that you believe knows you better buys into someones rumor about you, even if it's not in your character.
5 Sep 10
Yeah thats the most hurtful part, but I have learnt now that if someone believes a stupid lie over me then they probably didnt know me that well to begin with.
@jennbart (1325)
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
yes. A lot of times! I just laugh about it. I do not have any idea where people get those information. I just think about rumors as " I am worth people's time!" at least people give effort on me, gives me their time! Whereas them, poor them nobody gives them time.
@jennbart (1325)
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
Believe in Karma girl! Its just around the corner.If its your friend spreading all those rumors, give her a big slap! and get a better life! revenge is sweet when you are successful and they are NOT!
• United States
4 Sep 10
It's true. I think people get their own punishments. I can feel good about myself knowing that I have enough forgiveness in my heart to feel sorry for people who are doing poorly even when I know it's probably because of karma!
• United States
4 Sep 10
I am always being accused of things I didn't do because I am an easy scape goat for most people, but lately, I am no one's scape goat. I am done with people walking all over me and I have been taking matters into my own hands. If people want to accuse me of things I didn't do, I will correct them, and then I will walk away from them and never speak to them again unless they apologize.
• United States
4 Sep 10
Yes, sometimes you have to let people go. I recently had to make the decision to walk away from a friend that I just can't trust anymore. It hurts very deeply. But in life, no door closes without another one opening. Eventually you will have better people around you. Good luck!
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
4 Sep 10
If we think hard enough about it, i am sure we can all think of time we have been accused to something we didn't do. Sometimes it is hard to own up to wrong things we have done in our lives. When we are accused of things we haven't done, it can be harder to deal with. When this has happened to me in the past, it was difficult to get past the anger I felt of being accused. why was i one to blame? Trying to redeem yourself from being accused unfairly can be a struggle in itself. You wonder if it is worth the effort and if you will be believed in the end.
• United States
4 Sep 10
Yes, I have to agree. There have been times when good friends have accused me of things, and I just let them believe it because I was so angry that they would even think that about me, that I didn't really care to fight for the friendship. It's a very empty feeling.
• India
4 Sep 10
Hello such things are common in houses, i mean family and job too, though it is injustice.. I have taught in university for over 45 years, one i faced false allegation, i had to fight in the court of law to win, Thanks for sharing. Welcome always. Cheers. Professor
• United States
4 Sep 10
It is sad that it is so common. One of my biggest wishes in life is that people would simply learn to communicate better, and stop lieing to each other. the world would be a much better place.
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
YES, I have already experienced it! and it hurts me so much especially when i know that the person whom you trusted with, and you think that the only one will understand and support you, but its not! despite they're the one who pointed out and accuses you..
• United States
4 Sep 10
The sad thing is... once a friend betrays you like that, no matter how close you were before, it will never feel the same. I'm sorry you had to go through that.
@jamed28 (1903)
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
I think most of us did. I was wrongfully accused many times, but I don't bothered them. What is important is that I don't do it.
• United States
4 Sep 10
That's good! Sometimes it's really hard to be the bigger person and not take revenge on the people who have wronged you.
@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
4 Sep 10
Yes a couple of times by the same persons. I just kept quiet, I did not confront her. But luckily my friends knew me better. At the end, people saw that I would have never done what was accused toward me.
• United States
4 Sep 10
I'm glad that you had some strong friendships to get you through it. A good friend can make ANYTHING bearable. :)
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
Yes, I've experienced it before. I became well known in the place because of the gossips my supposed friends were spreading. It was very stressful but in the long run people discovered I haven't done anything wrong and I am the victim in the said situation. Good thing I didn't talked back nor argue with them I keep silent.Not a single word were heard from me.
• United States
4 Sep 10
I like how you said "supposed friends." I don't think anyone that would start a malicious rumor about someone else can be considered a good friend. What a terrible way to become well known! I hope they know you for who you are now.
@creed30 (127)
4 Sep 10
It happened to me also all the while you thought that your friend know you already but she's the one spreading bad things against you. You really can't tell or expect others that they know you well expect your self and your family .
• United States
4 Sep 10
yes, it can really be a nightmare when a friend turns on you. It's even worse when a family member does. Not everyone has a strong family to back them up. I was talking to a lady the other day that got robbed by her uncle. So sad.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
3 Sep 10
If I hear someone spreading something about me like that, I embellish it until it becomes absolutely absurd...If people lie about me and it gets spread around, it is their sin. Gossip is compared to Murder in the Jewish faith because it takes a "piece of a person and kills it". It is a serious sin and it is mostly a woman's sin. I do not care and never have cared if someone believes gossip. If they truly know me and care about me, they will not believe it (and help me with the embellishing). I also will not listen to gossip and will call a person down in public for doing it. This often makes me very unpopular. It seems that most folks don't want to be gossiped about, but they themselves wish to gossip.... Glass Houses...Etc. Shalom~Adoniah
• United States
4 Sep 10
That's a really cool way to handle it! I did things like that in high school. I didn't embellish, but what I did do was spread it around that there was a rumor about me. It kind of took people back when I would say... "Hey! did you hear that there's a rumor that I'm pregnant?? Isn't that funny?? Especially when it was the person that started the rumor in the first place. It always made me laugh. :)
@Absinto (2385)
• Portugal
4 Sep 10
I have been before and most people dont believe me because of my past. But when i am wrongfully accused i always find who is spreading the lies and i make them tell everybody while i am there so i can defend myself. Then at that time everybody will see who is the liar. This has happened alot but i also keep everything under control. I cant stand to let people say lies about me when i am not around.
• United States
4 Sep 10
I wish people would just quit doing it. It's really just pointless. I'm glad that you've been able to defend yourself in most cases.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
3 Sep 10
Yes a few times, of course, during High School, there are a lot of people who really have nothing better to do. Therefore, they tend to spend their time spreading rumors about people that are quite frankly not true. Of course, a lot of the time, that will happen beyond High School. It is just the fact that some people grow up while others just merely get older. Still, I just ignore it for the most part. People for the most part, have some short attention spans. Therefore, they are going to really move onto the next thing, if I do not fan the fires by acknowleding what happens. There are times where rumors really burn out, unless someone denies it. Then you run the risk of someone wondering if you really hiding something from your friends. So, yeah, people have spread rumors about me, but I try and ignore it. Its just a way of life.
• United States
4 Sep 10
In some cases it is not ignorable. Like in the story from the lady who commented above, some people feel the need to interfere with another person's marriage or even job!
@lolo58 (54)
• United States
4 Sep 10
OUCH!!!! I was accused of doing something that was totally against my character also. It was about 2 yrs. ago in a worl place. I was protecting a student from getting her tail kicked and moved her out of the way. A kid took a picture on his cell phone and looked like I was man-hndling her. 6 weeks later, cell gets confiscated, AP looks at it and without asking the details (of which were all documented at the time) she assumed what she saw was truth and pretty much laid into me wagging her finger in my face ( extremely unprofessional). Needless to say, I left that employment of my own volition. The hurt goes incredibly deep to this day. Actually, this week it happened also....student told mom I didn't give him enough time on a test, she calls and complains.....They fill the postition I'm filling in for ASAP...He lied, he wasn't even the last one done and I asked at least 3 times if anyone needed more time. He never said Boo! Do you think mom called and spoke with me? Nope. A sad day today... feeling down. ( I sub) First time in 14 yrs. a parent has complained when I've been on a long term....
• United States
4 Sep 10
Oh, please don't feel bad. Honestly, if you've gone 14 years without a complaint you're doing really well! Teaching is probably one of the toughest jobs out there. Subs especially! I'm sorry that that happened to you. But keep your head up.
@Joman122 (118)
• Canada
4 Sep 10
In my first year of highschool, someone shouted out to me and called me a man lover. Then everyone else started thinking that I was. Then half way through my first year of highschool, some guy saw my in the library early in the morning, later in the day he called me out in a hallway filled with a bunch of my old friends, he called me a nerd. Then everyone else joined in. First year of highschool was hell for me.
• United States
4 Sep 10
UGH! that's terrible. High school is hard enough without a bunch of people picking on you. It seems that a lot of wrongful accusations happen there. That must have been awful for you, and I hope it didn't effect you academic success!
• Canada
3 Sep 10
it sucks
• United States
4 Sep 10
Yes it does :) Heads up.. you may want to add some length to your comments, or mylot will delete them!