For those with babies...have you tried using a Moby Wrap?

October 23, 2010 10:45pm CST
I have a 6 month old baby and he's just so adorable. I love cuddling and playing and carrying him but as he's growing I find it harder to carry him all the time because he's also getting heavier. I found out about Moby Wrap in the internet. I can't find anyone who sells it here where I came from so we asked our aunt from New York City to buy us one. We loved it,my baby does to. He seems so comfortable in it and carrying him even for long hours is no longer a burden. Has anyone else tried using it? If not, please do. I'm sure you'll love it too. I'm not here to advertise, i just want to share this especially to new moms, dads or anyone in the family with babies :)
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4 responses
• Australia
26 Oct 10
I am a babywearing advocate, and love, love the Moby wrap. It is not as widely used here in Australia but compared to the most popular wrap (Hug a Bub) the Moby is the most versatile. I don't support the use of wraps that promote forward facing with legs down though. Legs up in a little buddha posie is much better for bubs hips and mum's back.
• Philippines
26 Oct 10
I love wearing my baby to :) It just feels so nice to have him so close to me and feeling him loving it too. My baby is 6 months old now but I don't think I can get him in a legs up position now that he likes to kick and stretch his legs :) Thanks for your response :)
@tyra005 (151)
• Philippines
24 Oct 10
Hi I have an eight month old baby but since I never used it for her. When we go to the mall or some place to hang out I am just bringing her with a stroller and we go roaming around the place. For me this is easier to use as my baby will go to sleep on the same place too. Well if you feel using this kind of wrap much better for you because you feel comfortable for your baby.
• Philippines
24 Oct 10
Hi, thanks for your response. We also bring our baby to the mall in a stroller. He really loves going out especially in places like malls where there are a lot of lights and colors to see. One difference when we carry him with a wrap and in a stroller is that he easily falls a sleep in the wrap, he's just so comfortable in it :)
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
24 Oct 10
I never had the opportunity to use a sling with my children because there really wasn't anywhere around here that had them. I wish I would have though because of the fact that it would have made it a lot more convenient to get things done when the kids were younger. If I am ever to have another child, I will get a sling or wrap, but I don't think that I will ever be blessed enough to have another child in my life.
@susanana (125)
• Philippines
10 Nov 10
I love the Moby wrap! This was one of my top list in my wish list when I was still pregnant. I was so happy one of my relatives from the US bought a moby wrap for my baby (for me). Whenever I carry/wear my baby, she's very comfortable in it and I'm very comfortable as well. One thing I like about the moby wrap is that I can carry my baby any positions I want. Another plus would be that the moby wrap is so stylish and fashionable. Thanks to the one who invented the moby wrap.