Would you like to change your eye colour? This girl tried!

December 7, 2010 6:35pm CST
I have just been watching 50 greatest plastic surgery shockers, and this girl wanted to change her eye colour to brown, so she found this place abroad that said they could do it, so she flew out, spent about £7000 and went to this place, when she got there they said they didnt have the brown colour but could do blue, so she decided to go for it! The first thing they did was clamp her eyelids so that they stayed open, then basically put this coloured thing under a layer of her eye, they had to cut a bit to get it in, she felt all of this and screamed all the way through! Then when it was done she asked for some painkillers, he gave her paracetamol, good for headaches, not that good if someone has just been cutting your eye! When she got home, surprise surprise, she found it painful so called the NHS who sent her to hospital, they did manage to remove these things and said that she is lucky she hasnt lost her sight, although they said she might have problems in the future! Why would anyone take this risk? Do people not think that their eyes are important? And something else that shocked me was that when she got there, he gave her a disclaimer to read and sign, this was in spanish and she couldnt read spanish, yet she still signed it! He told her he had a hospital and when she got there she found out it was more like a building with offices in it! I cant believe that someone would do all this, surely if you were that unhappy with the colour of your eyes you could just wear coloured contacts! I think the alarm bells should have started when she got there and found out that it wasnt a real hospital! Would anyone here do this? I really hope not!
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9 responses
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
8 Dec 10
OMG how really stupid first of all to spend all that money to change your eye color. Then on top of that to have a person operate on you when its not even a hospital. She is so lucky that she is not blind. Once she couldn't read the disclaimer that should have been a big red flag to get the heck out of there. I can't believe how stupid people can really be. Colored contacts would have been a whole alot cheaper. What people will do to change what God has given them, its beyond me.
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
15 Dec 10
Thank you so much for the best response mark. Have a great day!
15 Dec 10
Your welcome, you seem to feel exactly the same as I do about it! Happy Christmas!
8 Dec 10
I agree, its risky going abroad to have surgery anyway but all of these things should have been a big glowing sign for her to get on the next flight home, she is lucky to still have her sight, but as the doctors said there may be consequences in the future, so if she goes blind she will only have herself to blame.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
8 Dec 10
Wow that girl is really stupid. I would never do that, even if I didn't like the color of my eyes, which I do. Yea color contacts are a much better idea. they are cheaper, safe, and if you change your mind you can always take them out.
9 Dec 10
Ive never even worn coloured contacts to be honest, I dont like the idea of putting things in my eyes. I understand why some people might want to see what they would look with another eye colour, but never want to do it myself.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
8 Dec 10
I would think that it would be a harmful procedure to try to change eye color. it's not like changing the color of your hair or whitening your teeth. You could definitely cause some damage that could not be reversed. I would never recommend this to anyone.
8 Dec 10
It makes you wonder what was going through her head, her natural eyes are pretty, so why on earth would she think of changing them? It seems most people realise that it sounds harmful, yet she still went along with it!
@Wefight (328)
8 Dec 10
I absolutley take full respect in my eyes and no matter how ugly i ever will look will never touch them.It is not worth all the hasle and risk some people out there would die just too have normal eyesight and you see these people wanting too give it away.What people at my school use too do was put contact lenses in for a differant colour eye and it would make them look weird as them having a blue and a brown eye is weird lookily i never tried this as i think one of them got hurt one day.People really do need too take more care with there eyes and life as it isnt just them that is affected by it its there relatives and friends and i find it quite selfish of how people can do such a thing.
9 Dec 10
Exactly, and of all the things you can be unhappy with, how can you be unhappy with your eyes, there is not an eye colour that is not nice, I usually notice people's eyes when I first meet them and would hate to think that with everything you can do to make your body "fake", that one day I could also be looking into fake eyes!
@camposkat (306)
8 Dec 10
That is the worst thing anyone could do just so they can alter their appearance. I have astigmatism and nearsightedness so I have a problem with my eyesight. I would never do such a thing just so I can look cool or "pretty". I think real beauty doesn't come from "editing" what we were born with, it's just not right. Real beauty always comes from being contented with what you have and inner beauty is more important than what is on the outside. And there's a saying that goes, "Simplicity is beauty." Being beautiful never does come after undergoing plastic surgery or trying to be someone you're not.
8 Dec 10
I agree, this is the strangest type of surgery I have heard of, and I dont understand why anyone would want to allow someone to cut into their eye if there is no need to.
• India
8 Dec 10
hiee frnzz changing the colour of their eyes i am listening about this now a days may be this is not a great idea and by changing the colour of their eyes may be laed to any side effects but what is the ned of changing the colour of ones eyes and creating problems hope friandss you may not do this....
8 Dec 10
I hope nobody else tries to do it either! And your right it could lead to other side effects! Thanks for your response!
@alfred8 (61)
• China
8 Dec 10
This accident gives us a lesson that we must make right decision when we choose health we have or beauty we want.
8 Dec 10
Exactly, I think some things shouldnt be messed with, and your eyes are so precious, you need to look after them.
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
8 Dec 10
Oh, my heavens! I'd have to say that I'm gobsmacked at this new antic, thats messing with your eyesight! I'm visually impaired and am totally blind in my left eye, I value my eyesight. I would not do anything that would jeopardise my vision in any way, shape, or form. *sigh* I just don't understand people sometimes. I'm told my eyes are greenish-brown, and that's fine by me!
8 Dec 10
Your eyes are the same colour as mine then! I just dont understand why anyone would do this! She has basically paid someone to cut into her eye and she couldnt even be sure that this guy knew anything about eyes, she signed something she couldnt read. I would like to know what was going through her head at the time!
• Philippines
8 Dec 10
i agree with. people now a days are not satisfied of what they are and what our Lord gave them. if they have flat nose, they want to undergo rhinoplasty and now their eyes. if they want to have an eye color than their usual eye color, i suggest that dont go into invasive procedure. a contact lenses will do.
8 Dec 10
Very true, people seem to want to change anything they are unhappy with, however untill I saw this show I always thought that the one thing that couldnt be changed was the colour of your eyes. Guess I was wrong!