Christmas is not biblical nor of god

United States
December 11, 2010 4:07pm CST
there are many who suppose that christmas is about the birth of the one called in english jesus the christ. however, such a thing, and not even sunday worship is mentioned anywhere in the bible. people should realize that these are stemmed from pagan festival days, and that they have nothing to do with the god of the hebrews, nor the son of the gods called jesus the christ. people should understand that santa is just a substitution for the son of god, and that the real reason for christmas is sun worship...for december 25th is really the birth date of the sun god called mithra as spoken of by the zoroastrian sect.
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17 responses
@PastorP (1170)
• United States
12 Dec 10
You are correct on Christmas if you are thinking of the secular realm, and the compromise by some churches. However, on Sunday worship, it is written in the book of Revelation that John was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, = Sunday. It kind of does not matter since our calendar is way messed up. Out of whack by 11 days. True Christians worship every day.
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@PastorP (1170)
• United States
14 Dec 10
Ok, you admit the calendar has changed. Precisely when does the Sabbath start? Sundown Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri? It really does not matter if one is in Christ, for the Law was fulfilled in Christ, and the principle thereof liberated. If one is really truly set on a certain day, how then can certain Christian people fulfill this command when they must work on the Sabbath, as an emergency medic, national defense, police, and so on? No one is saved by the works of the Law, but by the life of Christ Who fulfilled the Law. Ga 3:11 But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.
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@PastorP (1170)
• United States
15 Dec 10
No, I did not say it was not important. I meant what particular day it is observed does not matter, but it does matter to keep it. Col 2:16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days.
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• United States
13 Dec 10
the term "lord's day" is only in your english bibles. hebrew scriptures doesnt say such a thing, because the creator of the heavens worlds seas and all that is good in them never changes..he is the same yesterday today and forever. what he decreed is an eternal decree and even the workers of the heavens=called angels in english keep the feast days and acclaimed days given by the creator. the creator rested on the seventh day and that is the only day he honored. even the apostles still kept shabath=what english calls the sabbath day even after my master left this world. and the european calendar is more than 11 days off. september..sept=7. october...oct=8. november...nov=9. december....dec=10. they were named this way because that is the original order of the ancient calendars. the catholic popes in their arrogance thought to "change times and laws" (daniel 7:25) but no one can change the times of the universe, because they are set up perfectly by the creator of all good things.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
11 Dec 10
Do you follow the Zoroastrian sect? I've heard there are only a few followers left. But I've heard that the sun (technically the earth) moves it's position and the new season starts on/around Dec. 25th.
• United States
11 Dec 10
no i am hebrew of hebrew culture and hebrew tongue is my main tongue. dont confuse me with jewish..i am not european...but hebrew. if you really look at the rotation of the earth, it is not necessarily on december 25th that the earth reaches that equinox. it may be on the 24th of december or the 26th as well. notice in europe they celebrate "christmas" on january 6th. research puts the message of this in place
• United States
12 Dec 10
That's interesting, what is the difference between Jewish and Hebrew? Does that mean you are a decedent of one of the other tribes of Israel or are you a convert? btw I agree that Jesus wasn't born in December. Since the Shepards were out watching their flock at night it seems most likely that Jesus was born in the spring (lambing season).
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
12 Dec 10
Isn't Hebrew a language? Or of people who speak the language?
@Galena (9110)
12 Dec 10
I love Christmas. and it's Pagan origins are neither news to me or negative. it's a beautiful thing.
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• United States
13 Dec 10
yes, i can tell that you delve into pagan things. only know what you are dealing with. nothing is done without price...for ever cause there is an effect. for every action there is a reaction. understand that all pagan practices have an origin, and the origin of them comes with consequences. not because words in a book says so..but because the natural law of the universe is one reaps what one sows. not all pagan things are bad...for these religions suggest that whatever doesnt fit into their scheme is pagan. however, even many pagan practices exist because of the truth, only the pagan practices have came into being where the truth was mixed with human emotions or selfish thoughts. i am open and free. in this world, and with so many lies prevalent it is really hard to say what is true and what is not. but i tell you this....anything that involves murdering or enslaving something else to accomplish matter what name or title human beings give it. animals may kill to eat because that is their nature. i have never saw or heard of a lion killing something to eat, then standing on the side and selling it to the other lions passing by. thus their actions are natural and in harmony with creation. many pagan practices are against nature....and yet many pagans worship the very nature which they pervert.
@Galena (9110)
14 Dec 10
it's not dabbling or delving. it's a way of life that colours everything you perceive. when you know how closely interlinked you are with all things, you care about the knock on effects of your actions. Paganism isn't about perverting nature at all.
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@Galena (9110)
16 Dec 10
you still don't grasp what it is that Pagans honour.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
12 Dec 10
I believe Jesus Christ was born but in a different time of the year. Not on Christmas Eve like Christians celebrate. I also know that December 25 is the birth date of the sun god Mithra. I don't think alot of people know that. I am sure alot of people do but don't care! It is the way it is and has been for centuries! With Santa Clause I really don't remember if I did believe in him or not as a child. I do remember I knew who he was! I know he is a substitute for God but so many people don't look at him like that! It is just the way it has become. For me Christmas has lost of its excitment. I really hate Christmas! I have had so many rottan Christmas's and it has gotten so commericalized I don't have any feelings for it! If there was so Christmas of any kind I would be happy! I would not miss it all!
• United States
16 Dec 10
I never grew up with St. Nicholas. I don't remeber learning about him until I was in like mellde school or high school! I think it is weird that people give gifts to others on St.Nicholas day! It was never part of my life!
• United States
13 Dec 10
santa claus is st is just the accents of people who spoke different languages said his name from saint nicolas, to santa niclause to santa clause. most languages from one to another have a different accent so they pronounce words differently. but santa clause has become the common english pronunciation
• United States
15 Dec 10
Very true safirpurim, I was just pointing out that todays Saint Nicholas is not what the real Saint Nicholas was like.
@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
12 Dec 10
I believe the reason why Christmas is celebrated on the feast of the sun God was to ease in the Introduction of Christianity ot the pagan world. It was also a way for Christians to celebrate the birth of Christ without being persecuted. Yes santa is not biblical but does that not make the celebration of Christmas not of God. In addition we are having sunday worship because we are told in the Bible to have fellowship with our brethren. Yes we were never literally told to have Sunday Worship or Celebrate Christmas day on the 25th of December but that does not make it not of god or evil. We know that Christ was not born on the 25th of December, at least most people I know do. It is only a representation because the Bible does not say the exact month day and time of Christ's birth. Our Christmas celebration and our Sunday fellowship are celebrations of remembering Christ as we were told to do so in the last supper - "When ever you break bread and drink this cup remember me [Paraphrased as I can't cut and paste yet]" Thats why we celebrate christmas and have sunday fellowship.
@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
16 Dec 10
Without even the need to quote any verse, everyone knows about the birth of Jesus is written in scripture. And again everyone knows about the breaking of bread in the last supper that is in scripture. Of course there is no direct scripture that says Christmas! Christmas is only a celebration, remembering the sacrifice of Jesus, the Word becoming flesh so that sinners may be forgiven of their sins. It there a scripture saying that you should celebrate your birthday every year? There is one right? Is the celebration of birthdays and new years for that matter ungodly then? It would be under the logic that you use. What is important is that we remember Jesus in everything, why not dedicate one day in a year to celebrate his birth? Is it prohibited by scripture?
• United States
15 Dec 10
the english bible is a translation of hebrew scriptures. in most places where your english bible says "god"=singular...hebrew says gods=plural. i dont expect you to understand that though. you say christmas is for christ....but show me where it is mentioned in the bible? when you do this...i will hear your words
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
12 Dec 10
sure, this is all about money, about saling products, there are so many holidays so we can buy stuff, it's never about the holiday the most important thing i do is to think about Jesus Christ the hole day, at least on Christmas cause that's the reason why there's this day if it wasn't for the presents, if people really celebrate Jesus'day we would all be fine with a hug
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@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
21 Dec 10
I agree that the reason for the celebration has been lost to the commercialism in today's time. When I was a kid, it wasn't like that. We were taught the meaning of Christmas. It would be a wonderful world indeed if everyone would be satisfied with a hug. Presents are given in representation of the gifts the wise men brought to the baby Jesus. Our world today has just lost sight of that and have become greedy.
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• United States
21 Dec 10
mankind has been greedy and european cultures=christianity was always based on money and profit. why did emperor constantine become christian in the first place? to get money from the pagans! from its beginning, christianity was of another way and not of the god of the hebrews. if you read the bible, the word christian is only mentioned twice in the whole book. and the son of gods called jesus the christ never called his followers="christians".
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
23 Dec 10
yep Christ, as many have known, was born in Spring not Winter solstices, equinoxes, full/new moon, eclipses are times for meditation and reconnection to all in the cosmos the commercialization of christmas, for one, is taking away these important moments Christ' actual teachings are more than written in the Bible
• United States
23 Dec 10
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• Canada
12 Dec 10
i would suppose you have already ruled out the possibility that there is no god and that the et's are only allowing us to think we live here and that we are a figment of someones imagination. pagan worship at its highest form. you wouldn't happen to be a brick layer? mason?
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• United States
13 Dec 10
no, i am not a brick layer, nor a mason. answer me this... do automobiles build themselves? since they are finely crafted and the mechanisms of its creation work in harmony to allow the automobile to drive and function properly....the human body is too finely crafted to be made by mere coincidence, as with all natural bodies are too finely crafted. there must be a designer for it, or how else could it function as it does? those who made automobiles have stated that to keep the vehicle running properly certain guidelines must be met. doctors try to fit this description but there are still many diseases that they are not able to prevent nor surely there is a greater mechanic who has designed the body to be so great that even those who are supposed to heal and know the body still dont know everything about it. all things which move beyond a simple puff of breath=all things which grow show evidence of a creator. even synthetic things show evidence of a creator but synthetic creations are limited and still dont find the harmony as the creation of nature does. men make wrappers for sandwiches and candies, and oils and items...but their items can only be recycled by men. but all creation has a natural function and can be recycled by nature itself. the real question could you see such harmony in natural creation, and not realize that there is a great creator behind it...yet you accept that synthetic things are created by a creator?
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
28 Dec 10
SPecifially Christmas and Biblical have nothing in common. THey have nothing to do with each other. Christmas is a celebration of friends and family times and the kids get to have their imaginations work over time with Santa and all. It is fun and entertaining and just a happy time. Granted it the "roots" of it might be differnet but that is what I feel about it..just about friends, family and having fun and lots to eat, etc. They just use the same day for Christ's I dont' know but I celebrate Christ all year round and on Christmas Day. Doesn't matter if he wasn't really born on that specific day...just pick a day to celebrate his birth just like you have a day to celebrate your own birth.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
30 Dec 10
All you say is true. I beleive in God and celebrate his birth. However, I do allow the kids to believe in the childhood imagenation of Santa. They all out grow it around 10 years old so why not let them have their childhood fun. That is something wrong with society these days...they are making kids grow up so fast and denying them their childhood all in the name of political correctness or "double minded". My kids never "served Santa as a master" and they never "celebrated" Santa as a rival to Christ. IT was just a childhood fantesy they enjoyed for a few years. They didn't "serve" Santa nad didn't particularly have any "loyalty" to him...they didn't even think about him but for Christmas time. But they do think and talk about Christ all year round. I dont' think God has a problem with letting kids be kids.
• United States
28 Dec 10
consider it like this....make a contract with your job that you wont work anywhere else....and then go and work somewhere else....and see if your job will allow you to do both. once you have an obligation to something, and if it demands your time all day round, it wont naturally be tolerated to allow you to use your time for its rival. that is just the ways of man. one cant honor demons and god at the same time. that is called=being doublemindeded. you cant serve two masters at the same time, because they one will tell you to do this and the other will tell you to do that. if you undermine the authority of god, he will thrust you from his company. the doubleminded are never trusted . because there is no loyalty in those who serve two different masters.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
21 Dec 10
I think you should read more of the Bible before you try to tell people what is in it.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
22 Dec 10
I will not debate whose culture and beliefs are right. I don't think you will win anyone over to your way of thinking by sounding so arrogant and condesending to other people. I am christian and believe as I do, not because of what other people have told me to believe, but because of what I feel in my heart. I just thank God that we are all free to believe as we do. I don't think any culture or religious belief is better than any other. It matters only that you believe in God. You interpret the Bible as you will, and I will interpret it as my God lays it upon my heart to understand it.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
24 Dec 10
The Bible was translated from one language to another. Interpretation is something else altogether. I only speak English, but I am fairly intelligent and know that meanings get lost in translation sometimes. It matters not if the translation doesnt make sense to you, it only matters that the words make sense to the reader. It sounds to me like you don't interpret english speaking people and our language very well, or you would know that I was speaking figuratively about your "sounding" arrogant. I hear no sounds in my mind. I do not interpret the Bible. God puts it in my heart the way He wishes me to perceive it. I am merely human, and therefore, can not fully understand all that God says. We are not meant to interpret God's words. We are suppose to read them and let Him lead us as He wishes us to. I am well aware of what book the Bible begins with. I do not need you to tell me.
• United States
23 Dec 10
but the bible is itself an will you interpret what was already interpreted? it was interpreted in the first place! i dont need to win anyone over. what is true is always true. you must not speak another language...because if you did you would know that a phrase which has much sense in one tongue, will have little to no sense in another tongue, so naturally words and ideas are falsified just to fit the tongue an interpretation is being interpreted into. and do i really sound arrogant? that is a miracle since i am writing words, and you are reading these words with your eyes not your whatever sound you hear is from your own mind. so many christian practices are condemned by the very god christians claim to follow. even as the buying and selling in churches, and the human traditions and so much more. these things are mentioned in the very bible you claim you interpret. dont forget, the bible starts at the book of genesis..not the book of matthew.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
22 Dec 10
The Bible says to remember the sabbath and keep it holy. Man chose Sunday to be that sabbath for christians, so that is why we have Sunday worship. We do not use Santa as a substitute for the son of God, that is ridiculous. As a christian, I do not teach my children to believe in Santa Clause. They were taught that Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
24 Dec 10
And do tell me, how am I following the traditions of man and not the command of God? I believe that the sabbath is a day of worship, WHATEVER day that may be for you. We are suppose to obey our earthly authorities, right? So, If my employer says I have to work on what you consider the sabbath, then what am I to do? I think as long as I praise and thank my God daily, it doesnt really matter which day I go to church and worship on. I think if the way I worship and believe were so incorrect and out of God's plan, He would have let me know and guided me in the right direction.
• United States
22 Dec 10
for layin aside the commmands of god you hold the traditions of men (book called mark 7:8) do you suppose you are serving god, if you are only following what men teach? did not my master say that you fully reject the word of god, only to keep your tradition? (book called mark 7:9) so if you would rather observe the teachings and traditions of men, instead of do the commands of god you are not a follower of god, but a follower of men. christianity has been following men from the beginning. as said, my master never calls any of his disciples christian..and the word christian is only mentioned twice in your whole english bible...and none in hebrew scriptures
• United States
28 Dec 10
"remember the sabath day"= (in hebrew sabath doesnt have two letters for "b" only one) that is one of the ten commands. it is the fourth command of the ten commands. it goes along with honoring mother and father, no adultery, no murder, etc....these are the ten commands that the creator wrote with his own fingers. consider this...if we must regard what the creator spoke through the hebrew much more should one consider what the creator chose to write with his own finger from the heavens! as it is will never be right to murder, or adulterate or bear false witness, so it will never be right to ignore shabath=the sabbath. if your employer tells you to work on a day the creator has set aside as sanctifying, then you ignore god to please your employer. just as if your employer tells you to bear false witness.....if you know the creator says dont bear false witness, but you please a human being to bear false witness you ignore god to please a human being. all the commands sum up the teachings, and the prophets. the greatest of the commands is "LOVE"= first to yhwh (english speakers say lord) and then to love your neighbor. the first four of the ten commands shows one how to love yhwh my god...the last six of the ten commands show how to love your neighbor (exodus 20:1-17+romans 13:9). along with the ten commands comes the command of "do not worship graven images" shows the likeness of anything in the heavens above, worlds below, or waters beneath the worlds.....anything created in the likeness of any of these is a graven image. a to worship the image of a man is idolatry. even christians worship a man, when the man they worship even tells the evil one "to worship yhwh (english says lord) your god and him "ONLY" shall you serve...and yet people still worship the image of a man. santa clause was only a man, and he didnt even look like the image people portray. how much idolatry that is! also, if you read the book called leveticus 23 you will see the feast days that the creator gave to the hebrews, and tells they are to be kept forever for my people. the jews, christians, and muslims have stolen from hebrew culture, but they dont honor the god of the hebrews, nor his calendar nor his feast days. so it is, christmas is just an imitation feast day, which is really worshipping the sun under the guise of a christian name. you dont have to take my word for it...but if you suppose a man can change what the creator says stand forever, then you are sadly mistaken. and the most high only guides those who realize they are wrong in their worship...if a person doesnt think their worship is wrong, they wont need my master to guide them...because they already think their worship is proper. as it is..only those who realize they have been doing wrong will submit to the eternal guidance of the most high. those who dont see a problem, ignore that my master is the same yesterday, today, and forever. my master never changes, and his words are eternal. consider
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
12 Dec 10
For me it is a form of pagan worship that not tolerate by the true God Jehovah.
• United States
13 Dec 10
indeed! at least one person who answered here can admit this plainly. too bad other people would believe a lie just to follow what others do
• Philippines
30 Dec 10
Of course, Christmas cannot be found in the Bible. Christians used to merge some Pagan festivals into our traditions today even though it is nowhere to be found in the Bible. I think they messed up the writings and the real history of the Hebrews. Shouldn't we oppose, change, decline are add new things on what is written in the Bible. I think the church is besmirching the prophets, Jesus, and of course God.
• United States
30 Dec 10
of course they are. the churches have nothing to do with hebrews, nor the god of the hebrews. and jesus is not his name...that is an american name..for even the latins and greeks did not call him jesus. my master is hebrew, and hebrews is the tongue my master speaks even from the heavens. but the churches have hated the hebrews, because the european culture itself is demonic, and was told before hand in the book of daniel about such a beast=which is the fourth kingdom on earth. that is europe. so no wonder christian and jewish teachings ignore hebrewness and twist it to suit themselves....that is the way of europeans since europe existed as a nation=to steal from other cultures and change it to suit themselves.
@aodoerfer (113)
• United States
12 Dec 10
I think most religious holidays are really pagan holidays that the church took over. I don't think the history behind them matters as much as the reasons people choose to celebrate them. I'm not religious, but I happily celebrate Christmas as I think it's a nice holiday for families to spend time together and it's a fun and magical time for children. Other people celebrate it for religious reasons, and I don't think the history behind it takes away the thought and feelings they have celebrating it.
• United States
21 Dec 10
consider that a tree is nourished by its roots. even though branches can be grafted on, the roots are still what gathers the water and nutrients to nourish the rest of the tree, even the branches grafted on. because of this, if the roots of this festival are pagan, it doesnt matter if one grafts on "christian" branches....all that people do to honor and worship it, they are really watering the pagan roots, and giving them precedence over the grafted branches. the thoughts and feelings should be practiced everyday of the why does a person only choose a certain time to do such a thing? it is better to have such joy and love throughout the year, not just to please market and economy. the same with most european "holidays"....they are designed for market and economy and nothing more. i trip on there being a "mother's" day on a different day than "father's" parents become parents at different times? of course not. but it is all for profit and gain. something that should be done everyday and if it is done everyday...what is the point of having a holiday or season? that is my point
@rosekiss (30413)
• Eugene, Oregon
21 Dec 10
I believe that most of the world knows that Jesus wasn't born on Dec 25, but as long as a day has been chosen, I choose to honor that day and the fact that Jesus was born, as we all need to remember he came as a baby so long ago. I am a Seventh Day Adventist, and our church will honor Christmas, but we don't go to church on Christmas unless it falls on Sabbath, which it does this year. Of course Jesus wasn't born that day, and yes it is a pagan day, but I also think that it really all depends on how a person celebrates it and if Jesus is part of it or not. don't believe in Santa Clause but i do have a tree in my house as I don't feel there is anything wrong with it. Our church has 4 trees in the church, 3 in the sanctuary and 1 in the hall. there are only white lights on the trees and nothing else. How people choose to celebrate Christmas is their business, as it isn't a salvation issue. You are right there is nowhere in the bible to celebrate his birth, but nowhere are we told when that is either. It has been on Dec 25th for many years, so we all need to accept it and honor Jesus. I choose to honor him on that day and everyday. Take care, and have a very good day.
• United States
22 Dec 10
one cant sit at the table of god, and the table of demons. you cant worship the god of the hebrews=the father of yehowshua hamshiyx=called in english jesus the christ, you cant worship the god of the hebrews and then serve demons and their pagan practices. that would make you lukewarm...and my master will just spit you out of his mouth when you try to stand before him.
• India
5 Jan 11
December 25 may not the exact birth date of Jesus Christ. But the scientists are assuming this date as the birth of Jesus christ. We are not celebrating the sun God. The birth date of others also may fall on December 25. By the assumption of the scientists we are celebrating this day as th birth of Jesus Christ.
@veganbliss (3895)
• Adelaide, Australia
7 Jan 11
My goodness! Well done on this discussion. I've rated this discussion (& you too!) "positive" as it's the best I've seen in a long time. It certainly ticks all the boxes, so to speak. Your performance, attention to detail, eloquence, persistence & patience, amongst other qualities, are remarkable to witness in one who has been a member for such a short time. I'd really like to see more of this. Well done on drawing our attention to something most of us don't give much thought to & should. There is a lot of information regarding the Christian Church & their progressive adoption of Pagan Festivals, etc for the purpose of acquiring numbers of followers & dues paying members & much power & influence, even at a government level. This information is well documented in the Vatican Archives. A good article to read on the origins of Christmas, as I've mentioned elsewhere before, was published in the American Rationalist newspaper in 1963: I've tried to read every comment on responses to this discussion, so pardon me if I've missed it, but I haven't found any bible references provided by you or others to show just how much God really hates us celebrating such festivals & even Sabbaths. So here it is; very clear in Isaiah 1:11-16 (Standard Authorised Version)... "To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the LORD: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, & the fat of fed beasts; & I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats. When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this at your hand, to tread my courts? Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons & sabbaths, , the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting. Your new moons & your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them. & when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood. Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil;". Peace be with you