Do You Need Top Of The Line Stuff?

United States
December 31, 2010 4:33am CST
Im a die hard bargain shopper and have no problem with generic food or cheap but clean hotels etc. but some people have to do everything first class and brand name.. even if i was rich id probably be the same way i am now because it would just make more money to have fun with in the end. do you have to have first class brand name everything?? do you have a few things you refuse to be cheap on? or are you out to save like me?
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16 responses
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
20 Jan 11
i am a self confessed tightwad! i hate to spend money if i dont have to. i shop at thrift stores all the time and i love them! the library is my favourite place as well!
1 person likes this
• United States
27 Mar 11
i think i have ocd when it comes to sales lol
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
5 Jan 11
I am a vegan person. I tend to buy food, drinks, shoes, household cleaners and body care products that are suitable for vegans. It is a shame when some of the products can be smaller than the average item and more expensive. The food I eat can be fruit or vegetables, products that have only vegan ingredients and ones that have a label on 'vegetarian and vegan'. The shoes I wear are made from lorica. I like to buy cheap tissues, budget toilet rolls, cheap kitchen rolls and basic black sacks for very little money. I like to save money for traveling to different places and last year I got a new kitchen fitted.
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• United States
27 Mar 11
vegan and organic food is so expensive here i cant afford it
• United States
3 Jan 11
I am just a plane jane no thrill jill kind of person;) I really don't need the best or the name brand or the most expensive. I simply want to have enough .. that would make me happy. Am out to save.
• United States
27 Mar 11
yeah thats the most important.. not what type of whatever but that you have enough for your need
@Nadinest1 (2016)
• Canada
4 Jan 11
No, not at all. Although I do believe with furniture, get what you pay for. I love Value Village-a 2nd hand store. Probably about 65-70% of our clothes are second hand.....but nicew second hand clothes. I do not buy anything stretched or stained....I already have some of those at home. lol
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• United States
27 Mar 11
furniture i have no idea because ive only known cheap but appliances i know what ya mean.. its like you buy it but already think you should start saving up for the one to replace it when it breaks in a year
@buggles64 (2709)
• United States
3 Jan 11
I like to have nice things, but they don't always have to be top of the line. I make my own coffee in the morning, because it's cheaper than a cappuccino. I never buy designer jeans, and I shop these three department stores..Walmart, Kmart and Target. I just really prefer these stores over the other ones, because I honestly can not rationalize buying a $50.00 pair of jeans. I am totally out to save, but I want to have fun too.
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• United States
27 Mar 11
i love watching for sales to where i find name brand stuff for the price of cheap or generic.. i just bought designer coats and jeans for walmart prices lol
• United States
4 Jan 11
Well like everybody, i buy what i can afford. If i see some gorgeous Miss Me denim jeans at Dillards, and after trying them on they look ablostley perfect and i have the money so spend on them then yes. I would buy those $180 jeans. But if i only have $20 of course i am going to go to the thrift store to look for some clothes. I hate when someone HAS to have the latest coach bag, or the new this or that. Style and fashion change as the seasons do. So to me there is no point in trying everything i can, to get that Loius Vuitton bag that every girl at my school has if i can not afford it. A used backpack from a garage sale will do just as fine as any other bag. (:
• United States
27 Mar 11
honestly a lot of the name brand clothes that i see on celebs and well off people tend to be ugly so if anything i would think they went cheap and not expensive lol
@Angelwriter (1954)
• United States
31 Dec 10
For most things, I'm as cheap as they come. I don't like spending money and name brand stuff doesn't usually have any advantage over the generic stuff, except the name. And why would I care about the name? The only exception is food. I find generic or knock off brands don't taste as good as the brand names. And I like food to taste good. I don't go around buying gourmet food or anything. But, I'm much more likely to buy Quaker Oatmeal than something named "Value Buy" (made up name there).
1 person likes this
• United States
27 Mar 11
i shop at a store called "aldis" which is dirt cheap but their generics are the best i have found food wise (their health and beauty products suck) ive tried a lot of stores generics and for a long time walmart had the best generic food but aldis is better than them and cheaper but the labels and are so goofy looking
@greysfreak (1384)
• United States
31 Dec 10
I definitely don't need top of the line most the time. For stuff like OTC medicine we go for the cheaper store brand versions. Usually when my dad is getting something big, like a tv or computer for me he won't get the cheapest or the most expensive, and it's always just fine. With food, I think it depends, sometimes getting off-brand I just can't eat it. I am very picky, so when it comes to something I have to eat I prefer sticking with brands I know, but that doesn't have anything to do with a brand name, it's just familiarity and quality. I'd say a lot of times I am cheap, but there are some things I just can't go for the cheapest, because if it has to get thrown out, it really wasn't cheaper.
• United States
27 Mar 11
yeah otc meds especially walgreens are just as good if not better in my opinion.. computers i will bargain shop but i will get the most technologically advanced because i dont know when i will be able to buy another one so i dont want it to be a piece of crap thats outdated within a year.. other electronics cheap or midline seems to be ok.. they all seem to break at the same rate lol
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
31 Dec 10
I am frugal like you..I prefer having my money to spend on other things...I can live with a motel room that isn't the greatest as long as it's clean...and I do buy generic food....I find alot of time it's as good if not better then brand names!
1 person likes this
• United States
27 Mar 11
aldis has the best generics at cheaper than other generics lol.. so yeah thats one of my favorite stores.. yeah i dont miss anything hotel wise in a cheap hotel because i have never stayed at a really expensive one anyways
@p1kef1sh (45681)
31 Dec 10
I am no lover of brand names although I do accept that they are often better quality. However, in food terms I know that lots of brand names make supermarket own label stuff and I have tried to find out which is which. I have no time for the shallowness of branded clothing - if it fits, suits you and is affordable then why bother paying as mucg as 100% more just so that you can have the label. It's only a 2"x2" square of cloth anyway!
1 person likes this
• United States
27 Mar 11
yeah clothes i dont care about.. although i do have to admit when i got brand new tommy hilfingers jeans at good will for a couple of bucks i fell in love with them and was a cool feeling since i grew up poor and still am kind of so i dont do brand names at all now.. but when i have had a chance for some reason to have them its been nice.. i couldnt imagine buying them full price and only them though!
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
31 Dec 10
I'm exactly like you. Even when I had more money than I needed, I was frugal and bought things on sale or generics. It just doesn't make sense to spend more money than you have to, whether you have money or not. I won't skimp on some things, though, like toilet paper and facial tissues. I haven't found a generic toilet paper yet that my butt actually likes. Pet food, too, I don't skimp on. I've found, at least with cat food, that the cheaper it is to buy, the higher the ash content it has and that can lead to crystals in the cat's urinary tract, kind of like kidney stones to us. I know... I had a cat this happened to and the vet told me it was the ash in the food I was feeding him. Lesson learned. But, when it comes to things like sugar, butter, etc., sugar is sugar, no matter how it's packaged and I refuse to pay for packaging. My husband, now, he needs the most expensive, brand named things. He swears they're all better than generic. I've proven him wrong, although he denies it. I've put generic things in brand named packages and he never knew the difference. My mother was just like him, too. She wasn't rich growing up. She learned how to save a penny. But, when she married my stepfather, who was a Consulting Engineer who made around $100.00 an hour, she, uhh, "learned" how to appreciate brand names. Didn't take her long, either. I tried to convince her that she was wasting money on most of the things she bought because she was just paying for the label but she didn't care. The thing with her was, she was buying them FOR the label. She was so proud that she had brand names and designer clothes. Maybe that attitude came from her being in that generation that went through the Great Depression but her family was never really poor. They always had enough. It was probably because my mother wanted to strut her stuff after years of 'making do' when my sister and I were young. I still think it's stupid, though.
• United States
27 Mar 11
i dont think i could waste money its so addictive to save money! its like a treasure hunt.. funny i dont think anyone really can cheap on toilet paper (except for my family ugh i hate visiting their bathrooms now!) i think even if i got totally beyond rich rich i would maybe once in awhile i would buy something expensive out of curiosity but stay the same as i am now..
@maezee (41988)
• United States
31 Dec 10
No, not at all! I am so conditioned to eating generic food, drinking generic soda, etc - it's just second nature to me. I don't mind at all. HOWEVER there are a few certain things that I will try to buy name brand of, just because the generic kinds can taste gross, like certain cereals and cheese. But besides that, nope, I am a bottom-shelf kind of girl, that's how I've been raised, really. I couldn't imagine life without "store brands". The only thing I try to opt for brand names are with clothes, shoes, purses, etc. But I cheap out on everything else - the car I drive, the booze I drink, the food I eat, the restaurants I go to, etc. I can't afford to live the "high life"! I do like some designer clothes though, BUT I also bargain-shop at that; I either find really good sales and coupons, or I go to a consignment shop OR even a thrift store. The first rack I always hit is the Clearance rack, and I'm not ashamed of that at all. I love clothes. Hehe.
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• United States
27 Mar 11
im such a bargain shopper i couldnt imagine not getting something on sale lol.. i have had a few expensive items of clothing that i got by a thrift store or a friend and i loved how they felt and did fall in love with the quality and fit but i dont think i could go pay full price for them now
@gdesjardin (1918)
• United States
1 Jan 11
The cheaper the better for me. I always purchase generic food and definitely prefer cheaper hotels/motels. I do always check out the room before I pay, just to make sure it is neat and clean. I do buy a few name brands, like I won't buy generic toilet paper. I used to, but the kids would use so much of it, that it would plug up the toilet all the time. I usually buy Scott tissue because I really end up saving money in the long run. As far as clothes, I don't have to have designer clothes, but I like to make sure it is good quality. I buy a lot of good brands, but at 2nd hand stores, so I never really spend a lot at all. Shoes, I could care less what brand they are, as long as they are comfortable.
• United States
27 Mar 11
i love scott brand too! seems like almost everyone is unwilling (including myself) to cheap on the toilet paper
@camposkat (306)
31 Dec 10
As a child, I was raised and taught on how to think thriftily (if there is such a word). It has been instilled in my young mind that everything I do or buy should not cost me too much and that I should learn how to save my money and budget it wisely. I don't mind generic food or stuff and I love bargain hunting. As long as I can save, that's all that matters. There is that option ofcourse to buy well-known but trusted brand names but I don't buy them often.
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• United States
27 Mar 11
i was raised the same way.. im glad because i would rather save and every once in awhile get to buy something name brand than grow up with name brand and end up poor and stuck with only generics and thinking they were awful because they were generic
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
21 Feb 11
Hi. moonlitmagikchild. I love to save. My items don't have to be top of the line things at all. It can be cheap, but name brand if possible. It does not matter to me. I can go to a cheap store and buy top of the line products, and that would be just fine with me.
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• India
1 Jan 11
my shopping style depends on what im for example when it comes to clothes and technology i never compromise on brands.....whereas i would probably bargain for something like food and stuff like that...prioritized saving is the key!!