Dangers of Softdrink, do you already know?

@gengeni (3308)
January 3, 2011 12:16am CST
The average pH of soft drinks, is 3.4. This acidity is strong enough to dissolve teeth and bones! Our human body stops building bones at around the age of 30th. After that the bones would dissolve every year through the urine depending on the acidity of the food intake. All Calcium who gathered late in the arteries, veins, skin, tissue and organs, which affect kidney function in assisting the formation of kidney stones. Soft drinks have no nutritional value (in terms of vitamins and minerals). They have higher sugar content, more acidic, and lots of additives such as preservatives and dyes. Some people like to take cold soft drinks after each meal, guess what's the impact? As a result, our bodies have the optimum temperature of 37 so that digestive enzymes to function. The temperature of cold soft drinks is far below 37, sometimes close to 0 degrees This reduces the effectiveness of the enzymes and put pressure on our digestive system, digesting less food even food is fermented by the soft drink they will. The fermented food produces bad smelling, gases, decays and forms toxins, which are absorbed by the intestine, circulated by the blood throughout the body of toxins spread has resulted in the formation of a variety of diseases. Some Examples A few months ago, there was a competition in Delhi University Soft Drink Who can drink the most? The winner drank 8 bottles and died on the spot because too much carbon dioxide in the blood and oxygen deficiency .. After that, the rector banned all soft drinks in all the university canteen. Someone put a broken tooth in a bottle of Soft Drink, and within 10 days of the dissolution tooth! Teeth and bones are the only human organs remained intact during the annual after man dies Imagine what the drink is in the intestines and stomach lining is smooth! How do you think about this article? Do you like soft drinks? Usually you drink how many times? (a week) How often do you drink water in a day? Are there any who do not like water? why? Thanks.
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9 responses
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
I used to drink soft drinks once in a month only. I'm not a fan of soft drinks. I like the most, juices and herbal teas. It is more healthy than colored carbonated drinks.
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@gengeni (3308)
• Indonesia
26 Feb 11
Just like me, I do not really like soft drinks, even my throat will be sore after drinking soft drinks.
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
Thanks for the information. This article really is of great help to those who are a fan of soft drinks. I drink soft drinks but not every day. I think i can consume only a glass or two a month because i know soft drinks has caffeine in it and i am not allowed to intake too much caffeine. My brothers and sisters loves to drink soft drinks, i guess this article will give them something they can really think of before drinking a glass. I know it's not good to our body, but i never knew this could be really very bad. Thanks
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@gengeni (3308)
• Indonesia
26 Feb 11
In some people, I know enough case to prove that people who consume too much of soft drinks would lead to a state that is not good for health.
@nakula2009 (2325)
• Indonesia
4 Jan 11
it isvery true , Ireally like soft drinks , Ioften drink it especially if you 're traveling
• Indonesia
27 Feb 11
hmm yes, I've heard from my friend. Goosebumps hearing it, about 6 years ago I heard it. Since then I've tried to not drink soft drinks at all anymore, which in effect causes a very dangerous
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
10 Mar 13
yes,we all know that any soft drinks is dangerous to our health because of the contain product such as sugar and acid of that,so its either the person who drink soda everyday will prone to diabetes and obesity and even in urinary problem.
27 Feb 11
Drinking soft drinks contribute to an impending health problem for anyone. Though some are used to consuming a bottle of soft drink during meals and after, they are really not aware of the dangers that soft drinks may bring. I, myself when I was still in my elementary days, was not aware of the serious disease or danger that soda drinkers may have until two or three of my friends who were really heavy soda drinkers got an appendicitis and must undergo an operation. The doctors have one diagnosis of their appendix problem - too much soda.They are warned not to consume soda anymore because it can also lead to diabetes problem.The healthiest drink that we can consume the whole day is Water. Let us avoid soft drinks because, Gengeni, you are very right that it has no nutritional value.
@buggles64 (2709)
• United States
4 Jan 11
Yes, I was aware of the dangers of drinking to much soda, it's the acid in the soda as well as the sugar that can cause the enamel to wear away at our teeth. Great article, with some interesting information. I do drink soda, coffee, milk and water as well as orange juice. Yes, I like water, especially after a workout, it is the most refreshing at that time.
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
Good Day! I don't drink softdrinks because I had an ulcer before but thanks for posting that. At least I realized how lucky I am that I don't usually drink softdrinks.
• India
3 Jan 11
I am aware of this and i have this information sent by a friend already.. I don't drink soft drinks or hard drinks lol However i thank you so much. Professor ‘Bhuwan’. . Cheers have a lucky day ahead. God bless you.