Childrens vaccinations
By ambkeb
@ambkeb (782)
United States
November 18, 2006 6:09pm CST
My 4 month old daughter is going next week to have her 4 month shots. I have a friend who says this is wrong of me to give them shots because of all the problems it could cause. In most states it is a requirment to have them and have them up to date. I was actually kicked out of school my sophomore year for 2 weeks because my shots werent up to date. My oldest who is 2 has had all his shots and he is perfectly fine. I think that once her children have to go to school there is going to be a lot of problems for them because they dont have their shots. What do you all think?
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27 responses
@dragonflyfli (5528)
• United States
4 Dec 06
wow. no offense but i htink you r friend is quite ignorant of the problems that can occur in this world. before they knew about microbes most babies wouldnt live past a year old becasue they would be exposed to the many microbes all over the world. then they realized tehre were little things you cant see that can kill you so they developed things that will fight those and then they inject them in the childs body. it is completely necessary and extremly improtant. i think she is wrong for not giving her kids shots. how horrible.
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@kesfylstra (1868)
• United States
4 Dec 06
I think the probable risk of not giving them their vaccines and them getting seriously ill weighs in over the possible risk of side effects.
@littlebear (64)
• Australia
5 Dec 06
I personally think that immunising our children is important. The potential bad side effects of immunisation are outweighed by the benefits. My daughter is only 10 months and her shots are upto date and I will continue immunising her at the appropritate times.
We are lucky that we live in modern times and modern society and have not had to witness children dying (sometimes quite painfully) from terrible childhood illnesses.
Someone mentioned in an earlier post that their neice was diagnosed with autism after one their shots - I think this is rubbish (sorry I really don't mean to offend anyone). There is no evidence that indicates immunisations cause autism. It is unfortunate that autism can only be diagnosed at a certain age that often correlates with the age of some immunisations. It is a case of bad timing not cause and effect.
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@anjalisk2005 (1492)
• India
5 Dec 06
pl listen to the doctors rather than the advice of ur friends.when it comes to children they get infected very soonso better take precoutions than let them suffer.
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@mfrancq (1806)
• United States
6 Dec 06
Does your friend realize how many problems not getting the vaccinations could cause? Forgive me for saying so, but that is the craziest thing I have ever heard. My son is eight months old, and I'm not messing around with that. He is on time for all his shots. The problems from not getting the shots far out weigh any problems that getting them could cause.
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@ambkeb (782)
• United States
7 Dec 06
She says she has done her research. But I think if she had REALLY done research on this issue, she would have found that there are more cases of children getting sick because they havent had their shots rather then a child getting sick from a shot. Thank you for your response.
@steffylikewoah (1762)
• United States
19 Nov 06
I think your friend is insane. Shots are to HELP them. My daughter is almost 6 months old and she's up to date on all her shots.

@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
5 Dec 06
Does this friend have any children of her own??!!!! Yess you gett them! You dont want your child to get the any of the diseases,They are a prority,would u rather ur child got measles or mumps? or worse? Tell your friend she doesnt know what shes talking about.Ive never heard anything liek this..your friend has appalled in shock I will give you some great advice..about 30 mins before you get the hsots give your child tylenol or motrin..Iused motrin because it helps with the swelling..and she wont be in as much pain, and use it for the first day..and maybe the next depending on how she feels..but it will deff help her out alot!!! good luck!
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@ambkeb (782)
• United States
6 Dec 06
Yeah she has kids of her own...We use childrens tylenol...not infants. Our last dr told us that the infant medicines were just watered down basically. So its way cheaper for us to measure out less and use the childrens. She has done very well with the shots. Thank you for the comment
@pjsparkle (147)
• United States
19 Nov 06
I think there are more problems if you don't have the shots for your kids. I hope she plans to home school her children because most schools won't accept children unless their shots are up to date. She will also have them excluded from such activities as scouts and sports because they also want proof of shots. Why would any mother want to take risks with her children's health. My opinion SHE IS A BAD MOTHER!!!

@luvadeal46 (289)
• United States
5 Dec 06
I guess it is your opinion... however not giving your child a vaccination does not make her a bad mother.. there are plenty of other things out there that would make her a bad mother... What your friend is trying to state is that MMR shots and DTP shots may be linked to autism...notice the word may... it has not been that is why i use the word may... I chose not to have my daughter receive her second mmr shot because my nephew at the age of 3 was diagnosed with autism. He had developed normally until the age of 18 months and this is when he had another mmr and dtp shot...My sil is certain this is the cause for his autism.. I would not state that this was the reason for positive however I would be skeptical if I had to do the shot thing all over with my children.. Only you as a parent can make this decision and maybe educating yourself on the risk of getting immunizations and the positives of getting them. Also the measle(sp) outbreak that was reported(people had their measle immunization and still reported getting them)... Just to make things clear... my children have had all their immunizations except my five year old who has not had the chicken pox vaccine....There is a vaccine for chicken pox vaccine...however research has shown that it does not guarantee a child will not eventually get chicken pox. They are thinking that it will be a shot that needs to be repeated every 7 years or so... so I as a parent would prefer her to get them the old fashioned way....she is still able to take part in school activities and is able to attend school with no problems.. I just had to sign a paper stating my reason...The school nurse stated to me that she totally agreed with me and that she was not going to give the vaccine to her children either... so if that makes me a bad mother than so be it....As with the second mmr shot.. my doctor stated to me that there were a small percentage of children that the first vaccine would not take on so that is why the second one is given... chances are the first one took for her and he was not worried about it...
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
19 Nov 06
If you think of all the diseases that vaccinations prevent you would want to make sure that your child is protected against them. I recall an outbreak of measles not too long ago. This could have been prevented with proper vaccination.
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@sammy1128 (241)
• China
5 Dec 06
yes ,every child needs vaccinationsup to date afer they were born in order to prevent disease.all parents should do it for the goodness of their child. i never delay my child vaccination.
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@nolciean06 (444)
• United States
19 Nov 06
I think all kids should have their immunizations. If not, they could get serious illnesses. Even though, things like polio, and rhubella are rare today, there is that chance of "something in the air" so to speak. My little girl is 3 and has had all her shots until school time.
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@DeenaD (2684)
• United States
19 Nov 06
In my opinion, you should vaccinate your children. Anyone who advised yo otherwise is a fool.
@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
19 Nov 06
The truth about vaccinations is that the viruses that we are trying to prevent are much worse then the average reaction to the shot. I personally hated getting them for my son but I have seen the effects of some of these viruses first hand. I do however have friends that can't get the shots because they would die from the reaction they cause. It is also a fact that most schools will not allow un-vaccinated children to attend.
@BellasmamaTiff (2544)
• United States
19 Nov 06
I always have had my daughter vaccinated. I just feel safer, its like insurance. Mine never got sick from any of the shots, and like you said, its a requirement for school, and here, even for daycare!
@ambkeb (782)
• United States
19 Nov 06
Yeah the daycares here are the same. My aunt works in one, and my friend tried to get her oldest in then decided that her son was to smart for daycares. LOL it was just because they wouldnt let him in because he wasnt vaccinated. Im wondering if she will do the same thing when he has to go to kindergarten next year.
@firelight (1858)
• Australia
19 Nov 06
If they don't have their shots they could die! If everyone decided not to give their children their shots, there would be an epidemic. Yes they can cause problems, but more problems will be caused by NOT having them!
@muffy_092000 (379)
• Philippines
19 Nov 06
its may prevents any disease that may spread in ur place and serve as a protection also to ur daughter's health
@YoMomma1 (922)
• United States
19 Nov 06
those immunizations are very vital to the health of your baby! she wont be allowed in most daycares without up to date shots- not being vaccinated against the likes of hepatitis and polio put other people around the child at risk as well as your child! I say vaccinate- sometimes the baby will get a fever or be tender in the place of injection but it will go away with a lil pain reliever and a nap : )