Ticked at my Neighbor
United States
January 31, 2011 1:17am CST
I am real close to my neighbor. we talk most every day. She has the cutest grandson that visits quite often but he is not made to mind by her or his parents. I have never been too fond of that from anyone because my children & my grandson were taught to mind. Her grandson loves to come to my house & loves my grandsons toys. I think that's the drawing card to always want to come over here which is fine, i'm very fond of him. Yesterday he came over , i was busy so i told him i'd come out after i ate my lunch for him to go back across the street where his dad was outside& that i'd come out & play w/him after i ate. He did not want to come in he wanted me to come out. I have toys in the outside storage room so he wanted to get in there & i let him. Then he wanted to take sonme over to his grandmother's to play with & i let him. I called over there when i got through eating to tell him i was available to play, lol but they had just left to go back to nashville. Here's the kicker, he wanted my grandson's gun which is one of his favorite toys & she let him carry it back w/him. Of course she said she'd buy ryan another one that it just wasn't worth making hers upset by making him leave it here. GRRRRRR! i didn't say anything but i'm pretty sure she want find another one like it now because ryan has had it awhile. I really didn't appreciate her doing that. Would u have? I don't want ryan upset either. I may have to tell her if she doesn't find a replacement. Whatcha' think about this? I will say he will not carry off ryan's toys again!!
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27 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
31 Jan 11
oh myyyyyyyyyyyy that is bad and she shouldnt of let him take it off with him
and I would have her call son to have him send it back protnto thats like stealing and letting him get away with it.
And I would never had let him take anything over the street to play with he would have stayed right there in the yard.
He could hae waited but then he might have known he was leaving soon so he could steal it.
This makes me very very mad.
Grand daughter had just got her birthday present and was playing with some kids down the block that just stopped by to play we didnt know them and hey endded up taking her scooter down to their house boy I hollered go get it make them bring it back ya just got it and ya dont let them take your stuff of well she got it back but I was so mad that they other little kids run wdown there fast to get it back.
I asked them what they thought they were doing carring her scooter off.
oh i wanted to keep it awhile oh yeah!! not her birthday present !!!!!
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@BarBaraPrz (48699)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
31 Jan 11
Go granny go!
I have this image of Granny Klampet jumping up and down, waving her shotgun...

2 people like this
• United States
31 Jan 11
What people are teaching their kids or not teaching them is ridiculous nowadays.It is a shame when a nearly 4 year old controls his grandmother & parents that way. I'm glad u got chey's scooter back. It could have been long gone.Parents that are letting their children grow up this way needs a good butte kicking. Don't they realize what they are teaching them when they let them get by w/taking things that don't belone to them. Thanks for responding, Joan.
That's a good picture, Barb, lol.
the parents need to be woke up someway & see the damage they are doing to their kids!!
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@yoyo1198 (3641)
• United States
31 Jan 11
Hi, lady.....You have every right to be 'ticked'. That was a very careless thing for her to do in letting the kid have his way and with something that belonged to someone else. Too many parents and grandparents are giving in to the kids today in 'not wanting to upset them'. Good grief!!! They are kids and the grown ups are supposed to be setting examples and teaching them. I see this kid growing up thinking that he can have anything he wants regardless of how he gets it. Sounds like he manipulated the whole situation very well, huh? Good luck in getting a replacement toy but I don't see it happening. (I hope I don't sound too negative here but hearing about things like this just tick me off.)
3 people like this
• United States
31 Jan 11
Good morning & thanks for responding.I really appreciate your answer.I feel the very same way u do about such is this. This little boy is not made to mind. He is wilder than a buck & gets by w/way too much. I don't think she will be able to find a repacement either. I may have to say something when she doesn't. I really don't want trouble w/her, i think the world of her but really did not appreciate her doing that. Ryan want either because it was one of his faves. I have never understood why people do this w/kids. When he gets in big trouble as he gets older i wonder if she will be sorry she did not make him mind. She was the same way w/her son & he got in alot of trouble when he was a teen. She isa former school teacher & a guildance counselor now. I think she has different standarsfor her kids & other people's kids.Have a good monday.
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@mcelhenney (481)
• United States
1 Feb 11
I would hate to have her for a school teacher or a guidance counselor..Ashe Lord says spare the rod spoil the child.Seems to me like the child needs a little bit of the rod on the behind.
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• United States
9 Feb 11
@SViswan (12051)
• India
31 Jan 11
Oh no! That was very rude of the mother to allow that. My kids are taught that they will play with the toys of other kids at THEIR homes and it will be left there when they return home. They are not allowed to bring home the toys of other children even when their parents allow it.
Our neighbour's son is a year old. He comes over to play sometimes...and my 10 year old lets him take some of his brother's toys....and as soon as the little boy leaves, we have my 4 year old crying over his toys and going over to get them back. Even when the adults of the family return the toys, my older son says 'It's okay...let the baby play'. My little one naturally threw a fit..especially since it was mostly his toys leaving the home. He didn't mind the baby playing with them at our home but taking it away was a no-no. And he's right.
Last week, I had to give my older son a lecture on this...and he was told...children may come to our home and play with the toys but the toys remain here when they leave! The same as applies when my kids go to the homes of other people!
Your neighbours are teaching the boy the wrong thing. There might be tantrums at first but he would learn. Now it would take him longer to learn.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
1 Feb 11
I understand. I've seen children like that. My younger one was a big tantrum thrower too but we got him out of it and now he knows that tantrums won't work here. I'm sure your grandson is going to be upset about his toy. Sometimes it's not a replacement that they want....they will still ask for their own toy (rightfully).
Next time, the boy next door should not be allowed to take home any of your grandson's toys.
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• United States
31 Jan 11
This little boy is not being taught what he needs to be. She never corrects him & undoubtedly from the way he acts his parents don't either. They ought to be ashamed for letting him get by w/what they do. He alrteady has tantrums, bad ones. I'm very unhappy w/her & her grandson will not be taking anything else away from here. I know she will try to find a replacement but don't think she will be able to. I know my grandson is going to be upset to when he finds out what happened & i really don't like that idea. Thanks for responding.
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• United States
1 Feb 11
He will not take another toy away from here. What gets my goat about it that she never considered how my grandson would feel knowing one of his favorites was not here anymore.

@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
31 Jan 11
Wow Jo I would have said something because that is not right at all
No matter how upset her Grandson would have been he has to learn that he can not just have someone elses Toy he needs to learn that what is his he can keep but when it belongs to someone else he has to give it back
I really hope you get it back or it will be poor Ryan that will be upset

@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
31 Jan 11
No one is doing that little boy a favor at all. He will get in trouble at school or with different kids. Someone will punch him out if he tries to take their things.It would have been so much nicer to tell him "No" a few times and let him get used to that idea.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
31 Jan 11
I'd give that woman SUCH an earful!
Why do you let her run over you that way? Kid needs to learn some manners, A.S.A.P.! Tell her to put the toy on the bus & ship it back to you! It's pretty cheap, & even if it weren't, that kid needs to learn not to just TAKE what isn't his, plus the mom needs to know it's not "cute!" Not acceptable!
Heck, I think I'm madder than you are!
“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep & bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” ~ Thomas Jefferson[/i]

3 people like this
• United States
31 Jan 11
She & i have been friends a long time & i would hate for a toy to breakup that friendship but i do think she was way out of line lertting him go off to nashville w/rysn's toy. I know she will try to find hiom another but don't think she will be able to. Her grandson is way out of conetol & he want be four till his birthday. They just do not make him mind. I would have not let ryan take his toy. I'm just waiting to see what she comes up with. he does get by w/everything & they aren't doing him any favors by letting him act the way he does. He is such a good looking child but his actions sort of put that by the wayside. Thanks for responding.
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@margeryann (1845)
• United States
1 Feb 11
That was pretty bad that your neighbor let her grandkid keep the toy. How can a kid learn to take no for an answer if he gets to do whatever he wants all the time and they will be very disrespectful to people knowing that they can get by with it. That's exactly why he doesn't mind because he feels that he can get by with anything. I feel exactly how you feel. I learned to not let kids take toys out of the house so they don't get took. That takes a way that problem.
I know how you feel on the toy because somethings can't be replaced when they are old and can't be found in stores anymore. Kids get attached to the exact looking toy not a replacement.
2 people like this
• United States
1 Feb 11
Thanks for responding. It is bad for more reasons than one. She sure isn't teaching her grandson what she needs to be nor is his dad. I am just waiting for her to find the repacement[ which i don't think she will] to tell her how i feel about what she did.
@margeryann (1845)
• United States
1 Feb 11
I don't blame you on waiting to tell her after she tries replacing it because she might not replace it if you tell her before. Hopefully she will replace it sometimes people don't and if she does hopefully she replaces it with one as close to it as possible and it not be in bad shape. Good luck and have a good day.
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• United States
1 Feb 11
Thanks for responding. I think u are right. I hate it happened for more reasons than one.
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• United States
31 Jan 11
They were leaving to go back to nashville where they live, He needs to lear what no means, she does to. Thanks for responding.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
31 Jan 11
Personally, I'm a bit of a B**** and wouldn't have let him take the toys anyway.
It's awful that they're not teaching this child respect, manners, or how not to steal someone else's toys. Granted it's just a toy that can be replaced.. but nobody thought to tell him "No, it's not yours, you must return it to it's owner." So what does this mean.. when he goes to a store he's allowed to take things that aren't his too? What other things will he think it's okay to take without permission from the owner?
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• United States
31 Jan 11
Thanks for responding.I have always let him play w/ryan's toys & have passed toys down tio him many times when ryan had outgrown something. They have a little boy that's way out of control & by letting him take ryan's toy back to nashville w/him is not teaching him a very good lesson.As i said i'm pretty ticked about it.
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@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
31 Jan 11
I would have felt the same way as you do. Sounds to me like this kid gets his way a lot. So what if he gets upset, he'll get over it. He needs to learn to respect other people's things and to return them in their proper place. Next time I would tell him that he can't play with the toys unless her returns them all. Otherwise no more playing with the toys. It might sound harsh but it's the only way he'll learn.
2 people like this
• United States
31 Jan 11
hI sHAR, THANKS for responding. He gets his way all the time. He throws tantrums till he does. He will not be taking anything else of ryan's anywhere. I am very unhappy w/his grandmother.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
31 Jan 11

• United States
31 Jan 11
Hi Bon, U are sooo right. I am really upset w/her. We have been close for years but i have never agreed w/the way she lets her run wild. She thinks her grands should do whatever they want at her house & they do. He hauled off & kicked me awhile back & she told him he had to go to timeout, he cried so she didn't make him. If he had hurt me i'd probably pooped him before i thought. There would have been hell to pay if i had popped him but he did need it.Good for u for teaching your son the right thing. It's a shame that all parents don't do that. Thanks for responding.
@Humbug25 (12540)
31 Jan 11
I think you have every right to be ticked off because she gave you no consideration as to how your grandson will feel when he comes to yours and wants to play with his favourite toy and it won't be there. Her grandson must understand that those toys belong to someone else and so that is where they must remain. To think that your neighbour did't even ask you prior to him 'borrowing' it would also bother me, the fact that she assumed it would be ok!! I do hope you can get it back ok!
• United States
31 Jan 11
Thanks for responding. I think she really had the nerve to take it on herself to let her grandson keep it.I was really surprised that she would pull such a stunt. She sure is not teaching hers what he needs to know. I already knew that tho.
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@MoneyGuy1337 (30)
• Australia
31 Jan 11
Hmm, I see what happened maybe you should just try to calm down first and then take it maturely :)
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@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
31 Jan 11
Many "thank you's" Maggiepie for your intelligent and terse response, here...you have said, what was rolling around in my mind, MUCH MORE eloquently and intelligently than I would have! I am flabbergasted with the lack of respect! Kudos!
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
31 Jan 11
...And "maturely" means what? Helping the lax mom raise a brat? Letting your grandson's thing be stolen?? Sucking up the stress to your own health & happiness' detriment? What, exactly?
Please explain.
“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep & bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” ~ Thomas Jefferson[/i]

3 people like this
• United States
31 Jan 11
I don't think u see at all what has happened , money guy. At 68 i am very mature, thank u but u don't mess w/my kids or grandkids.
Thanks maggie, bet we don't get another stupid answer from him, lol.
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@Triena524 (8)
• United States
31 Jan 11
I understand how you feel about the toy. He is a child, if they become attached to a toy if the toy is theirs or someone else's, the child is too young to understand the importance it has to you or Ryan. The child just want the toy. You as the adult should have considered the toy may be broken or not returned when you allowed Ryan's toy to be taken away from your home or property. Loaning or allowing children to take toys out of your presence is not a good idea, especially a favorite toy. You should not be upset with your neighbor, she want her grandson to be happy as you want your grandson to be happy. I do not want it to seem as if I am blaming you but think before you act. You were being kind but as you can see things can turn out different than we anticipate.
• United States
1 Feb 11
U are the only one that has responded this way. u have your right to ur own opinion but i think u are way off base on your response.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
2 Feb 11
I can see why the little boy doesn't mind very well. He knows how to get people wrapped around his finger. Which must of started at a early age. Honestly, the grandmother (your neighbor) didn't help matters by giving in to him on something that didn't belong to her. My kids has manners and respect. They know not to go into someone's home and demand this or that. They know if I ever find out, they wouldn't be going anywhere for awhile. Your neighbor should have called you and asked first before just giving in to his spoiled cries.
I don't tolerate crying just for the heck of it. I didn't put up with it with my kids, nor do I put up with it from kids I baby sit. I will bluntly explain to them if they are a certain age, go ahead and cry, your not going to get your way. My kids tried it a couple of times and realized that well, I need to come up with another way to get my way, because crying isn't working, lol.
I agree, I wouldn't be letting this boy play with Ryan's toys for awhile. I would come up with some excuse so it doesn't upset your neighbor.
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Feb 11
Thanks for responding. He is not made to mind at all. He does as he please & if he has to throw a fit, he does. He is a beautiful little boy & it's a shame they aren't displining hin like they should. I don't blame the child at all. I have told her that he is welcome anytime here but he will not be allowed too carry anymore of ryan's toys away from here.He has done this all his life but she had never let him carry them home till now. If she had just called & ask it would have saved alot of hoopla.
@AmbiePam (96293)
• United States
31 Jan 11
Oh no she didn't!!! What nerve! That's just wrong. You would have every right to go over there and demand it back. I mean you wouldn't have to do it in front of the kid, but if you did demand it back in front of the kid, that would be okay too. That's pretty much glorified stealing.
2 people like this
• United States
31 Jan 11
I agree on the glorified stealing. It's not the value it's just the general principle of it. It was not hers to be giving away. It was already on the way to nashville when i was told about it. Ithought it very nervy of her. Thanks for responding.
@BarBaraPrz (48699)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
31 Jan 11
Personally, I would have said "Ryan's not here and I'm busy right now" and told him to go back to his grandmother's. Surely she must have some toys for him to play with.
1 person likes this
• United States
31 Jan 11
Hey Barb, thanks for your response. He does have toys over there. Most of them were ryan's that he has outgrown. She doesn't buy toys for him like i do ryan. My son says i buy too much for Ryan because i have him something every weel. They are not usually too expensive but it's just something i started & now he looks first thing to see what's here, lol.I have always let my neighbor's grandson plat w/ryan
s things but he'll not be taking anything else away from here. They definitely need to get control of that little boy.
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• United States
31 Jan 11
Hi Uschi, thanks for responding & welcome to mylot. Hope u enjoy it as much as i do. U are a very wise person & i appreciated your wise response. I don't think my grandson crossed her mind, she was just trying to appease hers. I will tell her how i feel especially if she can't find a repalvement & i don't think she will be able to. I bought it quite awhile ago for ryan & it was one of his faves. Thanks again.
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@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
31 Jan 11
OH BOY...(and that's not the things I am saying under my breath)DO you ever have me stoked here! Everything about this is all wrong...WRONG! Bad examples from every member of this young lad's family! My goodness, the grandmother is afraid to be confrontational with her own grandson...so teaches him, in this life "anything you want is FREE for the taking!" I truly believe that you should not, NUMBER ONE have been put in this situation, but now that you have been, I think it is imperative that you, in your coolest manner, relate the implications of this action, to your neighbour! If she is the friend, she implies to be, she will see the error of her ways...and have that TOY (no other) shipped back to you ASAP! Ryan will know the difference...and you should NOT have to make up stories, to appease his poor little broken heart!
SURE, the little boy is cute, BUT in future...RYAN'S toys are OFF limits..at ALL TIMES! LUV & HUGZ!
Good for Maggiepie...nice to see you being defended, dear one!
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@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
1 Feb 11
OH BOY...this dilemna of yours, rattled around in my head ...ALL DAY! The more I thought about it..the angrier I got!
I realized (LOL) I truly am a cougar (not the kind that preys on younger men)BUT the kind from the wild that is vicious with anyone that messes with my off-spring! And I truly worry about this lady being a friend (in my book's she would just be a neighbor)....as friends DON'T create trouble for friends! In my book of life, she would be considered a selfish "airhead,"! Best I leave this topic alone, here it is a day later, and I still am angry! LUV & HUGZ!!
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• United States
1 Feb 11
Good morning Shirley, thanks for your support. I am the same way when it comes to my kids & grandkids. I never did like anyone mistreating them. She gave no consideration to how ryan would feel at all when he finds out that one of his favorite toys is gone. That's what burns my a** up about it. I hate this has happened for more reasons than one.
• United States
31 Jan 11
Hi dear, thanks for responding. I could not believe she did that. I guess it's suppose to be o.k. if ryan gets upset over what she did. The child is out of control & she is sure not helping matters on getting him straightened out nor are his parents. I have heard her say anything goes at her house when her grandchildren are there. I guess she meant it even when it comes to her giving something away which was not hers to give.U are right he'll never take any of ryan's toys off again.
it was very nice of maggie to defend me, I reak=lly did appreciate it. I'm not use to people standing up for me, i loved it.love & huds.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
6 Feb 11
Hi Jo! What is wrong with people these days?! It really ticks me off how people choose to raise their kids in this manner! How is a kid to learn right from wrong? She didn't stop to think about Ryan and his feelings! He's going to be right upset over it being gone. So what if her kid got all upset! It's NOT his! He's being taught that if he wants something bad enough, all he has to do is throw a fit. People leave me scratching my head a lot these days! That is SO wrong!!
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Feb 11
i WONDER THE SAME THING .It made her mad when i finally told her how i felt about what she did. I figured it would even tho i was nice about it & didn't tell how how p.o. i was. Thanks for responding.Hope u are feeling better.
@mysticmaggie (2498)
• United States
2 Feb 11
Hi Antiquelady, I haven't seen you here for a while. I would have been livid over this behavior.
Like you, I taught my children to mind their manners when visiting a place or a person. They had to be very careful when playing with other children's toys because I taught them it was the right thing to do. To walk off with another child's toy? Not a chance!
I had a neighbor who would stay on her little boy's back all the time while he was in her house about keeping things nice, not breaking things, being calm and quiet, etc. But when she visited our house, it was perfectly alright for him to run through every room, take every toy out and scream and yell if he was expected to share my own child's toys with my son! I took that about once before telling her I expected her to treat my house with the same respect we showed hers. She never came back, and I didn't miss her.
But, even she didn't have the nerve to let her boy take something home that didn't belong to him.
I think from this point on, he shouldn't be allowed to play with your grandson's toys.
Good luck in getting it settled. Hugs, Maggie
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Feb 11
Thanks for responding. I'm still kicking just not too high, lol. This little boy is way out of control & I DON'T UNDERSTAND HER LETTING HIM BE BUT SHE DOES. I can see why u don't miss that kind of company. I wouldn't have let him act that way at my house either. I can't stand to be around children that aren't made to mind.I told her he was welcome to come anytime but he would not be allowed to take any toys from here again.Can't put it much plainer that that, lol.
@mysticmaggie (2498)
• United States
2 Feb 11
Well done! I can't believe we started out kind of sniping at each other and became friends in spite of it. I'm lucky to have found a friend like you on MyLot.