Plant Closing
United States
February 10, 2011 2:48pm CST
The Goodyear tire & rubber plant announced today they will be closing their plant here by the end of the year. They employ 1900 people. It is going to quite a blow to our community. It is in the next town over but there are alot of people from here that work there & it's just 10 miles away. My oldest son works there & has for a long time. I'm afraid he & alot of other people will have a rough time w/this. I know him & probably alot of others have not saved for that rainy day i'm always talking about. It will really hurt buisnesses to. I imagine alot of then will have to close. Have u lived where this has happened. It sure doessn't look good for the homefront.
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26 responses
@celticeagle (172467)
• Boise, Idaho
11 Feb 11
Yes, I live in the Northwest and back some years ago our lumber business went down and alot of people lost jobs. My ex husband was working at one here and was making very good money. Then he went to very little hours and after that lost his job completely. It is sad to see some of the companies in our area that have had to close shop.
2 people like this
• United States
11 Feb 11
Thanks for responding. Not only is it bad for the people that work there but buisnesses will suffer big time to. I imagine there will be alot of them that have to close in the town where the plant is.
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Feb 11
No, doubt about it. Everyone will be affected as well as the employees, Hope ur weekend is going good.
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@celticeagle (172467)
• Boise, Idaho
11 Feb 11
Ya, it will have a definite ripple effect.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
10 Feb 11
Oh no, I thought they were doing good too. I buy their tires. It's a shame that yet another company in Tennessee is closing. And here I thought we were doing better and jobs were going to pick up soon.
I'm sorry your son will lose his job. I hope he is putting out his resume to get something else.
I wish him lots of luck finding something.
2 people like this
• United States
11 Feb 11
Thanks for the kind words. It's going to be a mess around here i'm afraid. Thanks for responding.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
11 Feb 11
I'm here if you want to talk any time, or if you just need someone to listen. I can just say yes and oh, and uh huh.... times are tough when jobs, the main ones in the area get cut.
I have strong shoulders....
2 people like this
• United States
12 Feb 11
Thanks so much for the offer, u are a sweetie. I know u have alot going on to, guess most everybody does but it sure is nice to know i have friends like u.

@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
10 Feb 11
The closing of a major employer is hard on almost everyone in the area. It is just as devastating to the local economy as a natural disaster. All I can say to anyone facing it is, be prepared for any opportunity that opens up. Don't waste time lamenting the closing, the earlier one gets their ear to the ground, the more opportunities they'll find. Those opportunities are best taken advantage of when only the "early worm" is looking. After that last paycheck is issued, everyone will be looking for what is left in the area.
If you know anyone looking for good opportunities, have them contact me. I can't help all of them, or even most, but I can help some... if they are willing.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
11 Feb 11
There are opportunities, you just have to have more imagination now, and be willing to weigh options online and in other areas. Because of the internet, there are always options.
I'm serious about the offer to have people contact me, I can show them options they may have never thought of.
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Feb 11
For instance??? where are u located & what is your job???
• United States
11 Feb 11
Thanks for responding.The opportunities around here are nil. Small town usa doesn't have alot to offer i'm afraid.

@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
11 Feb 11
We've had a number of large companies close around here during my lifetime and before. Although thankfully there is a really large plastic plant right here in my tiny little town, and they're actually upgrading and adding at least 50 new jobs, so that's a plus for our economy!
Sorry to hear about your son's job, I hope he can find another one soon.
2 people like this
• United States
11 Feb 11
Thanks for responding. Glad things are going good in your town. U don't hear alot of that anymore. Thank u, my son is pretty upset. He is 50 years old & it will be hard for him to find anything i'm afraid. Ther's just not much going on around here.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
11 Feb 11
So far, here in the San Antonio area, it seems to me that we have had more businesses moving to the area than ones that move elsewhere. It was devastating when Levi Strauss moved their plant to Mexico. Then, we gained Toyota and Caterpillar.
2 people like this
• United States
11 Feb 11
Thanks for responding. That's good to hear y'all have new buisness coming in. Good year was the best plave to work around here. I really can't imagine what people will do.
@margeryann (1845)
• United States
11 Feb 11
This has happened to a lot of factories and different businesses that have been around forever in and around where I live. Lots of people struggle trying to find new jobs. They usually do but a lot of them have to move because of there not being enough jobs around to find a job. It is very hard.
When this happens here it usually is that there business is being moved to Mexico so they can get by with paying less wages.
2 people like this
• United States
12 Feb 11
Thanks for responding. There is sure not any place here to find a good job. Goodyear was the big employer around here,paying the best money & great benefits. It'sreally going to be rough on people.
@Christmas2006 (1661)
• United States
10 Feb 11
I live in Michigan and this has happened all over the state. We have numerous closings and it is so hard to find a job here. If you have a job here in Michigan and your not happy with it the best advice is to GET happy or move out of the state! Sorry to hear that this is happening to your son, it is a chain reaction that effects everything down the line when this happens. They keep saying our economony is getting better but I sure don't see it. They keep saying the unemployment rate is dropping, I personally don't believe it, I think there are a lot of us out of work and out of unemployment too and they don't count us, so of course the rate is dropping! A lot of us are working 2 part time jobs, because thats all that is available!
2 people like this
• United States
11 Feb 11
Thanks for responding. It sounds bad there to. It's going to really take a toll on 'everything' around here.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
10 Feb 11
We had a big meat packing plant that employed about 1500...first they closed part of it.....then they closed another part.....then finally it burned to the ground and they never was big blow to the community..people from all over worked there...on the plus side....Hormel in the neighboring town expanded. THey build another plant then put a processing plant in our it turned out pretty good. They still don't employ as many as they once did...but a little is better then nothing!
2 people like this
• United States
11 Feb 11
It is really bad when plants close like that. There wasn't a btter place around here to work. I can't imagine what people will do . I also wonder what in the world they will do w/that big ol' building. I'm glad things turned out there as well as they did.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 Feb 11
Oh Jo this is terrible news. Do these corporations have no concern at all for the hundreds and hundreds of people they hurt when they take their operations out of small town America just to boost their bottom line? There are SO many things wrong with a capitalist matter where it is.
2 people like this
• United States
11 Feb 11
It is very bad news for all concerned. No, big corporations could care less about small towns & the people that live in them. They claim they are going to save 80 million dollors by closing this plant. Thanks for responding.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
10 Feb 11
I remember when the last GM plant in southern California closed. That was hard. And then all the mortgage bankers started consolidating. Usually people manage to land on their feet, but sometimes it is really hard to find something else.
2 people like this
• United States
11 Feb 11
Thanks for responding. Goodyear was the biggest employer around here. I don't see how people will bounce bach because all the plants have closed around here & there's just not anyplace to go.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
10 Feb 11
It's a sad news! I hope your son gets another job soon. Big and small companies closing and leaving their employees jobless has been happening almost everywhere. Indeed those who are separated will suffer rough times.

• United States
11 Feb 11
Thanks for responding. It is very bad & sad news. 1900 peole is alot to be out of work in such a small place like ours.
@yoyo1198 (3641)
• United States
10 Feb 11
Hi, Lady.....It seems to be happening all over the States. Where I live is but a 15 min. drive from a large city and several of my city's citizens drive to the larger city to work. Recently Whirlpool closed down their plant in the large city. A lot of people were put out of work. Some of them have worked there for over 40 years. They are scrambling to find jobs and are even undergoing 'retraining' for new careers. Whirlpool took the plant to Mexico. There are a lot of bitter feelings against Whirlpool. I personally wish that the free trade agreements had never happened.
2 people like this
• United States
11 Feb 11
Thanks for your response. I agree w/everything u have said.I doubt if people around here will be buying Goodyear tires. They are awfully expensive to start with. I'm afraid it's going to be a big mess.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
10 Feb 11

• United States
11 Feb 11
Thanks for responding, Bon. That is exactly what's going to happen around here to. It's a very sad thing.
@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
10 Feb 11
Yikes and who says the economy is getting better when we have major corporations to date closing. Sorry to hear about your son and I wonder if some form of employee assistance program will help him for the future.
2 people like this
• United States
11 Feb 11
Thanks for responding. The economy went down the drain here w/that news today.I don't know what that many people will do. It's going to be hard on everybody.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
11 Feb 11
So many businesses have closed down here some of the strip malls look like ghost towns.
and alot of casinos have cut back ontheir help Just dont nkow what is going to happen if things dont pick back up Vegas has the highest unemployment than any where.
are they sending the plant over seas/ grr if they do thats not right to shut down to open somewheres else.
1900 people are alot of people and that dont enclude thier families that will do without!
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• United States
12 Feb 11
Thanks for responding. It is really going to hit alot of people very hard, buisnesses to. I doubt there are very many people around here that are not connected w/goodyear in some way. It's sure a bad thing for everyone concerned.

@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
10 Feb 11
OH BOYJO! That is some devastating news!!! In all of Canada...B.C. (my province is draggin' it's butt in the economic recovery...mainly two reasons, B.C. put all it's eggs in one basket..Forestry..our biggest export, and couldn't even be bothered with "the secondary" off spring of this industry. All secondary manufacturing went to the other side of the Himilayas..and the U.S. put a huge tariff on our lumber...the industry collapsed, and so did well over a hundred towns in the province! Slowly the towns are re-designing their existence AND diversifying into many other industries. The province had to foot the bill in many cases for retraining...we are recovering..alas, slowly.
I am truly sorry, for Perry, and truly hoping his training will give him the options of another job soon! Sadly, when this happens, all property values take a nose dive, too! HUGZ & LUV!
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Feb 11
It is really bad news for everyone concerned. I don't think they will be able to recover here there's nothing to do. There's not another tire plant anywhere around close. His training on his job want do him much good i'm afraid. Thanks for your kind words & for responding. love & hugs.
@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
11 Feb 11
Hey, GOOD ON YOU...looks like another of your discussion's will make the best seller's list..LOL! Don't know what's happened here, but was wide awake at 1:30 a.m....must be to have your company!
I truly, truly am sorry for Perry..and YOU, this will create such an economic slump in your area, BUT I almost guarantee you, this plant will be re-opening soon OFFSHORE, and you know of where I speak. All companies are looking at the bottom-line (like you and I when we were in business)and when our labour costs (unions) are taking the biggest bite, this is what happens! Sadly, for persons like Perry, this is the only thing that he has ever known.
B.C. fERRIES just announced a 50% fare hike, commencing April 2012..and I am already considering the impact of this on me..and my home. It will become an Island (all the Islands) only for the rich and famous. With all that being said, all of us middle/lower incomers will be forced to leave, creating a glut of homes on the market for next to nothing. There goes all my equity and I will NOT be able to purchase anywhere else. And I can't start over! It, too is weighing very heavy on my mind! Take care, hope the snow melts...LUV & HUGZ!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
20 Feb 11
That's really sad Jo! The economy has really hit our country really hard and it hardly seems fair! I can't wait for the elections to come up next year, maybe then people will kick Obama out of office and get someone in that's competant for the job and return our jobs back to the US where they should've been all along. Our jobs don't belong in China. I hope your son and all the others are able to find another job before the plant closes or even better yet, the plant has a good turn around and stays open.
1 person likes this
• United States
20 Feb 11
tHANKS for responding, cats. I don't think this part of the country will ever regroup from this loss. I don't blame Obama for any of this tho. Buisnesses had gone overseas a long time before he got to be president. Hope u have a good sunday.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
16 Feb 11
That is a shame...All those families will be affected in a very negative way! It has happened here too. People generally have to move from smaller towns when the main source of employment closes down and I would imagine this to be very stressful for their families. I hope your son in and his family will find something else and their stress and disruption will be minimal.
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Feb 11
Thanks for your response & your best wishes. It is going to be devastating for this part of the country. I really don't know what people will do. Nothing much going on around here.
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@macdingolinger (10385)
• United States
13 Feb 11
That sure makes for some rough times - for everyone. I know the big plants like that can have a huge impact on the entire community. WE ahve had some close here but there are other industries that have opened and help absorb some of the blunt. I wish you and your community all the best!
• United States
13 Feb 11
Thank u, we are going to need the best for sure. I don't think the community will ever get back from this blow. Thanks for responding.
@tracysmith159 (54)
• United States
13 Feb 11
I have family member working with the same problems. My pa has worked the same place since I've been alive (31 years) now they had to cut back on pay and benefits. Dad gave everything he could to us children including every penny he could make. Now he having a rough time with the pay cut that doesn't pay all his bills. None of us kids are able to help him either. We are all just making ends meet. If this continues we will all have to move in together just to keep food on the table for everyone.
• United States
13 Feb 11
Thanks for your response. I'm so sorry that your pa & all of u are having such a hard time. I'm afraid there are going to be alot of people around here that will be the same boat.