have you ever been frozen with fear??

February 16, 2011 6:01am CST
Shake...Rattle...Rock..and Roll! NOT the big one...only 5.7 on the Richter Scale...BUT a BIG TEN on the fear level!! And I was frozen with fear! Just sat here in front of the computer, holding on to the desk, as the computer tipped and rolled, pictures crashed, windows rattled, dishes fell off shelves..AND I couldn't move..NOR think! AND TIME stood still, or seemed to! I am sure it lasted no longer than 20 seconds, and all I could think of was, what time is it...exactly 6:47 a.m. Why did I need to know the time, when I should have been ducking for cover..or evacuating my house...I did eventually...as after I realized, that was some BIG EARTHQUAKE and the after-shock is coming! Cat under one arm, Dog under the other...clad in nightie..out into the pouring rain! Aftershock, just a tremor! AM I alone...or have you been totally disoriented and frozen with fear?
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25 responses
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
16 Feb 11
Your story made me remember a similar experience I had a few years back. I was on a team building meeting, we were sitting at a table and we were making jokes. The town where we had this meeting was one well known for the frequent earthquakes. I was joking about the earthquakes and I was shaking the table to scare my colleagues when a REAL earthquake took place. My smile frozen on my face and I couldn't even move. I sat there, on that chair until everything was over. Everybody was screaming and was rushing to the exit (which I remember is not a good thing to do during an earthquake) it was only me who was sitting there, frozen with fear. After the event, everybody remembered how calm I was and they all thought I was so brave as I didn't run away like everybody did. I let them think so, but I know how I felt inside.
16 Feb 11
Thanks for sharing your excellent story.
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• Canada
16 Feb 11
inu1711...sharing your story, has relieved some of the stress this has caused me, as I am still reprimanding myself for my lack of immediate reaction...y'know the old expression "misery loves company"..LOL!!! It just seems to take SOOOO long to process what is happening...because it seemed my computer started moving first, I could be wrong...then the pictures, dishes..etc. Gosh...you two...got me going again (yesterday I thought I was seeing things with my computer moving)now I look at your name inu1711..and right below is magicalmerlin with 1171...thought my eyes were deceiving me! Memories coming back...I think, my first thought was there was something wrong with me! Truly, thank you for sharing! Take care...and Cheers!
16 Feb 11
that is odd but I am on 1172 (or more) now so your eyes are ok.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
16 Feb 11
I've only been frozen with fear in my dreams. In real life I act quickly, although I've never been in an earthquake. Afterward, though, I may tremble and fall apart a little bit. An earthquake might affect me as it did you, though, as I think that's the most significant event anyone might have--the entire world shaking and appearing to come apart! But I generally react instinctively and immediately to emergencies.
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• Canada
16 Feb 11
I think you hit the nail on the head, dragon...that is why I am filled with so much chagrin...and disappointment in myself...sitting here frozen with fear! I am a retired paramedic, with all sorts of Trauma training...NO reason for me to freeze! It just seemed to take so long to process what was going on...I do remember thinking..may be I am having a stroke...or a seizure (no history) and I think I jammed my brain up with proceedures for either! At the risk of repeating myself...we have been warned over, and over to expect the BIG ONE, living on a fault...last one of any consequence nearly 31 years ago. We do have small ones..but if they epicentre is deep in the ocean..there is hardly any noticeable shakes or quivers. This one was quite shallow! I was so glad the aftershock was minimal! Take care and Cheers!
• Canada
17 Feb 11
Just thought I should update, you...I have NOT heard a peep from our dear friend in common, who is facing all sorts of Mother Nature's wrath in Australia. Will keep you posted!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
17 Feb 11
Thanks! He's been in my prayers for a few weeks now.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
18 Feb 11
I have only been that scared one in my life time. I worked in a mental health half way house. I had a real night mare about the residents turning on the staff like the residents were werewolves and vampires. any way when I woke up I couldn't move a muscle for several minutes. I had had nightmares before but nothing like that one.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
20 Feb 11
I don't often dream either and have had nightmares only one other time but this was the first time I ever woke up that scared It has been rather nice here in Michigan but expected to get down and nasty again the next couple of days. .
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• Canada
19 Feb 11
OMG...dee, I am sure that I would still be running...what a brave, brave lady you are! I don't know about you, but seldom when I have nightmares (gotta find out where that word came from, as it certainly is not descriptive) is there isn't anything pleasant about them. And, Thank goodness, I don't dream that often..don't know whether that's good or bad...BUT I truly hate it, when my dream awakens me...then I go back to sleep and continue the dream! But, never the pleasant ones..dang! Hope your weekend is brilliant..the sun is shining here, but it is only 42F (6C)but that is above freezing! Cheers!
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
17 Feb 11
How are you doing now? Are you and your animals OK? Must be very scary. I hope things settle down for you. Take care Car accident, years ago, thrown about in different directions, hit my head and when the car finally came to a stop after spinning, I sat there, don't know if it was terror or shock.
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
18 Feb 11
Sounds like it will take time, but you will be OK. I'll pray for you. You could grab everyone and run sooner, but what if you ran into here the house was falling or the ground was giving way? To see and feel which way the earth is moving takes a little time. I don't think your response was all that inappropriate. Glad there is no physical damage. I wish you peace that will come in time after the after shocks subside. Take care
@marguicha (225702)
• Chile
23 Oct 12
I did not read this post when you wrote it, but I understand perfectly well how you felt. I live in the country with more and biggest earthquakes. When it starts to quake, I don`t know how big it will be. And even if my house is specially built so that it is not damaged by earthquakes, you never know. I remember when the biggest quake ever recorded hit our planet (9.5 Richter). And just a couple of years ago, we had an earthquake of 8.8 in the Richter scale. We are still rebuilding and spending money to get over that one. But even the "normal" ones like your 5.7 earthquake makes me run. And I often say that I could be employed as a sensor of the smallest quakes: I feel all of them
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• Canada
24 Oct 12
My dear friend....just got back here, after being away for a long time! You must have been a beautiful animal, in another life! My animals seem to react first, and I should know to read them! OMG....those are absolutely HUGE earthquakes, hope to NEVER see one on this small Island that size, or I will be FISH bait.....YOU scare me with those magnitudes...as we have small ones quite often...but living in a small Island...and always close to the epicentre (St. Andreas Fault; aka; Pacific Rim of Fire),,,any one of your size...I*m asunder! That would be a fast good-bye, and I am fearful of ocean water! I have been away for quite awhile....promise to e-mail you and let you know why! BIG, BIG HUGZ, Shirley
@Shavkat (140367)
• Philippines
20 Aug 12
I had this cold feet for experiencing an earthquake that struck my hometown, Baguio City Philippines. As far as I can remember, the rithcher sclae ranged from 6 to 7. The first week shaken by an after shock made us jumpy, anticipating the possibilities of danger.
• Canada
20 Aug 12
wow! That is a pretty volatile earthquake..and I agree, the after shocks keep us on edge for a long time!I was thinking, maybe earthquakes un-nerve us so much..because there is nothing warning us...nothing we can see at first, where as a fire, you can see it, weather you can see...but earthquakes are intangibles until it has struck! Living on Islands too..we have to be prepared for the other aftermaths..such as tsunami's! Here's hoping there is NONE in our near future..AND a hearty welcome to myLot! Cheers!
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
26 Feb 11
Hello dear friend.,..here I am still in catch up mode with my responses. I'm so glad you are OK up there. Does living where you do mean you are living in fear on a daily basis? If it were me I think i would have to move somewhere safer. Isn't it strange how our brain lets us down sometimes? When we are in danger, isn't the adrenalin supposed to kick in provoking a fight or flee response?? How come we got the short straw (yes, I'm like you) with the freeze in fear response?
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• Canada
26 Feb 11
Don't you worry...a response is not obligated, but sure appreciated, because that means "you are about, and kickin' butt!" LOL! Move?? You know the old expression; "the Devil you know, may NOT be worse than the devil you don't know!" And the way, Mother Nature is releasing her fury 'round the world...I might be jumping right into the fire! It is going to be hard enough, dear lady...to move when the time comes, and that is NOT too far in the future. I am one of those persons, that lived transientally in my younger years, and now I like my feet planted! And so they have been...Feb. 2nd marked 32 years on this Island, and 30 years in this house. SOOOO familiar..all it's foibles, it's like a miscreant old friend...like me, that needs a facelift! I know the time will come...! Scary, that I...after being a Emergency Responder for so many years, couldn't process the danger! Please have a wonderful weekend! HUGZ!
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@AmbiePam (96643)
• United States
22 Feb 11
That would scare the heck out of me, that's for sure! I don't think I've ever been frozen in fear. Fear has sent me into action. I'm glad we arent' known for earthquakes where I live. They are scary!
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• Canada
22 Feb 11
Good morning, Ambie, it is so nice that you took time to respond, as my issue seems rather non-plussed, with the terrible time you are having. And yes, that was my concern, it really was the first time in my life, that I can remember, I had NO automatic reaction...the ol' "fight or flight" response just wasn't there..I just couldn't process what was happening! My heartfelt sympathy and prayers, are so with you..and your Father. Take Care!
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
17 Feb 11
That has happened to me well sort of I was pulling out in to the street and just as I started I saw a car coming. My whole body froze and even though I tried to put my foot on the brake it wouldn't go. kept missing the brake and sliding off. Like a limp rag doll. The car swerved around me thank goodness But I do know how you felt. It is a scary feeling for sure.
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• Canada
17 Feb 11
OMG..there is no doubt in my mind, that would be a "frozen in fear" situation..and your mind processes the pending "doom and gloom"...but your body feels disjointed, just like it is not listening to you, sorta like when you want to scream and nothing comes out. I was ashamed of myself for reacting so slowly, as it seems we are warned on a weekly basis...the BIG one is coming..yet, I could not process..this is IT! It wasn't...but I guess, Mother Nature giving us a trial run, so we will be prepared. Have a great day..and Cheers!
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
17 Feb 11
wow scary but i was never frozen in fear..hope not!
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• Canada
17 Feb 11
Truly....it is an experience, I don't wish on anyone! Never, ever thought I would react so disfunctionally in the wake of disaster! Part of it, I think is the surprise factor...BAM, and it takes a few moments to process what is really going on...but those are precious moments that could get me and my little "furry" friends to safety. Take care...and Cheers!
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
17 Feb 11
I never experience that events into my life, friend. That was a terrible experience, my friend
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• Canada
18 Feb 11
Good morning, aerous...I certainly am glad, as it is an experience I would wish on "no-one" ...but possibly a good thing for me, to learn many lessons! Mother Nature was giving me a trial run, to learn from, as I have stated before...Seismologist predict we will have a huge one, within the next few years, living on the San Andreas fault...it runs most of the West Coast of North America! I am prepared in "stored" survival equipment...just NOT mentally prepared...as I found out. Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for chiming in! Cheers!
• China
20 Mar 11
Yes i have been frozen with my fear 2 times in my life till now. First i was in front of my teacher and he was so angry and i was so afraid and was frozen i remember for few minutes i couldn't move and 2nd was few days ago one police mane was asking some information i was so afraid. Good day!
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• Canada
20 Mar 11
dreamsharmin...Thank you, for sharing! It is an awful feeling, isn't it...you are rooted to the spot, and can't seem to put two rational thoughts together! The brain just seems to go into neutral, and you know you should be responding, but just can't seem to put that act together. It seems that persons in positions of authority tend to put you in that position. Here's hoping it doesnn't happen again soon. Take Care!
@pokumon (644)
• United States
18 Feb 11
The first time I started hearing voices I got really really scared. I heard my friends' voices coming from the other side of my bedroom wall and they were saying things like "I'm going to rape you." I remember just curling up in my bed and staying like that for hours on end. I also thought my family was trying to kill me during another psychotic episode at home and I locked myself in my bedroom for 1-2 days. I kept thinking there was a sniper out to get me and kept moving around the room. I did not get any sleep at all. When I finally came out, I had toxic shock syndrome from not going to the bathroom and pulling out my tampon. My mom gave me some medication to cool my fever, but eventually called 911 because she was afraid I'd jump out of the car if she drove me to the hospital. I finally took out my tampon in the hospital. I was still hearing voices and I thought they were trying to kill me when they put the IV in because I saw bubbles in it. I yanked it out and then they strapped me to the bed with leather straps and knocked me out. I guess when I'm terrified sometimes I don't freeze, but try to avoid whatever is terrifying me.
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• Canada
18 Feb 11
I am so sorry your health was put at risk..by a snydrome, that few persons are aware of, but is reality! A brain struck with high fever can create a phychosis that seems so real...and never seems to end! A truly terrifying experience as you are not able to discern which is reality. I think there should be more education on "toxic shock syndrome" and it's many causes...and how to avoid it, if possible! Take care...of yourself..and thanks for sharing!
@raj7shot (838)
• India
18 Feb 11
Friend how you are feeling now... I think you are alright now... Feeling Sorry for that horrible situation happened and make you versatile...
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• Canada
19 Feb 11
I truly thank you for your sincere concern! Yes, but must admit, didn't sleep well for a couple of nights. Every little noise startled me! I learned from Weather Canada that the epicentre was just 18 khms (about 6 miles) from my home, so I think that is why the "rock and roll" was more pronounced. Yes, it brought to my attention to make sure my "survival kit" is updated! Thank you, take care and Cheers!
@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
16 Feb 11
I have felt that way when I have woken up from a nightmare, but I do not recall any actual experience that did this for me or to me. Wait a minute, yes, when I spun my vehicle on ice a time or two.
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
16 Feb 11
Hi. pergammano. If I will be, I probably would be too scared to even talk about it. I hope that you are okay. Going through a moment of terror and anxiety is no fun at all. I remember feeling like this when my oldest daughter left the apartment all by herself. She ended up in the street. Someone found her in the middle of the road. She was crossing the street. I thank God everyday that she is well and that she is alive here with us. I never want to experience this feeling ever again! Stay safe!
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• Canada
16 Feb 11
AH, cream...so nice to hear from you, and your good wishes...and am NOT really sure if I am making any sense with my chatter about the sequence of events...I still have totally NOT put them in perspective...and still remembering little feelings and emotions! OMG...WOW...a child in jeopardy...you poor soul! There is nothing like the fear a Mother feels for her child...and I can only hope to perceive the untethered emotions racing thru you, as I know my feelings if my son faces adversity! I still am very unpleased with myself for my slow reaction..being forcefully warned that I live in a zone where the big one is coming! You forget the emotional trauma, when there are years between quakes. Thank you for sharing and caring.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
16 Feb 11
I have never actually felt the depths of panic and anxiety that would take me to frozen with fear. I have had my heart pounding with fear before but that is as close as I can come.
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• Canada
17 Feb 11
And, I am sure you were thankful, that is one experience you have not had. I think I was soooooo discombobulated that I didn't have a thought...other than "what is going on?" What makes me even more chagrined with myself..is that we have been warned from time immemorial..that the BIG one is coming...I live on the Coast (West) of North America..the San Andreas fault..but after a time with NO activity..you go about your business! And it takes a shocker like this to put you back on track. Take care...and Cheers!
• United States
16 Feb 11
d day i saw a ghost,i was scared out of my skin
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• Canada
17 Feb 11
Good morning, and welcome to myLot!!! Yes, I can imagine your experience could be somewhat fearful. I have learned in my life, having lived in a home, that there are friendly ghosts, too! Just a kind suggestion...read and understand the myLot guidelines, and you will enjoy your time, MORE here. Trying and make your responses longer, and your earnings will increase..and friends here will have a better idea of your line of thought. Take care ...and Cheers!
@greed15 (35)
• United States
16 Feb 11
It happened to me like once or twice, It was a car It was so fast... And I was all scared, I thought that i was going to die in that moment, and The other one, when you know that somebody it's going to hit you and you stay there... Waiting for the slap, punch, however that hurts.
• Canada
17 Feb 11
Yes...you definitely portrayed moments..of frozen fear! Thankfully I have never, to this day, been in either situation, and truly do not know how I would respond! They say we are are blessed with the "fight or flight" intuition, but based on my reaction Tuesday...I think I would be late with both! Welcome to myLot, this is a wonderful committee, and I am sure you will make superb"cyber" friends here! Take care..and Cheers!
@Ichiru101 (284)
• United States
16 Feb 11
I have never been in any natural disasters or anything. But I have been in a car accident before. It is definitely life changing. If made me realize there is more to life, I never want to experience that again is what I m always thinking.
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• Canada
17 Feb 11
It is really a good thing..not to have experienced natural disasters..as Mother Nature can be very ballistic, when she releases all of her powers...as witnessed all around the world these years! Yes..I have spent a lot of time pondering life..wondering if I have "all my ducks in a row"....and all my survival equipment in place. Welcom to myLot, Ichiru, I hope your stay here will be meaningful and pleasant! Take care...and Cheers!