I am a big spoiler of ALL my pets!

United States
March 3, 2011 12:45pm CST
Okay, so my fish (that's one fish, a beta) is getting a big tank upgrade. Right now he's in a one gallon, kind of weird shaped (triangular shaped) tank...now, I was looking to get him a 5 gallon, glass rectangle basic tank, but I can't find them ANYWHERE! So I was going to get him the 10 gallon rectangle tank from walmart (it's a lot cheaper there than petsmart). I told my moms friend about this, and she said she has a 20 gallon tank like that, that I can have. 20 gallon's is a bit big for 1 fish (I know, so is 10 lol) but one of my mice is in a 10 gallon right now, so I'm going to give her the new 20 gallon and my Beta will get her 10 gallon. SO everyone is getting a big "room" upgrade! Now there is a question for you guys in this discussion. I am planning on getting a large (about quarter size, maybe a little bigger) snail to put in with my beta, just to help keep it cleaner a little longer. Does anyone have a beta with a large snail in the tank? I'm wondering if my beta will attack a large snail? I know they attack other fish, but a snail? I'm not sure. Thanks!
5 responses
3 Mar 11
Hi. My Father-in-law has a huge 200 Gallon tank with lots of fish and my Grandad was a fish breeder enthusiast. I dont think u'r fish would attack a snail that big. To be totally honest I think the snail would be too big for just one fish, I don't know if you know but lots of fish and plants help algae growth, which in turn will feed your Snail. But at the same time u've got to watch the PH levels in the water as feeding the fish, faecal matter and plant growth all effects this. As long as you don't put another Male Betta or Siamese fighter fish (as they're better known) in with it it should be fine. Theres no harm in putting one or 2 plants in aswell as some more fish. Be careful when buying new fish as Betta's don't get on very well with any fish with fins(in particular angelfish, guppies, Gouramis, tiger barbs and some of the larger spiecies of tetra's, and don't mix them with anythink from the piranha species as they are notorious fin nippers. However my partner had a fighter fish that got on really well with a school of 6 cardinal tetras, I also noticed that the fighter fish was not bothered by the loaches that do a similar job to the snail (the mother-in-law didn't like the idea of snails). For more info and advice on Betta Splendens care check out www.fishlore.com/Profiles-Betta.htm. Hope this helps Fazel
• United States
3 Mar 11
I heard before that beta's can be put into a tank with some other fish, I was just never sure which kinds. So thank you for your info. I'm looking to get any more fish at the moment, that will be helpful in the future. So you think I should get some of those algae disks for the snail because my one fish won't feed him enough? Thanks!!
• United States
4 Mar 11
I have owned beta's for a long time now and I have never even thought of PH levels...do they really matter for beta's?? I'm not even 100% sure what PH levels are! lol. I'd like to have live plants in a tank, but I don't put any marbles or rocks on the bottom of my beta's tanks, don't they need something to be buried in? Thanks!
4 Mar 11
Algae disks could be an idea, they just don't look as good as plants. I think your best bet would be to ask at the pet store for sure, I've heard that algae disks can mess with the PH levels.
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
4 Mar 11
I use to have betas, I can't remember but I don't think he will attack the snail. They move so slowly and present no real "threat" for them. I think you should be safe on that score. I'd just keep an eye on them for a few days just to be on the safe side.
• United States
4 Mar 11
I definitely will keep an eye out on them. The beta I have now is pretty docile, so I think it might be okay. But I have just have to be the worrier I always am! lol Thanks!
• United States
4 Mar 11
I am too..
@ElicBxn (63666)
• United States
4 Mar 11
make sure that mouse's tank is water tight before you go adding a fish to it. Now, I knew someone who had a 10 gallon tank and they dropped a piece of glass and got another beta. Of course, the fish tried to attack each other at first, but they soon stopped
• Australia
4 Mar 11
I have 3 betas (2 male & 1 female, all in separate tanke of course) & i have just taken my snails out of their tanks - they had 1 each but due to the size of the tanks, they weren't growing so I put them in my 3 ft tank with other snails & fish. your betas will ignore the snails as they are deemed not threatening to them.
• United States
4 Mar 11
That is good to know. Having a snail would really help me save water!! So thank you for letting me know your experience with this! :)
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
3 Mar 11
I'm not sure about the snail being safe with the Beta. I alway thought that the Beta's were supposed to be alone in the tank for fear of them eating another creature. Maybe you should call the pet store and ask them.
• United States
3 Mar 11
Well I do have a few small snails in my tank with the beta, they are smaller than my smallest nail. The only time the beta bugs them is after I've just cleaned the tank and drop the snail back in. When they are floating to the bottom the fish will pick at them, but he stops as soon as I make him and doesn't bug them again. So I don't know if he would behave the same way with a larger snail or if it'd make him more aggressive. I definitely will ask a petsmart employee this question before I buy one. Thanks!
• United States
4 Mar 11
I'd say put the snails in first and then put your guy back in so he won't be picking on the snails. He can do some damage to them and you wouldn't want that to happen.