Can we earn $1 per day here in mylot?

@khithi17 (762)
March 13, 2011 10:24pm CST
I was wondering how much money can we make every single day here in mylot. Can you earn at least a dollar in one day. If you do, then exactly how did you do it. did you simply response to discussion or start a new one or upload photos. Is it possible by just doing responses you will earn a dollar every single day? or do you have to do all possible ways to reach that $1 quota in a day. I have been in mylot for a long time now and so far, I only earn $0.30 at most per day. all I do is response to discussions and start some my own. I'm not yet into uploading photos and doing tasks because I haven't really got the hang of it. but I would try it sometime maybe earn bigger bux. How about you?
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19 responses
@r0ck_r0ck (1952)
• India
15 Mar 11
I believe you have already gotten the answer and thnx for this discussion.. i know what to do now :]
• Liberia
18 Mar 11
i am new here, i respond to discussions, i am not sure how this thing works but i was wondering how much could you make working an hour daily.
@khithi17 (762)
• Philippines
7 Oct 11
yeah, that's right. I got the answer I was looking for and more. I love this site. everyone is just so helpful and nice. I learned a lot from reading all your responses. That is why I would like to thank everyone who participated and gave very useful information on this discussion. thanks a lot guys. :)
@zralte (4178)
• India
14 Mar 11
There is no reason why you cannot earn $1 in a day here. Your earnings are limited by the level of participation. The more you participate, the more you earn. Remember the older Lotter's saying, 'YOU TYPE YOU EARN, I TYPE, I EARN' So, just starting a discussion will not get you much, you do not earn from our responses. You earn with what you type. So comment back on all the responses you received, thereby getting the discussion going by furthering the topic. You will sonn see your earnings increase. Good Luck and Happy Lotting.
@khithi17 (762)
• Philippines
7 Oct 11
yes, I agree. every single mylotter only earn their dollars with their own post. That's why I'm trying my best to respond to every single response i get on my discussions. and also, thanks to everyone who replied in this discussion. You gave me something to respond to and you gave me the opportunity to earn some dollars. :)
• China
14 Mar 11
Thank you for what you shared. I am eager for seeing my earning increase.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
14 Mar 11
As some of the other responses have stated, if you start a topic and then do not comment back to the responses it is NOT a dicsussion. You earn for your own activity here. You earn nothing for the responses that others post because they earn for them. If you start a topic and then abandon it your earnings will be practivally nothing but if you do as myLot tell us in the FAQs and comment with quailty and further the topic to make it into a discussion, then you will see yuor earnings increase.
@khithi17 (762)
• Philippines
19 Dec 12
Yes, Absolutely. That is why I'm trying my hardest and giving a lot of effort to also response to all the comments in the discussions I have started. Before I thought that if anyone responded to my discussion then I also earn from it, But that was a long time ago and I was just a newbie back then. But now I know better. So as long as I can and I have a lot of time I really see to it that I can respond to every comment on my discussions so the "reponders" won't feel that I just take their responses for granted. :)
• Philippines
14 Mar 11
THE MOST POPULAR QUESTION EVER Well, it has and can be done that's because i have already done ever, you got to see that it takes time. and the last i was making one full dollar a day, it took almost 10 hours straight. months of not taking care of PC's that resulted into crashing. you should just make you're time here and have fun. being pressured to earn much here in mylot would lead you to disappointment.
@khithi17 (762)
• Philippines
7 Oct 11
I hope I can also reach that much earnings in one day. I'm really dedicated now than before and I learned a lot of helpful things that I didn't know before. thank you for your response. :)
• United Arab Emirates
14 Mar 11
I think it's very much possible as long as you are not bored of responding to discussions and make sure to always go back to your own discussions or discussion you have responded to in the past. With some mathematics i think if you respond to 50 fresh discussions and post 50 comments, i think that would be so close enough even if no one can categorically say this is the specific amount you earn per response then you just have to post until you fingers are tired or you have lost your mind.
@khithi17 (762)
• Philippines
7 Oct 11
hahahah, yeah. I think you're right. I just need to post until I lost my mind. that's funny. I actually always think that I earn at least a cent each time I make one good response and higher if the response is quality. :)
• China
14 Mar 11
First, I am very glad to see this topic. And as a newer, I am also wondering how much can we make every single day here in mylot. Now I just response to some discussions, I'd like to upload some pictures and do tasks.
@khithi17 (762)
• Philippines
19 Dec 12
Thanks for taking the time to respond on my discussion. We just need to work as hard so we can make a couple more cents everyday. even if we don't reach an earning of $1 dollar per day, at least we earn a few cents instead of doing work for nothing on other websites. :)
@aprilsong (1884)
• China
14 Mar 11
Well,we can,but it is a little difficult if you just raise discussions and response to others' discussion. You need spend most time to earn 1$ each day. But if you can find some good tasks to do, that will be easy to reach 1$ per day. Without doing tasks, my biggest earning one day is 0.45 dollar. Of course, maybe i still lack of skills to earn more and i have not spend all my day on mylot. It is different from person to person, maybe with those who know well about mylot earning tips and who are quick in typing and responding will easily reach that goal.
@khithi17 (762)
• Philippines
7 Oct 11
Thank you for responding to my discussion. Anyway, so far the highest earning in a day would be $0.20. hhahahahah. I know it's not that high but I'm happy with it, just as long as I earn some cents per day. I would be satisfied already. But I will not stop trying to reach that $1 a day earning. :)
@youless (112425)
• Guangzhou, China
14 Mar 11
It is possible to earn over a dollar here within a day. My highest earning here in a day is USD1.43 and at that time the task was not even available. But you have to post quality discussions and try to respond to more discussion, then you can earn more from it. I love China
@khithi17 (762)
• Philippines
7 Oct 11
wow, really. that's really impressive. I don't do task either. I just respond to discussions, start discussions, respond to the response of other mylotters on my discussions and use the search box up there. That's all i do every day.
@sumanadep (1228)
• India
14 Mar 11
you can surely earn a dollar a day fact more.. you just have to be more active and you need to respond to more number of discussions... try starting a new discussion everyday.. respond to all the comments.. upload images for the discussions you post a comment for. .. you can also earn from the search bar but make sure you do not mis-use it.. tasks also helps to some cents...
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
14 Mar 11
There was a time where it was my goal to reach a dollar a day in earnings and so far I was able to achieve it. There's no technique actually except to post post and more posts. You can use the search bar to earn rewards. The problem was it's impossible to maintain earning a dollar a day since it means you have to here all day and keep posting to whatever post is available.
@Alechin (217)
• Slovak Republic
14 Mar 11
myLot is a good source of information as well. And that is priceless.
• United States
14 Mar 11
Hi khithi, Absolutely and I do so and higher too. It is strictly dependent on how much you participate. It has nothing to do with how much time you spend here or how many lines you post. It is about furthering discussions and having fun while doing so. I have already reached pay out on March 8th and all the rest I get is super welcomed to me! Best of luck, remember if you do not come back to participate in this discussion you have not earned at all from it. Like so many say You type you earn - I type I earn! No absolute way around it. Good luck. If you would like any additional help come back and simply ask.
@khithi17 (762)
• Philippines
7 Oct 11
Thank you for your response. I hope I could reach the payout soon. :)
• Philippines
14 Mar 11
I thinks so. You can do some multi-tasking here at mylot like starting discussions, responding to them, uploading pictures and doing tasks almost at the same time. Some tasks can give you quite good earnings. But as of the moment, there's nothing that interests me. So I stick-up to doing responses as of the moment. I have read on one of the discussions where you earn at least $0.01 per response you make so that makes a 100 posts per day for you to earn $1. Well good luck to you!
@khithi17 (762)
• Philippines
7 Oct 11
Yes, I also read something like that on a discussion. I think that's the minimum amount you can earn with every single response to a discussion. and also I recently learned that you can earn some cents by using the search box up there.
@Hunter24 (90)
• United States
14 Mar 11
I think that if you started and responded to discussions all day, while you completed a few tasks, you could do it. It would be very difficult but very possible I would say. Good Luck!
@khithi17 (762)
• Philippines
7 Oct 11
It's very hard to reach at least $1 per day. because you have to post a lot of response and start a lot of discussions and using the search box and doing some task.
@amarili (22)
• Australia
14 Mar 11
I havent been here for long but the first few discussions i started earnt me 10 cents, i dont know how much to get a dollar but i guess i'll keep trying till i found out, as long as you're active on here and start discussions in the right areas to get maximum responses and make sure the topic is something that people will want to respond to then you should have no problems reaching that target, good luck...
@khithi17 (762)
• Philippines
7 Oct 11
I think the minimum earnings you can make on a single response would be $0.01 and then it will be higher if you post some quality and long response and discussions.
@wongchoiyee (7413)
• Malaysia
14 Mar 11
I think you should post more and quality discussions as some mylotters commented. The highest I earn in one day is 30 cents. That day I posted more than 20 discussions and I think you can do more if you want. Good Luck!
• China
14 Mar 11
You can earn that amount very easily here. I don't earn that amount as i do work some other sites and moreover i am so much busy with my study so can't invest much time here. But it's possible. Good luck!
• India
14 Mar 11
it is bit difficult to earn $1 each day in mylot but it is not impossilbel if you spent more time & reply to more discussion or create few discussion you can earn earn $1 every day here in mylot.
• China
14 Mar 11
i come here not for money. I just want to make friends. So i don't care how to earn 1$ each day at all.
• India
14 Mar 11
Its very difficult to earn 1$ per day in have take various tasks do more posts and many other other things to earn a dollar which is quite difficult but iam not saying it is impossible..Because "Nothing is Impossible"