One of the Owners:"How are you?" Me:" Fine"

@Hatley (163773)
Garden Grove, California
April 25, 2011 10:09am CST
Odd things trigger discussions with me. I met the third owner in the hall just now A friendly little man who always asks me" and How are You? after his good morning. And of course I reply," I am fine." Just a thought. Those three words must be powerful. For five minutes earlier I was at breakfast moaning about being sleepy and how my knee hurt. Yet this is ten minutes later, I said I am fine and now I am. No real pain. I know mostly we all say something like that when asked with how are you as we know nobody wants a litany of all the things you might find wrong with yourself.Just good manners. Yet perhaps some positive thinking comes into play with I am fine. Because now I do feel great. Your take on this fellow mylotters. Is it just our good manners or does those three words have some power in them?
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39 responses
• United States
28 Apr 11
Hello Mrs Hatley, how are you and so you know I am fine. lol.. kidding love the discussion. I think out of respect we always tend to say I am fine because really while the person is being courteous they really do not want a list of what is wrong with us. But true about the power of the positive thinking as my thoughts incline into believing that a courteous greeting is a positive sign.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 May 11
hi hardworkinggurl yes he always has a big smile and his how are yous always sounds like a happy person hoping you are happy too. I always forget my aches and pains when I meet him in the hall as he just seems to glow with his cheerfulness. I mean its not put on,he really is a happy person.I always feel better after meeting him, lol. yes I think alos a courteous greeting ia positive. I have never met Gigner one of the owners without seeing a tight lipped attempt at a smile and never has she ever asked me how are you. I wish I could say I liked her but she is too cold natured and really makes me feel inconsequential when I meet her. I know I should not let her get to me, but for some reason she always makes me feel uncomfortable.Her husband Jeffrey,the second owner is almost too friendly and makes me wonder why he overdoes the friendly owner bit unless he is just trying to overcome her coldness. I sort of like the man but wonder why the over done nice guy bit.,Could be I am just leery of him as he is married to the chilly Ginger. I have never seen her dressed other than up to the teeth in latest faxhions and the tallest of high heels. I get the distinct feeling she looks at us like we are walking rentchecks.
@yoyo1198 (3641)
• United States
26 Apr 11
Oh, oh, I'm late getting in here. Mainly because I've been having to take more time outs. I try to use positive thinking but sometimes it just doesn't work. A lot of the time when I'm asked how I am, I say fine because I don't think people really don't want to know. I think it's just a form of greeting anymore. I have gone into my current litany of aches and pains and then watch their eyes glaze over, so I know they couldn't have cared a bit about my feelings. And to some, I've even said, "You don't want to know." Then wait for them to breathe a sigh of relief.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Apr 11
hi yoyo its almost an automatic thing with most of us and I know I am picky about who I talk about my real health problems with,jut my closest loved ones and my best friend.Others I just always say I am really greatr and you? that fixes that.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
25 Apr 11
I think it is just good manners because alot of times, we do not want to go in detail and tell someone how we truly are. One, we do not want to bore or burden them with it and two, they may not want to hear it.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Apr 11
hi stephcjh yes its good manners as most are in a hurry and I do not want to burdent them also so many strangers ask this and you know its just being polite.Also our friends really close friends will ask other questions like what did your doctor say about so and so and then I will give my honest answer as this person wanted to know about my welfare. And too when I say fine and even if I am not really fine I start feeling good again so its worth responding always with positive answers.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
25 Apr 11
Nah, I don't believe that stuff. I think you were moaning about being sleepy cause you were sitting and hadn't gotten going yet. Your knee hurt for the same reason. Plus...that is what you were thinking about at the time. Once you got going and got DISTRACTED from being sleepy and knee forgot that is what you were thinking about, your body got in gear and you felt better simply because you got on with life! Personally I hate it when people ask those words. Especially when they are strangers or just passing by. I know they dont' care how I feel and if I did tell them that I was feeling pretty crappy and sickly, they wouldn't care and find a good excuse really fast to get away from you. Don't believe me? Try it sometime! I have put it to the test...someone in a store asks me how I am doing..and i tell them "not so good...." and tell them why and just watch...they can't get rid of you fast enough! I know people have greeting words and all, but still...I hate it when I have to answer a question when I know the asker doesn't give a rats backside as to the answer. Say something intelligent or instead of the clerk asking how I am...say "wow, you chose a really cool purse(or whatever the item)" Or "you have great taste" or something other than that empty stupid "how are you?" OR at least if they are going to ask...don't shy away from the answer! If you dont' want to know the answer...don't ask the question!
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
25 Apr 11
I'll go along with you there too.. I bought a purse at a shoe store...chose brown as I already had black ones and she commented how cute it was and all and we chatted...and I went back and got the black one! That kind I can take...but just the useless.."how are you?" I can't handle!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Apr 11
hi coffeebreak that how are you and have a good day get on myu nerves too. lol
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Apr 11
hi coffebreak yes there is that too but this little man unlike so many others does care. A lot of the care takers come in here and ask all chirpy how are you, every all right?" okay I know at once that this is canned dialog that they are required to ask in case one of us older ones may be in a comma or dying. right? My son was siting here visiting me one day when they came in all bubbly with how are you? and after I said I was fine and they left my son said." you ought to say really want to know I am feeling horrible and my head hurts and I am hungry because of that awful dinner we just had." I had to laugh as I said," they would not have a rat's butt of knowing how to answer that." I know what you are saying about clerks and I applaud those who said to me" oh my I did not know we had that good looking handbag on sale here?" Now she was in earnest no have a good day or thanks for shopping at Walmart she really thought I had found a great buy.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
25 Apr 11
I think that it is a bit of both. words are powerful. when I hear my son give a speech or talk I am so caught up in his message to the people. You can see it on their faces and he gives them hope for us to be a better country. For a while they forget the desperate situation that they are in. I spoke to a group of people and told them that if my son wins the road will still be rough. One person answered for them and said that he understood but they feel that my son will give them opportunity and hope. Plus when the focus is not on ourselves we forget our pain. This actually does work as I had my children by natural childbirth - no other option! Horrible deliveries except for the last child where I did the Lamaze method. One f the things that stuck with me is that if we close our eyes when in pain we focus more on ourselves and so we have to keep our eyes open and watch a clock etc. For example - if you had a bad headache and felt awful but then something interesting comes on television that grabs your attention - the headache would still be there but your focus diverted from yourself to watching the good programme and therefore the pain becomes bearable. Wow. What a way I have blathered on I do hope that you get my meaning
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Apr 11
hi cyhnthiann wow your son must really be a great speaker or have charisma. Yes when someone gives us hope we the people in any country will rise to the occasion. I was just thinking of the summer I had the shingles.theres a lot of odd pain with them as the virus attacks he nerve endings so it feels like little electic shocks.I found that when I logged on to the computer and went to mylot I got b usy responding to other's discussions I forgot the pain as my mind was on someone else's pain or problems and trying to formulate an intelligent answer. I found I was staying up late at night mylotting just'to not feel that pain.My doctor laughed and said I will recommend mylot to other shingle sufferers as its better than medicine with side effects. I took ibuprofen but it only help a bit,mylot really did in helping others I made the shingle pain bearable. I remeber I got a lot of helpful advice from others too on how to live with that pain.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Apr 11
hi cynthiann I will pray the people will see he is the right person and all vote for him. I can see how proud you are of him too.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
25 Apr 11
I am so glad that Mylot helps the pain. Yes, he is a charismatic speaker but is completely sincere. Her does not promise them the sky but promises them transparency with money and justice. I feel so proud of him and his father would be proud too. The only way he can lose is if the ballot boxes go missing or the people sell their vote Let us hope good sense will prevail.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
25 Apr 11
Dear Ms. Hatley Personally, I believe these words are good manners to start with. Next, if it is somewone who asks it genuinely, it does remind us that we are fine whichis quite a positive thing for sure... Even if we are not doing well, we still prefer to respond with I am Fine. This starts somewhere the positivity in our brains that yes, it is so easy and we start feeling better. But yes, today, many people use it just to start a conversation but still on many occasions if I can feel the warmth when the question was asked, it definitely helps Regards, Sid
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
25 Apr 11
As thesids says, it is the quality of being genuine that is so important in this person.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Apr 11
hi thesids yes thats it the warmth., the little gnome of a man really does seem to care about us as people not just as money checks to put in their bank ac count. I am really impressed with his attitude and how different he is from Jeffery and his wife his caring and warmth have been with me all day which is always good.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Apr 11
thats it GardenGerty he is genuine.
@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
26 Apr 11
Your reply might have been accompanied with a smile, and most of us feel great when we smile. A smile makes some positive things happen inside us and we actually feel better doing it. So keep on smiling as often as you can
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Apr 11
yes I was smiling as he sort of makes me happy when I meet him and he is so different from the other two owners completely different.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
25 Apr 11
I think you are very powerful and can talk yourself into and out of anything. If you keep saying you are feeling fine, then you will feel fine. If you keep moaning and complaining about something then that thing will just give you more to complain about. I do my very best every day to keep my thoughts uplifting and positive. I try to talk myself into being this upbeat and positive person. It feels so good and makes life so much easier and more enjoyable
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Apr 11
hi 34momma thats it completely. I do really t ry to think positive as my late husband taught me.It was so freeing as I had always been a bit of a pessimist. His words of advice was you can b e aas happy as you think you can be.if you think you are okay you will be I changed my way of thinking and have tried to live that way every since. too if you are a cheerful positive person you tend to draw others who are also positive around you. So I tell myself I am fine, and I really am fine.Also if you are upbeat this seems to radiate to other people who are around us and you get a lot more smiles from usually rather grumpy people
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
25 Apr 11
I admit I sometimes say these words as well, mostly to people I don't think need to know how I really am feeling, or if I suspect that if I did say something, a critical remark will follow..So in a way,it is good manners or small talk however you want to see
• United States
25 Apr 11
Oh thanks for the laughter Hatley, I really needed that right now..Yep, your husband was a wise man, give them a dose of their own medicine and they won't bother you again...
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Apr 11
i carm drat just lost my whole comment copy I was just remembering this one lady who was a near neighbor who always asked us how were we then went on and on and on with. so many complaints we were speechless after standing there a half hour. so the next time my hubby went on and on. oh you really want to know, I have a back ache, my stomachs upset,and i have a migraine. the doctor thinks I may have kidney stones and boy do they hure.uh where are you going? she had backed up and then literally ran to her own house. My hubby was laughing so hard he almost choked. after that she never told us all of her many complaints,in fact if my hubby was with me she turned and walked the other direction lol I chided my hubby but he said he thought she had made up most of those and was just lonely. I know we were sor
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Apr 11
hi carm thats what I misss even after all these years,. thst wonderful sense of humor he had.
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• United States
26 Apr 11
Good morning Hatley, i think it's just a habit that people always asks u that. They don't really want to hear anything else but i'm fine etc.. I know i do the same thing & sometimes i'm sorry i ask when i hear about all their aches, pains, problems etc. I just always same i'm o.k. when ask.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Apr 11
hi AntiqueLady yes thats it and I really do not want to know their health history back to Noah's arc lol lol so I just say i am fine and i really am fine. lol lol
@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
26 Apr 11
Well,...for the second time--I think that for some it is hard to get going in the morning. I don't do mornings for just that reasons. You are a positive person and I think you just need a little nudge sometimes to get you on an even keel. Whatever those keels are.I am glad that the day turned around for you!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Apr 11
hi celtic I wish mylot would do something about our vanishing posts it a bear to have to do these over and over. I copy to but at times I have to write a lint copy it then write another ,copying to the clipboard as it runs all the time.My day was fine and I did forget about my knee hurting. lol.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 May 11
hi celtic this morning mylots doing it again banishing posts. I mean hey why do this? I am going to contact them again as they did imprive ut a lot the last time I complained. the sun is out,my computers working and yes Iam a happy camper today. lol
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@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
27 Apr 11
Ya, I don't understand why this happens sometimes. Maybe that is why Mylot hasn't done anything. They can't find why it happens either. They are usually really good about taking care of things when they know where they originate. Glad you had a good day and didn't think too much about your knee.
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
25 Apr 11
Hi Hatley, Very good and apt point you have raised here. Everyday we meet people from different walks of life and we exchange words like 'how do you do?" Some we reply without getting ourselves involved and some others with a lot of involvement. Since words have healing power if a known person and specially who you have high regard wishes a good morning it really makes your day. And your mood get brightens when your mind set goes positive.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Apr 11
yes the little gnome of an owner has a good heart and he is v ery uncomplicated unlike Ginger and her suave handsome husband Jefferyl he says what he thinks you want to here and I am not ever sure if he is sincere or not.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Apr 11
hi krajibg yes when I meet this cheery little gnome of a man he makes me feel like all is sunny and I am feeling just great. sadly so many ignor him as he is a small man and not really handsome. Jeffery the second owner is very suave and glibe tongued.but I would not trust what he says as he is all for money and the bottom line and not really caring for us as residents.just as thousand dollar checks per month.those two have money signs in their eyes and sort o f stand back from us residents like maybe we have a contagious disease or somethingl.I really dislike Ginger the woman in the trio. She dresses in very expensive clothes and looks down her nose at us in almost a sneer.She gives me cold chills when I meet her.She has yet to say hi when I meet her and I do not even speak to her.
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
25 Apr 11
I know. One who is good from the heart is reflected in his/her approach and selfless greetings. And this is what we need from people not money or a mansion.
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
28 Apr 11
It is my belief that there is a lot of power in positive thinking. I also think that the reason that we tend to answer with those three simple words is because of the fact that we want to use good manners and we also don't want to bring other people down. With that said, we will reply "I am fine," and after saying it a few times our mind really starts to think that is the case. Therefore, we are able to feel better than we did before because we are thinking in a more positive mindset.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 May 11
hi dorannmwin I agree wholeheartedly as it makes you feel better when you just think you feel better. that little gnome of a man seems to have a built in smile whenever he meets me he seems to glow allover. For a wealthy man he does not act like it and I had to learn from one resident who had been here a long time that he was the third owner with most of the money too.yet he also wo rks in the kitchen as one of t he cooks. lol lol.
@CTHanum (8233)
• Malaysia
26 Apr 11
Even if we keep lying like that but we really mean it there is possibility for us to make it real. I would say both; it shows that we don't want them to ask many things to us, it shows a good manner as well as those words have 'power' to ourselves.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Apr 11
Hi CTH anum yes if we really mean it we tell our body that'we feel good we will feel good and anyway nobody wants to hear a roll of allyour aches and pains for months.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 May 11
lol and you are a guy? I got a big charge out of your discussion and thought well he has that male thing about being precise, he just has to be a guy. yes we are what we tell ourselves. I can sit here and stew about being here rather than in an apartment and stewing or crying will neither of them change anywthing., Or I can tell myself to be happy today and I will feel happy. I always feel others have even more problems, and aches and pains so why burden them with mine. also I learned something from a pretty young woman in my favorite grocery store. She was standing stock still and looked really perplexed. I asked her if I could be of help. We were standing under a sign reading spices and herbs aisle 9. she said, "could you tell me where the cinnamon is located please?" I was surprised and said "Young lady you are standing under the sign Spices and herbs Aisle 9, cannot you read?" I was sort of short tempered. She f faced me and said politely and cleary"No I cannot read. I am blind." I felt two inches tall. I took her arm and said" I am so sorry, here let me point you in the right place. to your right three rows from the top is the cinnamon.I am so rry. are you okay?"She smiled at me and replied" no do not be sorry as you have been a big help thanks so much." I never forgot that lesson.Never assume, find out instead
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@CTHanum (8233)
• Malaysia
2 May 11
Yes we are what we tell to ourselves. When people are acting kind and pleased we should not burden them with aches, pains and complains.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
25 Apr 11
I read a book once that talked about being careful what we said as we tend to believe what we say. If you call yourself bad names, you believe you are a bad person. Well there is no reason why saying you are fine should not make you feel fine. It is also probably really good for you to have the little bit of personal attention from the owner that he at least asks how you are.
@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
25 Apr 11
It sounds as if you each recognize good qualities in each other. Patsie your blue eyes see a lot.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Apr 11
hi GardenGerty yes I think he sort of likes me and i like him.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
29 Apr 11
Dear Hatley, even a small smile can eventually have you giggling when moments before you may have been in tears. I've often played games by smiling at people or catching their eye while I'm smiling and you know, most will automatically smile back and we all know that smiles and laughter genuinely make you feel good. I've been quite ill since Tuesday with a virus and it's amazing how our attitude can bring us down...if I could take my mind off things and focus on things that made me smile...the pains seem to go away. I have found people the same...stick with the ones who make you laugh. Those who constantly whine and complain just bring everyone else down. Even at those times when life is dealing a cruel blow, it's still possible to be grateful and thankful about the good and positive aspects of life rather than gaining attention by being really negative and dwelling on what's most awful. If I was sick, I would rather be with people who make me laugh than with people who will make a sob story or drama about stuff. Sandra needs to learn to laugh at life again. I guess having good manners is part of it too. The human side is that no-one likes to listen to someone who constantly sees themselves as a martyr.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
29 May 11
The poor lady...sounds like she has been sad all her life with no one around trying to talk her out of her troubles. Then again, she may have driven everyone away.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
31 May 11
hi mstickle herhusband left her and we never were sure why unless her doon and gloom got to him too. she had a number of grown children that should have come to see her bu t am not sure they did. sometimes adult children can forget their parents for lengthy periods of times.It is hard to know as at first I also lonely with two small kids and alone all day went to see her but she acted like she did not want company and I felt shooed out so after three attempts I quit going. but she had a male friend a good looking older man who came often. it might have been her ex husband but am not sure. we never got so close she wou ld really tell me much about her own family. she did ask a lot of questions of me however why I answered as best I could.
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
25 Apr 11
I think it's the power of positive thinking. Saying you are "fine' makes it so in many cases when just before that you were hurting so much you could barely lift your leg....right? I know this has been the case with me many times. I do know there have been case studies that have shown that the power of positive thinking tells our minds to do more or helps us to be able to do more when normally we would not be able to. It's mind over matter...positive thinking is a strong thing. Your mind is a strong thing and a powerful thing. Try it sometime.
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• United States
27 Apr 11
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 May 11
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Apr 11
hi moondancer yes it really is. the same therapist that was at care houre before was there again this time. He again said" You can always do more than you think you can" and it worked as I had some pain in my knee but I determined that I was going to make myself walk further this time and I really did but again when he asked if I was alright and was I in pain when I said I was he also said"common sense also as we want to make you heal not make you worse." so that ended the session for that day. but each day I fou nd I could walk furhter yet without pain and as soon as I felt a twinge I would tell him and that ended the session for that day. Positive thinking really does work and it makes me feel so much better too.=Again I use common sense and if I really am hurting I will stop and ask for a pain pill but I will not give in until I do have pain
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
25 Apr 11
I think positive thinking can affect how you feel. If you say something positive, it affects you positively.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Apr 11
hi dawn You are right on the button and in a few words you have said what it took the rest of us so long to say. How do you do it as it's a real gift. I know my husband taught me how to be a positiver thinker. I always called him the eternal optimist as he always saw the best in everything. true he was the worlds worst pushover for door to door salesmen.I had to teach him not to believe evrything they said.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Apr 11
hi dawnod lol but its a great trait really
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
25 Apr 11
I think when I was growing up somebody must have told me that you get charged more for extra syllables.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
28 Apr 11
I think there is some power in those words. Sometimes people say them without thinking about what they are saying, but subconsciously the words sink in. If you think things are really bad, then they will be. When you say that everything's all right without thinking about it you turned your day around. I hope that you can always be "fine"! Have a great day!!!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
31 May 11
hi daeckardt yes y ou are true there but I am at watch now and just say no I cannot eat that with syrup on it and she scowls but ties it to someoone else. No is coming easier to me now. lol
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 May 11
hi daeckardt yes I agree as ev en if the other person is just mechanically saying how are you when I retort why I am fine I realize hey I am fine, why my pain is all gone. its going to be a great day.I have really been fine lately as long that is as I do not eat something sickeningly sweet. I have learned now to use the word no with no qualms. I was handed my breakfast plate yesterday morning with syrup already poured over the pancake and I looked at the caregiver and said"sorry I cannot eat that, I am a diabetic' so I got a plate with no syrup on the pancake. That one mishap and almost dying from it made me realize I just need to say NO.If it riles the caregiver thats her problem as my diabetes is my problem and I must take care of myself.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
29 May 11
The caregiver should already know about diet restrictions and shouldn't have given you the syrup to start with. If they get riled over that, then they need to find a new job because they are in the wrong business. You are right to take care of yourself!
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
25 Apr 11
Hi, I think it is both, good manners especially if it's said to a casual acquaintance that we do not want to bother with as you said a litany and in a way it also has some magic into it , anything that is positive and assuring will always have a good effect both to the one who said it and the one who heard it. There could also be instances where we say I am fine but....that's where you start telling things bothering us, but I guess the degree of what we open up depends on our closeness to the person we are telling to
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Apr 11
hi louievill the third owner is really a sweetheart of a little guy.he is small and sortof gnomeish looking with a big fat grin . He is always smiling and upbeat.So he always makes me feel good when I meet him and I find myself always saying "I am fine." A few minutes before I had been maching complaints withe the champion complainer at our table Sandra. Now I realize Sandra always has that effect on me. She starts listing all the thins that are bothering her and would not you know it my knee starts hurting like crazy. then I walk out in the hall and meet this sweet little man who grins and asks "and how are you?" and magicallky I am just like I tell him " fine."
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
25 Apr 11
The people around you do rub off on you. I see you still have not sweetened Sandra up yet, though. It is easier to be negative than to be positive.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Apr 11
hi gardengerty sandra has so many problems and most of them shes created for herself over the years .she weighs 280 and has congestive heart failure. I guess she has reasons to be down but she talks about losing weight then eats twice as much as I do I also need to lose weight but I am just 197 and some of that came from not being abloe to exercise enough. but I am trying to lose weight gradually and have lost a few pounds already.Yet the times she smiles and is more positive she feels and looks so much better. She is very much a Christian and has been kind to me. I am a friend to her but I worry about her health. she does not seem to realize what she is doing to herself.Yes it is so much easier to be negative and go around all sour faced. but I like to be happy and have others relate to me so I focus on what is good.
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