silence & smile.......

@asliah (11137)
May 2, 2011 9:15pm CST
i just notice that silence and smile are two powerful tools.and we need this in our life. because smile is the way to solve many problems while silence is the way to avoid many problems. do you agree with me or not?why?
12 responses
• United States
3 May 11
Hey there, Yes, I am one that can be in so much peace in life that it will allow me to be silent and smiling all in one. Sometimes it is good to be silence as oppose to saying too much, as there are times that saying too much leads to conflicts.
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
11 May 11
That is true. The reason to keep silence is to avoid problems but somehow other people tend to not understand the reason behind it. They will push for more explanation. They should calm down themselves first before try to get the explanation. Otherwise there is no use to explain more if they can't listen to any~
10 Jun 11
i do agree. both are powerful tools to become more attune to oneself and to others.
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
18 May 11
Agree! It's really better to keep quite and even say lesser words to minimize problems, more bad talks and minimize trouble. If one talks much, he/she may say words that may hurt someones feelings. smiling on the side, gives someone else's day complete.
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
11 May 11
It is depends on the situations but most of the time yes it do helps us to solve and avoid problems. Calmness is important too. When we feel calm we can solve and avoid problem much better. Sometimes when we are not feel relax we tend to forgot to smile and silence when we should do so~
@naija4real (1291)
3 May 11
Smile is a natural act that is good for social interaction. When one smiles it helps to smoothen over challenging situation and it helps to make others feel relax. As for silence, it helps one to avoid problems. To much talking do lead to so much problems as one often get distracted.
• China
3 May 11
i couldn't agree more with you, whatever difficulty ahead of us, we should face them with smile instead of sorrow, because we should believe that everthing will pass however tough it is , smile can release our tension and cale down to find the solution. silence can clam down us to avoid some immature action.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
3 May 11
Yes, but smiling can also be used as a tool for avoiding. If we don't agree with, or understand something, sometimes we smile and/or nod to avoid the trouble that may come along with disagreeing or to avoid having to admit that you don't understand or know about something. This method may avoid some problems, but it doesn't solve the initial problem. However, silence and smiling can also cause problems. It all depends on the circumstance really. I guess any tool has the ability to both help us and hurt us.
@shibham (16977)
• India
3 May 11
Yes, i am agree with you. Thats why its said that a dumb has no enemy and a smile is a weapon to bow down enemies having no iron. have a nice day.
@zaga_cleuth (1407)
• Philippines
3 May 11
I agree that those 2 things are powerful. Smile makes the world easy to live in. While silence gives us time to think, to reminisce, to motivate ourselves.
@tiina05 (2317)
• Philippines
3 May 11
hello, Yeah, I agree! that is honestly true. Well, let me try elaborate it clearly. Because when you are smiling to all your problems you will not be affected of it and you can finish it without noticing. Just make fun of your problems and you will solve it. Silence meaning you are not reacting to all the problems that is coming to you and because of that you can avoid it.
• Khaimah, United Arab Emirates
3 May 11
Indeed! It's better to keep silent while you're thinking how to solve the problem. Because more talk more mistake. And smile so you can hide the problem.
• Indonesia
3 May 11
silence is smile has own power but sometime it's not enough, we need words to make people notice us and fight with problem. But carefull with our mouth is very needed too.