I stood up to a bully yesterday.
By MsTickle
@MsTickle (25180)
May 12, 2011 7:33pm CST
It gave me a sense of satisfaction I've not experienced before. Best of all, I didn't stutter and trip over my words or feel self conscious.
Many of you might remember that my next door neighbour can be quite unpleasant and that she treats animals badly. She recently acquired a pup who she was hitting with a rolled up newspaper and then a leather belt.
The dog was punished this way whenever it barked or when it wanted to play with her other, older dog.
She started out slapping her but the pup thought she was playing. The slaps gave way to using the newspaper and she would hit the dog all over...on the rump, over the back, around the head. The poor little dog would be on her chain and unable to run away so she would fall down but this woman kept hitting.
I can see a large part of her back yard through the big window from where I sit in my living room. However it was not that I could see her doing this in the first instance but I would HEAR her striking the dog. The dog is going to be big and was very friendly and desperate for company and wanting to run and play. She is lucky if she is let off each day for a short time. There are no walks (unless there are visitors who do the job) and this woman favours the old dog most of the time. The old dog is kept inside and let out maybe 3 times a day to wee. These days the old dog runs around and wants to play but the pup is kept chained up. The old dog will be given a bone to chew while the pup goes without.
It was very distressing for me to hear the dog being hit so often and so I rang the RSPCA. He called in yesterday and when he left, the pup was barking and my dear neighbour went out and started laying into it with the newspaper. I raced out and told her to stop and she abused me and told me to mind my own business. I told her if I saw her mistreating any of her animals I would make it my business. She was telling me to "go away" and "go inside" but I refused.
When she went inside I had the feeling that I had "got to her".
There's more to the story but this is long enough for some to read already....lol.
I hope that she thinks twice about mistreating her animals from here on in but sadly, it is her nature to be bossy and domineering. Do you know anyone like this?
Are you submissive or a bit of a bully? Can you assert yourself or do people walk all over you? What would you do if you saw or heard someone mistreating an animal or even another person?
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26 responses
@metrox324 (63)
• Philippines
13 May 11
I hope that pup will grow up faster to be a rottweiler and eat her newspaper as well as her hands.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 May 11
Hi there metrox324 and welcome to myLot.
I must admit, I have had similar thoughts myself on more than one occasion. It's what she deserves. Unfortunately for them, both her dogs have lovely, gentle, friendly natures...nothing to do with her of course.

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@sophiecheer (931)
• Philippines
13 May 11
What you did was really worth commending. It is really irritating to have a bully around the neighborhood. Make me want and wish for a superpower to come and spank the hell out of that horrible person!LOL..
Anyway, I feel bad for the pets. It is sad that for all the pet owners that any dog will have, those two poor souls were stuck with an abusive one. You are right about making a stand for those poor creatures, it goes to show that you are one fine human being by exhibiting kindness to your neighbor's dogs. Do continue to look out for the pets' welfares. You might never know but you are the only person who can help them. God bless your kind heart Mstickle!
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 May 11
Gosh, how kind you are...I feel like a super hero now. Yes, she is a very bossy and pushy lady and she has intimidated my friend and I in the past...on separate occasions for different reasons. For this reason we try to keep well away from her...even though she is my next door neighbour. Animals cannot speak on their own behalf so I help when I can. I have 2 rescued dogs and a rescued goat. My other goat and my cat would have been destroyed as babies if I had not taken them in. I see a lot of mistreatment of animals where I live and it's hard facing the fact that I cannot help them all. Thanks so much for your kind words, I'm encouraged by them.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
14 May 11
If you watch sheep dog trials here, you will notice a stick or piece of pipe about a foot long sticking out of the back pocket of the farmer controlling his dog. This is actually never used but it is used in the training as a threat. The dog knows he has to behave when he sees that stick. There is never any need to punish or hit an animal because they simply do not understand. They understand single words and hand gestures when someone takes the trouble to train them.
Hope you are doing ok my dear friend.

@yoyo1198 (3641)
• United States
13 May 11
Oh, wow, MsT, I would be all over her every time she came out and started in on this doggie. And I would call my humane society every time as well. Also I'd call the tv station, the radio stations and the newspapers. Ordinarily I stay out of other people's business but in the case of an abused pet, I do all I can to make the instigator stop. You did well. Keep on her case. She shouldn't even be allowed to own even one pet.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 May 11
She would argue that she loves her animals but she believes in belting them as a part of handling them. She is too stupid to know any different. I have told her before this and she took no notice. From here on in I will continue to be on her case.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
13 May 11
I agree with yoyo, you really should keep on that lady's case. Sometimes it takes another bully to tame down a bully!
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
13 May 11

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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
14 May 11
She reckons hitting is how you train a dog. This little pup is very intelligent and would be so easy to train the right way. I often wonder what it is learning when she hits it. She talks to the dog in a surly nasty way too...you know, with a really mean tone of voice.
The puppy is so full of energy and life, so full of playfulness and love with a willingness to please...the woman has no comprehension of any of that whatsoever. I would not be surprised if this little dog, soon to be big dog, understands that her owner is a frickin idiot and forgives her for what she does. It's possible I guess.

@adarshvishwanath20 (101)
• India
13 May 11
Hi, I really appreciate you for what you did to that woman. Even I would have done the same thing if I were in your place & I would've unchained that dog & let it free. Dogs are very honest & safeguard us all the time. How could one be so cruel to treat a dog like this? I never encourage such wrong doings & it is so inhuman to mistreat animals. No body has got the right to abuse or mistreat another person.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
14 May 11
I so agree with you. The dog is kept in a fully enclosed yard so I don't see the need to keep her chained up. I cannot get in a let it free because if I did I would be breaking the law.
There are some people my friend who behave like predatory animals ....that is, with violence and aggression. This woman doesn't just pick on animals, she also picks on young kids....she is a total bully.
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
13 May 11
Good job, people like that shouldn't have animals. I have always had inside animals and feel so sorry for outside animals. They have such a sad life, tied to a chain all day and all night. If she wasn't going to care for the dog she shouldn't have gotten him.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 May 11
Yeah, Polly, I so agree. She has had it chained up living outside since she got it as a new pup. It would have been lonely missing Mum and other puppies. It is also cold here now and the puppy would cry at night...it was breaking my heart. The puppy seemed to me to be not just lonely but bored as well. It has no toys other than what sticks it can find. I bought 2 chew toys,s and offered them to her, one for the pup and one for her older dog too (she grabbed them from me and didn't even say thanks). I hoped the pup would at least have something to chew on for a few hours and maybe she would get the hint to give it a big bone or some chew toys. It didn't happen.

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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
12 Jun 11
Personally I would continue to make it a part of your Business if you have not been doing so, as this is uncalled for, and very CRUEL. How this woman can think she can do something like this and get away with it is beyond me. Personally this dog needs to be removed from the home, and found somewhere better to live. It is so sad to hear of people that are like this and wish somehow you could treat them that way as well to see if they would like it.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Jun 11
The dog is a little bigger now and when she tries to hit it the dog thinks she is playing. The dog, her name is Blossom, loves attention and loves to play. She doesn't get much of either - and she gets no training either.
I agree with you about the dog being removed but she won't do it and as the RSPCA officer told me, the dog is fed and has a place to sleep and there is no reason to remove her. He also agreed with me that the dog is wrong for her.
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@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
24 Jun 11
That is so sad that the dog is just chained out there to be all by itself with no interaction, except that mean woman with the newspaper. I wish the dog could be rescued.. but since it is being fed and has a roof over its head, I guess nothing can be done.
@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
13 May 11

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@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
13 May 11

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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
13 May 11
Oh dear pergammano
In the times that we have known each other, I am sure you are a kind hearted person and I understand that we all have sometimes when we should let goof us and rant... nothing to take seriously on those...
I missed you too dear and so when I saw your response dropped by to say Hi and share a hug with one of my best friends around

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@zukichucha (991)
• United States
13 May 11
It is a shame that she treats the poor pup this way! If she does not want the dog she should give it to someone who does. Do you think she gets some satisfaction for abusing this poor animal. If so, she is disgraceful. Good for you for approaching her. I would also take other steps if she continues to do this!
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 May 11
I will continue to be on her case and to look out for the puppy. I think she likes the puppy it's just that she has these obnoxiously aggressive, controlling tendencies and the pup cops it when she does something the old woman doesn't like.
One of the young guys that is a friend of my friend said that when they were kids, they were all afraid of her. She was always rousing on the kids and yelling at them when they walked past her house. She just mean and nasty.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
13 May 11
I hope the RSPCA takes the pup away from this horrendous woman! Good on you for standing up to her, feels good doesn’t it? I’ve always had a problem standing up for myself and, although I am getting better with age I still feel anxious whenever I have to confront someone. Whenever I ‘make’ myself do it I feel very good about myself. If I saw someone hurting an animal I could not live with myself if I did nothing. You did good my friend...Good on you...
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 May 11
I was breathing heavily when I came in and when I told my friend what happened I was still feeling a little anxious, but good. Standing up to her has had a profound effect on my friend who is also intimidated by her and she has also belittled him in public. He feels now that she will behave a bit better now that someone has finally stood up to her. I sure hope so. The dog was let loose for a while today, longer than normal anyway and she has not been barking much and so she hasn't received a beating. The woman knows I am watching her and I think she is going to great pains to show me how nice she can be to the pup. Honestly, I don't care about anything else so long as she stops hitting it and yelling and cursing at it.
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@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
5 Jun 11
Well I'm not a bully but I can assert my self if I have to...a few years back my next door neighbour had her sick dog lying in the back yard in the middle of summer...no shelter no shade I called her before going to work in the morning and told her to do something about it or the RSPCA would be at her door step! sadly the poor dog had to be put down as it was very sick...but I just wonder how long this poor animal had suffered before I noticed! I think some people should not be allowed to have pets...or children for that matter.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
6 Jun 11
The poor doggy. That's so sad. I was just out watering my front yard and the puppy just sits...she watches me but she doesn't react. She also watches when I brush my goats and play ball with my dog. If she's sitting she looks sad but if she's standing, you can tell her ears are drooping and she has her tail between her legs. I feel so sorry for her.

@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
27 May 11
I definitely think that you did the right thing, which is probably why you felt so good after you did it. I am glad that you had the courage to follow your convictions and do what you thought was right. There are too many people nowadays that think "it is not my business" or are fearful of retaliation or whatever and will just stand by and let abusive behavior continue. It is nice to know that there are still people out there who care and try to do what is right, especially when it is not the "easy" choice!

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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
28 May 11
It was a good feeling for all the reasons you stated my friend. Best of all, as far as I know, she has not hit the dog since. She is also letting it off the chain more often so the dog is getting more exercise and able to better check out what is going on around her. She's curious and playful as puppies are and this freedom I think is making all the difference.
I'm back to being alert and keeping my distance from her. 

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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
6 Jun 11
Hi Purp...actually, she favours the older dog which leaves the puppy in dismay a lot of the time and looking on sadly from her chain while the older dog gets treats and is allowed to run free. She is back to cursing the dog in a horrible way. It's a shock to hear her speak like this because she is all sweetness and light otherwise....unless there are kids around, she tells them off.
I really don't understand why she got the puppy. I reckon she was at the pub and trying to big note herself or be the centre of attention...the puppy came from the publican's dog. She reckons it's a guard dog so why is it chained up? Her yard is always secure, there is no need to have the dog constantly chained. She is also back to using the newspaper on the dog...but the dog is bigger now and thinks it's a game. It won't be too long before the dog is fully grown and then she won't be able to handle it at all. She is not giving it any basic training ....like sit, stay, come. Now this dog has come from two working parents...they are highly intelligent dogs but they need to be trained otherwise they go a bit silly and chase cars and stuff like that...they also become uncontrollable.
@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
28 May 11
I am very glad that she has started treating the puppy better. It sounds like she can be a kind and caring pet owner, because it seems that she does take care of the older dog in a responsible and loving way. I suspect that she might view the puppy as a "replacement" for the older dog as it sounds like the older dog might not be around too much longer and she does not want to lose that kind of companionship that a dog brings, so she might resent the puppy at least a little bit, because she sees it as a symbol of the fact that she will be losing a beloved friend. I hope that the fact she is treating the puppy better means that she is starting to bond with it and accept it into her life and give it the love and care that it deserves.

@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
24 Jun 11
Well, good for you for standing up to that terrible dog owner. I would have had to say something too, I think.. I would have also called the ASPCA. I can't stand to see animals mistreated. Good that you are standing up for this animal. 

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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
24 Jun 11
She's actually been letting it off the chain lately for hours at a time. It just runs around and plays or stretches out and sleeps in the sun. It spends a lot of time sitting and looking into my yard where my dog and 2 goats are. She seems lonely but otherwise things are OK for her. She's getting big now.
Welcome to myLot and thanks for joining in.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
25 Jun 11
The woman has another dog which lives inside...a beautiful golden lab retriever with long hair (which she cuts). Beauty, the lab, gets let out a few times a day to relieve herself and she has taken on a new lease of life since Blossom (the pup) arrived. They run and play together and have a wonderful time.
My Lucy stays outside because she prefers it. She can run around my huge yard, play with the goats, she can see out of the yard in all directions and sees who passes by and what goes on across the road and over the road. She can see the main street and the side street and she can see into fields and paddocks and she talks to all the people going to the pub or shop, all the kids going to school and home. She calls out to all the other working dogs as their owners stop for fuel in their work truck just a back yard away, and other dogs or horses or sometimes even a cow who happen to be passing.
Blossom is crammed into a tiny yard and the only view she has is basically into my yard. She just sits and watches what is going on with us for ages sometimes. I'm looking at her now, sitting peering into my yard where the goats are lying, chewing their cud.
I'm glad you like it here...make sure to read everything like FAQ, TOS and Guidelines. This is a great site, made so by the members. There's a mixture here, that's for sure. Take care.

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@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
24 Jun 11
Oh I'm so glad to hear that the dog is getting off that terrible chain. Too bad the dog can't play with some people and other fur babies. Thank you for the welcome. I'm really enjoying my time here.
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@pinklilly (3443)
• Australia
28 May 11
Good on you MsTickle for standing up for the helpless little puppy... She doesn't deserve to have it.
Im a nice caring person and if I see something not right I tend to have my say and butt in.. sometimes you need to I think even if two people are having a tiff as long as it doesn't put me in danger of course but if it means helping the victim I would still probly help...

@pinklilly (3443)
• Australia
27 Jun 11
Your Welcome MsTickle
Sorry to hear that you were put down and glad to see you find the courage to Speak up..
We need to be able to speak up from time to time to help others who can't and to help ourselves... I hated watching my mum be abused and Never speak up. So I speak my mind if I feel the need too.

@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
28 May 11
From the time I was a child I was told not to butt in, mind my own business and so on. If I spoke up about stuff when I thought it was necessary, I was put down, chastised, criticised. It made me shy and hesitate before sticking up for and standing up for what I believe in.
You are so right about her not deserving the dog...bottom line is, this dog is totally wrong for her.
Thanks for your kind words and it's real nice to see you here.

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@GemmaR (8517)
13 May 11
Well done for standing up. I was bullied all the way through high school and never did anything about it. In hindsight I wish I had done something, as I would have enjoyed my life much more than I did do.
I would always stand up to someone if I saw them doing anything to anyone else though. It's weird, I suppose, that I would do this for other people but not for myself, but I guess that's just the way life is sometimes.
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@missybear (11391)
• United States
14 May 11
You did the right thing. I hate people who abuse helpless animals and if I would witness something like this I sure would call animal control.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
14 May 11
It's up to the woman now missybear. I rang the RSPCA, The guy came and talked to her - next time she hit her dog I confronted her and told her to stop. I've done what I can and I will continue to harass her when necessary. Like I said, it's up to her now and I fear she simply does not know that what she is doing is WRONG. 

@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
14 May 11
I would never be able to do what you did with your neighbor! I could not stand up to someone like that! I would call the Humane Society or SPCA but I would not confront the person!
There have been times when people have walked all over me becuase I let them! I have had times where I could not stand up to people! I am not,most of the time,some one who has high self-confidence! I still am owrking on that!
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
14 May 11
Hi blue...I'm slowly getting there and let me tell you, I've had some horrible experiences in my life when this gift would have been most handy. Please don't give up, I'm in my late fifties and I'm feeling better and stronger all the time
I called out from my back porch to where she was hitting the dog about 30 yards away with a big fence in between us. I felt quite safe - brave even.

@quita88 (3715)
• United States
15 May 11
I am usually quite easy to get along with untill someone hurts an animal........I was followed home by a stray a few weeks ago and he stays here most of the time but has been taken in by the neighbors down the block.
I see people shouting and throwing things at him saying he hurt their dog or cat.
I doubt he hurt anything. He's a sweetheart. Now,I know why he comes to me.
But, you did right telling her off and stick with your plans to call and turn her in.
If you don't the dog will only suffer more.
You did well and God bless.
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@flapiz (23292)
• United Kingdom
13 May 11
Well I am not a bully. I am usually the one who ends up being bullied because I don't assert myself. I am afraid my friends will think I am a bad sport if I get angry at their sometimes "sick or hurtful jokes" so I just laugh it off even though it felt like I'm being mistreated. But then if I see someone being abused I always find the courage to say " Hey that was uncalled for" or "hey that's enough".
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
14 May 11
That's great! At least you can stand up for others. Imagine standing up for yourself and it will soon happen. I am always scared the outcome will be bad for me and that's how it has always gone whenever I try to stand up for myself.
I'd rather be a weakling like me though than be a bully.

@flapiz (23292)
• United Kingdom
14 May 11
Yes indeed. Being a bully is shameful. Specially if you bully defenseless animals.