Am i weird or what...? Help!

United States
May 28, 2011 6:00pm CST
I am a 32 year old mother of two wonderful children and is it wrong or weird that I don't really have a social life and prefer to spend my weekends in the house with my kids doing family stuff? Should I be out there enjoying a little ME time? Im always with my babies and love every moment of our time spent, even when im not feeling so well? I think im afraid im going to miss something and I should be there for any little thing. Don't get me wrong, I do have a couple of friends but im a very private person. I keep my blinds closed, I only go out the house to run a few errands then im right back home. For a long time, my neighbors thought my house was vacant because no one ever see me out. I only enjoy doing activities with my family and make excuses when my friends want to hang out for girls night. Maybe its because the standards I set for myself, my family and I are reaching our goals but my friends on the other hand find it ok to go clubbing everyday of the week and leave their kids at home. I see that as money I can be spending on my kids or the house rather than at a club. I would greatly appreciate your me diagnosis this situation
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16 responses
@GardenGerty (162772)
• United States
29 May 11
You are much like my daughter, in some ways. They enjoy being outdoors at their own home, or she goes places that she take the girls like the park, library and zoo. She has her education, but continues to work on her writing skills and a book. She has friends, most of whom she made at church. They have a baby sitting trade off, so that each friend gets like one morning off a month. She goes to the library and works on her book. Her husband's job supports them okay, and she likes being at home and getting stuff done. I stayed home with my kids as well, and that is what she thinks of as a normal and happy childhood.
• United States
29 May 11
Oh wow that's wonderful, it'll be nice if my friends were in to church and doing nice things like that with the kids. Maybe that's why I could care less about hanging out with them because they don't share the same things I do and we have different views on life. Thank you so much, your comment has made me want to get back into writing my poetry. Im a thinker and always have alot to say. Thank you
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• United States
29 May 11
There is nothing wrong with that if you enjoy it. However if you ever feel the need to go out and blow off steam then you should as well. Life is all about what you enjoy, and if its spending all your time with your children then that is great.
@shrike (123)
• Philippines
1 Jun 11
hi!! do you know that other mom will be envious after reading your message, other moms were not given opportunity like you, you are spending your time with the right thing, you said you love doing it then there's no need to regret it. think of this, for example you went out with your friends one time then something happen to your kids, and you were not there, I'm sure you will be blaming yourself the whole life. i am sure also that as your kids grow up, they will not be in the wrong way because you were always there for them. although it's not also bad to hang out once in a while for relaxation, but as long as you love to spend your time with your families then why go out and yet in your own home you are more safer and relaxed. and i admire you for, instead of using your money in the club you use it for the welfare of your family. i salute you for being such a good mom.
• United States
1 Jun 11
Hello to you again Shrike...thank you so much for the recognition and that's the main reason I don't go out because what if something does happen...not even to my kids but what if im at the wrong place at the wrong time just because I wanted to hang out with the girls. You can never determine the ignorance of other people so I play it safe and keep my butt in the house with my babies and enjoy my time with them. I love every bit of it too, even when they're arguing lol. Its like music to my ears. Thank you
• United States
30 May 11
You're probably not going to like what I have to say very much, but I've a need to be honest with you about this topic. I am assuming your children are fairly young, still in grade school perhaps. Being there for your children is all well and good, however, one should remember there will come a time when your children will have interests which will not include you, they will, hopefully, go on to higher education, attain employment, and eventually start families of their own...They will have their own lives, lives which you will most likely not be a central part of. You do need outside interests, things you can do, people to talk with, do things with, you will need a network of friends in the future. I'm not saying to go clubbing, but perhaps a coffee date? A day at a museum, maybe a horticulture class? Isolation isn't good for anyone, even voluntary isolation. Please do find yourself a few friends, hopefully with at least some of the same interests you have, build yourself a network for the future so you won't find yourself with no one to talk to when you have need.
• United States
31 May 11
I did not mean it as a criticism, but rather (warning is too strong a word), warning to remain aware that your life doesn't begin nor end with your children. I've seen mothers do so and find themselves lost. At 11 this child is preparing to seek more freedom, and will soon be seeking to spend more time in exploring his/her own interests and activities...the younger at 6 will also one day seek to do so. I was thinking more in terms of friends with like interests, not the 'ok to go out and party crowd' but more the let's bake and quilt type...maybe a class or two at a local college would be something you'd be interested in, and of course perhaps more activity with your church group.
• United States
31 May 11
My oldest likes to sew and we have a few sewing projects lined up. My youngest likes to write stories on animals and insects so that keeps them busy along with the things we do outside the house as a family. Thank you for your input
• United States
30 May 11
I agree and im not saying I don't have friends or a life. Its just that the friends I have are living a little faster life than I choose to live right now. My babies are 11 and 6 and they get out often. We do things as a family as well. I don't let them interact with kids if I feel they're a bad influence. Both of my babies are advanced in school and im proud of them. I know it seems like I have no life according to my post but I actually do, its just that I prefer to do activities with my family and kids rather than go out every weekend. I have a small circle of friends but like I said, they're on a different level than I am. They find it ok to party mon-sun and I don't. I have God in my life and changed for the better, I don't see much of a change in them. I go to church and they don't. So I just feel that I need to surround myself with more positive than negative. And of course my family and kids are positive. I thank you for your opinion and I found nothing wrong with what you had to say. Im very open minded and take criticism well
@lajonez (477)
• Poland
29 May 11
It's great you're spending your time with children and family, and if this is making you happy everything is fine, why to change something what for you is perfect? I hope you have some outside activities with your family too!
• United States
29 May 11
Thank you for seeing it my way...I didn't think it was anything wrong with it and yes it makes me very happy even when im not in a good mood. Just hearing my kids laugh at a movie we're watching is the best feeling ever. Yes we do alot of activities out as a family, we're always taking little trips somewhere. Even if its for a day of shopping
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@lajonez (477)
• Poland
29 May 11
That's great :) then you shouldn't worry about this at all :D
• United States
29 May 11
Nah no worries at all...I really appreciate your feedback
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@apickett (123)
• United States
29 May 11
You aren't weird at all! You are a good momma and your children are very blessed. I'm not saying that you don't deserve to go out and enjoy some "me" time, but if you are happy, which it seems as if you are, then keep on doing what you are doing!
• United States
29 May 11
That's what my mommy tells me all the time. Growing up, my mommy wasn't always there and the things I do with my children my mommy never did with me. I guess that's why I spend so much time with them, because I never got it from my mom. Thank you much
@apickett (123)
• United States
29 May 11
Awww, my situation was similar but it was my biological father. He never has been there for me. He denied that he was my dad..but I got blessed with an excellent step-dad when I was 11 and before that my dear grandpa was a father figure to me. If I ever have kids (I'm 31, hopefully it'll happen soon!) I plan to spend every waking moment with them too.
• United States
29 May 11
Omg my biological dad denied me to so I have an adoptive father since birth. My mom boyfriend at the time adopted me when he found out that my real dad didn't wanna step up. And from what my mom told me, they got together when she was like 4mos pregnant with me and I took his last name. But that's my biological dads lost because I grew up to be a wonderful, intelligent, loving person
@inked4life (4224)
• United States
29 May 11
In don't think there is anything wrong with that at all. Too many parents don't spend enough time with their kids, but I also think it is important to try and find a little balance between family time and alone time. I am a bit of a homebody too, but still like to get out with the wife and kids every now again and try to discover new places where we can hang. My clubbing days have long since passed...LOL
• United States
29 May 11
Thank you much...and I totally agree. Oh and I love the name...I love tattoos and working on getting more.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 May 11
jjohnson but one day they will not be little and will be out with their own friends then so you are going to have empty nest syndrome. I think for good mental health you should go out with friends or with your mate and have some baby sitters, you need a more rounded life to be happy as eventually they will grow up and marry and you had better have some plans for those days as they do slide by faster than you think. I meanits okay to be private bu t only up to a certain p oint then you need to go out and relax with someone you really like or with your husband for' a c hange of pace.It does not have to be a club at all but by having interests other than your family you will be prepared for the days you are bit closely connected with grown up children.
• United States
29 May 11
Awwww you got me a little emotional but its reality. My babies are gonna be grown sooner than I know it then my babies are gonna have and live their own lives. I love your point of view and can talk to you anytime. Thanks and I will do a bit more for myself as far as getting out. I'll divide the time starting this summer. I'll agree to go out twice and we'll take 6 family trips lol. Ok that's not an even ratio but i'll work on it
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
29 May 11
Hi. JJohnson79. Welcome to myLot! You know, you remind me so much of me. I am a stay at home mom too. I have three kids. Two of them are already in school and my youngest daughter will be attending school in August. I only go out when I have to. Like, if I need to do some grocery shopping, go to an appointment, or take care of some personal business for any reason. I don't stay out all day. I also visit my relatives and friends when I am able to. I stay in my trailer and I am hardly outside. We live so close to the road and I don't allow my kids to play in the front yard. On top of that, we have a ditch that is in the front of our yard too. I don't think that you are weird at all. I always tell many people, and they already know this about me too, I am a stay at home mom. I stay to myself. I don't be running in and out of other peoples homes. I mind my own business. Yes, I am very aware of what is going on around my surroundings, but I just do my own thing and take care of myself and my family. I am not that closed up, I enjoy life. I don't hang out with many females and males. I have two close friends that I consider to be very educated, so am I too. I just don't act the same way that they act. I have my own style. When I am at home, I lounge and relax. When I leave and go out into the public, I always fix myself up beautifully. Many people may think that I am just a young teenager. They also don't realize that I have three kids and that I have been married for almost ten years. My husband is the father of all three of my kids too. So, I have so much that I have to do, but I get it all done. You remind me so much of me too. I don't go out to clubs, although I have done so in the past. I only went about two or three times and that was it. I don't feel comfortable hanging out at clubs, I consider a club to be dangerous and risky. I just don't take anymore chances going out. I love having fun, but I like to do so in a way that is safe and productive. If you enjoy being a stay at home mom, then do so. Many people are not happy that I have made this choice to be at home with my kids. It is better that you establish a routine and life schedule that is very comfortable to you. You should do what makes you feel happy and safe. I work online and I stay at home, to be honest with you, I enjoy this lifestyle more than I enjoy working on the outside of my home. I am independent and confident. Sometimes I do let lonely and bored, but I always seem to find something to do. For the summer, I plan to take my kids out so that we can share family moments together. If you are happy and content with your life, then don't let anyone change how you feel. If you want to make some changes then do so because you want to, not because someone else may want you to. Take care.
• United States
30 May 11
Oh my goodness I can definitely relate. I don't have a large circle of friends and the ones I do have I still keep my distance because of how they live their life. Like they're not completely on my level. They like to hang out alot and drink, I rather stay at home watch movies and relax. I am very happy with my life and yes I should open up more and get to know my neighbors but I have this phobia where I think everybody is nosey so I limit myself on who I talk to. I keep it at a simple hi and bye. Im a single mom who lives alone and my man has not yet moved in so I feel I need to stay incognito
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
30 May 11
It sounds as if you are just being a good mother. It is your friends who are missing out on something important. I would open the blinds and let some sunshine in, though. Get to know your neighbors. You may need them sometime. You are right, clubbing is out. It gets you nowhere.
• United States
30 May 11
Thank you and I feel the same way. Thank you for seeing things my way and I will get to know more of my neighbors but in due time. Its like everytime someone moves in, they're right back out maybe a year later. I've seen that so much since I've been living here
• United States
29 May 11
I am right with you I would rather just spend my weekends with my kids as well. Although sometimes it is good to get some time to yourself. Dont get me wrong I love my kids and I always choose to spend time with them rather than hang out with my friends. But I also wish i had some time to myself. Its so hard to take care of yourself when you are always with the kids. So whenever I get time to myself I take me a long hot bath, wash my hair, get my nails done, read a little bit. I shave and whatever else I want to do that I usually cant do with the kids being around. But otherwise its nothing wrong with wanting to always be with your kids and just chill at home cause I do.
• United States
29 May 11
Now thats how I know to take care of myself...nails done, hair done, a little reading or even some research on the internet. Oh and can't forget a little retail therapy lol
• United Kingdom
29 May 11
I don't think there is anything wrong with this at all, this is your personal choice and as long as you are happy then nothing else really matters. To tell you the truth I don't have much of a social life either and I'm a very quiet person at heart. I prefer doing my own things in my own private company, I'm content like that. Clubbing is not for everyone and I have never had the experience of this so to speak. I think it's kind of nice that you are a devoted mother taking care of your children. There are not many people that have a strong social life that would be able to do something like that. Anyway, I wish you well in your situation. Andrew
• United States
29 May 11
I appreciate your input, especially being acknowledged by a man. That says alot and means alot to me. Not every man think like you or keep to themselves. Thatnk you so much Drew
@censae (72)
• United States
31 May 11
It is no doubt that you are a wonderful mother. Part of good and affective parenting is to prepare children for the world. In order for them to grow as children you must continue to grow as an adult. Lives are intertwined but we are all individuals with differing needs. When you grow you will be more versitile so that you can stretch in different ways. If you are well rounded then your children will be also. Teach them well. Love them well. Give them the tools to reach their highest potential. You always have a life beyond your children and beyond anyone elses.. Your life is your gift. Live for yourself along with your children. There are things of interest in the world that do not cost money that you can participate in without your children to help you maintain healthy adult activities. Do things that you like and do not submit to judgement and peer pressure. Judgement and peer pressure are life issues that all children face. It is part of what you are dealing with now. How will you direct them to handle the problem? You must continue to grow to help them through. It is your choice as to how you choose to do so. It is your responsibility to do your best for your family. Just remember that you are also a member of your family. A family is a place where every one is entitled to get their needs met or at least heard. Add some things that are appropriate and just for YOU. You decide when the time is right to move in any direction.
• United States
31 May 11
This is what I call real good food for thought and for the mind. Although im a single mother, I have done very well raising my babies. My oldest has been on honor roll since 2nd grade and has written and published 3 books for the school library, she gets all A's and have been advanced in her school work since kindergarten. She has principal honor roll and I lost count its been so many times. My youngest is at the top of his class and he writes short stories on animals or insects alot. I know there's a time where I need to get time for me and I will in due time. Sooner than later because I have a bit of help from my mom if I want to get away, she'll happily take the kids. She knows how hard I've worked to raise my babies. I love the way you see things and life, it gave me something to think about and realize...thank you
@zazen6 (169)
• Philippines
29 May 11
Personally, I don't see nothing wrong with the standard you set for yourself and your family. Spending time with your kids is definitely more important than clubbing. However, I wonder why you even don't have a relationship with your neighbors to the extent that they thought your house was vacant. I believe it is important to have some kind of relationship with neighbors because we do not know when we need them and they are the most accessible people to help us. As for me, I am more of a sociable person, though I no longer go to clubs but rather to coffee shops where I can talk with my friends.
• United States
29 May 11
You have a point but I am in communication with the neighbors that have been here about as long as I have. Its the new ones that move into the neighborhood. I don't know if they're just nosey or really want to know who they neighbors are. I've really been to myself moreso after my house got broken in to a few years ago. So I limit myself to just my neighbors that know I exist lol. If I don't feel a positive vibe with a person then I keep my distance. Guess I should've made myself more clear rather than making it seem like my house looks like a ghost town on the outside lol. But as I said, you have a point and thank you
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
29 May 11
nothing wrong with that. they grow up so fast (believe me! my babies are 18 and 14) so enjoy them while you can!
• United States
29 May 11
Oh no I definitely believe you. My babies are only 11 and 6 but geesh my oldest is so tall, when she hugs me I feel like im hugging myself and im 5'10. She's just below my chin, my chin touches the top of her head. And my son, oooh my baby is growing more and more everytime I blink my eyes lol. I love and enjoy them more than words can say
29 May 11
I too am very much like you. I have 4 children and love to spend as much time with them as possible. There is so much that can be missed in the blink of an eye. I am not one for socialising outside of school hours, I get most things done during the day, shopping, house work etc. I will go to the cinema once in a while if there is something I am real keen to watch coming out, though generally I am a book worm. I love to take the children to the park and do regular activities. We travel to see the inlaws as and when we can, mainly on school holidays as they moved to the seaside. So in answer to your question, no I don't think you are weird or wrong for wanting to be with them. I have banned mine from leaving home when they are older ;)
• United States
29 May 11
Omg...are you my twin? Lol that sounds so much like me. Like I could care less to do anything after 3pm with anyone other than family. I even try to schedule my Dr appts while my kids are in school so that I don't miss them when they get home from school. And I tell my babies all the time "you are eachother's best friend and who cares what anybody thinks of you. Don't change who you are to satisfy someone else". Thank you!